Chapter 94 Post-War Psychological Syndrome

The next day, after the court meeting.

Li Chengqian went directly to see Li Shimin and told Li Shimin everything he did from meeting Yuan Shouwei to later.

After hearing what he said, Li Shimin did not show the slightest surprise and said calmly: "Someone has already told me about your visit to prison."

Li Chengqian was naturally aware of this. He bowed respectfully and said, "Every action of my son is naturally under the grace of my father."

Li Shimin looked at the humble Li Chengqian with gratified eyes and said:

"Chengqian, these things you have done are very good. You have the demeanor of a generation. Keep working hard."

Li Chengqian repeatedly said he did not dare.

Li Shimin then said, "Explain to me the 'post-war psychological syndrome' mentioned by the Imperial Master."

Li Chengqian told Li Shimin what he knew in detail.

Finally added:

"Although I have never been on the battlefield, I have experienced thrilling scenes while hunting."

"Looking back now, I will be agitated, emotional and unable to sleep at night afterwards."

Li Shimin couldn't help but laugh after hearing his last words.

"Cheng Qian, there is no need for you to excuse Hou Junji."

"You haven't really experienced those moments of life and death. That's not hunting, that's purgatory on earth."

After saying this, he fell into contemplation of the past and said to himself:
"The term 'postwar psychological syndrome' is quite new."

"What the National Master said makes sense, because I have seen many soldiers with symptoms like this after the war. Many times, I just thought they were suffering from a crazy disease, but now it seems that this is actually the disease."

"Did the Imperial Master tell me how to treat it?"

Li Chengqian shook his head, "No. When Hou Junji's matter is settled, I will ask him again. I think he will definitely find a way."

Li Shimin nodded, "Take it as a matter. If you really find a cure, let alone my Tang Dynasty's combat power has reached a new level."

"At least these soldiers will not suffer such a heavy punishment again."

Li Chengqian agreed, and then asked Hou Junji what should be done.
Li Shimin sighed, "Are you and the Imperial Master sure you can control him and prevent him from really rebelling?"

Li Chengqian stood up straight this time, looked straight at Li Shimin and said, "I'm sure, kid."

"Please also ask Father to give the child a chance and give Hou Junji a chance."

Li Shimin looked at Li Chengqian with gentle eyes, "Forget it, just give Hou Junji one last chance to survive."

Then he warned worriedly: "I will send Guo Xiaoke to you, so that you will be more confident."

Li Chengqian felt warm in his heart and nodded to thank him.

Li Shimin then ordered: "First go and say hello to your uncle, Fang Xiang, Du Xiang, and Wei Shizhong, so that they understand what we mean. I'll just send someone to Zhang Liang to say hello. I don't think he will either." Dare to make trouble again."

"Oh, that's right. Don't talk about 'post-war psychological syndrome' when you tell them. They rarely go to the battlefield and can't experience the horror of wandering between life and death."

"Just say that Hou Junji and the others were bewitched by Gaochang Kingdom's witchcraft and became so unreasonable. They believe this even more."

Both the words and the words reveal the crude self-confidence of a martial artist and his contempt for literati.

Li Chengqian was stunned for a moment, and after a moment, he said coyly:

"Father, I can explain to the others. It's just Wei Shizhong."

"It's not that I don't want to go, I'm just afraid that Shizhong Wei will push me back."

"If things go wrong, it will not be beautiful."

Seeing his embarrassed look, Li Shimin couldn't help but smile and said domineeringly:

"Go and tell Wei Tietou that Hou Junji has been with me for more than 20 years and is my good brother."

"I am not willing to give up any of these brothers who have worked hard with me. I also want to give Hou Junji a decent arrangement."

"There is also my reputation. I don't want to be accused of being like Jie and Zhou a hundred years from now."

Li Chengqian recited these words silently twice, and after confirming that they were correct, he left.

The sun rises and sets, the moon rises and sets.
In the blink of an eye, half a month has passed.On this day, in the court hall.

Dai Zhou came out of the class and said: "Your Majesty, I have this memorial."

"The fact that Hou Junji and his subordinates falsely claimed military merit has been found out. They were indeed wrongfully accused. The main culprit Helan Chushi has confessed, and the others have also confirmed it to Hou Junji."

"This is the memorial of this case and the testimony of everyone."

As soon as he said this, all the ministers below were talking in low voices.

"No way. Hou Junji is fine for such a serious crime. Could it be that Dai Shaoqing made a mistake?"

"I don't think so. Dai Shaoqing has always been famous for his uprightness. He will definitely not make a wrong judgment."

"It's just that in addition to this crime, Hou Junji also committed corruption and kidnapping the Queen of Gaochang."

"Then it depends on what His Majesty says."

After the Long Case, Li Shimin remained calm and asked Dai Zhou to present the memorial. After reading it carefully, he said to everyone in His Highness:
"My dear friends, let's all discuss the matter of Hou Junji."

As soon as Li Shimin finished speaking, Liu Fan, the imperial censor, stood up.

"The minister has the original play."

"Dai Shaoqing has always been upright and enforces the law impartially. His judges are naturally convinced."

"I just want to ask, what should be done when the Hou Jun gathers corruption and kidnaps the Queen of Gaochang?"

This was tantamount to asking the thoughts of many people in the hall. The whole hall fell silent, waiting for Li Shimin's answer.

Li Chengqian on the side saw this situation and quickly gave his cronies a wink.

Someone immediately stood up,
"Sir Liu's words are different. Hou Junji has already handed over all the stolen money."

"Then Gaochang intends to rebel, and he is no longer a vassal of my Tang Dynasty. Empress Gaochang is a foreign slave. How can she be compared with my general of the Tang Dynasty?"

As soon as he finished speaking, several censors jumped out and said, "This is wrong."

Soon, there was a commotion on both sides, and the hall was as lively as a vegetable market.

The clever minister found a clue,
The scene looked very lively, but upon closer inspection, I found that the people arguing were all middle-level officials.

There is no such thing as a real boss. Even Wei Zheng and Zhang Liang always look at their noses and ask their hearts.

So many people choose to be a quiet melon-eater.

Li Shimin pretended to be cold, but in fact his thoughts had already gone to the Kingdom of Guawa: I wonder how the corn porridge that Guanyin made for me was going to be.
In this way, he waited until everyone had lost the energy to argue, and then he nodded cautiously.
"Everything you say makes sense, but I can't make a decision at the moment."

"Ding Yu, let the Prime Minister and everyone hold a small court meeting to decide on this matter."

"Cheng Qian, you should also participate in this matter."

As soon as these words were said, His Highness's quarrel stopped.

When Liu Fan saw that a small court meeting was going to be held, he knew that His Majesty attached great importance to this matter.

And when he thought about Wei Zheng's participation in the court meeting, he felt relieved.

The specific content of the Umrah meeting is unknown to anyone other than the parties involved.

But by the afternoon, the imperial edict from Zhongshu Province had come out.

The general content is:
Helan Chushi pretended to be a military leader and had a very bad influence, so he abandoned the market according to Tang law.

The rest of the counterfeit military leaders will be executed in accordance with the law, and let everyone take warning.

All the officers under Hou Junji were innocently implicated and were all released without charge.

But the fact that they were greedy for ink was true, given that they took the initiative to hand over the property and had military exploits.

Therefore, they will be treated leniently, and they will all be deprived of their official titles and demoted to civilians.

Hou Junji was ordered to return to his hometown in Shaanxi within one month and would never be hired;
As for Queen Gaochang, nothing was mentioned.

As soon as the imperial decree came out, there were many people discussing it.

(End of this chapter)

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