Different Game Department Male God

Chapter 101 The little sister pretending to be mature

Chapter 101 The little sister pretending to be mature

Sun Youling stepped forward and said with a smile.

"Boss, here we come."

Gong Zijie followed behind and bowed slightly, her eyes still a little confused, as if she was saying, who am I, where am I, and what am I doing here?
Before Yiyin could speak, Xi Feifei had appeared under the stairs and said.

"Hey, boss, why didn't you go in and wait? Sun Youling, you guys are here too? It's so fast."

Sun Youling looked back at Xi Feifei and smiled.

"The road is not congested at this time, and it is very convenient to take a taxi. After all, the driveway in Motor City is not a racing track. The speeds of racing cars and taxis are about the same, so there is no distance between them."

Sun Youling could see it clearly, before Yiyin could sit still, Xi Feifei started off in a speeding car, how dangerous it was!

Does your sports car start quickly?No matter how fast you are, can you be faster than a new energy vehicle?

Sun Youling's family is wealthy and she is usually not short of money.She saw that Xi Feifei was so high-profile and drove in and out of cars when she was still a student. She was not a serious person!

She was probably a scumbag who used a sports car to seduce men in school. I don’t know how she met Yiyin senior.

Sun Youling was filled with a sense of mission at this moment, to protect her idol from being bullied by such a bad woman.

Xi Feifei felt a little fresh and excited about Sun Youling's hostility.

I fell in love with the boy at the next table for the first time in junior high school, so I secretly told my sister when I got home.Xi Feifei's love life in the past ten years has been deeply shrouded in the shadow of Xi Lanlan.

Because of Xi Lanlan's mysophobia and narcissism, Xi Feifei was forced to lose her right to be a lover, and gradually forgot the feeling of love, immersed in the twisted emotions of playing games with her sister.

As Xi Lanlan becomes busier and busier, she gradually loses control over Xi Feifei, who is getting older. Yiyin happens to appear at this time, and finally new variables appear in Xi Feifei's twisted life.

Xi Feifei looked at Sun Youling and savored this new feeling that she had never had before.

Is this jealousy?Interesting, really interesting.

Xi Feifei looked at Sun Youling and smiled weirdly. Sun Youling couldn't help but shrink back. She was so stubborn that she froze her figure and refused to show weakness in front of Xi Feifei.

Although Sun Youling has a tumor in her brain, she is not crazy. Naturally, she does not understand Xi Feifei's perverted thoughts, but she feels more and more that Xi Feifei is a weirdo.

Several people gathered at the door. Xi Feifei and Sun Youling had a secret confrontation for just a moment when a high-pitched female voice came from behind the door.

"Feifei, you're already at the door, why don't you come in?"

Yiyin's heart sank. It was this female voice who scolded the KTV manager at the front desk just now. It turned out that the investor Xi Feifei found was really her. She didn't seem like an easy person to get along with.

With a smile on her face, Xi Feifei stepped forward and hugged the woman.

"Xiao Xin, why are you anxious? We just arrived.

Come, let me introduce to you. This is the boss of the company where I was an intern during my senior year, Yiyin.

Boss, this is my good friend, Gao Xin. "

Yiyin turned to look at the main entrance. The woman who had just hugged and separated from Xi Feifei was completely different from the vicious shrew he had imagined.

With a small oval face and big eyes, this girl looks a little childish, but unexpectedly she is a young girl.

However, looking at her clothes, there was something wrong.

Wearing a sexy black suspender dress, the silk texture of the summer dress is extremely close-fitting, showing off her tall and slender figure.

The white sunscreen cardigan draped over her shoulders and the international-style nude lip makeup suddenly blurred her girlish look. Is she going to take the route of a mature business woman?
Yiyin didn't think that such a rich young lady would not have her own fashion designer to help her match her clothes.

For a young and beautiful girl to insist on a mature and charming business style, it must be out of her own ideas and requirements.

A girl with a childish temperament, deliberately showing her strength, is really contradictory and cute.But when I think of her sarcastic remarks to the KTV manager just now, it makes people dislike her.

While breathing, Yiyin had so many thoughts running through his mind, and at the same time he stretched out his hand, smiled, and said politely.

