Different Game Department Male God

Chapter 111 Baobai Studio is about to close down

Chapter 111 Baobai Studio is about to close down
Li Hongmei choked because she was shocked that Yiyin and Xi Feifei could get [-] million in investment in one day, not because she thought [-] million was a lot.

The times are developing, and with the improvement of hardware and software levels, the cost of production is also increasing.As long as the design involves CG processing, whether it is a movie or animation, it will cost money.

According to Yoshigina, real-time strategy games simulate war scenes and create a battle between victory and defeat.To create this kind of light and shadow effect, it costs a lot of money, and [-] million is really not enough.

There may have been a mismatch between the rough-looking StarCraft in Yiyin's mind and the new-age CG war game that Li Hongmei was thinking about.

But seeing Yiyin's full confidence, Li Hongmei didn't want to pour cold water on him, so she could only secretly make up her mind to do her best in the engine, control the cost, and don't cause Yiyin any more trouble.

As for 3D models, CG animations, and scene renderings, I can only pray for Yiyin to have good luck and find a cheap and high-quality solution.

While the two were talking, they had already walked downstairs to Li Hongmei. Yiyin stopped and said.

"I won't go up. You should take care of your rest. Remember, you are not allowed to work overtime without permission, or I will fire you."

Li Hongmei nodded, but her feet did not move.

"I'll listen to you."

Yiyin shook his phone and said.

"Go up, I have to make a call to Xing Yaoyao and make an appointment to meet with Mo Yu. I can also talk to her about the StarCraft book.

If you don't know, these people who write online articles are really unreliable, and they don't have any sense of time. No wonder they have to be urged to update. "

Li Hongmei smiled.

"Then I'll go back first, goodbye."

She looked at Yiyin, a little reluctant to go upstairs.

Yiyin sighed, stepped forward and kissed Li Hongmei, then turned around, waved his hand, and walked away gracefully.

Li Hongmei touched her lips, and there was still the lingering smell of Yiyin on them. Her heart felt warm. She patted her cheeks and cheered herself up.

"Come on, Li Hongmei, come on!"

Li Hongmei went home and worked hard. Yiyin walked out of the community and dialed Xing Yaoyao's number.

"Hey, boss, are you done?"

Yiyin touched his face and felt a little guilty.

"Well, now that you're done, let's make an appointment with Mo Yu and let's meet together."

"Then today?"

Yiyin straightened his back and felt sore all over. He was too tired yesterday and now he just wanted to go home and catch up on his sleep.

"I have something to do today. Let's do it next Monday, which is still at [-] p.m. Don't let me go."

"Don't worry, boss, I will personally escort her here this time, and I promise to arrive on time."

"Well, then I'll hang up first."

"Yeah, bye, boss."

Yiyin looked at the hung up mobile phone, a little speechless.Take me here?We are talking about cooperation, and we are not trying to recruit a young man without paying him. Is it so difficult?


After returning from Li Hongmei's house, Xu Xing had already sent Youyou to kindergarten. Yiyin took a good nap and woke up in the afternoon.

After busy shopping for groceries, cooking, and picking up the children until evening, Yiyin opened his laptop again and started writing.

Xu Xing used a toothpick to pick up the apple that Qi Yin had cut into small pieces and asked curiously.

"Didn't you say that one is called Autumn...Have you finished writing the first draft of Memories of Autumn? Why are you writing again? Are you revising it?"

Yiyin shook his head.

"No, it's a new book about a war plot called StarCraft.

This book is more complicated than Memories of Autumn. It will be read to others next Monday, so I have to hurry up. "

Seeing Yiyin typing like flying, Xu Xing sighed.

"You are really amazing too. Others write while thinking, but you write like you are just typing, very fast."

Yiyin smiled and said nothing, he was just typing, because the plot of StarCraft was in his mind, and he was just retelling it, naturally very quickly.

Anyway, it is the job of the game screenwriter to write as much as he can remember and reorganize the language and plot. He is nothing more than providing a rough plot.

Xu Xing slowly inserted another piece of apple and said.

"Ding Qi will fly to Shanghai tomorrow and invite us to have dinner together.

He was very excited when he heard that you were willing to come out to meet me. He repeatedly told me that I must take you there and not break my promise. "

Yi Yin nodded.

"I know, I will definitely go. Why is he so fast? Just when I mentioned eating, he came?"

Xu Xing pouted.

“This guy has been promoted again and is now in the middle level of the finance department of Hehe Group.

This is not the end of June or the beginning of July, the half-year assessment is coming again, and he came to Shanghai to fight with the bank.

The economy has been bad in the past few years, and banks have been forced to reduce leverage, making life miserable.However, the financial department of Hehe Group is booming, and the group's net profit has hit a new high.

The bank was unhappy and asked for a lower fee.The Finance Department of Hehe Group charges more money and spends more money, so how could they agree?

Especially since Modu is a financial center, the two sides were at loggerheads, so Ding Qi, a famous socialite, was sent over to communicate. "

Yiyin shook his head and smiled bitterly. He didn't understand it at all, so he changed the subject.

"I know, let's have dinner together tomorrow night, right? I'll definitely go.

By the way, what about Yoyo? "

Xu Xing glared at him and said.

“Of course I’ll take him there!

Although you have been reluctant to come out to meet people these years, Ding Qi will ask me to bring red envelopes to Yoyo every New Year. If you don't bring Yoyo over this time, be careful that he turns against you. "

Yiyin smiled awkwardly. He didn't know these things. It seemed that the relationship between the old brothers in this world was still quite good.

