Day by day in the infinite game

Chapter 325 325 Carrying out infrastructure construction in the Arctic region

Chapter 325 325. Infrastructure construction in the Arctic region
As the saying goes: "The prodigal son will never change his fortune."

As the saying goes: "It's not too late to fix the situation before it's too late."

"Knowing mistakes can be corrected, and doing good is great."

The vast majority of people have awakened their "conscience" in their hearts and begun to embark on the path of "self-salvation."

They all realize that this is not just an Arctic issue, nor is it just a matter of the survival of polar bears, but an issue closely related to the future development of mankind!

A group of awakened netizens led a group, and people began to pay attention to and reflect on their "unenvironmentally friendly" behaviors in daily life, and began to give each other ideas for improvement.

Internet celebrities are even more proud to promote environmental protection, and lead by example to encourage fans to actively participate in online and offline activities such as "tree planting and low-carbon travel". The whole world seems to be thriving and making great strides in a clear and good direction.


We've all heard of "frozen ground."

It refers to rocks or soil containing ice below zero degrees Celsius.

Frozen soil is divided into short-term frozen soil, seasonal frozen soil and permafrost (also known as permafrost).

The tundra zones near the Arctic Circle are mostly permafrost.

And the "somewhere" we often see in the news where mammoth remains were unearthed, where bird carcasses were found 4.6 years ago, etc., basically refer to permafrost areas.

But just like ice that melts when exposed to heat, permafrost has "rheological properties." As the climate warms, permafrost continues to degrade, and permafrost is no longer "permanent."

And this means that the permafrost is beginning to "thaw" continuously, and the permafrost in the Arctic is thawing.

The area of ​​permafrost in the Arctic is 1300 million square kilometers, accounting for 15% of the world's land area.

It is said that scientists have detected more than 200 ancient viruses and bacteria in the permafrost.

If the ecological deterioration of the Arctic region continues and the permafrost continues to thaw, mankind will face a future that is even more cruel and harsh than what is described in "doomsday novels".

The thawing of permafrost brings far more problems than these invisible dangers. The thawing of permafrost areas will also emit large amounts of methane gas.

Methane is a greenhouse gas that is 25 times more active than carbon dioxide. It is widely present in natural gas, biogas, and deep wells of coal mines. It is a high-quality gas fuel.

It is said that when people fart, they also release a small amount of methane.

Excessive methane gas will harm the atmosphere, further aggravate global climate warming, and form a vicious cycle.

By then, rising sea levels, high temperatures, drought, reduced food production...

Someone simulated this series of "future disasters" in the form of animation.

Now everyone is in danger, and their awareness of green environmental protection has further increased.


The planet is not only a planet for humans, but also a planet for animals.

As humans begin to promote global greening and environmental protection activities, animal players are also busy secretly "helping".

The birds picked up the seeds scattered everywhere, the squirrels collected the extra fruits in their nests, and even the little mice honestly went back to their nests to drag out the little rations they had hidden, gritted their teeth and stamped their feet, fighting for the future. Bundle.

They quietly scatter seeds in every corner that human players have neglected, imitate their example of cultivating the soil, watering, "fertilizing", and then wait for them to grow.

On weekdays, bird players also voluntarily organize teams to "patrol on duty" to keep a close eye on the pests that like to eat hollow tree trunks, ensuring that most of the new groves can thrive and grow healthily.

The "planetary status" of the green plants on the planet seems to have increased overnight, and their value has doubled.


While the whole world is busy greening and pursuing environmental protection, players in the Arctic region are trying to build infrastructure.

More and more players or social figures from all over the world are coming, and the basic manpower for infrastructure construction is sufficient.

Players saw the "ice and snow world" in the northeastern region of the country and saw those lifelike ice sculptures, and came up with the idea of ​​​​building infrastructure in the Arctic region.

The ideal "building" material is ice.

But even the "big natural refrigerator" in the Arctic is constantly melting and dissipating. If they want ice and enough ice to support the huge amount of "infrastructure", they can only do it themselves to have enough food and clothing.

The system space can be exchanged for an "ice machine", but once the ice comes out, it still faces the "risk" of being melted.

If such "building" materials are used for infrastructure construction, it will only be a wasted "tofu project."

Another question players have to face is whether there is a way to isolate or reduce the continued impact of the greenhouse effect on the Arctic region.

"Isolation shield? How about this?"

Lao Tian flipped through the system mall, pointed at one of the "products" and said.

"Isolation protective cover: Cover the area within the marked size range to isolate it from the outside world. Disadvantages: short effectiveness and long cooling period."

Someone read its product introduction once and immediately slapped his thigh: "Hey, okay, that's it!"

Then he turned to the settlement position. He was stunned for a few seconds, covering his heart and wailing: "This is obviously robbery..."

After crying, I reluctantly gave up a large amount of points to redeem the "isolation protective cover" with tears in my eyes.

Some of the spectators around couldn't help but "gloated" out loud.

But the next second, he was slapped in the face by reality, which was cold, ruthless and vexatious.

There are two lines of small words next to the "Isolation Shield" opening button: "The effectiveness is short, and different protection effectiveness is matched according to the range. Note: The larger the range, the lower the effectiveness. Please pay attention to replace it in time."

"Long cooling cycle: Everything in the world is rare and expensive. How can a good thing be ruined? After redeeming the isolation protective cover once, a cooling time will be generated. The length of the cooling time is random. The product cannot be redeemed again during the cooling period."

Everyone who read the two lines carefully:...

"Quick, brother, open it and see how long it lasts."

Facing everyone's expectant eyes, the first player to redeem the isolation shield put his finger on the opening button.

After he pressed it, everyone felt a flash in front of their eyes, and they felt something was different while breathing.

"The statute of limitations is... 12 hours!"

The player rubbed his eyes in disbelief and looked again, but the number remained the same.

The surrounding players were in an uproar.

The time limit is so short?
"Quick, quick, don't be stunned, see if you can redeem it! If not, let's find another way quickly!"

Lao Tian shouted to bring everyone in a daze back to reality.

Indeed, now is not the time to be in a daze.

It's not like we're at the end of our rope, so there's no need to be so anxious.

The players gathered their emotions and looked down at their game system mall.

Father Tang and Mother Tang sat around Tang Qinqin. During the past few days since they came here, they had seen with their own eyes what these young people were doing. They were also lucky enough to participate in it, and they felt a lot in their hearts.

After living for half a life, the second half of their lives turned out to be a bit "fantasy", like a dream, but it also reminded them of their youth.

Who didn't come from youth?
Young people are full of vigor, vitality, enthusiasm, and the drive to refuse to admit defeat...

And beside this group of young people, they gradually felt their long-lost "youth" and long-lost "vigor" again.

This group of young people will go higher and further in the future, right?

In order to prevent a "generation gap" and "estrangement" from their daughter, they must keep up with the times and stride forward!

(End of this chapter)

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