Different Game Department Male God

Chapter 112 The Smiling Song Huanxi

Chapter 112 The Smiling Song Huanxi

By the time Yiyin finished washing the dishes, drained them and walked out of the kitchen, Xu Xing had already gone back to his room to do some work.

He opened his laptop and was about to continue writing the plot of StarCraft, when suddenly his cell phone rang.

Yiyin picked it up and saw that it was Gao Xin's phone number, and couldn't help but feel a little uneasy.

Why did Gao Xin suddenly call him so late? Is there any change in the [-] million investment?
The bullshit on his side has already been blown out. If the investment is canceled at this time, Xu Xing will laugh to death.

Taking a breath, Yiyin picked up the phone.

"Master Gao, good evening."

"Well, Mr. Yi, I'm sorry to call you so late."

"It's okay, just tell me"

"I don't know if you have time at noon tomorrow. I have a dinner here about investment details. I hope you can come."

Yiyin frowned and his heart sank.

Investment details?Didn't Gao Xin and Xi Feifei make an agreement?Are there any details that need to be discussed?Could it be that Gao Xin really wants to change his mind?
"Noon? I'm fine."

"Okay, just give me an address and I'll send a car to pick you up."

Yiyin politely told Gao Xin the name of the community, and he would just pick people up at the gate. Then he asked.

"Will Xi Feifei go to this dinner?"

Gao Xin seemed to smile.

"Of course, how can we miss her?"

Yiyin felt a little weird, always feeling that Gao Xin's laughter had a special meaning.

But he felt relieved when he heard that Xi Feifei was also going back. He exchanged a few words with Gao Xin and hung up the phone.


At noon the next day, there was a private room in a private restaurant in Liujiaochang.

In the huge private room, Gao Xin was sitting alone on the main seat facing the door, with a stern look on his face, not knowing what he was thinking.

She glanced at her watch and saw that the time had just passed eleven o'clock. Then, the door to the room was opened and Yiyin walked in under the guidance of the waiter.

Gao Xin stood up and smiled.

"Mr. Yi, you are on time."

Yi Yin said with a smile.

"Young Master Gao is treating me to a treat, how dare you be late."

He was confused. Gao Xin had set the time for dispatching the car. Gao Xin should have calculated what time he would arrive. What did she mean by caring so much about time?
The two of them sat down just now, and before they could say a few words, the door to the room was opened again.

A tall, middle-aged woman strode in, her face full of smiles, and she kept smiling.

"Hahaha, Young Master Gao, I'm not late, am I? Hahaha"

Gao Xin and Yiyin stood up, and Gao Xin stepped forward with a smile.

"Sister Huanxi is always the most punctual, so of course there is no way she will be late."

The middle-aged woman whom Gao Xin called Sister Huanxi looked at Yiyin with a smile and stretched out her hand.

"Hahaha, this handsome guy is Mr. Yi? He is indeed a talented person. I am Song Huanxi. My friends, please call me Sister Huanxi."

Yi Yin shook hands with Song Huanxi politely and looked at the person secretly.

Although Song Huanxi is not as tall and strong as Wen Xinghan, she seems to be bigger and more oppressive because of her middle-aged weight.

"Hello, sister Huanxi, I'm Yiyin."

Song Huanxi laughed.

"I know, your company is doing Lianliankan, and I'm playing it too. It's very interesting."

Gao Xin and Yiyin sat back down, Song Huanxi also sat down with a smile and said.

"Young people are smart and can do great things. No wonder Mr. Gao values ​​you so much that he will invest [-] million in one investment."

Yiyin smiled and said something modestly, then looked at Gao Xin, seeming a little confused about the situation, and asked Gao Xin in a low voice.

"Xi Feifei hasn't arrived yet? Can I call and ask?"

Yiyin is a little timid and always feels that today's dinner is weird.At this time, he missed the quirky Xi Feifei. It would be nice if she was there to hold the battle.

Gao Xin smiled.

