Day by day in the infinite game

Chapter 326 326 Infrastructure Maniac

Chapter 326 326. Infrastructure Maniac
"Hey, I can exchange it!" Someone shouted excitedly.

"I can too!"

One after another, players discovered that their anxiety was unnecessary, and each of them could redeem the isolation shield.

However, when I think about its timeliness and cooling time, I am not so optimistic.

"My cooldown is seven days."

The player who exchanged the protective cover first checked it out and said.

During these seven days, he will not be able to redeem the isolation protective cover again.

"How about, let's exchange it first and see if there is a way to shorten the exchange cooldown as much as possible?"

Someone suggested weakly, not loudly, and it was obvious that he didn't think it was possible.

This energy shield also has its own temper. The cooling time must be calculated only after clicking the button to start using it, so that players have no chance even if they want to take advantage of it.

"It doesn't matter. Our player team is so large. We can contact other people when the time comes and we can figure out a solution together."

Dong Mingzhe spoke out to comfort everyone.

Now that one of the problems has been basically solved, all that's left is the basics of using the ice machine.

The ice machine exchanged in the system mall is relatively large, which can be used by four to five people at the same time, and the ice production efficiency is high.

The raw material used in ice making machines is seawater from the Arctic Ocean.

However, due to the presence of various impurities and pollutants in seawater, it needs to go through a purification process first.

This process will filter out man-made pollutants that should not exist in seawater in its natural state. In this way, the "building materials" produced will be more in line with nature, more "environmentally friendly" and more "simulating".

Soon, the players formed a group in twos and threes and began to lay a new arctic world.

Arctic infrastructure projects are not simply about laying ice directly on the Arctic Ocean.

The "Arctic World" built in this way will be carried away by the wind and ocean currents at any time, becoming a "floating ice world" and leaving the Arctic region. At that time, the polar bears who have settled on it will also start to "wander" around the world along with the floating ice.

Just like building a house on land requires laying a foundation first, players need to lay a good foundation for the new Arctic world that is about to be born. At least it will not be abducted by a gust of wind or a wave.

In order to ensure that the constructed world of ice and snow can meet the basic living needs of the Arctic indigenous animals, players "invited" representatives of indigenous animals to provide "technical guidance" on infrastructure construction.

The polar bear mother who once fainted from hunger and brought her two cubs became the representative of the polar bear.

It has a quiet temperament, but is very strict in its inspection work. It will carefully check every corner of the project. If it feels dissatisfied, it will directly punch a hole and mark it with a strong bear paw.

It is "working hard" so that its bear cub will have a better life in the future and no longer suffer the suffering it has suffered.

The lemming representative also raised his hand timidly and put forward his "little opinion."

Don't panic. There are animal representatives around it. It is at the bottom of the food chain. Whenever you raise your head, you can feel the pressure from the blood. Look, the snow fox opposite is smiling at it!
Lemming: I am a mouse, I can't laugh!

I'm afraid I have to confess here today and won't be able to go home!


Chinese people may all have a fanatical love for infrastructure in their bones, but some people woke up early and some people have not developed it.

But within a few days of building Arctic infrastructure, almost everyone discovered their hobby and became more and more energetic and excited about it.

The isolation protective cover is replaced twice a day. Players count the days until the cooling time expires on their fingers. They race against time to exchange the isolation protective cover as quickly as possible when the countdown disappears to reduce the cooling time as much as possible.

The Arctic world seems to be in a better and better state, starting to get better.

However, the world has never lacked "pig teammates" who can hold them back at critical moments.

And this group of "pig teammates" even like to add insult to injury, like to stir up trouble behind the scenes, and have ulterior motives.

Parts of the permafrost in the Arctic region have been thawing for more than a day or two, but it did not attract much attention before.

It seems that it is just the equivalent of melting the snow accumulated on the roadside for a winter. It is a common thing and not worth making a fuss about.

But before humans realize it, strange things have begun to wake up in the partially thawed permafrost.

The planet has existed for billions of years. During this long time, it has experienced many asteroid "attacks".

The debris produced by the impact was scattered everywhere, some burned directly into ashes, and some were buried deeply underground through the movement of the planet's crust.

These alien planets carry many materials, energy, bacteria and even viruses that are not found on planets.

Foreign debris burned to ashes is nothing to be afraid of, but the debris buried deep underground is equivalent to being "sealed" briefly. Once the "seal" is broken, the various foreign substances they carry will spread quickly. , bringing an existential crisis with unpredictable consequences to all things on the planet.

Among the many awakened "strange things", there is one most active "fragment". Although it looks dilapidated, it can intermittently generate a special magnetic field, which seems to be trying its best to attract something. attention.

It is a fragment of a flying object from an extraterrestrial civilization long, long ago.

The higher-level extraterrestrial civilization discovered the existence of the planet and wanted to establish a bridge of communication between the two, so it sent an "envoy" to visit.

However, as luck would have it, another planetary impact happened during their visit. Their aircraft was accidentally destroyed and the "messenger" disappeared.

But after all, it was once made by a high-level civilization. The fragment of the aircraft that had been sealed in the permafrost for a long time still retains a trace of high-level civilization.

After the permafrost thawed, it realized that the opportunity to "see the light of day again" had come, and began to work hard to establish a signal source and try to communicate with today's extraterrestrial civilizations.

Unexpectedly, the first people waiting are not its "compatriots", but the natives of this planet.

The group of natives discovered it, became curious about it, and continued to explore and study it.

It originally thought that "my life was at an end" and would be lost in the hands of these people, and there would never be a chance to return to its "home planet".

But this group of people didn't know why and didn't destroy it or make it public, and they didn't even take any precautions.

They simply simulated the magnetic field fluctuations it produced and began to continuously transmit signals to outer space.

It didn't know what they were going to do. It could only secretly pray that its "home planet" could distinguish the authenticity of the signal and not be deceived by these natives.

(End of this chapter)

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