Different Game Department Male God

Chapter 103 My daughter will remain a young girl until she dies

Chapter 103 My daughter will remain a young girl until she dies

Gao Xin glanced at Yiyin and said to Xi Feifei.

"Good project? Lianliankan. This game is really good. I've been playing it recently.

But I heard that White Swan Group attaches great importance to the electronic game industry that has just emerged. Swan Entertainment has established a subsidiary, Swan Games, to seize the market.

It's not that I can't trust you, Feifei, but I know a little bit about the situation of your Nintendo Game Company.

A popular app called Lianliankan was targeted by the White Swan Group less than two weeks after it was launched. You didn’t make much money, right?

Moreover, your company's game also has built-in identification, and refuses the following purchases. Is this a grudge against money?
Swan Entertainment now has a full set of free games, which is coming in a big way.Start-up companies like you have small arms and legs. You don’t want to develop quickly, but you still have to shackle yourself?Will it work? "

Gao Xin picked up his own wine glass, touched Xi Feifei's glass on the coffee table, and continued.

"Feifei, you and I are old classmates, I will definitely give you face, and I can invest this money.

However, I hope your company can show some sincerity first and cut down the barriers to identity verification and paid games.

The purpose of investing is to make money. There is no reason for me to invest in a project that is bound to lose money, right? "

After finishing speaking, Gao Xin drank all the wine in the glass, then put down the glass, leaned on the sofa, and looked at Yiyin with an arrogant expression.

One of the two handsome guys beside her poured him wine, and the other picked up a piece of cantaloupe with a toothpick and carefully put it into her mouth.

Gao Xin chewed the fruit while waiting for Yiyin's answer.

Xi Feifei smiled slightly and looked at Yiyin.She has been trying her best to be attentive these days, but Yiyin is as guarded against her as a thief.

It would definitely be a lie to say that a rich girl like Xi Feifei was not angry.Now seeing Gao Xin making things difficult for Yiyin, she was happy to let Yiyin face it on his own.

Anyway, given the reputation of Second Miss Xi, Gao Xin will definitely have to pay some blood today, but whether the money will be paid out quickly or withholding money depends on Yiyin's ability.

In her heart, Xi Feifei was actually very critical of Yiyin's business philosophy.As Wen Xinghan said, Yiyin's idea is too naive and not suitable for starting a company. It is better to be more reliable when it comes to his reputation.

It would also be a good thing if Gao Xin's pressure can make Yiyin change course and make the company's future development more rational.

Therefore, Xi Feifei could sit back and watch with peace of mind how Yiyin would deal with it.

Facing the testing gazes of the two women, Yiyin felt clear at that moment, and that strange intuition seemed to have returned.

It seems that the benefit of time travel is not only getting younger and younger, Yiyin gradually undergoes other changes in his life again and again.

The sixth sense that saw through Xi Lanlan's malicious intentions last time seemed to appear again now.

Looking at Gao Xin with his arms folded on his chest, Yiyin keenly recalled every detail of his first meeting with Gao Xin.

She studied abroad in junior high school. She has an arrogant temperament and immature experience. She is extremely eager to prove herself and is unwilling to mention her family background. She forces herself to wear strong-woman business-style clothes that are inconsistent with her temperament.

For a moment, Yiyin's eyes were blurred, and he focused his eyes again. He looked at Gao Xin in front of him, and he seemed to have a clear understanding in his heart.

Crossing his hands on his chest is a typical gesture of resistance, which shows that Gao Xin is subconsciously not willing to invest money, but has to invest because of Xi Feifei's affection.

So, how should Yiyin convince her?
From Gao Xin's point of view, Yiyin was just stunned for a moment, and then his eyes flashed with a terrifying light, which made him feel terrified.

She shrank back subconsciously, but in the next second, she hugged the two handsome men beside her, pretending to be nonchalant, refusing to show weakness.

Yiyin raised the corner of his mouth and realized that he was in particularly good condition now and seemed to be able to see through Gao Xin.

He said.

"To have the opportunity to meet Young Master Gao today is the face of Miss Xi Er, I feel very honored.

Actually, I don’t quite understand the lives of you rich people. The experiences you mentioned are beyond my comprehension.

Mr. Gao, I feel that you are not short of money. Why are you so eager to make money? "

Gao Xin snorted coldly, put down her hands that were hugging left and right, leaned forward, and said.

"Does this have anything to do with the investment we are talking about now?"

Yiyin smiled slightly and said.

"I would venture to speculate that you are trying to prove yourself.

I think using money to prove ourselves is indeed a good way for ordinary people like us who are short of money.

But does it make sense to a rich man like you?No matter how much money you make, can you make more money than your mother?
Do you really care how much money you make?Or is it to make money for others to see, longing for others' approval? "

Gao Xin's face was as cold as ice at this time. She glanced at Xi Feifei, who was smiling and silent. If it wasn't for Xi Feifei's sake, she would have turned her back and chased him away.

Suppressing his temper, Gao Xin squeezed out a sentence from his throat.

"That's all you want to say?"

Yi Yin shook his head and said.

"I don't know how to convince you, because your world and mine are so different. Your starting point is an end point that I can't reach in my life.

Identification and free charging are not the focus.The point is, do you like playing games?Can you be my fellow traveler?
Nintendo is not a swan game. The White Swan Group is here to make money, and I really want to make games.

Mr. Gao, have you ever thought about what is the purest happiness?

Running around like a child, climbing trees, digging out bird eggs, eager to climb distant mountains and see the scenery you have never seen before?

But unfortunately, our childhood was spent in a jungle made of reinforced concrete, where we studied step by step.

Like a wise commander, leading thousands of troops, turning the tide, winning war after war, and being praised by everyone?
Once he becomes famous, his bones will wither, and his daughter's passion will give way to peaceful development.There's nothing wrong with this, it's just a pity that the passion is gone.

Or, traveling together with three or five sisters, you have a common goal, you want to become a champion admired by thousands of people.

football?Basketball?Not enough, people have been longing for heroes of the new era.

In fact, there should be many, many joys like this, but there is none in this world.

I am here to bring this happiness to the world and let people in this world know what video games are.

I believe that every child once had a beautiful vision of the world, but it was eventually buried by reality.

I believe that it is just buried, not obliterated.Daughters are young girls until they die. They only need a chance to find their own happiness again.

I have a dream, I hope to play such a game.

You can fly freely in the sky, you can explore every corner, you can get many friends, and you can have beautiful clothes.

You can challenge powerful monsters, laugh happily, cry happily, and go on adventures with your friends.

Everyone's dreams may be different, or they may be the same.Young Master Gao, have you ever had your own teenage fantasies?
If you still have the burning passion of a girl in your heart, give me money and I will realize it for you. "

After Yiyin finished speaking, he looked at Gao Xin and saw that she was in a daze, not knowing what she was thinking.

Xi Feifei on the side sighed secretly, she had never seen anyone discussing business like this.We are here to talk about investment and return ratio.

Will my daughter still be a girl until she dies?Talking about the train?who do you think You Are?In the game Daji fights the wolf with nothing?
(End of this chapter)

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