"By the way, Xu Xing, our company is going to make a computer game, which requires a lot of character models, game CG animation, scene rendering and so on.

Do you know a company that does this kind of computer special effects? Can you recommend one to me? "

Xu Xing was stunned.

"Light and shadow special effects? That kind of thing is very expensive. Are you sure you really want to do it?"

Yiyin smiled proudly.

"Money is not an issue. I just raised an investment of [-] million yesterday. The investors asked me to make a competitive game, so I wanted to make it more exquisite.

Spending more money is fine, as long as the finished product is good. "

Xu Xing gasped, unable to believe it.

"One hundred million? Invest it in that lousy company of yours?
Your company is just a hit with the Lianliankan app, and there is no way to evaluate its subsequent development. Who would blindly invest [-] million in you?Are you sure you haven't been scammed? "

Yiyin laughed.

"Don't worry, Xi Feifei made the connection. The investor is the princess of the Gundam Group. She really invested money, not a liar.

I will talk to Wen Xinghan later and ask him to keep an eye on the financial affairs so that he will not be deceived. "

Xu Xing thought deeply.

"The Crown Princess of Gundam Group? Gao Xin?

I heard that her mother gave her [-] million yuan to start a business. Many people in the investment circle were watching the whereabouts of the money, but they didn't expect that you would be the first to get there and take away [-] million yuan.

Okay, Yiyin, you have grown up.How did you succeed?Have you betrayed your appearance? "

Yi Yin rolled his eyes.

"I am a 30-year-old middle-aged man, old and beautiful, how can I sell my appearance? I conquered investors with my strength and eloquence, and got [-] million back."

Xu Xing touched his chin and looked at Yiyin. He was old and yellow?
He had a strange feeling that Yiyin seemed to be getting younger and younger, and now Yiyin was even a little more youthful than before he went out yesterday. Is it an illusion?

Yiyin felt frightened by what he saw and said.

"What are you looking at? You haven't answered me yet. Is there any special effects company you can recommend to me?"

Xu Xing came back to his senses and smiled.

"With money, of course there are recommendations.

You know that I have been investing in semiconductors recently. In fact, I not only focus on hardware, but also conduct research on software.

With your [-] million yuan, if you say more or less, big companies must not be able to count on it, but there is a private studio that is about to close down. I don’t know if you are interested. "

Yiyin saved the document and closed the laptop.

"All ears."

Xu Xing picked up a piece of apple, shook it in front of Yiyin, and said.

"A light and shadow special effects studio called Baobai was founded by several animation students who graduated from Shumei University.

Their technical level is quite good and they are also very innovative. Unfortunately, they are about to close down. "

Yi Yin frowned.

"What a blunt, strange name."

Xu Xing glanced at him and said.

"There is a saying that every black man was once a white man. Haven't you heard of it?"

Yiyin thought for a while, then shook his head.

"never heard of that."

Xu Xing sighed.

“Anyway, they have no money and are about to go bankrupt.

But I have carefully researched the special effects level of their studio, and it is indeed unique.

If you are interested, I will help you contact their leader and make an appointment to talk. "

Yiyin thought for a while and asked.

"You said they have very good skills, so how come they are on the verge of bankruptcy? Is it because their leader has difficulty communicating?"

Xu Xing shook his head.

"No, their leader is called Li Miaoren. I have met a very sincere girl. She led a group of Shumei school girls to start a business. There is nothing wrong with being conscientious.

The reason why Baobai Studio cannot survive is because no one is willing to use them.

In the domestic film and television drama industry, big directors like to use big-name foreign special effects companies.Even if a little bit of leftovers were leaked, Shumei could not win over the Imperial City Academy of Fine Arts and the Modu Academy of Fine Arts.

Previously, Baobai Studio worked as a freelancer for foreign special effects companies.

It is a project that a major domestic director gives to a foreign special effects company. The foreign special effects company has no time to complete it, so it outsources it to a domestic studio like Baobai at one-tenth or even lower price.

In the past few years, the economy has been bad, and there has been a lot less outsourcing of this type, and Baobai Studio will not be able to sustain it. "

Yi Yin frowned.

"Outsourcing? Is the quality of the products produced not as good as those produced abroad?"

Xu Xing scoffed.

"We are not outsourcing from Tianzhu. Domestic studios are of very high standard, and many outsourced products are better than those made by ourselves abroad. This is what I have done on-site research.

Don’t worry, Baobai Studio’s technical level is absolutely fine. Will I still cheat you? "

Yiyin couldn't figure it out.

"Since domestic studios are so powerful, why do big directors still leave their work to foreign companies? It's one-tenth of the cost. Don't they do cost accounting?"

Xu Xing smiled meaningfully.

"you guess?"

Yiyin was annoyed.

"Guess? My kid, you still guess?"

Xu Xing finished the last piece of apple and pushed the plate to Yiyin.

"Anyway, Baobai Studio, please think about it."

Yiyin picked up the plate and went to the kitchen to clean it, saying as he walked.

"Then you make an appointment for me, and I'll go see that Li Miaoren.

Oh, I don't know if they switched from CG special effects to game special effects, will the effect work?If you do CG with your heart and make games with your feet, it will be troublesome. "

Xu Xing picked his teeth with a toothpick and said.

"Then it depends on you as the boss."

(End of this chapter)

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