Different Game Department Male God

Chapter 105 I really think he is great

Chapter 105 I really think he is great

Xi Feifei's teasing words sounded particularly harsh to Yiyin.

He looked at Xi Feifei with a sullen look on his face.

Xi Feifei comes from a very good family background, even Gao Xin, the arrogant super lady, is cautious towards her and dare not treat her lightly.

Because Xi Feifei's mother is the general manager of Hehe Group's Zhejiang Branch, and because Xi Feifei's sister is the president of Gaoshan Investment Group, she is as powerful as the Gaoshan Group and cannot afford to offend the Xi family.

But for children like Xi Lanlan and Xi Feifei, why don't they have any positive energy in them?Ingenuity is used in calculations.

You should work hard to complete what you promise others.If you take other people's money, you must return it to them with interest.Isn't this the outstanding quality of the descendants of Yan and Huang?
Even the merchants who were most criticized by the ancients for placing emphasis on profit over justice can still make promises worth a thousand pieces of gold.

Regarding benevolence, justice, propriety, wisdom and trust as the five constant elements is China's most basic requirement for people.This is the truth since ancient times.

Regardless of Gao Xin's character, if she is willing to invest money, Yiyin must consider her investment.Make good games, that's a promise.Not letting Gao Xin lose money is also integrity.

However, Xi Feifei, who has a good background, a high degree of education, and a smart mind, doesn't take it seriously, and even mocks Yiyin's ignorance.

Yiyin was immediately angry. Damn it, why did he become like this?

Seeing Yiyin's eyes that contained real anger, Xi Feifei curled her lips subconsciously, thinking that he was too naive.But after thinking about it again, I swallowed my words.

After all, Yiyin is just a man.Men are very emotional and far less rational than women, so they cannot accomplish great things.

Xi Feifei came to help Yiyin find investment, which is a small deal of [-] million yuan.Gao Xin didn't care about the money, and Xi Feifei didn't care much.

They don't lack material things, but what they lack is some kind of spiritual comfort, recognition, and goals.

In this case, Xi Feifei thinks there is no need to argue too much with Yiyin on this matter, so as not to increase Yiyin's bad feeling towards her.

Thinking of this, Xi Feifei smiled slightly and said.

"Forget it, as long as you're happy.

But this is not bad. It is better for Gao Xin's money to be squandered by others than to be squandered by others. I can also save face.

You don't know, there are always some people in the circle recently encouraging her to spend money on some live broadcast, and you don't know what kind of trouble it will cause in the end. "

Just as Yiyin was about to say something more, the door behind them was opened, and Gao Xin appeared in front of them and said unhappily.

"Why don't you guys come in to sing? I've almost finished singing "Lonely Warriors", so come in quickly and applaud me. I went to Dawan to learn the authentic singing method from Mr. Chen."

Xi Feifei smiled.

"Here you go, didn't you just come back?"

Xi Feifei didn't know when Gao Xin was behind the door, nor how much she had heard, but there was no need to delve into it.

Yiyin followed him into the box and saw Gong Zijie huddled next to Sun Youling, who gave him a helpless look.

In the distance, three gentlemen were applauding, and Gao Xin stood alone in the middle of the field, roaring the climax of "The Lonely Warrior".

Although she was wearing mature clothes, she looked like a lonely elementary school student.

Xi Feifei smiled and handed the other microphone to Yiyin and said.

"She's almost finished singing. Why don't you sing one too? Is there anything you want to sing?"

Yiyin looked at the phone and frowned.

"Must you sing?"

Xi Feifei smiled.

"They invested [-] million, so why don't you give me some face?"

Yiyin nodded.

"Then let's play a song and walk away in style."

Xi Feifei shook her head in disappointment.

"Such an old song."

Yiyin took the microphone, cleared his throat and said.

"A good song is not afraid of getting old."

The two looked at each other and smiled, with different thoughts.

After that, it was normal singing and socializing, and no one mentioned investment again.

With Xi Feifei's guarantee and Gao Xin's personal promise of [-] million, he would never dare to break his promise. Breaking his promise would be a slap in the face of Second Miss Xi.