"Feifei, she will be here soon, don't worry, let's chat with Sister Huanxi for a while first."

Song Huanxi asked, not hearing what they were whispering clearly.

"Young Master Gao, are there any friends who haven't arrived yet?"

Gao Xin replied meaningfully.

"Mr. Yi's friend will be here soon."

Song Huanxi nodded and smiled at Yiyin.

"Hahaha, Mr. Yi, there is nothing wrong with today's dinner. In fact, I admire young talents like you and want to meet and get to know each other, so I asked Mr. Gao to help me organize a dinner.

As for me, I can be regarded as a small boss, running a third-party company, specializing in the outsourcing business of the Gundam Group, doing some labor dispatch, late payment collection and other low-end businesses that the group looks down upon.

The Gundam Group has a big business and is a listed company. The public accounts must indicate the destination, and it is inconvenient to invest. So the chairman discussed with me and asked me to advance [-] million.

There is absolutely no problem for me here. If the young master wants to start his own business, of course I will support him with both hands. "

Song Huanxi spoke with a smile, but Yiyin became more and more frightened as she listened.

Putting aside labor dispatch, the business of late payment collection sounds harsh.Song Huanxi, who is capable of this kind of business, is definitely not a simple person.

Yiyin heard Xi Feifei and Xu Xing mention that many investors are thinking about these [-] million.But the chairman of Gundam Group, who started her career in construction, is not so easily cheated of her money.

Gao Xin's mother is not short of [-] million, but she wants to take the money from Song Huanxi. Most likely she wants Song Huanxi to check for Gao Xin and prevent others from cheating him out of the money.

The Nintendo Game Company in Yiyin just made a hit game. Although it can be said that it has gained a bit of fame, it is not worth an investment of [-] million.

Song Huanxi came today, obviously to check this investment project for Gao Xin.However, here’s the weird thing about today’s dinner party!
Yiyin didn't find Gao Xinla to invest on his own; he found it through Xi Feifei's matchmaking.

Based on Xi Feifei's family background and her relationship with Gao Xin, this investment should never involve parents sending someone to supervise it.

Not to mention Song Huanxi, even the boss of the Gundam Group would not ruin the personal friendship between the two children for an investment of [-] million yuan.

This problem must be on Gao Xin. She must have concealed key information from Song Huanxi, which made Song Huanxi make a wrong judgment.

Seeing that Yiyin's expression was wrong, Song Huanxi misunderstood his thoughts and thought he was guilty, so she laughed hard again.

“As a human being, you have to be down-to-earth.

Just like there is an old couple making breakfast downstairs in my house. They are over 60 years old and have gray hair. They are still making pancakes and fruits.

My husband likes their pancakes the most because they taste different from others.

Delicious and cheap.Two eggs and shortbread are only seven yuan.

Men are worried about gains and losses. My husband is always worried that the old couple will retire and stop doing business, and they will not be able to eat such delicious pancakes in the future.

But I never worried because I found out clearly that the old couple’s children bought a house and still had 15 years to pay off the mortgage. How could they retire and not do it?

As the saying goes, children and grandchildren will have their own blessings, so don’t work for them.But in reality, how many people can do it?
An old couple selling pancakes and fruits on the roadside have to worry about their children's mortgage.Big bosses of listed groups also have to worry about their children's investments, worried that their children will be defrauded of their money by bad people outside.

Regardless of whether they have money or not, their parents have the same thoughts. Mr. Yi, do you think this is true?Hahaha. "

Yiyin smiled awkwardly and looked at Gao Xin subconsciously, but Gao Xin was looking at his watch. The time had just reached eleven-fifteen.

The door to the private room was opened again, and a sullen Xi Feifei walked in.

Gao Xin smiled sincerely, stood up and said.

"Feifei, you're here."

Yiyin was about to stand up, but Xi Feifei, who walked over a few steps, held down his shoulders and forced him back to his seat.

Seeing that Yiyin couldn't get up, Song Huanxi sat calmly in her seat and asked with a smile.

