Chapter 423 Reactivation
Having said this, he paused for a moment, looked at the innocent people at the foot of the mountain, and said confidently:

"But no matter where they go, their roots will always be there."

"They will always be our Tang people."

After he finished explaining these things, everyone suddenly understood and praised His Highness for his far-sighted vision and the style of a heroic leader.

At this time, many people were ready to disperse under the mountain, but they suddenly discovered that their surroundings were already surrounded by Tang troops, surrounding them.

They looked at the Tang army not far away with their bows strung and their swords unsheathed, and they couldn't help but feel panic in their hearts.

Could it be that because he wanted to rebel, would the Tang army begin to suppress him now?
At this moment, Li Chengqian on the earth mountain looked at the commotion below, and said again to the below:

"Fellow folks, don't panic. I'm just here to explain something to you. Don't misunderstand me."

After listening to Li Chengqian's kind words, the mood of the people below also stabilized a lot, and they all calmed down to see what Li Chengqian had to say.

Li Chengqian was heard speaking loudly in a relaxed tone:

"I am Li Chengqian, the crown prince of the Tang Dynasty. I believe many of you already know me."

"Some things, I want to clarify for everyone. I did not bring any young and beautiful lady with me when I came to Bianliang, let alone any young and young husband. Someone is slandering me and spreading rumors."

"I just brought a team of Qian Niu Guards as bodyguards, and they are all big and thick, and I have no interest in them."

After listening to Li Chengqian's slightly teasing words, and then looking at the bearded and fierce-looking guards around him, the people below burst into laughter.

Li Chengqian waited for everyone to finish laughing and then explained again:

"As for the popular and spicy ones, I must admit that I have eaten them."

"The first meal when I first came to Bianliang City, Zhu Yitan entertained me. I drank corn soup, and there were two dishes of pork and goose feet, but I really didn't know that Zhu Yitan would be so extravagant."

"Since that meal, I have been running around all day long. I eat the same food as the soldiers. If you don't believe me, you can ask."

After hearing this, the people were a little doubtful and whispered to each other in low voices.

Seeing this, Li Chengqian also smiled and said:

"I ate and drank Zhu Yitan's treat, and I'm sure I won't be able to spit it out."

"But, I thought of a way, which is to compensate everyone."

"As for this, what you did today was for a reason. I will put past the blame and acquit you all."

"Now, this year, I will double the amount of corn planting grains in Bianliang and surrounding areas for everyone to plant."

"Oh, there's nothing we can do about it. Who told me to be so mean-mouthed?"

The people below also had mixed feelings after listening to Li Chengqian's self-ridiculing words.

Some people cried, some laughed. After everyone vented their emotions, everyone fell to their knees and shouted in unison:

"Your Highness is a thousand years old, a thousand years old, a thousand years old."

A catastrophic disaster disappeared invisible, the people dispersed, and Li Chengqian took everyone back to the Governor's Mansion.

Everyone was exhausted, so Li Chengqian asked everyone to rest first, and two hours later, they would discuss matters again at the Governor's Mansion.

Yuan Shouwei, Wu Fu, Zhongqing and others also returned to the official residence, threw each of them on the bed and fell asleep.

At Xu time, everyone except Wu Suo returned to the governor's mansion.When they got to the main hall, they saw that Li Chengqian and Li Ji were already sitting upright, and the others did not dare to neglect, and they found seats to sit down one after another.

After everyone arrived, Li Chengqian took the lead and said:

"Thank you for your hard work, gentlemen. We uncovered a group of moths in Bianliang City led by Zhu Yitan, and followed the clues to find the Sansheng Sect behind them."

"Now the biggest hidden danger of civil unrest has been eliminated, and the disaster in Bianliang is gradually being alleviated. All this is due to the efforts of the public."

"I would like to thank everyone here."

After speaking, he stood up and gave a deep bow to the people in the main hall.

Seeing that Li Chengqian was so humble and courteous, the officials below also stood up and returned the courtesy, saying they did not dare.

After sitting down again, Li Ji, who was sitting first, also spoke:
"As His Highness said, the disaster is gradually mitigating, but that does not mean it is in the past. We still have many matters to deal with."

"Because the local officials in Bianliang have changed significantly in the past two days, coupled with the subsidence of the floods and the collapse of the civil uprising, the affairs responsible for the offices here have to be readjusted."

After he finished speaking, all the officials below nodded frequently.

Li Jinxing stood up and said loudly:
"British Lord, although Bianliang City is now in dire straits waiting to be renovated, people's hearts are united as never before."

"Both your official duties and cooperation are much smoother than before. You can just make arrangements directly."

After listening to this, Li Ji showed a rare smile on his serious face. He nodded to Li Jinxing, motioned for him to sit down, and then said:

"At present, the flood season of the Yellow River has passed its most dangerous moment, and the possibility of the levee breaching again has been relatively reduced."

"But the more we get to this time, the more we cannot take it lightly. We still have to patrol the embankment day and night."

"After discussion between His Highness and I, the matter of guarding the embankment was left to Luo Tianyi Luo joined the army, with the assistance of Chief Secretary Cui Ningcui of the Ministry of Industry. Both of them have certain research on water control, and they are dedicated to everything they do. First things first. So this important task is given to the two of them."

Luo Tianyi, who is at the bottom, has been at home since Zhu Yitan spontaneously ignited.

Seeing the chaos in Bianliang City, he was also very anxious, so he found Li Chengqian and offered to find him something to do.

But Li Chengqian always talked about him, which made Luo Tianyi start to feel uneasy, thinking that the court would pursue him for secretly digging the embankment.

In addition, the Bianliang officials around him were dismissed one after another, and for a while, they were all sad and despairing.

Someone came to inform him to attend the meeting today. He thought they were going to deal with him, and he was already prepared for the worst.

But he never expected that when Li Ji rearranged tasks, the first thing he did was to re-enable him. How could this not make him feel excited and burst into tears of gratitude?

After Li Ji finished speaking, he immediately stood up and said loudly to Li Chengqian and Li Ji:
"The guilty minister Luo Tianyi thanked His Highness, the British Duke, regardless of the past suspicions, and re-employed the minor minister."

"I will go to great lengths to repay the kindness of Your Highness and the British Lord."

When Li Chengqian saw this, he felt vain and said with a smile:

"The matter has been clarified. Luo Tianyi, you are definitely wronged. It just happened that the traitor took advantage of you."

"Besides, Yuan Guoshi deeply agrees with your decision, saying that if you hadn't seen the opportunity early, Dongdu would have been flooded with water at this time, and the losses would have been huge."

"So not only do you have no fault, but you also have merit. Once this matter is over, I dare not say anything else. Your commendation and promotion are inevitable."

(End of this chapter)

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