Different Game Department Male God

Chapter 114 The person who cares most about Yiyin

Chapter 114 The person who cares most about Yiyin
Modu Nanjing Road, known as the first commercial street in China, is mainly divided into two sections: east and west.

Among them, Nanjing West Road is the first western-style road in China, and Yiyin's dinner tonight is at Xingyehui at the east end of Nanjing West Road.

The location of Xingyehui connects the east and west ends of Nanjing Road, with Huaihai Road to the south.There are a large number of commercial buildings in this area, as well as a large number of financial institutions, investment banks, and private equity.

Setting the meeting location at Xingye Hui was also for the convenience of Ding Qi. This guy ran to the meeting as soon as he got off the plane. The venue was near Xingye Hui.

At this time, it was already five o'clock in the afternoon, Xu Xing was driving, and Yiyin was sitting in the back seat with Youyou, smiling wryly.

"Eating Japanese food?"

Xu Xing nodded.

"Well, you can take Youyou up first. Dashan Japanese Food on the fourth floor has a pretty nice atmosphere.

Why are you looking so sad?Is it because I don’t like Japanese food or I don’t want to see Ding Qi? "

Yiyin subconsciously touched his stomach. I just ate at noon. Two cold meals a day will make my stomach uncomfortable.

"It's okay, I'm just asking casually. Then I'll take Youyou out of the car first. You park the car and come up early."

Xu Xing smiled.

"Meeting Ding Qi, not my mother-in-law, why are you panicking? I understand, I will come up soon."

Yiyin smiled awkwardly.

In the male-dominated world, Ding Qi was also his college roommate, but he was a talkative guy. Compared to the successful Ding Qi in the female-dominated world, there was a huge gap.

Yiyin was indeed a little frightened. After all, he was a familiar stranger. He didn't know what to say. He felt more at ease with Xu Xing present.

He took Youyou up to the fourth floor and found Dashan Japanese Food Store. Yiyin was stunned by the scene.

I changed into slippers at the entrance and followed the waiter inside. Along the way were display windows filled with models and figurines of island elements.

Coupled with stickers and music rendering, this thick atmosphere is really two-dimensional.

As Yiyin walked, he thought, bring those otaku girls Xing Yaoyao to eat next time, they will definitely like it.

The waiter led Yiyin to a small private room for four people and opened the door. No one was inside. Ding Qi hadn't arrived yet, so Yiyin breathed a sigh of relief.

He took off his shoes with Youyou and sat on the tatami, waiting for the arrival of Xu Xing and Ding Qi.

After a while, the sliding door was opened again, and Xu Xing walked in.

"Why don't you order something?"

"People haven't come yet."

"We're all brothers, just be casual. Come on, Youyou, come sit with uncle and see what you want to eat?"

The four of them were sitting at a small table facing each other. Xu Xing hugged Youyou over and pulled her to look at the menu while laughing.Yiyin shook his head and poured tea for Xu Xing.

After a while, the sliding door opened again. Yiyin looked up and saw a fat middle-aged man wiping sweat appearing in front of him.

The corners of Yiyin's mouth couldn't help but turn up. Sure enough, he still looked like Ding Qi in the world of men. He was fat in his middle age and his hair was thinning, but he was dressed in much higher-end clothes, wearing a brand-name dark suit.

Ding Qi smiled when he saw the three of them.

"What a shameless Xu Xing. He ordered food before I came. It's really lawless!"

Xu Xing retorted.

"Who made you late again? My goddaughter ordered first because she was hungry. Who cares about you?"

Ding Qi went over and pulled Xu Xing up, cursing.

"Go, go, who is your goddaughter? It's obviously my goddaughter. Sit down opposite and let me get close to my goddaughter."

Xu Xing was unconvinced, but his body took the initiative to sit back next to Yiyin and gave up his position to Ding Qi.

At this time, Ding Qi was sitting next to Youyou, and right in front of him was Yiyin. Xu Xing really wanted to let the two old brothers get together today.

Youyou was not afraid of strangers, she tilted her head and looked at Ding Qi and asked.