"Haha, Master Gao, is this your friend?"

Before Gao Xin could speak, Xi Feifei had already turned the turntable on the dining table and transferred several bottles of wine to Gao Xin's seat.

Then, Xi Feifei shouted.

"Waiter, bring me a wine corkscrew!"

Gao Xin and Song Huanxi stopped talking and looked at Xi Feifei with different expressions.

Yiyin's shoulder was still a little sore from being pressed by Xi Feifei. He looked at the smiling Xi Feifei and felt a little strange.

In front of him, although Xi Feifei was eccentric, she still had a dog-licking attitude, which was annoying at best, but the way Xi Feifei looked now made people feel a little scared.

A flash of enlightenment flashed through Yiyin's heart.

Perhaps, this is the true face of the Xi sisters. What I see is nothing more than their ladylike demeanor and gender tolerance towards the opposite sex.

The waiter carefully brought the bottle opener. Xi Feifei held it in her hand and shook it again and again without saying a word.

Song Huanxi was suppressed by the aura of a young man, and she couldn't hold her breath anymore, so she asked with a smile.

"Hahaha, what do you call this kid?"

Xi Feifei ignored her and threw the corkscrew directly into Gao Xin's dinner plate. The sound of metal colliding with porcelain was extremely harsh.

Gao Xin knew that Xi Feifei was angry.

Taking advantage of the time difference, she picked up Yiyin first and asked Song Huanxi and Yiyin to sit together.No matter what the three people said while sitting here, it was a slap in Xi Feifei's face.

Can Song Huanxi, who does dirty work for the Gundam Group, intervene in the matter decided by the second lady of the Xi family with red lips and white teeth?

Gao Xin did this because she was upset that her mother restricted her investment and let Song Huanxi, a cheeky person, follow behind her, so she set up a trick to use Xi Feifei as a gun.

Even Yiyin was aware of the weirdness of today's dinner, not to mention Xi Feifei, who has always been a ghostly person.

Of course Xi Feifei was very angry. She was the only one, Miss Xi Er, who played with others. How could anyone play with her?

But after all, Gao Xin invested [-] million, Xi Feifei had to recognize this favor, and today, this favor was returned to Gao Xin, helping Gao Xin kick away Song Huanxi, an eyesore.

Xi Feifei threw the bottle opener on Gao Xin's plate, and Gao Xin could only open the wine and admit his mistake. It was Gao Xin's fault for taking advantage of his friends, so he had to swallow his anger and apologize.

Song Huanxi already felt something was wrong at this time, the girl who just arrived in front of her was domineering, and even Gao Xin, a rich second generation who never put anyone in his eyes, obediently lowered his head and opened the wine.

Where does this girl come from?Is there any information about this [-] million investment that I don’t know?
Song Huanxi was anxious, but the smile on her face became thicker.This has been her habit in doing business for many years. No matter what problems arise, she always greets people with a smile.

In the private room, Yiyin sat on his seat and watched, Gao Xin stood on his seat and opened the bottle, and Song Huanxi sat uneasy in her seat.

Finally, Gao Xin pulled out the cork of the red wine and was about to pour wine for Xi Feifei, but was stopped by Xi Feifei.

Xi Feifei picked up the red wine bottle and said to Gao Xin.

"no more chance."

Gao Xin breathed a sigh of relief and nodded.

Xi Feifei walked around Gao Xin, walked to Song Huanxi, and placed the opened red wine in front of her.

"My name is Xi Feifei, Xi Jianqiao's Xi, Xi Lanlan's Xi."

Song Huanxi's smile froze, and then she stood up laughing again.

"It's because I don't know Taishan with my eyes, I'm done with this bottle of wine."

Without hesitation, Song Huanxi picked up the bottle of red wine and drank directly from the mouth of the bottle.

Xi Feifei watched coldly as Song Huanxi drank the entire bottle of red wine in one breath, then walked back to Yiyin and pulled him up.

"Boss, let's go back."

(End of this chapter)

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