Different Game Department Male God

Chapter 115 Extremely thick-skinned

Chapter 115 Extremely thick-skinned

Yiyin was shocked by Ding Qi's sight. Ding Qi smiled and said.

"It's okay, I just suddenly realized that you are really handsome, and both men and women agree."

Yiyin scolded with a smile.

"You're crazy. You make fun of me repeatedly as soon as we meet. Why don't you talk about Xu Xing?"

Ding Qi's eyes turned to Xu Xing, and Xu Xing began to feel angry.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

Ding Qi sighed.

"Young man, you've done a good job of keeping things secret. You didn't let me know anything about it."

Xu Xing was confused.

"What have I done?"

Ding Qi raised his eyebrows.

"A while ago, Sister Hong from the Human Resources Department came to me to talk to me. I felt baffled that the Hong family and I didn't seem to have any interpersonal relationships.

Later, Sister Hong finally revealed to me, are you in a relationship with the youngest member of the Hong family? "

Xu Xing's face turned red and he lowered his head.

"No, they are just ordinary friends."

Ding Qi pouted.

"Haha, don't fool me. If we were just ordinary friends, my parents would come to me and ask about your character and background?"

Xu Xing frowned.

"Hong Qi and I... Oops, why is this family like this? They are inquiring about my privacy everywhere!"

Ding Qi sighed.

"Just be content. If his parents are willing to inquire, it means they are really considering accepting you as their future son-in-law.

Speaking of which, the four generations of the Hong family worked in harmony and never looked for anyone outside the group.From what Sister Hong said, it was because Hong Qi had identified you that the family was willing to come over and ask.

Don't worry, your brothers will definitely support you.

Not only did I praise you to the sky, but I also used Huang Yi to talk about it, and I said that our relationship as brothers in the same dormitory is as strong as love, which will definitely give you a lot of points. "

Xu Xing said unappreciatively.

"Emotions are a matter between two people. How did you become such a philistine in your mouth?"

Ding Qi scoffed.

"Relationships are a matter of two people, but marriage is a matter of two families. Four generations of people have worked hard, and now they are doing so well. Do we want them to be backward compatible and go back as they live?
Isn’t it the same for my wife and me?Talk is within the group, development is within the group, and now life is getting more and more prosperous.If I couldn't think about it at the beginning and looked for someone outside, wouldn't I be cheating myself for the rest of my life?

You are highly educated, capable, clean and well-behaved, and you have several of our brothers to help you. Your family is very satisfied with you now, so they will not stop Hong Qi from dating you.

I'm really trying to help you, so why don't you know what's good and what's wrong? "

Xu Xing shook his head, feeling very uncomfortable, but this is the reality. He also knew that Ding Qi had good intentions, so he just shook his head and sighed.

"If you want to have a good relationship, it must be utilitarian, which makes people uncomfortable."

Ding Qi couldn't help laughing.

"Who told you to study hard in school and not fall in love? Now that you are out of society, you want to pursue love instead?
Forget it, maybe Miss Hong's family just likes your innocence. "

Xu Xing was unhappy about being eliminated and was about to retort, but Ding Qi didn't give him the chance.

Ding Qi turned to Yiyin and said.

“Seriously, Yiyin, have you ever considered finding another one?
You are still young now, you were 30 years old just now, and it is difficult to drag the child by yourself, why don't you find someone to rely on?

With your looks and these conditions, as long as you are willing to let go and leave the red string to me, I will definitely find you a woman with a strong family background, an upright person, and a woman who is willing to treat you well. "

Yiyin was dumbfounded when he heard this. Why did he come back to him again? He shook his head and said.

"I'm fine now. I don't want to find anyone anymore. I appreciate your kindness."

Ding Qi sighed, touched Youyou's head and said.

"I know you're worried that your stepmother will treat Yoyo badly, but if you don't find another one while you're young, I'm afraid you'll regret it later.

We men, in the final analysis, still have to rely on women to survive.Not everyone is as strong as Huang Yi, who can really be more feminine than a woman.

Yiyin, I know how prosperous you were back then, and I really wronged you by asking you to find a woman to live with for the rest of your life.But today is different from the past, and we need to lower our requirements appropriately.

Maybe you are still thinking of Gu Yue in your heart?
I met her in a meeting today. She is in a high position now. You two are already in two different worlds. You must also learn to let go of your obsessions. "

Ding Qi said so earnestly that Yiyin smiled bitterly and didn't know how to react.

Xu Xing, who was on the side, felt aggrieved by Ding Qi's theory that men should be easy to marry. Now when he heard Ding Qi using Gu Yue as an example, he immediately found an opportunity to refute and said.

"Ding Qi, then you are wrong, Gu Yue..."

Yi Yinxia shook his head at Xu Xing, not wanting Xu Xing to tell Ding Qi, who was more of a bitch than a man in the world, about him and Gu Yue.

Xu Xing simply shut his mouth, Ding Qi looked at the two of them suspiciously and asked.

