Different Game Department Male God

Chapter 107 Then and now

Chapter 107 Then and now
Li Hongmei stared blankly at the phone being hung up, and couldn't help but sighed.

She typed silently and sent a message, telling Yiyin that she put the spare key in the lower left corner of the water meter box.

The sky outside was already dark, and in the dim room, Li Hongmei felt that she no longer had the strength to turn on a light.

Li Hongmei really didn't want Yiyin to come over at this time and let him see her weak side.

Growing up in a traditional family, it was instilled in her from an early age that women should have a sense of responsibility. She would only silently bear the pressure given by society.

After graduating from Shanghai University, she worked hard to stay in this highly competitive big city and worked hard to become a responsible woman in the eyes of mainstream society.

Over the past 11 years, she has become accustomed to leaving early and returning late, and to staying up late and working overtime.She herself never thought that one day she would fall ill because of staying up late and working overtime.

Lying on the bed, Li Hongmei drowsily recalled the past and smiled helplessly.

At the age of 35, she encountered a major crisis in her life. She was fired from her company and abandoned by her boyfriend. The idea of ​​a manly wife that she once insisted on was shattered to pieces by reality.

Her energy was also not as good as before, and she would suffer from colds and fevers because she was unable to stay up late.

In the past, she was an iron woman who could not be defeated by any difficulty, but now she is like a drained battery.

Li Hongmei suddenly wanted to cry.

She hated her aging, feared her own powerlessness, and resented herself for not meeting Yiyin at the best time.She is already 35, and is a technical talent who has been graduated by the company and sent to the society.

She has no passion, no bright future, no savings for retirement, and she doesn't even have the courage to say "I love you" to Yiyin.

On this evening when she fell ill, she understood one thing like never before. She was no longer the energetic and high-spirited self she once was. She was no longer young.

The dim room was like a projection of her inner world.Her groggy mind was like her confused road ahead.

I don’t know how long time has passed, but it may have been so long that Li Hongmei felt that she would sink like this for the rest of her life.

Until that moment, she heard the sound of the door lock opening and the room lights being turned on. The sudden strong light made Li Hongmei subconsciously close her eyes.

When she got used to the light source and opened her eyes again, the male god in her dream had already appeared at the head of her bed, looking at her with a caring expression, and put his hand to her forehead.

Li Hongmei stared at him blankly, as if looking at the angel who came to save her.


Yiyin took a taxi to Li Hongmei's residence, which was an old-fashioned high-rise apartment building. The house was dilapidated and the location was remote, quite far from the subway station.

Li Hongmei must be thinking that the rent here is cheap. Anyway, the company does not require people to work at work. As long as there is an Internet connection for working from home, it is actually okay if the location is a bit off.

Yiyin found the spare key mentioned in Li Hongmei's message, opened the door and turned on the light, and smelled the smell of rotten wood from an old house.

The rooms are simply decorated, with mostly wooden boards painted with cement. It seems like the landlord is just making do with it, so the rent should be really cheap.

In the one-bedroom room, Yiyin saw at a glance that Li Hongmei was lying there on the small bed, motionless.

Yiyin was startled, and hurriedly walked over and put his hand on her forehead. It was indeed a bit hot.

At this time, Li Hongmei happened to open her eyes, looked at Yiyin and said embarrassedly.

"Boss, you don't actually need to come here specially. I just stayed up late last night and turned on the air conditioner and got cold. I have a bit of a cold. I just need to cover my sweat."

Yiyin glared at her, looked at the water glass and pills on the bedside table, and asked.

"Have you taken any medicine?"

Li Hongmei nodded.

"I've had lunch, I'll have some more later."

Yiyin looked at the pills carefully, picked up the water glass, and walked to the kitchen, intending to pour some hot water for Li Hongmei, but found that the water in the thermos had already cooled down.

He looked back at Li Hongmei, who was struggling to get up, and ordered.

"Lie down for me!"

When he shouted, Li Hongmei was so frightened that she shrank back to the bed, leaning on the pillow and not daring to move.

Yiyin rummaged through the kitchen, opened the refrigerator, took a look, shook his head, and walked back to Li Hongmei.

"have you eaten?"

Li Hongmei lowered her head and said.

"No, I want to order takeout after I wake up."

Yiyin sighed, took out his phone, and started ordering something.

Li Hongmei asked curiously.

"Boss, are you ordering takeout for me?"

Yi Yin said angrily.