"Are you Uncle Ding?"

Ding Qi asked with a smile.

"You also know Uncle Ding?"

Youyou smiled sweetly.

"Yuyou knows that there is a red envelope from Uncle Ding every Chinese New Year, and a gift from Uncle Ding every birthday. Youyou has always wanted to thank Uncle Ding in person."

Ding Qi looked at Youyou's pretty little face and couldn't help but touch her hair and sighed.

"This child is so cute. I also want such a cute daughter."

Xu Xing sneered.

"Then hurry up and give birth! Have you been married for three years? Why is there still no movement? Are you okay?"

Ding Qi said angrily.

"It's been two years of marriage. You're really... too lazy to tell you. You think having a baby is easy. I fly around all day, and my wife is even more busy. How can I have time to prepare for having a baby?"

Xu Xing pouted.

"Okay, I know that both of your family are successful people with successful careers."

Ding Qi sneered.

"Yes, I advised you back then not to rush to work but to come with me to take the Hehe Group exam first, but you just didn't listen.

You didn't listen to advice at a young age, you didn't want to be admitted to the Hehe Group and live a good life, so you insisted on hanging around outside. Now you know you regret it? "

The two of them were noisy, and they stabbed each other in the waist and eyes with knives, until their eyes were red.

Yiyin looked interesting, as if he had returned to the dormitory where they had exchanged blows before, and they were trying to smooth things over with a smile.

"Okay, ok, he's already 30 years old, and he's still making trouble like a child, looking at it leisurely.

Ding Qi, you order first. "

Ding Qi glanced at Yiyin and suddenly sighed. Yiyin asked curiously.

"what happened?"

Ding Qi said melancholy.

"Why is God so unfair? I have gained weight and lost all my hair, but you are still so handsome.

I remember back then, we were known as two great coaches, but now you are the only one in charge. "

Xu Xing couldn't help laughing and was glared at by Ding Qi.

"I'm not laughing at you, I just thought of something funny. By the way, the hair you removed was on your fingers?"

Tinky snorted.

"Vulgar, I don't care about you."

Yiyin also glared at Xu Xing.

"There are children here, be careful!"

After calling the waiter, everyone finished ordering the dishes in a lively manner, and Yiyin had completely relaxed.Ding Qi is still the same Ding Qi, and neither world can change his funny nature.

When the sukiyaki pot was steaming and the dry ice smoke filled the sashimi bowl, the three of them started chatting again after taking a few bites of the food.

Ding Qi picked up the teacup and said to Yiyin.

“I have a video conference tonight, so I won’t drink. I’ll drink tea instead of wine and give you a toast.

I have heard about you. You are so strong. You have encountered so many things and still have the courage to start a business and start over. You are really a role model for us men.

Seeing how hard you are working now, Huang Yi might be very pleased. "

Yiyin smiled bitterly and shook his head. He didn't know whether Ding Qi's words were praising him or hurting him, so he could only pick up the teacup and touch it with him.

"Thank you."

Ding Qi laughed.

"You came up with that Lianliankan game? It's fun, I can't stop playing it recently.

And got an investment of [-] million?Awesome, you are a waste of time. You should come to the banking system to do public relations. "

Yi Yin asked.

"You also know about the [-] million?"

Before Ding Qi could speak, Xu Xing on the side already said unhappily.

"He's a famous socialite. What's the difficulty in asking about you?"

Ding Qi said with a smile.

"Let Wenxing Hanxue brother go to the industrial and commercial office to open an account later. I will help you decide on the trusteeship of this investment, and I will help you look over the agreement.

Don't worry, although the outsourcing companies under the Gundam Group are in chaos, they can't take advantage of our brothers. You can just start your own business with peace of mind. "

Xu Xing applauded from the side.

"Awesome! As expected of the newly promoted person in the finance department of Hehe Group Corporation, this tone is so awesome."

Just as Yiyin was about to say something, Youyou suddenly said.

"Dad, I want to go to the bathroom."

Yiyin forgot what to say and said softly to Youyou.

"Father will take you there."

