Chapter 419
After seeing this, Dou Ziren nodded with satisfaction. This spirit was exactly what he wanted.

Although the uprising was advanced a bit due to Zhu Yitan's death, fortunately everything was still under his control.

After thinking of this, he also showed a kind smile, announced a slogan, and said:
"Fellow believers, I feel very uncomfortable when I see your appearance."

"It's because our Sansheng Sect didn't do a good enough job and made you suffer."

After that, he slapped his head again and apologized to everyone.

When the people below heard this, they all shouted:

"Headmaster, don't be like this. You can only be so good to us."

"It is Zhu Yitan who treats us harshly and unjustly, and it is the corrupt officials in Bianliang City."

When Dou Ziren heard this, he thought, this is not possible!
How can you only hate Zhu Yitan? What you should hate more is Datang, Li Chengqian, and Li Ji.Otherwise, how could we rebel together?
Thinking of this, he raised his hands, suppressed the noise, and said loudly:

"Not only Zhu Yitan, but also Li Chengqian and Li Ji's gang from Bianliang. Like Zhu Yitan, they don't know how to do anything except oppress the people."

"After the prince arrived in Bianliang, he spent all day having fun in the Governor's Mansion, sensual and sensual, and didn't care about the lives of the people."

When the people below heard this, they roared again.

"Kill Zhu Yitan, kill Li Chengqian"

When Dou Ziren saw this situation, he nodded with satisfaction and said:

"I still have some witnesses here. Let them tell you what Li Chengqian did."

As his words came to light, several people climbed up from the side of the mountain. They were dressed like officials and common people.

First, the official stood next to Dou Ziren and said loudly to the people below:

"Believers, my name is Yan Hongde. I used to be an official in the governor's office. Because I really couldn't stand Li Chengqian's style, I angrily resigned and joined the Sansheng Sect."

"On the first day they came, the corn porridge Li Chengqian drank was the grain allocated by the imperial court to us people."

"When he eats pork, he only eats the top loin of the pig, and throws away the rest; when he eats goose, he only eats two goose paws, and throws away the rest."

"He also likes boys and keeps a few with him for his pleasure at any time."

How can the people below explain whether what Yan Hongde said is true or false?

When I heard that I was out in the wind and rain, I had to drink a bowl of porridge every meal, and sometimes I couldn't even drink the porridge.

And he, Li Chengqian, ate their crops, pork, and goose feet every day, and threw away what he couldn't finish without giving it to them.

He doesn't even play with women, but he plays with men in different ways.

Comparing the two, each one was immediately furious and shouted:
"Kill Li Chengqian and cut him into pieces."

"Eat his flesh and drink his blood"

Seeing this, Dou Ziren nodded with satisfaction, asked the official to go down, and called another young man over.

The young man had a gloomy face and shouted to the people below:
"Believers, my name is Chen Gang. The person I want to accuse is Li Ji who came here with Li Chengqian."

"That day the levee broke and our family was trapped on the roof. Li Ji went over in a boat and ignored my calls for help. He even tricked me into saying there was a rescue boat behind."

"It's a pity that I waited for a whole day, but there was no rescue ship from the government. My wife and children were cold and hungry, and they couldn't hold on any longer. They all drowned in the Yellow River. In the end, it was the Sansheng Sect who rescued me. "

"I have no sworn relationship with the Tang Dynasty, and I have no sworn relationship with this Li Ji. I am willing to swear allegiance to Sanshengjiao to the death, and I am willing to rebel with the leader." After Chen Gang finished speaking, several more people came up one after another to say, Instigated rebellion.

The people below were finally aroused, and they all shouted with blushing faces:

"Rebel, kill corrupt officials, kill Li Chengqian, kill Li Ji"

Dou Ziren looked at the excited people below and nodded with satisfaction. The atmosphere was here and it was time to light the last fire.

Thinking of this, he also took a step forward and said loudly to the people below:

"Fellow believers, when things have come to this point, I don't intend to hide my identity anymore."

"Actually, my late father was Dou Jiande, and I am his son: Dou Ziyi."

"Since the officials of the Tang Dynasty don't treat us as human beings, then I will lead everyone to rebel. Let's rebuild a peaceful and prosperous age."

Bianliang was once one of Dou Jiande's base areas, and many of his former subordinates followed him to raise troops here.

Now I heard that Dou Ziren was Dou Jiande's son, and he was also so kind and righteous.

Many people shed tears of excitement and roared loudly:

"I am willing to follow Duke Dou to overthrow the Tang Dynasty, and I swear to follow Duke Dou to reestablish the Xia Dynasty."

There was that calm person who wanted to go forward and confirm Dou Ziren's identity, but he was coerced by the people around him and couldn't squeeze through, so he had to give up temporarily.

Listening to the shouts of the veterans below, Dou Ziren smiled with satisfaction. He waved to Dou Jinzhong beside him,

"Come here, sacrifice the flag, sacrifice the big flag, sacrifice the big flag of my Xia Dynasty."

As soon as I said this, I suddenly felt a thunderous voice in my ears:
"Where does this scum come from? How dare you impersonate my boss's name."

Dou Ziren, who was proud of himself on the mountain, was so frightened that he could not help but turn his head and look in the direction of the sound. He saw that there were suddenly hundreds of boats on the water, heading upstream towards him. The current one was On the big boat, there was a group of people standing, and the straight man in front of them was Cao Ziyi.

Sure enough, you are still here. Since you are here, just leave your life here. Thinking of this, Dou Ziren couldn't help but reveal a sinister smile from the corner of his mouth.

Look at Cao Ziyi's big ship again, ramming across the water and savagely knocking away the ships trying to block it.

In the blink of an eye, they were already under the earth mountain, and Cao Ziyi soared into the sky from the bow of the ship, flying directly to the earth mountain like a meteor.

As soon as the figure settled down, a tiger roared out. Following the heart-stopping tiger roars, Dou Ziren and the congregation on the mountain were caught off guard and fainted on the spot.

The Sansheng cultists and people under Tushan couldn't help but burst into commotion when they saw this situation.

The Sansheng believers who were closer to the earth mountain had rushed to the top of the mountain one after another, wanting to come up to rescue Dou Ziren.

Seeing this, Cao Ziyi couldn't help but reveal a cruel smile from the corner of his mouth. As the silver gun in his hand swung, he launched a move, and his spiritual energy turned into five or six tigers, rushing into the crowd.

Wherever he passed, there were screams, blood splattered, and broken limbs, which shocked everyone.

At this time, Yuan Shouwei and others also came to Tushan and tied up all the Sansheng believers on the top of the mountain.

At this time, Dou Ziren had already woken up from the dizziness, he shook his still dizzy head, and looked angrily at Cao Ziyi who was not far in front of him.

He never expected that after Cao Ziyi came up, he would take action without saying a word, almost catching him off guard.

(End of this chapter)

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