Different Game Department Male God

Chapter 110 Is 1 million enough to burn?

Chapter 110 Is One Billion Enough To Burn?
An hour later, at the Laosheng* fast food restaurant near Li Hongmei's home, Li Hongmei, who had just taken a shower, was very ladylike and helped Yiyin open the door.

Yiyin smiled at her and passed by her with the fragrance of shampoo. The faint smell was accompanied by a manly smell, which reminded Li Hongmei of the madness last night and couldn't help but blush on her face.

The two walked to the cashier, and Li Hongmei smiled.

"I'm treating you today, you can order whatever you want."

Yiyin nodded and said seriously.

"Then you're welcome. I was really exhausted last night. I need to make up for it."

Yiyin's almost provocative teasing made Li Hongmei couldn't help but hit him on the shoulder. The two seemed to be a silly couple.

With an exaggeration, Yiyin looked at the price list on the wall and said with a smile.

"I want a big bowl of noodles with vegetarian chicken and poached eggs."

Li Hongmei followed.

"A bowl of vegetarian noodles."

Yiyin glanced at her and said.

"Aren't you a woman? You don't eat as much as a man like me."

Li Hongmei was furious.

“Add another poached egg!”

Yiyin nodded in satisfaction.

"That's right, add more protein to enhance resistance."

The two took the receipts, walked inside, found an unoccupied table, and sat down.

The waiter came over and tore away half of the receipt, Yiyin looked at the bustling fast food restaurant and said.

“I called you yesterday because I wanted to ask something.

Xi Feifei and I went out to make an investment and came back. The investor asked us to make some passionate competitive games. I have some ideas here and hope to communicate with you. I didn’t expect you to fall ill. "

Li Hongmei apologized.

"Sorry, I stayed up late to turn on the air conditioner and accidentally caught a cold."

Yiyin shook his head.

"After the age of 30, there is a five-year hurdle. The body's resistance and recovery will definitely not be as strong as that of young people. Don't fight in the same way as when you were young.

The company doesn't require you to work overtime, just do things step by step, and the company won't close down just because you don't work overtime.

What else is more important than your own body?If the earth is missing, you won’t stop spinning?

Next time I know you stay up late secretly, your butt will be swollen. "

Listening to Yiyin's caring words, Li Hongmei's face was full of happiness and she asked with a smile.

"What are you using to treat swelling?"

Yi Yin glared at her.

"Are you afraid of the stick last night?"


Two adults over thirty years old, once they have physical contact, they talk so freely.

At this time, the waiter brought two bowls of noodles, and the two of them lowered their heads to eat.

Yiyin took a mouthful of noodles and said.

"This is what I think. This game is about fighting on a map. There are resources on the map that can be collected, and three forces are designed. Each force has its own unique buildings and troops.

Collect resources, build buildings, produce troops, and then fight each other, similar to war simulation, the player is the boss's perspective, commanding everything.

Everything on the map happens in real time, well, it's called a real-time strategy game.

As for the content, it is mainly to design the different forces of the three parties to maintain their uniqueness. The probability of the victory or defeat of the three parties should be as balanced as possible. Winning or losing depends on the player's operating level.

It's like playing table tennis. It's a fair game, and whoever has a higher level wins. But we also need to create three-party features and design respective plot levels so that players can become familiar with them, and then open a map to play against each other.

The game mainly relies on human operation, and it cannot be played on mobile phones. You have to use a mouse and keyboard, so we want to make a computer game. "

After finishing a bowl of noodles, Yiyin gave Li Hongmei a rough introduction to the game of StarCraft, but Li Hongmei remained silent.

Li Hongmei finished eating the noodles silently, wiped her mouth and said to Yiyin.

"Yiyin, our employees can't do your game. According to what you mean, game development should be divided into at least four parts.

One is program development, which is the game engine.The attributes and balance of the three parties require a lot of programming to achieve the data comparison and data exchange you require.

Secondly, the game also needs to have excellent visualization and real-time interaction with players. This game animation requires 3D models and screen rendering.

