Datang: Starting from a fortune-telling stall, Wu Zetian was suddenly abducted

Chapter 95 General Hou, it’s time to wake up from the dream

Chapter 95 General Hou, it’s time to wake up from the dream
Soon, well-informed people got inside information. His Majesty only treated Hou Junji and his party leniently. The main reason was because they were beheaded by the monks of Goryeo when they were fighting in Goryeo, so they became so manic. .

When everyone heard this, they all suddenly realized, I asked why General Hou did so many wrong things. It turned out that the real reason was here.

They began to sympathize with Hou Junji, and no one cared about Hou Junji's corruption and plunder.

That afternoon, everyone in Hou Junji was released.

On the evening of the second day, Hou Junji held a banquet at his home to entertain the officers who were imprisoned with him.

Because everyone was feeling depressed, the atmosphere at the banquet seemed relatively silent.

After half-drinking, the atmosphere finally became more lively. Hou Junji poured himself a full glass of wine, stood up, looked at the people around him, and said in a deep voice:

"Brothers, I, Hou Junji, can't help you."

"You have all been with me for more than ten years, and we were supposed to be prosperous and wealthy together. But because of my wrong thoughts, I got everyone involved."

"I am here to apologize to everyone."

After speaking, he raised his glass and drank it all in one gulp, choking on his words.

Seeing this, Ye Hongzhuang below gave Pu Hongyun a wink.

Pu Hongyun nodded at him, stood up carelessly and said:

"General, we can handle it clearly. This matter has nothing to do with you. It's all the emperor who can't handle it clearly.

"If you don't want to do it, then let's do it. Let me tell you, let's just go home and start over again, just for the sake of glory and wealth."

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere that had just been warm suddenly dropped to a freezing point.

Zhongqing, who was sitting on the side of Hou Junji, grinned secretly,

"My dear mother, this is exactly what fellow Taoist Yuan Shouwei said. I will write down all this."

However, Ye Hongzhuang had been observing Hou Junji and saw that he did not reprimand Pu Hongyun like last time, so he already had a suspicion in his mind.

He also stood up to smooth things over and said, "Pu Hongyun must have drunk too much. He talks when he is drunk. He talks when he is drunk."

"General, drink to win. Everyone, drink together."

Hou Junji, who was still in a daze, finally came to his senses and suddenly raised the wine glass in his hand, "Here, let's have a drink."

But in the end, the atmosphere still didn't get warmer. Hou Junji, who is known as a man who can drink a thousand cups without getting drunk, actually got drunk on the spot. Everyone saw this and ended it hastily.

Zhongqing had no choice but to send everyone out of the living room for Hou Junji. After going out, he found that the autumn rain had already started to fall.

A gust of autumn wind blew by, making people feel a bit chilly for no reason.

"One autumn rain, one cold." I don't know who muttered, and they all shuddered, plunged into the rain, and said goodbye.

When Zhongqing came back after seeing everyone off, he saw Hou Junji sitting there, drinking alone with a wine glass with a sinister look on his face.

Seeing Zhongqing come in, he smiled at him and said, "Taoist Master Zhongqing, I haven't thanked you for your rescue yet."

"Why don't you calculate a hexagram for me now and see if I have a good fortune?"

"When there are results, I will reward you as well."

Zhongqing looked at Hou Junji, who suddenly looked ten years older, and felt a sense of desolation in his heart.

He fell to his knees with a 'plop' and said, "General, wake up."

"My hexagram tube is full of signatures, just to make you high-ranking officials happy. You can't take it seriously."

After saying that, he took the hexagram tube from his waist and handed it to Hou Junji on his knees.

Hou Junji grabbed the hexagram tube, looked at the hanging sign next to it, and said with a smile: "What the Taoist said is wrong."

"Isn't this the best fortune-telling? There are all good fortune-tellings here. Doesn't this mean that I, Hou Junji, will have good luck and be ranked in the [-]th Five-Year Plan?"

