Different Game Department Male God

Chapter 117 Another weekly meeting

Chapter 117 Another Monday regular meeting
It was the day of the regular meeting again on Monday, and Yiyin arrived at the company a little earlier than usual.

Seeing Yiyin entering the door, Sun Youling smiled sincerely and said hello.

"Morning boss!"

Yiyin glanced at the clock and said.

"It's so early for you too."

Sun Youling smiled.

"I rent a house near here. Arrive a little early to ensure that the company opens on time every day."

Yiyin looked at Sun Youling and felt a little embarrassed. A big fan was a big fan. He stayed in the company alone every day and could still do his job so diligently.

"Do you live alone? Is the rent expensive? Isn't it boring to be alone in the company?"

Sun Youling shook her head.

"Does the boss care about me?
Hehe, I have many friends, so I won’t be lonely.The houses around here are very cheap and I live quite well.

Everyone sometimes comes to the company to do some errands, and I also have to go to the Industrial and Commercial Tax Bank to do some chores. Work is very fulfilling.

If I really have nothing to do, I can also surf the Internet at the company, which is very well-equipped.

Of course, if the boss is afraid that I will be bored alone, he can come to the company to chat with me at any time. I still have a lot of questions to ask you.

For example, I watched the video of the sword dance you performed at the graduation party that year, but I was still curious, was it a real sword?It looks very heavy. How can you dance? "

Yiyin shook his head and decided to come to the company less often in the future. He didn't know whether it was real or fake, and he didn't know how to dance.

He changed the subject.

"Is Brother Wenxing Sinology here?"

Sun Youling nodded, pointed to the meeting room and said.

"Brother Wenxing Hanxue is inside."

Yi Yin nodded.

"You go ahead, I'll talk to him about something."

Yiyin walked into the conference room and saw Wen Xinghan sitting in his seat, typing on his mobile phone, wondering what he was busy with.

Hearing the sound, Wen Xinghan looked up at Yiyin and said.

"Morning, you seem to be a little earlier than usual today."

Yiyin nodded.

"I came here early. I want to talk to you about something before the regular meeting. You seem to be the first one to arrive every time?"

Wen Xinghan smiled.

"I'm used to being busy before, but the pace of this company is too relaxed, which makes me not used to it. By the way, what do you want to talk to me about?"

Yiyin sat next to Wen Xinghan and said.

“Actually, it’s nothing, it’s just that the company is preparing to make a new game and needs to hire more people.

Li Hongmei will have about seven or eight programmers, and I may also need to acquire a 3D special effects studio for use. "

Wen Xinghan asked.

"How could you cause so much trouble if we didn't contact you for a weekend?"

Yiyin laughed.

“I didn’t expect that I could accomplish so many things in one weekend, which is as long as writing a twenty-chapter novel.

I went with Xi Feifei over the weekend to meet the silly daughter of a landlord and got back an investment of [-] million. "

Wen Xinghan was stunned for a moment.

"The silly daughter of a landlord? Are you talking about Gao Xin's [-] million?"

Yiyin touched his head.

"Brother Xue, how did you guess it?"

Wen Xinghan clicked on his phone.

"You can check it out online. It's No. 1 on the hot search list. The rich second generation returned to China to start a business. My mother gave me a small goal of [-] million. If I lose all my money, I will go home and inherit the family business."

Yiyin smiled wryly.

"Is it so high-profile?"

Moon Sung Han explained.

"Because Gao Xin invested in the live broadcast industry, those people can blow it into a downpour with just a few clouds. I wish the whole world knew about it.

But I don't know, you also took a piece of the pie and took out [-] million from Gao Xin. "

Yiyin said embarrassedly.

"I am also a coincidence."

Wen Xinghan sighed.

"Boss, I can't help but advise you to simply shut down this stupid company.

If you find a male specialist in the public relations department of a large company, you will definitely be able to give full play to your strengths.

You are really not suitable to be the boss. "

Yiyin shook his head.

"Brother Xue, you are joking again."

Wen Xinghan sighed.

"I'm not kidding, you really left me speechless.

You directly put the company account with me, and you believe me when I tell you how much Youwei Group has paid, and you sign directly when I tell you how much money needs to be spent, without ever doubting it.

And Li Hongmei and the others work as they please. There is never any assessment, and they don't care about their progress. They just wait eagerly for them to produce results.

After finally making some money, you distributed money to everyone first, without taking into account the risk cost of starting your own company.

The boss is not that serious. Sometimes I wonder, who does this company belong to?
It's good now. You just found a [-] million investment and haven't received it yet, so you are starting to think about recruiting new people and making new games.

I have been working in finance and auditing at home and abroad for so many years, but I have never seen a company like yours. Have you ever considered the input-output ratio? "

Yiyin touched his head and said.

"How can I be so unreliable as you say? Let me tell you, this new game is a war game and it is very fun."

Wen Xinghan shook his head and smiled bitterly. Is that a question of whether the game is fun or not?he sighed.

"I shouldn't have persuaded you, chicken and duck talk.

You are the boss, you have the final say, tell me, what do you need me to do? "

Yiyin took out a business card, handed it to Wen Xinghan, and said.

