Different Game Department Male God

Chapter 104 Yiyin is a good person

Chapter 104 Yiyin is a good person

Xi Feifei couldn't understand, but Sun Youling looked at Yiyin with stars in her eyes.

Idols are idols, and the way they treat money like dirt is so cool!

Of course, Yiyin wasn't talking foolishly, he just felt that what he said was normal didn't work for Gao Xin, and he had to use his sword to take a slant.

Is Gao Xin short of money?There was no shortage, but Yiyin felt a sense of loneliness and loneliness in her.

Imagine a girl graduates from junior high school and studies and lives alone in a foreign country. Her mother can give her a superior and prosperous life and a good learning environment, but is this enough?

It's not normal to pretend to be old-fashioned at a young age and like to talk about business KTV, which is the favorite business KTV for middle-aged and elderly women.

The desire to prove oneself is just a facade.Gao Xin was confused. What she needed was recognition and to get rid of that feeling of loneliness.

This is Yiyin's understanding and the way he wants to persuade Gao Xin.

What you invest is money, but what I produce is happiness!Talking about the return on investment ratio is too vulgar, let’s talk about the excitement and sense of mission of creating a new world!
Become a game partner and I will give you a unique new world so that you will never feel lonely again!
Xi Feifei just wanted to get into Gao Xin's pocket, and she only wanted to take advantage of this former junior high school classmate.Even if you are full of smiles and talk eloquently about friendship, it is still an indifferent relationship of interests.

But Yiyin is different. He really wants to move the video games from the world of men to the world of women, and is looking for like-minded partners.

This sincerity is what Yiyin hopes Gao Xin will notice.

The life of studying abroad made Gao Xin understand the power of money early on.She has money, and in a foreign country, she also tried to use money to make friends, but in the end she only became more lonely.

Her experience has left her with a sensitive heart. Under her seemingly arrogant and mature appearance, she is a fragile girl who is afraid of being hurt.

Can games really bring her pure happiness and pure friendship?
Gao Xin was not sure, because Yiyin's words sounded very unreliable!

However, Gao Xin wanted to give it a try. Anyway, she was not short of money, so why not give it a try.

She said.

"Mr. Yi, do you know?

In some places abroad, the ability to speak is more important than the ability to work.These words of yours are very provocative. If you revise them, you might be able to use them as a speech.

Congratulations, you have successfully convinced me that I can invest my money in you without interfering with your work content.

But I hope you can remember what you said, I am waiting to play your game, waiting for you to tell me what true happiness is.

I like competitive competitions, and my daughter is passionate. You should remember this clearly and play more games that I love to play. "

Yiyin thought to himself, competitive games are great. In ancient times there was StarCraft, and today there is League of Legends. I hope you have a great time.

But he thought again and sighed helplessly.

"That would cost a lot of money."

Gao Xin thought that Yiyin was teasing her deliberately, but Miss Fu's temper couldn't be suppressed, so she got angry and sneered.

"One hundred million, is it enough?"

Yiyin thought for a while and reluctantly accepted it.

"I'll try my best."

This is not because Yiyin is being pretentious, but it’s just that it’s really not certain.

Although he doesn't know how to make games, he has been instilled with a little programming knowledge by Li Hongmei these days, and he barely has a concept.

Making video games is like using a computer to write articles.

You have to build a word processing program first, and then write articles on the program.The better the program, the easier it will be to write articles. Word is definitely easier to use than the Notepad that comes with Windows.

The same goes for making games. You must first build an excellent game engine before you can design an excellent game on the game engine.

You know, although IT is developed in this world, there is no video game. Simple interactive games like Lianliankan have just appeared.

Characters, scenes, 3D rendering, mature game engine technology that has been developed for 30 years in the male world are still blank in the female world.

Some things require not only money, but also time to study.Yiyin doesn't know how much money and time it takes to develop a game engine from scratch.

If we want to make a leap from Lianliankan to StarCraft in one step, will we take too big a step and cause trouble?Yiyin didn't dare to guarantee it. After all, he was a layman, and many things had to be accomplished by professionals.

Yiyin does have the complete game content in his mind, but now he lacks the tools to project it into reality.As the saying goes, it's hard for a clever woman to cook without rice, so there's nothing she can do about it.

But Gao Xin and Xi Feifei didn't think so. They thought Yiyin was greedy and wanted to increase the price.

Seeing Gao Xin's face turn ugly, Xi Feifei quickly interrupted.

"Let's sing first, Xiaoxin. It's been a long time since we sang together, right?"

Gao Xin glanced at Xi Feifei, nodded to save face, and scolded the prince in front of him who was responsible for ordering songs.

"Why are you still standing there? Help me to sing a song called Lonely Warrior."

Xi Feifei asked Yiyin with a smile.

"Boss, do you want to go to the bathroom to touch up your makeup? I'll take you there. The road here is quite winding."

Yiyin touched his face, when did I put on makeup?I am not the two charming men next to Gao Xin, wearing heavy makeup.

The next second, Xi Feifei dragged Yiyin out of the room and warned Sun Youling with her eyes not to follow her.

As soon as the two of them walked out, Gong Zijie had already rushed to Sun Youling's side, holding her hand and not letting go.

Gong Zijie really couldn't stand the teasing of the handsome elder brother, so she turned red and came to find Sun Youling as a shield.Sun Youling forced her to come here, so she must be responsible.

Sun Youling was pulled by Gong Zijie, and she watched helplessly as Yiyin was dragged away by Xi Feifei, and was forced to stay. She was in a bad mood, and her eyes were naturally unkind, warning the gentleman opposite not to come over.

The gentleman opposite curled his lips, and the interesting chick ran back to the old hen. It was really boring.She had no choice but to sit there alone with a smile, and she didn't feel embarrassed. After all, the sex fee would not be less than a penny for him.

Xi Feifei pulled Yiyin out of the door, let go of her hand, and turned around to look at him helplessly.

"Boss, I know you have the ability to trick Gao Xin out of [-] million with your words.

But don't go too far. One hundred million is too much. If you ask for more, Gao Xin will really fall out.

That little girl has a bad temper. "

Yi Yin shook his head and said.

"No, I have no intention of increasing the price.

With the company's current development speed, it will be difficult to produce the competitive game she wants, and it may take a long time.

I was worried that the money she invested would be in vain. After all, it was [-] million yuan. "

Xi Feifei looked at Yiyin in shock.

"Are you worried about this?"

Yiyin nodded.

"Otherwise? With such a big sum of money, we have to be responsible for others, right?"

Xi Feifei couldn't help but laugh, her branches trembled with laughter and she couldn't straighten up.

Yiyin felt a little unhappy and touched his nose.

"Is it funny?"

Xi Feifei wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes and shook her head.

"No, it's very interesting. Boss, you are such a nice person."

Being given a good guy card for no reason, Yiyin still didn't understand the situation.

Xi Feifei explained.

"Boss, do you know how many people have been eyeing Gao Xin's [-] million yuan recently?

Those people are not as kind as you. They just want to take the money away and never consider giving Gao Xin anything in return.

Anyway, the Gao family has a lot of money, and the mistress of the Gao family does not expect Gao Xin to make money from investing. She just hopes to teach her a lesson and let her go back to her own group to intern and inherit the family business in the future.

You are kind-hearted, and you started thinking about her even before you got the money.There are not many good people like you in society nowadays. "

(End of this chapter)

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