Different Game Department Male God

Chapter 108 Yiyin is a panacea

Chapter 108 Yiyin is a panacea

Yiyin especially understands Li Hongmei's current state based on her own experience as a social animal before time travel.

He saw Li Hongmei's weakness with his own eyes, and coupled with his previous guilt mentality, he spoke sincere words from the heart to this woman who seemed strong but was actually fragile.

Li Hongmei looked at Yiyin blankly, not expecting Yiyin to say such words.

Women in a world dominated by women bear the responsibilities of men in a world dominated by men. In their hearts, they are like a group of men with nagging hair.

They are too bitter.

Taking on the most important task of social progress, building a new life for national modernization, and obtaining the most insignificant results, they suffer the most ruthless contempt and ridicule.

Men in the world of women do not understand them, and will only think that they are cowardly, insensitive, focused on making money, do not understand life, and do not understand style.

But Yiyin understands that it is social responsibility that restricts their indulgent consumption, blooming wantonly, burning to their heart's content, and they are the backbone of this society who are silent.

Yiyin really understands them, because Yiyin has the three views of the world of men, and he is essentially a woman who grows up with Jill in the world of women.

It is rare to find a close friend in life, and it is difficult to find a close friend throughout the ages.Some people always say that men and women come from different planets and can never understand each other.

But Yiyin is different. He is the most caring confidant of women in the female world. No man in this world is as good as him, because his three views are so consistent with the women here!

With just a little verbal empathy, Li Hongmei, who was sick and fragile, couldn't bear this tenderness, and wiped away tears desperately.

The trace of regret and confusion in Li Hongmei's heart were all washed away by Yiyin's sincerity at this moment.

She has never been more convinced that her choice was right than she is today. She will never regret staying in Modu to accompany Yiyin in starting a business.

Tears fell into the porridge drop by drop, first suppressed whimpering, and finally unable to hold back the tears.Li Hongmei lost all her strength in front of Yiyin and cried like a wronged child.

Yiyin waited silently, and when Li Hongmei's sobs gradually subsided, he handed her a tissue and said softly.

"Drink the porridge. It will get cold if you leave it for a while."

Li Hongmei wiped her face with a tissue and showed a refreshing smile to Yiyin.

"Drink porridge! Let's drink porridge together!"

The portion of porridge is not much, one bowl per person, two eggs each, and a portion of pickled mustard that costs [-] yuan.

Soon, the two finished eating.

Yiyin washed the dishes in the water bucket, melted the cold medicine with hot water, added some mineral water, made the temperature even enough to drink, and brought it in front of Li Hongmei.

Li Hongmei drank it obediently. Yiyin took the cup, packed her bed and said.

"You should sweat well, rest for a night and then check again. If you still have a fever, I will take you to the hospital for an intravenous drip."

Li Hongmei huddled under the quilt and looked at Yiyin's face, feeling an impulse surge in her heart.

"Yiyin, you're not going back tonight?"

Yi Yin nodded.

"Not going back."

Li Hongmei whispered.

"Where do you sleep?"

Yiyin was stunned and looked around the room before realizing this problem.

Li Hongmei had just moved in here, so she hadn't bought any furniture.And this blank house is probably cheap enough, and it is impossible for the landlord to prepare too many things for the tenants.

Now in the bedroom, apart from Li Hongmei's bed, there is only the computer desk and chair where she works.

Yiyin simply pulled her work chair over and tried it. It could tilt back at 45 degrees, which was enough to lie down temporarily.

Yiyin was still trying out a chair next to Li Hongmei's bed when his hand was suddenly grabbed by Li Hongmei.

Yi Yin frowned.

"Hold the quilt tightly, you are going to sweat."

Li Hongmei's face turned red and she mustered up the courage to speak.

"Yiyin, come up and sleep."

Yiyin was stunned and looked at the bed. It was a 1.2-meter single bed. It was indeed possible to sleep in a tight squeeze, but Li Hongmei was sick, so she had to make her sleep more comfortable.

Just when Yiyin was about to refuse, his hand was pulled hard by Li Hongmei, and he subconsciously threw himself on the bed.

Their foreheads were almost touching, and Li Hongmei's hot breath hit Yiyin's face. Unwilling to argue with the patient, Yiyin said softly.

"You're so burned out, don't think too much and sleep well."

He shook his head and sighed helplessly.

"Don't be ridiculous, you will make the condition worse."

Li Hongmei said softly.

"Just be sick, it's worth dying."


In the morning, the mobile phone on the bedside table rang. Yiyin, who was in a daze, touched the mobile phone and clicked on it. The energetic voice came from there.

"Boss, I'm Xing Yaoyao! Do you have time to meet Mo Yu? I promise she won't be late today!"

Hearing Xing Yaoyao's energetic voice, Yiyin was very envious.

"Let's go another day, I'm not convenient today."


"No more, I'm busy here, hang up now."

Yiyin put down the phone decisively and continued to sleep, but the phone rang again, and he had no choice but to pick it up again.

Xing Yaoyao's voice came out from the phone again, and Yiyin couldn't hold back his anger. Just when he was about to curse, he was frightened and woke up the next moment.

"Hey, Miss Hongmei, are you awake?"

Yiyin quickly covered his mouth with his hands and carefully swallowed back the curse words that had reached his throat, not daring to make any sound.

He took a closer look and realized that what he picked up was Li Hongmei's mobile phone. Their mobile phones were placed on the bedside table together. No wonder they picked it up by mistake.

Yiyin looked to his side and saw Li Hongmei sleeping in a daze.But the call had already been answered, and Yiyin could only shake Li Hongmei awake.

Li Hongmei woke up just now and saw Yiyin shaking herself, showing a sweet smile and wanting to say something.

The next moment, her mouth was covered by Yiyin.Yiyin shook his phone at her, and Xing Yaoyao's voice came from the phone.

"Hello? Sister Hongmei, why don't you speak?"

Li Hongmei was also frightened and woke up. She took the phone with trembling hands and pretended to be calm.

"Hi, I'm here."

"Morning, Miss Hongmei, I called the boss just now and wanted to ask him to meet Mo Yu today, but he ignored me.

I'm a little worried. Did Mo Yu let him go yesterday and make him have a problem with me? "

Li Hongmei glanced at Yiyin beside her and said to the phone with a smile.

"How could it be? The boss is not that stingy. Maybe it's because it's inconvenient for him right now.

It's true that you can come whenever you want. The boss doesn't have nothing to do every day, just waiting to receive you and your friends. "

Yiyin breathed a sigh of relief and watched Li Hongmei and Xing Yaoyao begin to discuss work matters.

Li Hongmei's voice has returned to normal, and her face looks very good, as if she has regained her health overnight.

Yiyin couldn't help but scratch his head. Is it because Li Hongmei is in good physical condition, or is he really a panacea?

(End of this chapter)

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