Chapter 67

Hou Liang was heartbroken when he saw Yuan Shouwei's sword skills.But since the general gave him a wink, he didn't dare not listen.

I had no choice but to bite the bullet and walked to the front, bowed my hands in a polite manner and said:

"Taoist Priest, it's all misunderstanding. It's all misunderstanding. We are all our own people."

"His Royal Highness the Prince asked us to come to you for fortune-telling. The General has no other intention. He just wants to test the Taoist master's skills."

"This test turned out to be true every step of the way. We will naturally follow the Taoist Master's wishes when we return."

Seeing that they had been frightened, Yuan Shou was unwilling to shed blood in front of this Taoist temple.

Then he said expressionlessly: "For the sake of the prince, you can go."

Hou Junji snorted coldly, held his head high, and left slowly surrounded by guards like a general who had won a battle.

This move made Yuan Shouwei shake his head repeatedly. Hou Junji's character was bound to suffer a big loss.

After Hou Junji and his party came down the mountain, it was completely dark.

Hou Liang asked: "General, are we still going to the Prince's Mansion today?"

Hou Junji said gloomily: "I won't go."

Then he turned his head and looked at Beiming Mountain immersed in the darkness in front of him, gritted his teeth and said:

"Hou Liang, go and find me an expert in divination. I will definitely ruin the reputation of this bastard Taoist."

Day two.

Hou Junji ordered a large-scale looting of Gaochang City for three days.

Soon after, Hou Liang came to report that his generals Pu Hongyun and Ye Hongzhuang had robbed the palace, stolen countless gold and silver treasures, and also robbed many of the palace's concubines.

Hou Jun was so angry that he called the two men over, gave them a scolding, and told them to hand over their property in accordance with military regulations.

Pu Hongyun and Ye Hongzhuang left without hesitation, but instead of handing over their belongings to the quartermaster according to Hou Junji's arrangement, they handed over all the belongings to Hou Junji personally.

Along with the treasure was a fair-skinned, exotic woman.

They said that this was the Queen of Gaochang, and that they had no involvement in it, but that they came here to present it to the general.

Hou Junji was overjoyed when he saw the woman.

When his master returned to the court, he ignored the dissuasion of several confidants and insisted on taking the woman back to Chang'an and hiding her in his house, completely ignoring military laws and regulations.

Because of his actions in front of him, the officers below became even more unscrupulous and made money crazily.He simply pretended to be deaf and turned a blind eye.

Hou Junji shook his head thinking about these past events.

When I arrived in the living room, I saw the messenger sent by the prince.

It turned out that the prince was concerned about his visit to Yuan Shou for fortune telling yesterday, and asked him to go to the prince's house as soon as possible and inform him of the situation.

Hou Junji frowned after hearing this. Not only did he not thank the prince for his concern.

On the contrary, he was a little dissatisfied with the prince's troubles, but in the end he did not dare to disobey the prince's wishes and agreed.

It's just that he was a little lazy in his actions. It wasn't until after noon that he believed that Ma Youjuan had arrived at the prince's residence.

Although he arrived late, Li Chengqian understood that he had just returned from the war and was tired, so he didn't take it seriously.After the two parties sat down respectively, Li Chengqian asked him about yesterday's fortune-telling.

Hou Junji naturally did not dare to say that Yuan Shouwei had calculated that he was greedy, so he had to refute Yuan Shouwei's inaccurate calculation.

What he said aroused Li Chengqian's curiosity.

He frowned and said, "Uncle, as far as I know, Yuan Shouwei's fortune-telling is not inaccurate. Is there anything disadvantageous about the fortune-telling he gave you?"

Seeing that Hou Junji couldn't shirk it, he had no choice but to tell the prince the results of the divination.

After listening, Li Chengqian took a breath and said:
"Uncle, if Gaochang's property was robbed, it must be handed over as soon as possible."

Then he looked at Hou Junji up and down, and said after careful consideration:

"If someone else is doing the divination, you can just laugh it off. But since it's Yuan Shou who's doing the divination, you still have to be more restrained in your daily life, otherwise it's really easy to cause trouble."

Now that things have happened, Hou Junji will naturally not admit that he is corrupt, let alone being coerced by his subordinates.

He could only say with an indignant look: "Your Highness, none of Yuan Shouwei's predictions for me is accurate."

"I have definitely never robbed Gaochang's property."

"Not to mention the predictions that follow, they are clearly cursing me."

After hearing this, Li Chengqian was a little skeptical. There was no real evidence, and he really couldn't accuse Hou Junji of being corrupt.

I had no choice but to brush the matter aside and said, "Uncle, you are on an expedition during this period and don't know what is happening in the capital."

"If it weren't for Yuan Shouwei, I'm afraid this locust plague would have really shaken the foundation of the Tang Dynasty."

With that, he told Hou Junji the details of his contact with Yuan Shouwei.

After hearing this, Hou Junji couldn't help but sneered from the end of his nose and said:
"Your Highness, locust plagues do exist. But that Taoist said that this little thing could shake the foundation of the Tang Dynasty is nonsense. You, your ears are just a little too soft."

"Also, if he is so good at divination, why can't he give me accurate predictions? And since I don't believe him, he even curses me."

"When His Majesty finishes the reward, I will definitely go and humiliate him."

Even though Li Chengqian had a good temper, he was very angry after hearing what Hou Junji said: You didn't say anything about your revenge on Yuan Shouwei.You also say that my ears are soft. Isn’t this arrogance? What is this?
Thinking of this, he said in a somewhat unhappy tone:
"Uncle, I don't care about Yuan Shou's divination for the time being, but he said that you must be overly pretentious."

"At this moment, what you are doing and saying, aren't you being arrogant and arrogant?"

After hearing this, Hou Junji stood up and argued:
"Your Highness, everything I said is true."

"Not only did you not listen, but you accused me of being arrogant and arrogant."

"Then since the words are not speculative, there is no use in talking more. Hou Mou takes his leave."

After saying that, he placed the teacup in his hand heavily on the tea table, turned around and strode away without saluting Li Chengqian.

Only Li Chengqian, whose face turned blue with anger, was left.

Hou Junji left the Prince's Mansion and galloped on Chang'an Street. Along the way, he knocked over several street vendors, but he didn't bother to pay attention and rushed back to his mansion.

After going back, he beat and beat him again, which made him feel less angry.But there was a little more resentment towards Li Chengqian in my heart.

(End of this chapter)

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