"Hello, Ms. Gao Xin."

When Yiyin calls her lady, he deliberately holds her in his arms.Since the other party is committed to showing maturity, she definitely doesn't like to be treated like a child. She should like to be called a lady with a little respect.

Sure enough, Gao Xin looked at Yiyin carefully, raised his brows, and seemed to have a very good first impression of him.

"Hello, Mr. Yi.

Okay, stop talking at the door, the private room is ready, let's go in. "

Gao Xin didn't even ask about Sun Youling and Gong Zijie. He turned around and led the way proudly, as if he was ignoring the weeds on the roadside.

Xi Feifei glanced at Sun Youling and smiled playfully, then she turned to chase Gao Xin.

"Wait for me, Xiaoxin, don't walk so fast."

Sun Youling was so angry that she was despised by her love rival. She was actually despised by her love rival!Also, this investor is really rude!

Gong Zijie on the side still looked confused.Unable to figure out the situation, she was already designing the details of the Angry Birds levels in her mind. She was idle anyway.

Yi Yin frowned.

"Let's go in."

He was also wondering in his heart, is Gao Xin a reliable investor?


The moment he walked into the box, Yiyin's eyes widened and his expression was a little dull.

The private room is about twenty or thirty square meters in size, with a blue-toned wavy roof above the head. There are three coffee tables side by side in the middle, and foreign wine has been set up.

The color scheme of the long sofa is consistent with the roof, and it is very comfortable under the soft lighting.

Four display screens are embedded on the three walls behind the sofa, one on each side and two directly behind the sofa.The main screen facing the customer's sofa seemed to be as big as a hundred inches.

Yiyin couldn't help touching his head.

Although the brilliant name and lobby are shabby, the hardware inside is really heroic.

Just as he was in a daze, Gao Xin and Xi Feifei were already sitting on the sofa in the middle of the coffee table, talking so close to each other.

There is already a serving prince standing in the room. He will be responsible for opening the fruit plate, opening the wine and ordering songs.

Yiyin glanced at the two girls behind him. Sun Youling looked calm and seemed not surprised by this set of things.

Gong Zijie looked shocked. Her rustic look was even worse than that of Yi Yin.

Yiyin coughed, muttering to himself that he couldn't be embarrassed, and then pretended to understand and walked in.

After the three of them sat down, the prince began to bustle about, opening foreign wine, picking up glasses, and dividing fruit plates. He was obviously very familiar with the business.

When he was almost busy, the door of the box was opened, and Yiyin saw the manager who had been trained by Gao Xin to look like a grandson came in, showing a professional flattering smile.

"Young Master Gao, everything is ready."

Gao Xin was talking to Xi Feifei and gave instructions casually.

"Choose when you're ready."

Yiyin glanced at his phone subconsciously. Only about 10 minutes had passed since Gao Xin cursed. This manager is also capable and can really fulfill customers' unreasonable requests.

The manager nodded and bowed, and then walked out. After a while, a group of splendid men came in.

The leader, an old man in a straight suit and quite elegant, spoke with a smile.

"Young Master Gao, you came to play so early, so my children didn't have a good night's sleep."

Gao Xin was too lazy to talk nonsense with the old man. He just glanced at him and pointed at three men.

"Just the three of them, the others go out."

Lao Baozi knew how to read someone's eyes. He saw that Gao Xin was indeed here to talk about business today, so he didn't continue to dwell on nonsense.

The manager waved her hand, and a group of people filed out again. Finally, she smiled and said to Gao Xin.

"Young Master Gao, have fun."


Then the manager carefully closed the door.

The three men standing in the field, all elegant and generous, began to introduce themselves from left to right.

"Hello bosses, I'm Ah Cheng."

. . .

After the man on the far right introduced himself, Gong Zijie, who was sitting on the sofa next to him, suddenly stood up.

"Hello everyone, my name is Gong Zijie."

The atmosphere in the venue condensed for a moment, and then erupted into joyous laughter that seemed to tear the roof off.

Gong Zijie was so confused that she looked at the people leaning forward and backward with laughter, not quite understanding the situation.

Shouldn’t everyone introduce themselves one by one?
(End of this chapter)

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