Chapter 421 The Final Victim

The arrogant Cao Ziyi looked up at the sky, silently, letting a group of old soldiers appreciate and caress his buttocks.

At this time, everyone around him couldn't bear to look directly at him and turned their backs. Only their shaking shoulders betrayed them, and they were obviously snickering.

Fortunately, the veterans were quite capable, and in just ten breaths of time, they had confirmed the birthmark's authenticity.

They all fell to their knees and shouted with tears in their eyes: "Plop" "Plop".
"Meet the young master."

Cao Ziyi was so panicked that he quickly pulled up his pants, helped them up one by one, and offered comfort words.

The current veteran grabbed Cao Ziyi's hand and said:
"Young Master, you've been there all these years, and it's been so hard for us to find you."

"We have been waiting for you to appear again, and for you to lead us to raise the flag of Great Xia again."

When Cao Ziyi heard this, he wiped away tears and explained:

"I have always been near Bianliang, guarding you for my late father."

After everyone talked about old times, the veterans turned around to announce the results, but Cao Ziyi stopped him, pointing at Dou Ziren who was lying on the ground like a mangy dog ​​and said:
"Uncles, don't you just take a look at this Dou Ziren?"

The old soldiers shook their heads and said with a smile:

"Now that the identity of the young master has been confirmed, there is no need to look at this impostor anymore."

But Cao Ziyi gritted his teeth and said:

"No, you must see it."

"Without contrast, there is no harm."

After saying that, he walked quickly to Dou Ziren, grabbed his clothes, and with a "sizzle", he pulled off Dou Ziren's clothes from behind for everyone to watch.

It turned out that Cao Ziyi was full of evil fire and had nowhere to go. Thinking that Dou Ziren was the initiator, he vented all his anger on him.

The old soldiers glanced at Dou Ziren's clean back briefly, and then shouted to the people at the foot of the mountain:
"The identification has been completed. We intend to guarantee our lives. This person is undoubtedly the young master."

After hearing this, the people below truly confirmed Cao Ziyi's identity.

There were Sansheng cult members who mingled in the crowd, trying to create some chaos, but they couldn't find a suitable reason for a while.

Cao Ziyi saw Dou Ziren shrinking into a ball in shame, and suddenly felt relieved. He turned to the old soldiers and the people at the foot of the mountain, cupped his hands, and said:

"These days have made everyone suffer. I have also found out that it was Zhu Yitan and Dou Ziren who worked together to instigate everyone to rebel for their own desires."

With that, he told the conspiracy between the two of them.

After he finished speaking, many people were dubious. They had eaten too many melons today and were a little dizzy. For a while, they couldn't tell whether what Cao Ziyi said was true or false.

After hearing this, the Sansheng cultists in the crowd knew that this was a good opportunity to rebut, and they also shouted loudly to Cao Ziyi:
"You are a descendant of Mr. Dou, how can you speak for the court?"

"What do you mean by this? Could it be that you were bribed by the imperial court and became their lackey?"

The following is said and made a fuss.

Even many old soldiers on the mountain were suspicious and looked at Cao Ziyi one after another.

Cao Ziyi, however, was confident and said without any panic:

"I, Cao Ziyi, have always acted with no regrets." "The only reason I did this is to let everyone understand the truth of the matter."

"Come here, bring the witnesses."

As his words fell to the ground, Meng Linger, who was dressed in plain clothes, was brought up.

Many of the Sansheng cultists below recognized Meng Ling'er. When they saw her, they all shouted and cursed:
"I know this woman. She is the 'knowledge' of the Meng family in Yanluo Lane."

"She is a lowly whore, why should she be a witness? What does she know, what qualifications does she have to be a witness?"

After Meng Ling'er heard this, she smiled sadly, bowed to the people below, and said loudly:
"It's true that I, Meng Ling'er, come from a humble background, but if life doesn't force me, who would be willing to be a prostitute?"

"Although I am a prostitute, I rely on my talents to make a living, which is much better than corrupt officials who prey on the common people."

After that, he told all his experiences one by one. When he talked about being almost insulted by a beggar, he was already crying.

It was only then that the people below understood that the cause of death of Fan Hanlin and Hu Man was that they were both killed by the Sansheng Cult.

The food Sanshengjiao gave to him every day turned out to be given by Zhu Yitan. In the final analysis, it was Dou Ziren who was using government items to win people's hearts.

After Meng Ling'er finished speaking, she took out an account book from her side, raised it, and said loudly again:
"If I, a bitch, say it, some people may not believe it."

"But here is the account book Hu Lang gave me as evidence. You can see whether what I said is true or false."

After saying that, he handed the account book in his hand to an old pawn beside him.

The old soldier scratched his head in embarrassment and said to Meng Ling'er boldly:
"Madam, I don't know how to read. But don't worry, I'll find someone who can read for you."

After saying that, he handed it to another veteran.

After the old soldier finished reading, he nodded repeatedly with a solemn face, bowed respectfully to Meng Ling'er, and said:
"My lady's affection for Hu Man, I am deeply impressed by this old lady."

"Here is the account book. I am willing to vouch for you."

After saying that, he handed the account book to another old soldier to witness. After the account book was turned around and returned to the old soldier's hand.

He held the account book and read loudly to the people below,
On a certain day of a certain month, Zhu Yitan paid the salary from the treasury, and Dou Ziren received it.
As the old soldier read out the records of the account book one by one, the following became silent again, with iron-like evidence in front of him, and no one raised any objections.

Cao Ziyi looked at the silent crowd and dropped a bombshell again:
"Do you really think that the Jinshui Bridge embankment was dug by Luo Tianyi privately? Do you really think that the other ten gaps were destroyed by the water of the Yellow River?"

"I tell you, it was all man-made. Dou Ziren arranged for people to destroy the embankment, and then ordered Zhu Yitan to frame Luo Tianyi. But all of you became the ultimate victims."

"Come here, bring Zhu Yitan up and let him tell everyone himself."

While they were talking, two Qianniu Guards had already escorted Zhongqing, who was pretending to be Zhu Yitan.

Zhongqing also started to show off his acting skills at this time. He knelt there and said to the people below with tears streaming down his face:

"Fellow folks, I am guilty. I was greedy for enjoyment and received many benefits from the Sansheng Sect, and I was dragged into the rebel ship by them."

"It was the Sansheng Sect who asked me to dig up the embankment and framed Luo Tianyi."

"All the disaster relief funds allocated by the imperial court were also given to Sanshengjiao privately by me. The purpose was to arouse public anger so that Sanshengjiao would recruit believers and prepare for rebellion."

(End of this chapter)

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