It was already past three o'clock when the group came, and they had been socializing for more than two hours. Gao Xin suggested going to have something to eat, but Yiyin declined because she had children waiting for her at home.

As soon as Yiyin ran away, Sun Youling and Gong Zijie naturally ran away as well, leaving only Gao Xin and Xi Feifei in the box.

Gao Xin was a little unhappy. It was rare for people to be so disrespectful to her.

Rather than being upset, Gao Xin was more surprised by another thing. She asked the three gentlemen and the prince to go out to settle the bill, while she and Xi Feifei chatted alone in the box.

"Feifei, this Yiyin has children? Is he married?"

Xi Feifei nodded.

"My six-year-old daughter looks like a doll, very cute."

Gao Xin rolled his eyes.

"That's not the point, okay! You have such a strong taste now? Are you also interested in a married man?"

Xi Feifei retorted.

"Don't talk nonsense.

I have a bottom line as a human being, and it is impossible for me to destroy other people's family happiness.Yiyin's wife died in a car accident and he was a widower. "

Gao Xin couldn't help laughing. He didn't know whether he was laughing at Xi Feifei for saying that he had a bottom line as a human being, or something else.

"Now you are playing more and more exciting games. In order to attract men, you even brought a widower to collect my money.

But this Yiyin is really well maintained. I can see that he has no makeup at all, but his skin and temperament are great, and he looks much more handsome than the socialites outside. He is indeed a top-notch husband.

No wonder you are tempted, I feel a little itchy when I look at it, but this Yihua is a bit painful. "

Seeing Gao Xin condescendingly commenting on Yiyin, and thinking about Yiyin's responsible and serious consideration for Gao Xin's investment, Xi Feifei suddenly felt a little unhappy and restless.

she said coldly.


Gao Xin's laughter stopped suddenly, and she looked at Xi Feifei in disbelief.

"Feifei, are you serious this time?"

Xi Feifei's heart was in confusion, and she didn't know if she was being serious.

When it comes to relationships, she and Yiyin have known each other for less than a month, how can they have a deep friendship?

Logically speaking, she was just happy that Yiyin was not successfully captured by her sister, which gave her a glimmer of hope. Only then did she take a new look at Yiyin and start a business by hanging out with him.

But the relationship between men and women is so wonderful. Often, many things in the future can be determined in the first three meetings.

It may be the power of inertia that develops love over time.But the lover at first sight is a genetic choice.

Yiyin's handsomeness makes people attracted.Yiyin's experience makes people sympathize.Yiyin’s persistence is touching.

Xi Feifei agrees with Wen Xinghan's evaluation of Yiyin, which is that he is too naive. Yiyin has a naivety that a 30-year-old adult should not have.

But seeing him insisting on himself and not wanting to follow the crowd, Xi Feifei couldn't help but feel happy.

Xi Feifei couldn't help but think that it might be great if she could live like Yiyin.

But she is the second young lady of the Xi family, and her life has always been dominated by her mother and sister.She couldn't live like Yiyin, but it seemed interesting to watch him act innocently.

Xi Feifei was thinking about something and did not answer Gao Xin's question.Gao Xin's heart skipped a beat, Xi Feifei was really in trouble?No way?
She couldn't help but persuade.

"Feifei, don't be stupid, that's a widower, and he's carrying an oil bottle. Your mother will never agree, and neither will your sister."

If Gao Xin didn't mention his mother and sister, Xi Feifei might not think much about it.

But when she mentioned this, Xi Feifei remembered that she had been shadowed by her mother and sister all these years, and had never been able to do what she wanted to do, and her rebellious mentality suddenly arose.

Xi Feifei stood up and walked out.

"I will handle my affairs myself, you don't need to worry about it."

Opening the door, Xi Feifei paused, turned back and spoke seriously to Gao Xin.

"That [-] million may be the best investment in your life. Don't let me hear you laugh at Yiyin again. He... is really good."

Xi Feifei left, leaving only Gao Xin in the box.The noisy room fell completely silent, like a deep loneliness that could not be eliminated no matter what.

Gao Xin turned the whiskey glass, picked up the glass and drank the wine in one gulp, then took a deep breath and muttered to himself.

"How could I laugh at him? I really think he is great and different."

(End of this chapter)

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