After saying hello to the two of them, Yiyin took Youyou to the bathroom.After that, there was a brief silence between Ding Qi and Xu Xing.

Ding Qi picked up a piece of salmon belly with chopsticks, dipped it in some soy sauce, and put it in his mouth.He frowned slightly. He put too much mustard and it was a bit spicy.

"Xu Xing, you are wrong today, you are a bit deliberately targeting me, right?"

Xu Xing took a sip of tea to moisten his throat.

"Yes, I am targeting you.

Do you know how difficult it is for Yiyin now?His suffering cannot be known by just asking around like you, a social idiot.

Yiyin is finally willing to come out to have dinner with you. Why do you mention Huang Yi when you have nothing to do?It’s not like you don’t know how bad the relationship between the two of them is? "

Ding Qi stretched out two fingers and said.

"First, I really don't know how miserable he is, so why don't you tell me? If you don't tell me, how will I know and care about him?
Second, how do you know that Yiyin and Huang Yi have a bad relationship?Just like before, you just know how to immerse yourself in things and don't just look at things at their surface, okay? "

What Ding Qi said was reasonable, and Xu Xing was not an unreasonable person.

So, Xu Xing carefully looked outside and whispered.

"Qian Ya, this bitch, really hurt Yiyin. Since Qian Ya's death, Yiyin's temperament has changed so much that I almost don't recognize him.

Later, Brother Wenxing Hanxue helped find a famous psychologist to look at him and talk about him. . "

When Xu Xing said this, he couldn't help but choke up. Ding Qi frowned and said anxiously.

"What's wrong with you? What happened to Yiyin?"

Xu Xing took out a tissue, wiped the moisture from the corners of his eyes, and said.

"Gender cognitive disorder, serious self-destructive tendencies. Fortunately, Yoyo is here, there is a startup company, and Yiyin is still busy with some things. Otherwise, I am really afraid that one day he will lose his mind and commit suicide."

Ding Qi's mind went blank after hearing this, he was silent for a moment and sighed.

"He... was so brilliant in school back then, how could he be like this..."

Xu Xing glared at Ding Qi.

"That's why I'm unhappy! Yiyin's current mental state is very unstable. Why are you mentioning Huang Yi at this time?
You clearly know that Yiyin and Huang Yi are not going to deal with each other. Huang Yi is doing so well now. Are you not irritating Yiyin? "

Ding Qi picked up the tea cup and touched Xu Xing's tea cup to admit his mistake.

"Okay, this is my fault. Stop talking about it. Isn't it okay for me to admit my mistake?

But I also want to teach you something today. If you think Huang Yi and Yiyin have a bad relationship, you are too shallow.

In fact, Huang Yi doesn't hate Yiyin.On the contrary, he is probably the one who cares about Yiyin the most among our brothers. "

Xu Xing glanced at the mysterious Ding Qi, not quite believing it.

"Nonsense, let's not talk about the competition between Yiyin and Huang Yi in school, and Huang Yi chasing Gu Yue and trying to steal Yiyin's girlfriend.

Let's just say that back then, Yiyin was going to marry Qian Ya, and Huang Yi's quarrel with Yiyin that night was so scary. You and I were in the dormitory and saw it with our own eyes.

I still feel frightened when I think about it now. I have never seen Huang Yi lose his temper like that.An iceberg beauty was scolded like a badass.

You said that Huang Yi cares about Yiyin the most. Isn't this nonsense? "

Tinky shrugged.

"What do you know? This is called deep love and deep responsibility. Do you know that the favorite thing for elementary school girls to do is to bully the boys they like?"

Xu Xing said hehe.

"You know what? That's called opposites attract.

But Yi Yin and Huang Yi are both men, so can they be the same? "

Ding Qi touched his chin and said meaningfully.

"You're right, it's indeed different."

Xu Xing was obviously a little uncomfortable with Ding Qi being beaten into silence and looked at her suspiciously.

Then, the conversation between the two was interrupted by Yiyin who opened the door and walked in.

Yiyin sat back in his seat and found that Ding Qi opposite him looked at him a little strangely.

"what happened?"

(End of this chapter)

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