"You're already like this, why do you still eat takeaway?
Also, your medicine is not for treating colds and colds, it is not suitable for the symptoms at all.Take medicine randomly, you want to die!
Just lie down and leave the rest to me. "

Yiyin ordered something, then walked into the kitchen and filled the kettle with water to boil.

Then I took a small mouthful of rice from the rice vat and started washing the rice.Fortunately, Li Hongmei has rice and a rice cooker, so she can finally cook some porridge.

Yiyin was busy in the kitchen for a long time, pouring boiling hot water into the thermos kettle and cooking porridge. Then he found that Li Hongmei's clothes from yesterday were still left in the washing machine and unwashed.

He shook his head, walked back to Li Hongmei, and put his hand into her quilt.Sure enough, her underwear was soaked with sweat.

Yi Yin said.

"Take off."

Li Hongmei was stunned.


Yiyin said impatiently.

"I said, take off your underwear and panties, and I'll help you wash them off."

Li Hongmei shook her head shyly.

"No, boss, I will handle it myself."

Yiyin snorted and opened the bedside table. Sure enough, he saw Li Hongmei's spare underwear and threw it to her.

"Change quickly. Don't sleep in wet clothes if you have a cold. I didn't see anything that night. Why are you so shy now?"

When Li Hongmei heard Yiyin mention that night, her ears turned red, she could not speak, she could only rustle under the quilt, took off her underwear and handed it to Yiyin.

Yiyin threw it into the washing machine, regardless of the difference between hand washing and machine washing, and just stirred it together.

While he was busy back and forth, there was a knock on the door outside, and he went to get things twice.Once it was egg pickled mustard, and once it was cold granules.

Afterwards, Yiyin boiled eggs in a small pot of water, and suddenly remembered that the young housekeeper at home had not yet explained it, so he called him.

"Hey, Xu Xing, I probably won't go back tonight."

"What happened to you?"

"A friend has a fever, let me come over and take care of her."

"Oh, don't be too tired. There's no need to rush back tomorrow morning. I'll take Youyou to kindergarten."

"Thank you, I'll hang up then."

Li Hongmei, who was on the bed, watched Yiyin busy in the kitchen, and felt warm in her heart. She felt a little uneasy when she heard the content of his phone call.

When Yiyin hung up the phone, Li Hongmei said to him.

"Boss, I'm sorry, I caused you trouble."

Yiyin looked back at her and said.

"We're not in the company now, don't call me boss, call me Yiyin."

Li Hongmei was stunned, her nose was a little sore, she lowered her head and hummed.

In less than an hour and a half, Yiyin had already cooked a pot of porridge, washed the clothes, and simply tidied the room.

He peeled the hard-boiled eggs, added some soy sauce, unpacked the mustard mustard, filled two bowls of white porridge, placed them on Li Hongmei's bedside table, and handed a pair of chopsticks to Li Hongmei.

Li Hongmei saw the chopsticks handed over by Yiyin, her eyes turned red, and she said affectionately.

"Yiyin, I like you."

Yiyin nodded, licked his chopsticks, and motioned to Li Hongmei to take them.

Li Hongmei stretched out her hand, and the chopsticks she took were a little trembling. She pursed her lips and repeated again.

"I really like you."

Yiyin picked up his chopsticks, crushed a few eggs, and mixed them with soy sauce.

Seeing that he ignored her, Li Hongmei said aggrievedly.

"I'm serious."

Yiyin looked at the aggrieved Li Hongmei, put a piece of crushed egg in her bowl, and said.

"I know, but I don't like seeing you fighting for me.

I hate your tenderness, silent devotion, and no regrets. This kind of feeling supported by numbness and exhaustion is too heavy and makes me feel uncomfortable all over.

I know that this society is full of various requirements for responsible domestic women. It requires you to be a good mother, a good wife, a good daughter, and even more.

You shoulder the heaviest responsibilities, grit your teeth and keep silent, and move forward with a heavy burden, and yet you are ridiculed for not understanding style, not understanding life, and being unable to satisfy a man's emotional value.

I know you like me, I know you stayed in Modu for me, I know everything you have done for me, I am very touched, but I feel even more breathless.

I can neither change society's requirements nor your thoughts. I just hope you can be better to yourself.

I hope you can know that I am very sad and sad that you have tortured yourself like this. "

After Yiyin finished speaking, he lowered his head and ate his share of porridge.

Of course he knew everything, because he in the world of men was so demanding that he couldn't breathe.

At that moment, at this moment.

(End of this chapter)

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