Different Game Department Male God

Chapter 109 Only true love cannot be let down

Chapter 109 Only true love cannot be let down

Yiyin laughed at himself about the panacea, but he didn't know that he might really be the miracle medicine.

The passion from the male world and the passion from the female world produce strange quantum waves.Every time Yiyin has sex with others, the quantum in his body will start to become active.

This process not only helps his own body rejuvenate and has a unique perception, but also helps others rejuvenate, and even heals physical diseases in the quantum massage.

Li Hongmei and Xing Yaoyao didn't chat for long before she hung up the phone in a hurry. Now that she had no clothes on her body and Yiyin by her side, how could she still be in the mood to deal with Xing Yaoyao.

When she hung up the phone, Yiyin came forward, making her blush immediately and stammered.

"What... what's wrong?"

"Is your fever gone? Is your cold gone?"

Yiyin's rhetorical question made Li Hongmei suddenly realize that her physical condition seemed to have returned to normal, and she even felt better than before.

She stretched her shoulders and the thin quilt fell from her body. She was so frightened that she quickly grabbed the quilt.

Seeing her shy look, Yiyin couldn't help laughing, and in order to ease her embarrassment, he changed the subject.

"Xing Yaoyao asked you to talk about work?"

Li Hongmei nodded.

"Well, she's progressing very quickly. Some Fruit Ninja materials have been drawn and sent to my mailbox.

I have never seen her work so hard, but starting this week, she suddenly became full of energy and fighting spirit, which is quite strange.

I thought she would be depressed for a while after I moved away, but now it seems that she has finally matured. "

Xing Yaoyao is really happy for Xing Yaoyao. This otaku girl who has never worked a day since graduation seems to have suddenly enlightened and seems to have gotten rid of that strange relationship with a hypocrite.

Yiyin felt a little guilty and looked away. Xing Yaoyao's transformation was most likely related to him.

Thinking of Xing Yaoyao's spilled the beans and revealed the special relationship between herself and Li Hongmei, Yiyin felt a little weird in her heart.

Li Hongmei, Xing Yaoyao, and herself. .Could this relationship be any more complicated?

Yiyin shook his head and didn't think about it. Just as he was about to get up, he was hugged by Li Hongmei.

"what happened?"

"It's nothing, I just want to hug you again."

Seeing Li Hongmei's sad expression that there would be no tomorrow after today, Yiyin couldn't help laughing and said softly.

"Don't look like this. As long as you don't force me to take responsibility, there is always a chance."

Li Hongmei was stunned, not knowing whether Yiyin was joking or telling the truth.Aren't women generally responsible for situations like this?

Yiyin looked at her and said seriously.

"I am a widower with a daughter, so I am really not a good match for you. Now I just want to bring up my child well and run the company well, and I don't want to think about other things.

Hongmei, you and I are destined to have no future.You're really nice, but I don't deserve you.

When the company makes money and you have money, you will definitely find a good man to spend this life with you.And I am destined to be a passer-by in your life, accompanying you on an unforgettable journey.

I will not force you to take responsibility, and I hope you will not expect anything from me. .well. "

Yiyin was about to speak but stopped, leaving only three points to say.

Gu Yue is very good, so is Li Hongmei, and even Xing Yaoyao is also good. Yiyin knows very well how these women feel about him.

But he unexpectedly came to this world of female lords. He had a peerless handsome face and the secret of rejuvenation. Of course, he had to work hard to have fun among the flowers.

Yiyin would regret it for the rest of his life if he tied himself to a tree at this time.The second half of his life has just begun, and he hasn't started wandering yet.

At this time, being a widower and young Youyou became his best shield.

In the world of female supremacy, it is already very hard for a widow to drag her daughter with her. If a woman continues to be aggressive, it would be too un-girly.

Moreover, Yiyin still has the last trump card in his hand, which is mental illness.

Although Isshiki Chiyo is a weirdo, she has strong professional abilities.

Yiyin specifically checked online and was able to find her resume.She is indeed a famous psychology expert, not the kind of trickster who deceives people.

Yiyin is now identified by experts as having self-destructive tendencies and gender cognitive disorder.

He is an orphan and a widowed father, and has a double immunity from death due to mental illness. He is an absolutely disadvantaged group in society, and anyone who dares to bully him is a scumbag.

Now, only Isshiki Chiyo and Wen Xinghan are concerned about mental illness. Xu Xing knows that if there is a relationship dispute in the future, Yi Yin can always get rid of this problem.

Even if his merciless behavior is exposed, it is because of a mental illness with gender confusion. He is really a pitiful man. Who can do anything to him?

Others don't know, but Gu Yue and Li Hongmei love Yiyin deeply, and Yiyin believes that they will forgive him with tears in their eyes.

How can a normal person argue with a psychopath?
At this moment, Li Hongmei didn't know that Yiyin had so many dirty thoughts in her mind. She leaned on Yiyin's shoulder, enjoying a moment of tenderness, listening to Yiyin's soft voice, she couldn't help sighing.

"You are so kind, how could I be willing to leave you and find someone else."

Li Hongmei's life started in hell. Even after catching up with the explosive development of the IT industry, she still stumbled from a low starting point.

The ruthless ex-boyfriend and the ruthless ex-company all make Li Hongmei feel chilled.Yiyin who appeared at this time was simply an angel sent by God to redeem her.

Just imagine, a middle-aged man in a patriarchal world has lost his career and family. When he is in poverty, a super beauty comparable to Yifei suddenly appears.

She sleeps with you and encourages you, takes you to start a business and takes you flying, and swears that she will definitely bring you back to earn a suite in Modu, so that the gloomy second half of your life will be bright again, and you will be able to hold your head up high in this life.

What would you think about such a woman who tells you that she doesn't need to take responsibility for you and will let you find a better one after you become rich?Do you think you can find a better woman than her in your life?
This kind of mood is the current mood of Li Hongmei in the female world.

In the vicissitudes of life over the years, only true love cannot be let down.Li Hongmei felt that if she failed this man Yiyin, she would not be a woman or even a human being!
After leaning against Yiyin for a while, Li Hongmei took a deep breath, straightened up and asked.

"Boss, you called me yesterday to discuss some work issues with me?"

Yiyin felt that the moment Li Hongmei straightened her back, her temperament suddenly changed. Was she in working mode?
Sighing, Yiyin pointed at the sweat stains on his body and said.

"Or, let's take a shower first, have breakfast, and then talk about work slowly?"

The lofty sentiments that Li Hongmei had just mustered up were instantly deflated like a punctured balloon.

She lowered her head and said shyly.


(End of this chapter)

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