"Taoist Master, we are waiting here. Ye Hongzhuang and Pu Hongyun will be back soon to discuss important matters, hahaha."


Hou Junji is crazy!
Zhongqing looked at the crazy Hou Junji in front of him and shook his head helplessly.

Forget it, just let me accompany you to finish the trick.

The rain kept falling and the temperature got colder and colder.

Everywhere in Chang'an City was quiet.

Even many Nanya troops on patrol at night found corners to take shelter from the rain.

Only the blinking lights of the watchtower were left, staring at every corner of Chang'an City with due diligence.

But there is always some darkness where it cannot shine.

At the back door of the Hou Mansion, a group of people wearing bamboo hats, oil coats, and oil boots walked in quietly, and arrived at the hall where Hou Junji held a banquet.

At this time, Hou Junji was sitting on the wine table, his eyes were like lightning, looking at the people who came in, and said in a deep voice:
"Everyone, have you decided? It's still too late to quit now."

"If you take another step forward, even if you are facing mountains of swords and seas of fire, you can only move forward."

After hearing this, one person immediately took off the bamboo hat on his head, threw it aside, and said roughly:
"When I went out just now, Lao Ye told me that the general would be waiting for us here. I still didn't believe it, but I didn't expect it to be true."

"We have all figured it out. General, have you thought about it?"

It was Pu Hongyun who spoke.

Hou Junji couldn't help but laugh, "Since this emperor has treated us so unfairly, I naturally want to seek justice."

Another person also took off his bamboo hat at this moment and said, "Heaven and earth are unkind, treating all things as stupid dogs."

"The general is right. The Li family and his son treat us like this, so don't blame us for rebelling."

The person who spoke was Ye Hongzhuang.

The rest of the people also took off their bamboo hats and oil coats. They were the same officers who were at the banquet just now.

Qi Qi cupped his hands and said, "It depends solely on the general's arrangements."

Hou Junji also slowly straightened his back at this time, and the bloodthirsty temperament that looked down on the world returned to him little by little, and his whole person became extremely fierce.

The corners of his mouth twitched, revealing a weird smile, signaling the generals to sit down.

Then he looked at Zhongqing, whose face turned pale, and said, "Taoist Master, from now on we are just grasshoppers on the same rope."

"I would like to trouble you to record today's uprising."

After giving his instructions, he said to the eagerly awaiting generals:

"We have two ways to choose. The first is to leave Chang'an and return to our hometown to recruit troops. Although Datang is internally stable, it is surrounded by powerful enemies from outside."

"The Turks, Tubo, and Tianzhu all looked covetously at the Tang Dynasty, but they did not dare to take action. One reason was that the Tang Dynasty was at its peak of military power. The other reason was that it had internal stability and unity."

"What they lack is someone to ignite the flames of war."

After hearing this, all the generals were filled with admiration.

Even Zhongqing, who didn't understand military affairs, secretly sighed that Hou Junji was indeed a famous general of his generation, and his strategic vision was indeed unique.

It's just a pity that your opponent is too strong, otherwise you might really have a chance.

Hou Junji naturally didn't know Zhongqing's inner thoughts, but looked at the generals with fiery eyes and continued:

"The second way is for us to go to Gaochang and establish a foothold there."

"Unite the Turks, Tubo, Tianzhu, and Qiuci countries to fight against the Tang Dynasty. In this way, we can attack when we advance, and we can defend when we retreat."


After Hou Junji finished speaking, the generals also began to discuss intensely.

Which path is more suitable, or there is a better choice.

Of course, all these exciting discussions were recorded by Zhongqing one stroke at a time.

After a long discussion, Hou Junji finally made the final decision: "Win with stability. We will try to go to Gaochang and make plans."

But at this moment, a leisurely sigh was heard outside the hall:

"General Hou, it's time to wake up from the dream."

(End of this chapter)

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