"What are you two hiding from me? I care deeply about you, but you can't do this to your good brother?"

At this moment, Yiyin's cell phone on the table rang. The three of them looked at it at the same time, and the caller ID on the cell phone screen clearly lit up with the word "Gu Yue".

Yiyin secretly said something bad and wanted to take the phone, but not wanting to be beaten first by Ding Qi, he picked up the phone and answered the call.

“Hey, great beauty Gu, guess who I am?
Hahaha, you just ignored me during the meeting. Unexpectedly, now the phone is in my hand.

Well, I'm having dinner with Yi Yin and Xu Xing, would you like to come over and eat together?

Oh, then you should be busy. We will talk again during the video conference in the evening. Hang up. Bye. "

Ding Qi hung up the phone, pointed at Yiyin with his mobile phone, and said with an extremely gossip expression.

"Tell me the truth, when did you and Gu Yue get along again!"

Xu Xing grabbed the phone and placed it in front of the Yiyin table, saying dissatisfiedly.

"Ding Qi, what are you doing? How can you just grab someone else's phone and answer it?

Gu Yue and Yi Yin just met by chance at a class reunion, it has nothing to do with them! "

Seeing Ding Qi's behavior of casually answering people's phone calls, Xu Xing was very unhappy. It was too unqualified and rude, and he was unwilling to mention anything about Yiyin and Gu Yue again.

Ding Qi looked at Yiyin, clasping his hands together, looking pitiful.

"Sorry, sorry, I was also in a hurry.

Yiyin, you don’t know how embarrassed I was by Gu Yue during our meeting just now.

That iceberg beauty, she is now in charge of the economics of the Modu branch. Without her nod, my work cannot continue.

I had just been promoted to this position. My superiors were forcing me to deliver results, my colleagues were waiting to see my performance, and my subordinates doubted my leadership abilities.

As you know, I am a well-known socialite, so when I was ordered to come to Modu this time, I was sent to unite my colleagues here in Modu.

If Modu refuses to give me face, my first experience as a new official will be completely cool.

I just saw the word "Guyue" on the phone. I couldn't help it. I wanted to open a breakthrough, so I had to shamelessly steal your phone number.

I did something wrong, but I am really at the end of my rope, so I just ask my brother to help me! "

Yiyin sighed, Ding Qi is Ding Qi, and his shameless skills have not changed from the male-dominated world to the female-dominated world.

Seeing his pitiful look, Yiyin could only suppress the slight dissatisfaction that had just surfaced in his heart.

Xu Xing on the side was not as easy to talk to as Yiyin and said unhappily.

"You spend all day thinking about these crooked ways of using relationships, but you still have the nerve to ask Yiyin to forgive you?
You grabbed the Yiyin Bank's phone number. How will Gu Yue view Yiyin Bank?Maybe I thought Yiyin and you were in the same group? "

Ding Qi was confident and confident towards Xu Xing.

"Yes, we are in the same group!
Do you think it will be easy for me to do something in the finance department?I only have a glass of water in my hand, and there are three empty glasses waiting to be picked up below. I want and want more, how can I get things done without making some connections?
Let me tell you frankly, if you want to make some achievements in the group, you have to be like me, with connections, background, and know-how.

Everyone does this, but if I don’t, how can I stand out?It is said that bad people will eliminate good people. If my person is eliminated, what good will it do to you? "

Xu Xing was so angry that he couldn't speak at Ding Qi's shameless look, so he could only give a thumbs up and sarcastically said.

"Okay, people like you are the only ones rising up in the group, but what about Huang Yi? Where about Gu Yue? Are they the same as you?"

Ding Qi glared.

"I'm a normal person, but these two are not human beings. How can this be compared?"

Yiyin felt angry and amused when he heard this, and his dissatisfaction with Ding Qi for snatching his cell phone became even lighter.

At least Ding Qi was right in saying that we are in the same group, and if he does well, he will be good to his brothers.Otherwise, Xi Lanlan's matter may not be so easy to resolve.

Yiyin said.

"Xu Xing, forget it. It's not easy for Ding Qi, so please be considerate of him."

Ding Qi picked up the teacup and said.

"Yi Yin, you still feel sorry for me. I'll give you a toast with tea instead of wine."

Yiyin clinked glasses with him, and the matter of snatching the mobile phone was over.

"Forget it about the mobile phone. But don't embarrass Gu Yue, she and I are really just ordinary friends."

Ding Qi thought to himself, with the cold temperament of Gu Yue, that iceberg beauty, would ordinary friends take the initiative to call you to say hello?What about fooling a fool?

But on the surface, he patted his chest and promised.

"Don't worry, it's just to get close to her, there is no other meaning. Besides, I don't dare to embarrass her. I can't wait to kneel down and beg her to give me a way out."

Yiyin laughed dumbly. With Ding Qi's extremely thick skin, no wonder he managed to get along so well.

(End of this chapter)

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