Different Game Department Male God

Chapter 116 Gu Yue is a real girl

Chapter 116 Gu Yue is a real girl

Yiyin didn't eat much of the Japanese food, but the back-and-forth bickering between Xu Xing and Ding Qi made him smile bitterly and laugh at the same time, reliving the friendship between the brothers that had remained unchanged for many years.

Xu Xing and Ding Qi have a very good relationship, and Yiyin is not worried at all that their complaints about each other will really hurt each other's friendship.

It was more like they used this method to bring Yiyin back to their school days, filling in the gap of these six years, so that Yiyin could face Ding Qi calmly, without worrying about the unfamiliarity of not seeing each other for many years.

The meal was unsatisfactory, but Ding Qi had a video conference in the evening, so he could only break up the dinner in a hurry.

When Xu Xing drove Yiyin and Youyou home, it was already after eight o'clock in the evening.

Youyou was already drowsy and wanted to sleep. Yiyin took the child to take a bath, dried her hair, and took her back to the bed in the guest room.

On the bed, Yoyo blinked her big eyes and refused to let go of her father's clothes. Yiyin stroked her hair and asked softly.

"what happened?"

Yoyo asked.

"Dad, is mom a bad person?"

Yiyin froze for a moment.

"Why do you think so?"

Youyou pouted and said aggrievedly.

"Uncle Xu Xing, Uncle Ding Qi, they all seem to hate Mom."

Yiyin sighed, a six-year-old child is at a sensitive time.

You say the child is ignorant, she already has her own ideas.You can say that children are sensible, but there are many things that cannot be explained clearly to children.

Yiyin smiled and kissed Youyou's forehead and said.

"Go to sleep, baby, don't think too much."

Youyou stared at Yiyin and said childishly.

"Father, mother has gone to a far away place, will she never come back?"

Yiyin was silent for a moment and did not speak.

Youyou's little hand grasped the corner of Yiyin's clothes and continued to speak harder and harder.

"Yuyou won't go to other places, and Yoyo will always be by Dad's side, so, dad, don't hate Yoyo, okay? Dad, don't marry another aunt, okay?"

Seeing Yuyou's worried face, Yiyin couldn't help but sigh again.

When Xu Xing and Ding Qi talked, they didn't know what to say. They thought that Youyou was young and ignorant, and would dare to pour out anything.

The speaker didn't mean it, but the listener meant it. No, it scared the child.

Yiyin leaned down, hugged Youyou, and said in her ear.

"Dad will always be with Youyou. Dad promises to Youyou that he will never marry another aunt. Youyou can sleep peacefully, okay?"

Youyou's eyes became brighter and brighter in the dim room, and she stretched out her little little finger.

"Pull the hook, daddy."

Yiyin smiled and stretched out his hand, hooking his two little fingers together.

"If the hook is hung, it must not be changed for 100 years."

Finally putting the child to sleep, Yiyin breathed a sigh of relief and returned to the living room.He saw Xu Xing sitting on the sofa in the living room, staring at him.

"what happened?"

Xu Xing shook his head and said.

"It's nothing. Are you really not considering Ding Qi's suggestion?"

Yiyin was taken aback.

"Did you hear what Yuyou and I said?"

Xu Xing nodded.

"You talk so loudly and don't avoid me, how can I not hear you?"

Yiyin rubbed his nose, sat beside Xu Xing, and said.

"Yuyou is still young now, and I am actually quite free by myself."

Xu Xing looked at Yiyin and couldn't help sighing.

“Your life has been ruined by this bitch Qian Ya.

It doesn't matter, anyway, I'm with you, if you don't find a woman, don't find a woman, and our brothers won't starve to death.

Besides, who stipulates that men must rely on women to survive? "

Yiyin joked.

"Forget it, I don't dare to delay your lifelong happiness.

Ding Qi just said it, and the parents of the other party agreed. Hong Qi is sure that you won't let go. Are you willing to let her wait forever? "

Xu Xing couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth, and pretended to be tough.

"Who cares about her."

Yi Yin laughed.

"Bring Hong Qi back for dinner when you have time so that I can formally get to know you.

The last time she came, I didn't even see her clearly, so you turned me away. What a rude thing. "

Xu Xing pursed his lips, stood up, and walked into his room.