Third, the plot design, designing three different forces and unique levels, gives them a reason to fight against each other.

Fourth, the background music and various special effects sounds of different forces need to be produced separately.

With so much content, our current three or four employees can't do it at all.

There is also the issue of equipment. Small games can be developed just using a laptop. This. .Real-time strategy games certainly don't work.

This game requires everyone's division of labor and cooperation to advance it. At least one server must be built, and the personal development computers used by employees also need to be upgraded. "

Yiyin touched his head, he really wanted to be simple, and sighed.

"Recruit new people, buy equipment, and do it step by step. There is always a way."

After both of them finished eating the noodles, they walked out of the fast food restaurant and bought two bottles of water at the 24-hour convenience store next door, chatting while walking.

Li Hongmei said.

“For the program development part, I can think of something.

The economy has been bad in the past few years, and the company I worked for before seems to be dying. It has been laying off old people, recruiting new people, and optimizing human resources.

Several former colleagues asked me privately to help them find a new home. "

Yiyin took a sip of water and asked.

“The salary of being a programmer is high, right?

My basic salary here is only [-], and the income depends on the bonus after the game is released and the year-end dividend. It is still unknown. Can they afford this income? "

Li Hongmei smiled bitterly.

"The high wages are the result of working overtime. They are all veteran programmers over 30 years old. They may be optimized and returned to society one day, and there is no sense of security.

Moreover, people in their 30s have to work overtime and stay up late every day, and their bodies can’t bear it. Just look at me and you’ll know that they can’t stand it anymore.

Although our company's basic salary is low, the working system is in full compliance with the labor law. We have Fridays off and two days off. We also have annual leave, paid sick leave, and social security is fully paid in proportion to the salary.

If it's just higher than the hourly income, or even their current salary, I'll talk to them, and someone should be tempted.

These people are all experienced programmers, and have mastered all kinds of programming software, including mobile phones and computers.

Game engine development is a new type of program that requires skilled veterans to lead the way in design. It is not something that newcomers can do well just by staying up late and working hard.

I think they should be very suitable for our company's needs. "

Yiyin nodded.

"Whatever you think is appropriate, I'll leave the game engine to you.

I'll figure out the plot, and I'll make do with the music first, but for game animation and 3D rendering, do you have any ideas? "

Li Hongmei shook her head apologetically and said.

"I'm sorry, we're in the program execution business. Computer animation is a 3D special effects company that's good at it. I'm really not familiar with it."

Yiyin nodded.

"I'm asking for too much. It's already very difficult for you to handle the game engine. I'll think of another way to do the 3D special effects.

Recruit your old colleagues yourself. Recruit a few more people to help you share the burden. Don't shoulder everything by yourself. "

Li Hongmei pursed her lips and said embarrassedly.

"You don't need to recruit too many people, just find two core programmers and a few assistants.

While developing a real-time strategy game, you can divide the content of Fruit Ninja and Angry Birds projects into parts for them, so that the progress can be accelerated.

A person's basic salary is five thousand, which doesn't seem like much.But the social security plus at least [-] to [-] yuan, plus bonuses and dividends, I'm afraid the company won't be able to bear the extra people.

Yiyin, don’t get me wrong, I don’t mean to look down on the company, I just want to help you save some money. "

After speaking, Li Hongmei drank water to cover up her embarrassment, fearing that her too frank words would hurt Yiyin's self-esteem.

Yiyin let out a quacking night owl laugh, looking like a villain in a TV series. He waved his hand and said.

"Recruit, open your recruitment. The company is not short of your wages. This time I got back an investment of [-] million."

Li Hongmei spit out a mouthful of water, coughing repeatedly.

"One... one hundred million?"

Yiyin gave a thumbs up, showed his white teeth at Li Hongmei, and smiled.

"One hundred million, RMB.

Isn't it enough to burn [-] million for a real-time strategy game?Don't worry about hiring people, it'll be fine. "

(End of this chapter)

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