Datang: Starting from a fortune-telling stall, Wu Zetian was suddenly abducted

Chapter 66 The Dragon Has Reverse Scales, How Can You Touch It?

Chapter 66 The Dragon Has Reverse Scales, How Can You Touch It?
Zichen Palace.

Li Shimin and Hou Junji were sitting there. Li Shimin held a memorial and handed it to Hou Junji. Yuan Shouwei scanned it roughly and found the results of Guo Xiaoke's investigation.

It is true that Hou Junji committed corruption, but the amount of corruption was not that large, and he was coerced by soldiers to commit corruption.

After reading the memorial, Hou Jun suddenly became very excited and argued loudly with Li Shimin.

Li Shimin spoke to him in a pleasant manner, and Hou Junji suddenly knelt on the ground, seemingly thanking him.

The screen ends here.

After watching this scene, Yuan Shouwei added four more words to his evaluation of Hou Junji: I don't know what is good or bad.

His Majesty the Emperor is biased toward you at first sight. Not only are you ungrateful, but you are also pushing others' good intentions to the outside, which is too hurtful.

third screen.

Or above the court.

This time Hou Junji was impeached again.

The first one is the censor.

The second one is Wei Zheng.

The third one was a tall and round general who came out to impeach Hou Junji.

Then a man wearing gorgeous foreign clothes, with a high nose and deep eyes, was lying on the main hall, complaining tearfully.

There were more and more people, and finally two-thirds of the people in the court stood up to impeach Hou Junji.

Sitting behind the dragon case, Li Shimin was obviously pleading for Hou Junji.

It would be better not to beg. If he were to beg, all the ministers in the court except Li Chengqian would kneel down.

Yuan Shouwei was amazed when he saw this scene. The reason why he was rejected by everyone was that Hou Junji was so popular that no one else could.

You have offended so many people, even the emperor cannot protect you.

At this time, the map of heavenly secrets has started to play the fourth screen.


There were at least tens of thousands of people watching, and the execution ground was completely surrounded.

Inside the execution ground, there were almost more than 1000 prisoners wearing prison uniforms.

The person in front of him was Hou Junji, and he had already lost his vigor and arrogance at this time.

Hunched and shrunk into a ball, the energy of the whole person was sucked out, and he looked like an old man in his old age.

There were white-haired old men, young and beautiful women, and young men in their prime.

There were a few ignorant and ignorant children in the back row, pulling the sleeves of the woman beside them, with their round eyes open, looking around in panic.

There is also a young child who is being held in the arms of a woman and is sensibly wiping the tears of the woman holding him.

Seeing Yuan Shouwei, his heart ached. Hou Junji had committed a serious crime and was executed.

But his relatives and children are all innocent, so why bother the whole family because of one person.

Let's save it.

Yuan Shouwei sighed, and turned his attention to the hexagrams on the compass.

[You must be careful not to be greedy for money when using troops. Excessive pretense can cause serious harm.The ambition is rampant and backfired, and the sentencing and legal system are in danger. 】

These hexagrams were tailor-made for Hou Junji.

At this time, Hou Junji was also observing the hexagrams in front of him, and he had a vague premonition of ominousness.

It's rare that he didn't show his arrogance, but just waited for Yuan Shouwei to solve the fortune-telling words.

Yuan Shouwei said:
"You must be careful when using soldiers and not be greedy for money. The meaning of this first sentence is that the layman is a general. After fighting on the battlefield, he still needs to restrain his greed and do not take the confiscated property as his own." After hearing this, Hou Junji couldn't help but feel in his heart Startled,
I thought to myself: This first line of hexagram points out the fact that he is greedy for ink, but where did this little Taoist priest get the news? Only a group of his confidants know about his money-making.

If it was really him who figured it out, he was quite capable.

His body straightened involuntarily.

"Excessive pretense can cause serious harm. The second sentence says that the general is too obsessed and hurts many people who only want to do you good for the sake of face. As a result, no one is willing to help you."

Hou Junji's expression relaxed a little,
I thought to myself: This Taoist satirized me for saving face, but who did I hurt for the sake of face?This is obviously not accurate.

"De Zhi is rampant and suffers backlash. This third sentence means that after the general was awarded the reward, he became more arrogant and indulgent and offended many people. I'm afraid someone will take revenge on you."

Hou Junji's expression was a little impatient: I haven't received this reward yet, how do you know that I will be arrogant after awarding it?

Besides, there are many people who are more senior than me. Can I beat them?
Yuan Shouwei then explained the fourth sentence:

"The rule of law in sentencing is dangerous. If the general still persists in his obsession, he will definitely hurt others and himself, and eventually he will be separated from his body and head, and his family will be affected."

After hearing this, Hou Junji stood up suddenly, and said sharply to Yuan Shouwei:
"Little Taoist priest, you are talking nonsense."

"Do you know who I am? What achievements have I just made? How dare you say here that I want to be beheaded."

Yuan Shouwei looked at him calmly, his eyes were calm,
"Your name is Hou Junji, and you have just destroyed the Gaochang Kingdom, and you have made great achievements."

"But you are so arrogant about your talent that you force everyone to stand against you, forcing His Majesty to kill you."

"The hexagrams and words all refer to your weakness. If you listen to the persuasion, there is still a glimmer of life. If you don't listen, catastrophe is not far away."

Hou Junji was furious,
"You Taoist priest are talking nonsense."

"Not only was the calculation inaccurate, but he also framed me, Hou Junji."

"Today I will demolish your temple and give you some color to see."

After speaking, he pulled out his waist knife and slashed at the compass in front of him.Seeing this, the guards behind him also drew their sabers and headed towards the Taoist temple with a murderous look.

The dragon has reverse scales, how can you touch them! ?

At this time, Yuan Shouwei couldn't bear it anymore. With a turn of his left hand, he had already turned the hexagram table and compass behind him.

With a right hand, Hou Junji was staggered and blocked in front of the guards.

Hou Junji staggered and fell in front of the guards involuntarily, feeling that he had lost all face.

Quickly got up and ordered: "Hou Liang, call the people from the mountain to demolish this Taoist temple for me."

After hearing this, Yuan Shouwei pointed at Hou Junji and said:
"Hou Junji, do you think I really dare not kill you?"

"Who dares to touch the bricks and tiles of this Taoist temple, it's just such a stone."

After he finished speaking, sword intent burst out all over his body. As his internal energy turned, the sword intent came out from under his feet and transformed directly into two hidden dragons, rushing towards a huge boulder more than ten feet high on the cliff.

With the sound of "Zi la" tearing the eardrums, the boulder rose into the air, was turned into stone foam by the sword energy, and scattered in the air.

This sword directly gasped Hou Junji and all the guards in horror.

Hou Junji could roughly judge that Yuan Shouwei's martial arts cultivation level was around the fifth level, which was the level of Yinhu, one level lower than himself.

However, in the two battles with Yuan Shouwei, he was defeated both times, which shows that Yuan Shouwei has the ability to kill enemies beyond his level.

Moreover, his sword technique just now was so weird that it rushed out of the ground, making it extremely difficult to guard against.

If I push this person hard, I'm afraid I will really be trapped here.

But I am a dignified general, and I have already said that I want to tear down this Taoist temple. If I can't do it, then I will lose face.

In desperation, he winked at Hou Liang again.

(End of this chapter)

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