Chapter 420 Birthmark
However, when he saw the row of soldiers behind Cao Ziyi, he couldn't help but show a hint of pride on his lips, and quietly recited the Soul-Calling Curse to those people.

However, the accident happened at this time. After reciting the curse, he suddenly found that the soldiers did not respond at all.

What's going on here?

Dou Ziren was a little flustered. He forced himself to calm down and recited the Soul-Destroying Curse again. Cao Ziyi's soldiers still didn't react at all.

Something happened. Dou Ziren felt panic inside.

At this moment, a soldier in front of him suddenly turned his head, bared his teeth at him, held a charm in his hand, looked at Dou Ziren with a hint of irony and said:
"Pure Heart Talisman, do you want to know more about it?"

Yuan Shouwei!
This soldier turned out to be Yuan Shouwei's fake one, and Cao Ziyi actually joined forces with them. Only then did Dou Ziren realize that he had fallen into a trap. Before he could react, he felt a golden talisman under his body. The huge pieces of gold glittered on it.

I just lay there upright, unable to move at all.

Then Yuan Shouwei's sarcastic voice was heard again:

"This is a forbidden spell. Master Dou might as well learn more about it."

Dou Ziren subconsciously wanted to curse, but found that he couldn't even speak.

Yuan Shouwei beside him looked at him and sneered:
"The authorities have exhausted their calculations, but they have missed Qingqing's life."

"Just stay here honestly for now. I'll come back to deal with you later when Cao Ziyi is finished."

At the same time, Cao Ziyi, who was outside the forbidden spell, was standing on the mountain, looking at the rioting people below, and said loudly:
"Dear neighbors, my name is Cao Ziyi."

"You can call me Dou Ziyi, I am the son of Lord Dou Jiande."

"Then Dou Ziren is a fake."

As soon as he said these words, it was like poking a hornet's nest, causing the rioting people below to suddenly quiet down. Everyone was obviously shocked by the news.

After a moment of silence, Dou Jiande's former subordinate shouted:
"Both of you say you are Dou Ziyi, how can you prove your identity?"

Cao Ziyi heard this and said loudly:

"Of course I will use my Dou family's unique skill, the 36-style 'Tiger Walks the World' marksmanship to prove it."

"Let me show you one by one."

After saying that, he put away the spear in his hand and used all the moves of "Tiger Walks the World".

Following the constant roar of the tiger, I looked at Cao Ziyi's vigorous figure on the mountain.

Many veterans below seemed to see Dou Jiande practicing on the mountain in a trance. For a while, they burst into tears with excitement and murmured to themselves:

"It's the young master, this is the young master."

"I see the shadow of Mr. Dou in him."

After Cao Ziyi finished practicing the 36 movements, he had already been recognized by many veterans.

But at the same time, someone in the crowd questioned:

"Mr. Dou's unique knowledge, he taught many people during his lifetime. Just based on this, it cannot prove that you are the son of Mr. Dou."

Immediately someone retorted:

"Mr. Dou has taught it to many people, but this is the first time I have seen him master all 36 movements. This person must be the young master."

Everyone was noisy below for a while.

During this chaos, a strong old man came out and shouted loudly to the people around him:

"Everyone, please be quiet. When we followed Mr. Dou to conquer the world, the young master was still young, so many of us have never seen him." "But many of you should have heard Mr. Dou say, "Young Master" The Lord was born to be the heir of the Great Xia Dynasty, because after he was born, there was a birthmark on his back, shaped like the word Xia."

"Do any of you remember this?"

As soon as he said this, many people in the crowd suddenly realized and said:
"Yes, yes, I remember Dou Gong said this."

"Yes, yes, I also remember that Mr. Dou was very excited that day and said that the Xia Dynasty had a daughter."

"Let the two people on this mountain take off their clothes and you will know at a glance."

After hearing this, Yuan Shouwei on the top of the mountain couldn't help but become interested. Ouch, it turns out that Lao Cao is the chosen one. He must eat this melon!
He originally wanted to use his clairvoyance to check on the two of them, but then he thought it would be more fun to wait for Cao Ziyi to take off his clothes.

But now Cao Ziyi on the mountain felt a little embarrassed after listening to the words of the veterans below.

There are tens of thousands of people down here. If he took off his clothes directly, it would be comparable to a large-scale social death scene.

Don't take it off. At this point, you've already been strung up.

For the sake of Daxia, for the sake of my late father, and for the trust of these old soldiers, take off your clothes. Thinking of this, Cao Ziyi, who had finished mentally building himself up, became furious. He showed others with his back and took off his shirt with three strokes. net.

At this time, everyone in the tens of thousands of people present was attentive and looking at Cao Ziyi's back.

Cao Ziyi unknowingly enjoyed the treatment that future female stars would receive on the red carpet.

Yuan Shouwei also stretched his neck out, completely ignoring Cao Ziyi's murderous gaze at him.

But when Yuan Shouwei saw Cao Ziyi's smooth back, his heart couldn't help but thump.

Why not?Lao Cao, could it be that you secretly washed the birthmark yourself?
This is the end of the calf!

The veterans who were coming to Tushan apparently also discovered this, and they immediately stopped going up and looked at each other in shock.

Among the people at the foot of the mountain, some of the sharp-eyed ones shouted loudly:
"This guy has no birthmark, he's fake."

The scene that had finally stabilized was about to fall into chaos again.

Cao Ziyi, who was on the mountain, listened to the noise behind him and could no longer care about anything else. He gritted his teeth, unbuttoned his pants and took off half of his pants with a flushed face.

Just looking at the position from his lower back to his buttocks, a bright red birthmark suddenly caught everyone's eyes.

Not to mention, if you look carefully, the birthmark does look like a traditional Chinese character for 'Xia'.

Only then did Yuan Shouwei suddenly understand why Cao Ziyi was so coy and resistant.

Taking off his pants in front of tens of thousands of people, for him, who is so proud of his face, even killing him with a knife would not be more embarrassing than this.

But the situation had reached such a point that he had no choice but to take it off.

Looking at Cao Ziyi's handsome face as red as blood, Yuan Shouwei couldn't help but cover his mouth and began to laugh secretly.

Wu Fu on the side couldn't help but be curious, and couldn't help but stretched his head forward to check Cao Ziyi's back, but Yuan Shouwei grabbed him and whispered:
"The birthmark is on Lao Cao's butt, don't look at it."

After hearing this, Wu Fu's face turned crimson, knowing that Cao Ziyi was really embarrassed this time.

When a group of old soldiers saw this, they climbed up again, came to Cao Ziyi, and commented on his butt:

"It turns out that this birthmark is here. I feel a little embarrassed, young master."

"Don't tell me, this is indeed the word "Xia"."

"Quick, whoever has clean hands, rub them together to identify them, make sure they are tattooed."

(End of this chapter)

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