Chapter 422
After he finished explaining all these things, the people below finally felt like a volcano erupting. The mountains roared and the tsunami rushed up the mountain, and they all shouted with ferocious faces:
"Kill Zhu Yitan, kill Dou Ziren, and destroy the Sansheng Sect."

"They killed my mother-in-law. I want to kill them and avenge my mother-in-law. My whole family has been washed away by the flood. I want to tear them apart and avenge my family."

"The man next to me is a Sansheng cultist. He was the one who insulted Mrs. Meng as a prostitute just now. Kill him and avenge our family."

For a time, many Sansheng cultists who were mixed in the crowd were picked out by the people and beaten to death on the spot.

Many of the Three-Sheng cultists who had hidden themselves deeply shuddered at this moment. No one dared to speak anymore, and no one said that he was a Three-Sheng cultist anymore.

After killing the Sansheng cultists, the common people were already red-eyed and shouted one after another:

"Let's go up to Tushan and kill Zhu Yitan and Dou Ziren again."

When Zhongqing on the mountain saw the crazy look of the people, he couldn't help but shrink back in fear, looked at Yuan Shouwei, and asked nervously:
"Yuan Shouwei, is your fake death charm reliable?"

Yuan Shouwei was careful while comforting him and said:
"Why is it so unreliable? Didn't it be verified last time when I scared Meng Ling'er?"

"Besides, with me here, no one can rush in front of you."

After Zhongqing heard this, he felt a little more at ease.

Seeing that the people were like this, Cao Ziyi first ordered Song Yong and Zhou Quan to guard the mountains on both sides, and then said loudly:

"Fellow folks, don't be anxious. When I finish explaining the matter, it won't be too late for us to kill Zhu Yitan and Dou Ziren."

It's just that his voice was quickly drowned out in the angry din of the people.

When Yuan Shouwei saw this, he was about to use the "Lion's Roar Kung Fu" to suppress them.

But suddenly a thunderous voice sounded in my ears:
"Shut the hell up, I will kill whoever is talking."

The sound was like rolling muffled thunder, moving from near to far. After three or five blasts, it actually calmed the place.

The one who shouted was none other than Song Yong.

Yuan Shouwei on the side was also shocked. It was obvious that Song Yong was more suitable to learn the 'Lion's Roar Technique' than him. This talent was there.

Cao Ziyi couldn't help but glanced at the smug Song Yong, and said to the people below again:
"My words are directed at the soldiers who followed my late father on the battlefield."

"Now that the Tang Dynasty is unified, if I insist on raising troops, I don't care about victory or defeat for the time being, but life will definitely be ruined and the people will suffer."

"So I have thought about it for a long time and decided to go overseas to the Japanese country to create a new world and expand the territory. If you are still willing to follow me, go to Gaodian Fifty miles east and find me at Banqiao Pier. I will set off in three days."

Just after he finished speaking, the old soldiers closest to him had already knelt down on the ground, with a trace of fanaticism in their eyes again, and they said in unison with tears in their eyes:

"We are willing to follow the young master to the death and re-create the glory of Daxia."

Following them, countless former Xia soldiers fell to their knees and shouted angrily:
"We are willing to follow the young master to the death and re-create the glory of Daxia."

Cao Ziyi looked at these people, and the corners of his eyes became moist unconsciously. He turned his back and gently wiped the corners of his eyes, and then glanced vaguely at Yuan Shouwei not far away.

Seeing this, Yuan Shouwei nodded towards him.

Cao Ziyi then shouted to everyone:

"In that case, let's kill Zhu Yitan and Dou Ziren now to give us the national sacrificial flag of Daxia."

"Someone, bring these two over."

"Flag sacrifice." Yuan Shouwei heard this, and holding one in each hand, he came to the flag of Daxia, picked up the Xuanyuan Sword in his hand, raised the sword in his hand, and killed the two people under the flag.

Countless blood splattered on the big flag. Seeing this, Zhou Quan on the side also slowly raised the flag.

Along with the howling wind on the edge of the Yellow River, the bright red Daxia flag fluttered in the wind and made a hunting sound.

Cao Ziyi was also high-spirited and ordered to the countless ships in the embankment:

"Song Yong, put the Daxia flag on the bow of my ship."

Then he turned sideways to the Xia soldiers, cupped his hands and said:

"Everyone, please come aboard."

The old soldiers on the mountain were the first to respond and went to the boat one after another.

When Yuan Shouwei saw this, he took advantage of his panic and quickly waved his hands to the Qianniu Guard behind him, and quickly placed the bodies of Zhongqing and Dou Ziren in a remote place to avoid being discovered that these two people had been replaced by fake death talismans.

In about half an hour, all Daxia's soldiers had boarded the boat.

Cao Ziyi turned around and looked at Li Chengqian and the others behind him.

First, he cupped his hands to Li Chengqian and said:
"Thank you, Your Highness, for granting me permission. The grudges between Da Xia and Datang will be wiped out from today onwards."

Li Chengqian also smiled and returned the courtesy:
"Okay, okay, I wish General Dou a smooth sailing and success."

Cao Ziyi then saluted Wu Fu and said:
"Mrs. Wu has a clear sense of grudges and a broad mind. She is far better than me, Cao Ziyi. I deeply admire her."

"The grudge between your family and ours has been wiped out."

Wu Fu was so panicked that he quickly returned the bow and said seriously:

"General, you have traveled thousands of miles, and I wish you success."

After Cao Ziyi finished explaining to the two of them, he suddenly raised his hand to Yuan Shouwei, threw a round bead in his hand to him, and said:
"Yuan Shouwei, I have seen everything you have done for me."

"There is nothing in return. This is a treasure left by my late father. It is said that it contains the aura of heaven and earth, so I gave it to you."

After saying that, before Yuan Shouwei could refuse, he already said goodbye to everyone on the mountain:
"My lords, the sky is high and the water is far away. Let's meet again in the rivers and lakes."

Then he jumped directly down from the mountain, got to his ship, and left with all the soldiers of Daxia.

Everyone on the mountain watched the ships gradually move away, slowly fading out of the horizon.

Wu Jian, the leader of the Qianniu Guards next to Li Chengqian, asked with some confusion:
"Your Highness, just let Cao Ziyi leave with so many rebellious officials and traitors?"

Li Chengqian looked at the ship disappearing on the horizon, with a relieved smile on his face, and replied happily:

"Isn't this great? It not only avoids bloodshed and sacrifices, but also understands many potential hidden dangers around Bianliang, and it can also harm those barbarians with evil intentions, killing three birds with one stone."

Then he looked at everyone around him and explained to everyone:
"When the National Master proposed this idea, I thought it was a good idea. After discussing it with Ying Gongyi, he also agreed."

"You must know that these people are Dou Jiande's die-hard loyalists. It is easier to kill them, but there are many relatives and friends behind each of them, and they will continue to stand up and resist us."

"Instead of doing this, it is better to buy favors and let them go overseas with Cao Ziyi."

(End of this chapter)

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