Different Game Department Male God

Chapter 102 The Silly Daughter of the Landlord's Family

Chapter 102 The Silly Daughter of the Landlord's Family

Gong Zijie looked at everyone with an innocent face, the three gentlemen who were standing upright couldn't stand anymore, they bent over and laughed until they couldn't do it.

The one who smiled most exaggeratedly was Gao Xin, who was sitting in the middle position, almost rolling on the sofa.

This burst of laughter instantly swept away the strong business atmosphere, and everyone became much more relaxed.

The three gentlemen sat down separately.

The gentleman on the right sat directly next to Gong Zijie, looking at the first sister with interest, his eyes looking straight as if he wanted to devour her.

Gong Zijie subconsciously kept a distance from him. Even the dullest person felt that something was not right at this moment.This business occasion seemed not as pure as Gong Zijie thought.

Among the three gentlemen, the middle one was the most handsome, so it was natural for him to sit next to Gao Xin.

As for the one on the left, he first looked at Sun Youling. Sun Youling came close to Yiyin and pressed against her. Then he understood that Shi Shiran wanted to sit next to Xi Feifei.

Unexpectedly, Xi Feifei looked at him with cold eyes, which frightened him so much that he didn't know where to sit.

Gao Xin pointed to the empty seat on the other side of him and said.

"Sit here."

The gentleman finally breathed a sigh of relief, smiled handsomely, and sat down.

At this time, Gong Zijie was sitting at one end of the couch, careful not to get close to the gentleman next to her who was very interested in her.

There is a gentleman sitting on each side of Gao Xin in the middle, and corresponding to her, Xi Feifei and Sun Youling are sitting on both sides of Yiyin.

Xi Feifei was close to Gao Xin in the middle, while Sun Youling sat further away, just leaning against Yiyin and saying nothing, as if she was protecting the food.

Gao Xin looked at them with great interest.

The three people sitting here are all the top gentlemen here, but today they are all outclassed by Yiyin.

In terms of appearance, Yiyin is only high but not low.In terms of temperament, he is a few steps ahead of these promiscuous men.

The originally stiff business atmosphere relaxed because of Gong Zijie's episode.

Gao Xin's tense nerves also relaxed and became more natural.Like a little girl, she winked at Xi Feifei mischievously, feeling proud that I had seen through everything.

Xi Feifei also didn't expect that Gong Zijie, whom Yiyin accidentally brought, would actually make a contribution. It was a wonderful start to make the host and guest happy with such a strange opening.

As the organizer, Xi Feifei smiled first.

"Xiao Xin, you have rarely been back in England these years. How long has it been since we last met?"

Gao Xin snorted.

"You still have the nerve to say that every time I come back to play with you, I always say that studies are the most important thing. I barely have the chance to drag you out once or twice, but I always come late and leave early.

This time, it was quite refreshing. "

Gao Xin looked at Yiyin with profound meaning.

Xi Feifei pretended not to understand the teasing in Gao Xin's tone and turned to Yiyin.

"Boss, Xiaoxin and I are classmates in junior high school. We are close sisters who came from an international school. We have a great relationship.

Ten years ago, we started a business together. If she hadn't gone abroad for high school and I stayed in China, we would have been working on projects together.

You see, there is just an opportunity this time. "

Yiyin suddenly realized that these two people were old classmates from the international school.

There are many international schools in Morocco, some are nine-year schools, some are 12-year schools. The biggest feature of these schools is the relaxed learning environment.

Because most of the children who can study there are considering going abroad. Some are sent out after graduating from junior high school, and some wait until they graduate from high school.

But no matter which one it is, most people will not consider participating in the single-plank bridge where thousands of troops are galloping.

Therefore, the school has a very relaxed atmosphere and often provides quality education that is both educational and entertaining.

It is normal for someone like Gao Xin to go abroad after graduating from junior high school, but someone like Xi Feifei who is admitted to Jiaotong University is an anomaly.

Yiyin continued with a smile.

"You started a business together ten years ago? You were still junior high school students at that time, right?"

Xi Feifei said with a smile.

"Boss, don't underestimate junior high school students. I was learning to paint at that time, and Xiaoxin thought of using her summer vacation to start a business to sell my paintings.

Back then, my sister was very popular in the high school, and there were many male nymphos who liked her.We originally planned to sell my paintings to those male nymphos at high prices. "

Yiyin smiled bitterly and shook his head. Xi Feifei was really amazing. She had already had the idea of ​​Xi Lanlan at a young age.But with the looks of their sisters, this is indeed feasible.

he asked.

"So did you succeed in the end?"

Gao Xin curled his lips and said.

“Success means being successful and making a lot of money.

But they couldn't be sold to those male nymphos. Many of my mother's subordinates came here because of the reputation and bought all the paintings at high prices. "

Gao Xin's tone was full of teasing, and he seemed not very satisfied with the result.

Xi Feifei explained.

"Xiaoxin's mother is the chairman of Gundam Group, and Xiaoxin is her only daughter."

Yiyin thought for a while and asked uncertainly.

"That Gundam Group that does construction?"

Xi Feifei nodded.

"Yeah, that's it."

Yiyin couldn't help but be speechless.

It turns out that Gao Xin is really the second generation of super rich people. No wonder he acts so domineeringly and teaches the managers here how to behave in every minute.

The Gundam Group is considered the largest construction group in the country. It has [-] commercial plazas in Motor City alone, making it a real commercial giant.

Gao Xin didn't seem to like Xi Feifei's mention of her mother and snorted.

"Feifei, why are you mentioning my mother? This time I won't be as anticlimactic as last time.

To tell the truth, a lot of people have come to me for investment recently.I don't lack money.So when I make friends, I don’t care whether the other person has money or not.

However, since it is an investment, it must be in the business, and I cannot just invest money casually just because you and I have a good relationship.

I am very happy to start a business and invest on my own ability, not on my mother. "

Yiyin resisted the urge to roll his eyes.

Gao Xin looked like she was self-reliant, seemingly forgetting that the coveted [-] million in her pocket was given by her mother.

Xi Feifei smiled slightly and said.

"Gao Xin, according to your wishes, am I coming to you for your money?"

Although Xi Feifei was still laughing, the name-calling instantly suppressed Gao Xin's arrogance.

The identity of the second young lady of the Xi family was higher than that of Gao Xin, the heir to the Gundam Group, which made her bold words suddenly seem inappropriate.

Gao Xin smiled awkwardly and explained.

"Feifei, don't get me wrong. Of course I'm not talking about you, I'm talking about others. Recently, many people have come to me, which makes me upset."

Gao Xin gave in, and Xi Feifei's smile brightened again.

"The relationship between you and me as sisters is of course different. I can't be like those people who only want to defraud you of your money.

So, as soon as I saw a good project here, I immediately thought of you. Is that interesting? "

Xi Feifei made Gao Xin speechless with a few words, but in fact, she really wanted Gao Xin's money.

Xi Feifei's association with Yiyin will inevitably make Xi Lanlan dissatisfied.With Xi Lanlan pressuring her, it was not easy for Xi Feifei to find someone to invest in Yiyin.

And Xi Feifei's own pocket money of RMB 80 cannot support Miss Xi Er's face, so naturally she has to find another way to get a big project to live up to her status.

Gao Xin, a super-rich second generation who seems shrewd but is actually immature, returned to China to start a business at this time.

The silly daughter of a landlord's family, holding a gold brick in her hand, naturally attracted the covetousness of people from all walks of life.

As a result, Gao Xin became the target of Xi Feifei's desire to pick out her pockets, and she tried hard to borrow her money.

(End of this chapter)

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