Different Game Department Male God

Chapter 106 A vixen in Modu

Chapter 106 Modu is a vixen
Although Yiyin is always regarded as a naive fool, but if a company wants to grow and develop, he has the two most important characteristics of a boss.

One, he really has something on his mind.Second, he really knows how to draw cakes.Coupled with Wen Xinghan's super public relations skills, Game Daji made [-] million in his first effort.

At the glorious entrance, Yiyin was still in a daze. Did he really do it?
That's 100 million yuan. Didn't Gao Xin feel so happy to give it to him if he picked up [-] yuan on the roadside due to good luck?Is the life of rich people so simple and boring?
With this RMB [-] million, Yiyin is immediately eager to try, and many projects can be launched in advance.

Didn't Gao Xin say that he likes competitive sports?Football and basketball are not as exciting as StarCraft. If you want to fix it, just fix StarCraft!
There will be an interstellar league later, which makes Gao Xin so nervous that he dare not blink and leave, and he can only eat bread when he is hungry.

Having been happy just now, Yiyin was a little worried that Gao Xin would go back on his word. Can the promise made while drinking and chatting be fulfilled?

But then he thought, if Gao Xin really went back on his word, Xi Feifei would be the most annoyed.

The investment brought in by the second young lady of the Xi family has gone bad and she has lost her face. With the temperament of that little witch, how can she just let it go? Gao Xin will definitely be in bad luck, and she should not dare to break her promise.

Thinking of this, Yiyin smiled in relief.

He had just had a few drinks and was in a high mood. Now he was eager to go home and show off to Xu Xing that he had made a glorious deed of [-] million by talking about it.

Yiyin turned to look at Sun Youling and Gong Zijie and said.

"It's getting late, you all should go back. Today is a business trip. You'll take a taxi to eat on the way home, and the company will pay the bill.

Gong Zijie, remember to take the invoice and give it to Sun Youling for reimbursement. "

No, before the charity money was received, it floated away first, and he was generous to the employees first.

Sun Youling asked worriedly when she saw that his cheeks were glowing, and he was obviously a little drunk.

"Boss, shall I take you home?"

Yiyin shook his phone and said.

"No, I took a taxi with my phone. Look, the taxi is here."

As he was talking, a taxi had stopped at the door of the KTV. Yiyin waved to the two women and got in the car.

"Everyone go back, bye."

Sun Youling watched the taxi gradually disappear from sight, then looked at Gong Zijie and smiled.

"Let's have dinner together? I'm here to treat you. Thank you for coming over today and helping me support the scene."

Gong Zijie is still confused and doesn't know how she got involved. When Sun Youling said this, she was stunned for a moment and nodded.

"Okay, I want to eat Japanese food, a buffet for 400 yuan!"

Sun Youling laughed dumbly. It seemed that in Gong Zijie's mind, the way to get justice when someone was angry was to get a 400 yuan buffet. This person was quite easy to get along with.

"No problem, I'll take you to eat Huang Ding."

As soon as the two took a few steps, Gong Zijie stood still again.

"its not right!"

Sun Youling said doubtfully.

"what happened?"

Gong Zijie pointed in the direction where the taxi disappeared and said.

"Didn't the boss say that he is the one who will pay the favor today? How come it's your treat?"

Sun Youling was stunned and giggled.

"Yeah, I almost forgot about this.

Huang Ding, let’s make another appointment. We’ll have another expensive meal today. We can’t make it cheap, boss. "


After getting into the taxi, Yiyin's excitement gradually subsided and he began to worry about work.

He is different from some bastards who deceive investors. After all, he is still a human being and is particular about what he does.After accepting money from others, what I fear most is that I will not be able to achieve results.

Thinking of this, Yiyin picked up the phone and dialed Li Hongmei's number.

The company's most important tasks now fall on Li Hongmei. She is not only a programmer, but also the person in charge of integrating art, levels, and music.

Yiyin has already given her short-term tasks for Fruit Ninja and Angry Birds projects, and later added a long-term task for galgame game engine production.

Now, Yiyin patted his chest in front of Gao Xin again and prepared to do StarCraft.

StarCraft is not a small game. Its program visualization is quite mature and it also incorporates a balanced competition mechanism. Yiyin would like to ask Li Hongmei’s opinion first.

The phone rang for a long time, and just when Yiyin thought it would be automatically hung up, the other party picked up the phone.


As soon as Li Hongmei opened her mouth, Yiyin was startled, and she almost didn't recognize her hoarse voice.

"Li Hongmei, what's wrong with you? Your voice is so hoarse. Are you sick?"

Li Hongmei on the opposite side seemed to be in a daze when she answered the phone, not noticing that the caller ID was Yiyin.

At this time, she heard Yiyin's concerned voice, her heart skipped a beat, and she quickly pretended to be fine.

"I'm fine, boss...cough cough cough cough..."

A series of violent coughs suddenly revealed Li Hongmei's trick of pretending that nothing had happened.

Yiyin frowned and asked suddenly.

"Did you work overtime without permission? And then you got sick from exhaustion?"

Li Hongmei was caught off guard and subconsciously denied it.

"No, I didn't work overtime, I was just tired from staying up late."

Yi Yin asked.

"Why did you stay up late if you didn't work overtime? What did you do when you stayed up late?"

Li Hongmei seemed to be so sick that she was confused. She couldn't think straight for a while and just made a hesitant sound of uh uh uh.

Yi Yin sighed and said.

"Tell me your new address."

Li Hongmei held on and said.

"Boss, I'm fine, don't worry."

Yiyin repeated impatiently.

"I said, give me your new address! Li Hongmei, don't make me say it a third time!"

It could be heard that Yiyin was really angry, and Li Hongmei suddenly softened.

"I live in the *** room on ** Alley **."

"The ***room is on **Road**, right?"


"Lie down for me, I'll be right over."

"Boss, you don't have to..."

"Lie down! Open the door for me later!"


Angry, Yiyin hung up the phone, said hello to the taxi driver, changed the destination on the app, and the taxi drove to Li Hongmei's house.

Yiyin's anger was not towards Li Hongmei, but towards himself.

He knew very well in his heart what kind of feelings Li Hongmei had for him, but he always pretended to be deaf and dumb, treating that night as if it never happened.

As soon as Yiyin was eager to start a business, Li Hongmei stayed in Modu silently. Instead of returning to her hometown, she moved to Xing Yaoyao's home with a salary of 5000 yuan and persisted without taking the initiative to raise any difficulties with Yiyin.

You know, every year countless startups are launched, and [-]% to [-]% will fail within a year.

Li Hongmei gave up on finding a good job in her hometown, wasted her little youth, and messed around with Yiyin. What did she want?This good girl with a reserved temperament is a fool!
No matter what request Yiyin made, she would try her best to do it, only yes and no no. In the end, she fell sick from exhaustion and remained silent.

If Yiyin hadn't happened to make a phone call, she would not have let Yiyin know.

Yiyin couldn't help but be afraid. Li Hongmei left Xing Yaoyao's house and now lives alone. No one knows if something happens to her. .I will feel guilty for the rest of my life.

Yiyin rubbed the bridge of his nose and felt the corners of his eyes were a little sore.Wen Xinghan also said that he is naive, but Li Hongmei is really naive!
Looking at the darkening sky outside the car window, when the lights first come on, another night of feasting and feasting begins in Modu.

Yiyin felt that he was just a male vixen active in this magical city, not a thing, and the guilt in his heart made him say unconsciously.

"Master, please help me drive faster, thank you."


(End of this chapter)

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