"I'll think about it. I have to work overtime and I won't talk nonsense to you."

Yiyin saw that Xu Xing was shy and couldn't help but wink at him teasingly, causing Xu Xing to close the door with a bang, too lazy to talk to Yiyin anymore.

As Youyou goes to sleep, Xu Xing closes the door and does some work, and the whole living room becomes deserted.

Yiyin sat on the sofa, recalling the meeting with Ding Qi just now, feeling very strange.

Four brothers living in a dormitory in a male-dominated world reappeared intact in a female-dominated world.And except for myself, everyone seems to be doing well.

Yiyin clenched his fists, his heart filled with warmth.

Xu Xing, Ding Qi, Huang Yi, and so on. .Yuyou, life is not as bad and hopeless as she thought. She must work hard in this world of female supremacy and strive for a better life.

Suddenly, Yiyin thought of something. He picked up his phone, clicked on the address book to find Gu Yue's name, hesitated, and sent a message.
Are you busy?
Only about ten seconds later, Yiyin's phone rang, and the caller ID was Gu Yue.

Yiyin glanced at Xu Xing's room, quietly walked out of the balcony, and answered the phone.


"Well, I'm not busy."

"Didn't Ding Qi say that you have a video conference tonight?"

"The meeting has just been completed. The leaders are old. Small things will not delay them too late and affect their rest."

Yiyin apologized.

"I'm sorry, I put my phone on the dining table during dinner, and Dinky happened to see it."

On the other side of the phone, Gu Yue's cold and considerate laughter came.

"Just know that you know it. It's not something shameful for the two of us to reunite."

"I'm worried that it will affect your work."

"It's okay, Ding Qi is a lobbyist sent by the headquarters after all, and the branch must obey the arrangements of the headquarters after all.

Letting Ding Qi dry is just to show the attitude of the branch. We will always complete the tasks that need to be completed.

So, don't worry, Ding Qi is using you to break through me, it has nothing to do with the overall situation.I was originally planning to relent during the video conference in the evening, but this incident allowed me to change my attitude more calmly.

Speaking of which, it was you who helped me.However, don't let Ding Qi know about this, let him owe you this favor. "

Yiyin couldn't help but laugh. Ding Qi was slippery and knew how to maneuver, and thought he had found a breakthrough, but it turned out that Gu Yue was more sophisticated and tricked Ding Qi into it.

"I don't care. I'm just afraid that because of my relationship, your work will be delayed and your career will be affected."

Gu Yue sighed on the phone.

"You are still too kind. On the contrary, I hope you can be more selfish and not be so holy."

Holy Father?Yiyin turned around in his mind three times before he understood what Gu Yue meant, and he suddenly laughed.

The Holy Father of the female world is not the Holy Mother of time. So in Gu Yue’s heart, is she such a person?

Maybe it was Yiyin's experience of marrying Qian Ya like a holy father that frightened Gu Yue, so she hoped that Yiyin would live a more selfish life and didn't want Yiyin to always think about others.

But Yiyin knew very well in his heart that the Holy Father's Yiyin was the female righteousness of the world. If it wasn't for him, he wouldn't be able to do that kind of thing.

But when Gu Yue said this, Yiyin couldn't help but feel a little melancholy. Does Gu Yue love herself more, or does she love the original heroine Yiyin more?
"Gu Yue."


"If I really become different from before, a completely different man, will you still love me?"

After Yiyin finished speaking anxiously, Gu Yue's firm voice came from the other end of the phone.

"No matter what you become, you are still my man, the man I love."

Yiyin took a deep breath, his throat was a little dry.

Gu Yue, you are more of a man than me, a man who worries about gains and losses. No, in the world of female supremacy, you should be called a woman.

She is a real girl!
Yiyin's mood was a little complicated at this time, and he lied to the phone.

"I want to put the child to sleep, let's not talk about it for now, bye."

"Well, you should go to bed early too, bye."

After hanging up the phone, Yiyin patted his cheek gently with his mobile phone and murmured to himself.

“Yi Yin, you are such a scumbag.

You don't want such a good woman like Gu Yue, and you still want to hang around outside. Are you still a human being?
Beast, beast. "

(End of this chapter)

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