Different Game Department Male God

Chapter 113 Miss Xi 2’s grievance

Chapter 113 Miss Xi Er’s grievance

Xi Feifei dragged Yiyin out of the private room, her irritable appearance was like a woman who was working hard outside and found that her husband who was leisurely at home was secretly dating her best friend.

It was also the first time that Yiyin saw Xi Feifei's angry look. She felt a little scared, so she didn't dare to struggle and followed her to the underground parking lot.

A beautiful woman dragged a handsome man, attracting the attention of countless people along the way. In the end, Yiyin couldn't hold back and broke away from Xi Feifei's hand.

At this time, the two of them had already walked into the parking lot, and Xi Feifei's sports car was not far ahead.

Seeing Xi Feifei's unkind eyes shining coldly, Yiyin's heart tightened.But he suddenly remembered, this is the world of women, and I am a man, what should I be afraid of!
Then, he showed a timid expression and spoke softly.

"You pinch me."

Xi Feifei's anger, which was about to explode, was immediately stopped by Yi Yin's bone-transforming palm.With a slight cough, Xi Feifei calmed down her mood and said to Yiyin.

"Get in the car, get in the car and talk."

The two sat in the driver's seat and Xi Feifei asked coldly.

"Why didn't you call me?"

Yiyin was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect Xi Feifei to ask about this.


Xi Feifei pursed her lips and looked at him, her eyes full of grievances.

"Gao Xin called you last night, right? Why didn't you tell me?
She just informed me half an hour ago, so I had to rush over.If you had told me in advance, would I be so embarrassed?
A mere Song Huanxi dares to point fingers at my decision. If this matter gets spread, do you know how I will be laughed at by my friends?

I know that you have always been unable to trust me and thought that I would harm you, but I have already admitted my mistake!I have been trying to please you and make up for you, but I have never been so groveling to others in my life!
You man, really make me unhappy!accurate!Not happy! "

The more Xi Feifei talked, the more angry she became, and she slammed her hands on the steering wheel twice, making Yiyin terrified. This car is not made in China, and the quality is not that good.

Yiyin knew in her heart that Xi Feifei was right.Gao Xin's arrangement for today's game was very rough, and it was just a time difference.

In fact, as long as Yiyin and Xi Feifei communicated in advance and Xi Feifei was prepared in advance, it would be impossible for Gao Xin to be tricked into it.

In the final analysis, it was Yiyin who was wary of Xi Feifei and distrusted her. This was what made Xi Feifei the most angry and aggrieved.

When had Miss Xi Er ever been so angry?Trying to please a man in every possible way, only to end up with a hot face but a cold butt.

Compared with Gao Xin's crude and ridiculous layout, Yiyin's fear of Xi Feifei was the main reason for Xi Feifei's mentality to break through.

Yiyin touched his nose and felt a little bad.

A big man was cheated by a beautiful woman once, and he kept it in his heart with trepidation. He was indeed a bit too stingy.

But Yiyin thought on the other hand, isn't this a world of female supremacy? There's nothing wrong with me being so stingy. It's you, Xi Feifei, who likes to do random things. Why don't you let me be wary of you?
Yiyin was thinking over and over in her heart and remained silent. In Xi Feifei's eyes, this was acquiescence, which made the eldest lady become fierce.

Xi Feifei suddenly hugged Yiyin sideways and kissed his lips. Yiyin was startled and subconsciously pushed Xi Feifei out.

But women in this world are extremely strong. Yiyin couldn't break away after a few attempts, and gradually felt difficulty breathing. Just when he thought he was going to suffocate, Xi Feifei let him go.

Finally able to take in the oxygen he longed for, Yiyin calmed down and said angrily.

"What are you doing!"

Xi Feifei shook her head, smoothed her hair and said.

"Of course I'm asking for compensation. My old lady, the heroine, rescued the handsome, and came here in half an hour to support you. Is it too much to exchange you for a sweet kiss?"

Seeing that Xi Feifei had adjusted her mood and returned to her former chicness, Shi Shiran started the sports car, Yiyin couldn't help touching his lips.

This crazy woman, she just stuck her tongue out.

Yiyin sighed and asked.

"Aren't you angry anymore?"

Xi Feifei rolled her eyes at him.