"This is my old classmate, Ding Qi's new business card. He told us to go to the industrial and commercial office to open an account. He will be responsible for reviewing the custody agreement for the investment funds to ensure that there will be no problems."

Wen Xinghan looked at the title on the business card and said.

"Ding Qi? This guy has been promoted again, and he climbed so fast. A friend with a background in the Harmony Group helped me verify the capital, so I saved a lot of worry."

Yiyin asked curiously.

"Xue Ge also knows Ding Qi."

Wen Xinghan said lightly.

"Of course I know, boy help boy.

Ever since Huang Yi shouted this slogan at school and put it into action, the circle of Jinghua alumni is now a little tighter than before, and they can indeed help with many things.

Of course, sometimes unexpected situations occur. "

Wen Xinghan glanced at Yiyin, who couldn't help touching his handsome face and smiled wryly.

An unexpected situation?Is it the kind of accident that Xiao Hua cheated on himself?

Wen Xinghan tapped the business card, put it away, and said.

"Leave it to me to open an account. How can I contact you about the [-] million investment?"

Yi Yin said.

"After you open the account at the industrial and commercial side, I will contact Gao Xin immediately and try to get the account as soon as possible.

Otherwise, I would not have the confidence to contact the person in charge of the 3D special effects studio. Li Hongmei is also trying to persuade her old colleagues to come work in the company.

If this money goes missing, I will be completely embarrassed. "

Wen Xinghan shook his head, and wanted to say how could you be such a boss, but after thinking about it, he still didn't say anything, and if he did, it would be in vain.

I don’t know where Yiyin got the courage, thinking that as long as it makes a good game, everything will go smoothly for the company.

Naive, how could starting a company be so simple?
That is to say, Yiyin's resources and contacts are too strong, so strong that it can be done in a decent way by just messing around, leaving Wen Xinghan speechless.

Now that he talked about male alumni helping each other, Wen Xinghan said again.

"Boss, you have hired so many new people this time, and you are also involved in project investment. Is it time for the company to recruit a legal officer?"

Yi Yin asked.

"You mean Senior Brother Mo Ziming?"

Wen Xinghan nodded.

"Yes, that's him. His current situation is not very good. The economy has declined in the past few years, and his small studio is increasingly unable to find business."

Yiyin laughed.

"Okay, boy help boy. Brother Mo Ziming is so capable. If he is willing to join the company, I will definitely welcome him."

Wen Xinghan nodded.

"Then I will contact him and see if he is willing to close that small studio and come to work here."

As the two chatted, it was time for the regular meeting. When everyone arrived, Yiyin realized that Xi Feifei was not here today.

After everyone finished talking about their daily affairs, Yiyin officially announced the expansion of recruitment, and was ready to start working on the war game StarCraft with [-] million.

A group of people discussed until eleven o'clock. Just when Yiyin announced that the meeting was adjourned, Xing Yaoyao hurriedly stood up and shouted to Yiyin.

"Boss, wait for me. I will catch that guy on time today."

Yiyin was stunned for a moment, and then realized that Xing Yaoyao was going to catch Mo Yu who liked to be late, and they had an appointment to meet at one o'clock in the afternoon today.

He quickly called out to Xing Yaoyao who was about to rush out of the conference room. Xing Yaoyao turned back to look at Yiyin.

"Boss? What's wrong?"

Yiyin said helplessly.

"Just be back before two o'clock. Don't be in a hurry. Remember to have lunch."

Xing Yaoyao's heart warmed, she nodded and said.

"Okay, boss."

After Xing Yaoyao left, everyone dispersed, leaving only Yiyin and Sun Youling.

Yiyin tapped his phone a few times and said.

"Sun Youling, I just sent you two documents, please print them out for me, I will use them in the afternoon."

Sun Youling opened her phone, took a look, and smiled.

"Boss, this is the plot book of Memories of Autumn and StarCraft? Can I take a look?"

Yiyin laughed.

"This is the first draft. It's very crude and not interesting. But if you are interested, feel free to read it. Remember not to spread the word. The company will make money from this."

Sun Youling nodded and walked out of the conference room happily, wanting to quickly read her idol's new book.

"Don't worry, boss, I've got it covered."

After everyone had left, Yiyin picked up the phone and hesitated for a moment before dialing Xi Feifei's number. The call was quickly picked up.

"Hehe, boss, do you miss me?"

Yiyin couldn't help but rolled his eyes and asked back.

"Are you okay? Why didn't you come to the company for a regular meeting today?"

"Hehe, the boss really misses me.

I'm in school now. Today is the end of the third year. I came to see the counselor to ask about how to apply for an internship.

Originally, I was planning to go to the company for an internship in my fourth year, but since my boss thought about me so much, I decided to go to the company for an internship during the summer vacation!

Boss, are you happy? "

Yiyin sighed, feeling like a fool.

Why would I worry about something happening to the little witch Xi Feifei just because she didn't come to the company for a regular meeting?Even if everyone in the world dies, she can still be alive and kicking at the end of the world.

Yi Yin sighed.

"It's okay, I'll hang up."

"Don't hang up, boss, is it difficult to admit that you miss me?"

"Beep beep..."

(End of this chapter)

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