"I'm angry, but what can I do to you? Should I drag you to the hotel to be punished on the spot now?

Forget it, just think of it as a bumpy process for you and me to establish mutual trust. I admit my defeat. "

Xi Feifei drove the sports car out of the underground garage. Yiyin looked at her almost perfect profile, touched her nose and said.

"Actually, with your conditions, there is no need to hang out with a middle-aged widower like me. It would be too low of status."

Xi Feifei sighed.

"I don't want to either, but I can't help it. Who made me only have feelings for you? Besides, you are not a middle-aged widow, you are a young and pretty widow.

I have seen so many handsome guys, and there seems to be no one who is more handsome and more elegant than you.He is worthy of being the first school president since the founding of Jinghua University, and his reputation is well-deserved. "

Yiyin rubbed his temples, wondering whether Xi Feifei was telling the truth or teasing herself.

Although it had been a month since he traveled back in time, and every time he met a strange woman, she would look at him with amazement, but Yiyin really didn't think that she was outstanding in appearance.

Because he has never met anyone more handsome than himself since time travel, Yiyin has almost lost the concept of handsome.Maybe this is the reason why he is handsome without knowing it.

Yi Yin asked.

"Where are we going now?"

Xi Feifei said.

"Let's eat. There is a new Japanese restaurant nearby. I haven't been there yet, so I just want to try it.

I'm really pissed off today. I need to have a good meal to make amends with myself. "

Yi Yin sighed.

"Gao Xin, she actually doesn't have any bad intentions..."

Before Yiyin finished speaking, Xi Feifei interrupted her, who sneered.

"Of course I know she means no harm, otherwise how could I let her go so easily?
That's good, I paid back the debt of favor to her earlier, so as not to be implicated by her stupidity in the future. "

Yiyin was puzzled.


Xi Feifei snorted coldly.

"Although Song Huanxi is not a serious person, she is trustworthy and has a smiling face. She is actually a reliable person. Otherwise, Gao Xin's mother would not have asked Song Huanxi to look after her daughter.

But obviously, Gao Xin doesn't appreciate it!
Do you think an old fox like Song Huanxi likes to take care of children?That was because Gao Xin's mother was too embarrassing, and Song Huanxi couldn't refuse.

Today, Gao Xin used me to slap Song Huanxi hard on the face. Although Song Huanxi didn't look good on her face, she was actually feeling happy in her heart.

No matter how mischievous Gao Xin is from now on, she can ignore it.Even if Gao Xin's mother asked about it, Song Huanxi could just talk about being slapped in the face by me.

Just watch, don't look at Gao Xin feeling free and happy now, the remaining [-] million she has left will sooner or later be deceived by the group of live broadcasters.

This idiot, fool, idiot who likes to show off his cleverness! "

Yiyin nodded silently, Xi Feifei made sense.

Although [-] million is not a big sum for the chairman of the Gundam Group, she definitely doesn't want her children to be treated like fools.

That's why he arranged for a very intimidating figure like Song Huanxi to help his daughter guard her, just like a door god, who could at least keep out some ghosts and monsters.

But she must not have expected that before the ghosts outside took action, her daughter could not help but destroy the door god first.

Sure enough, God's calculations are worse than those of humans, and the landlord's stupid daughter is really a cheater.

Yiyin shook his head and stopped thinking about it. These things had nothing to do with him. He just needed to make a good game and be worthy of the [-] million Gao Xin invested.

At this time, the sports car drove into the underground garage of a shopping mall. As expected, it was a store not far away.

After the car was parked, Yiyin unbuckled his seat belt and said to Xi Feifei.

"After finishing the Japanese food with you, I have to go back early. I have something else to do tonight."

Xi Feifei said suspiciously.

"What can you do on the weekend? You don't want to find an excuse to leave, don't you want to stay with me?"

Xi Feifei was obviously hurt by today's events and became suspicious, thinking that Yiyin was looking for a reason to run away.

Yi Yin sighed.

"It's really something. There's a gathering of old classmates tonight. I want to go home and take the kids with me."

Xi Feifei followed closely.

"Male classmate? Or female classmate?"

Yiyin was taken aback.

"Male classmate."

Xi Feifei smiled like a flower.

"That's okay. After dinner, I'll drive you back."

Yiyin nodded, feeling strange in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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