Different Game Department Male God

Chapter 118 Fighting the Street and Game Screenwriter

Chapter 118 Fighting the Street and Game Screenwriter

One o'clock in the afternoon, in the conference room.

Mo Yu looked downcast at the game plot book, while Xing Yaoyao was smiling and playing with her mobile phone next to her.

Yiyin shook his head. Xing Yaoyao finally brought Mo Yu before one o'clock. Judging from Mo Yu's low mood, this process was not very pleasant.

The notebook on the table is the content that Sun Youling printed out just now. Mo Yu is reading the notebook, but Yiyin is looking at her.

When he saw Mo Yu just now, Yiyin was shocked by her strange baby voice.Compared to the wailing he heard on the phone last time, Mo Yu, who spoke seriously, had a childish voice that was very recognizable.

She looks like a typical Cantonese beauty, with majestic facial features and a delicate figure. She combines the aura of a headed woman and the gentleness of Xiaojiabiyu, which is quite charming.

However, Mo Yu's height should not exceed 150cm, plus her baby voice, baby fat, this is no longer Xiaojiabiyu, this is a legal loli, childish and charming, really interesting.

After reading the two books roughly, half an hour has passed.

Mo Yu cleared his throat, pretended to be a professional, and said calmly.

“Although the writing in these two books is rough, the plots are well written, but the content written from a male perspective always gives me a weird feeling.

Male-channeled novels are just about the boring taste of love and love. After all, they are not as majestic and majestic as those written by female channel authors. "

Xing Yaoyao put down her phone and coughed, making Mo Yu tremble.

"speak English."

Mo Yu curled his lips.

"Well written."

Yiyin watched their interaction with a smile, and said softly.

"I invite you here this time. I hope you can help polish these two scripts and swap the male and female roles."

Mo Yu clicked on the notebook and said.

"Just let me change this male-oriented book to female-oriented, right?

This is not difficult, but as a famous online literature writer, I am very busy. "

Xing Yaoyao smiled beside Mo Yu.

"The new book will be on the shelves for a month, and it will be updated twice a day. How many subscriptions will there be? Is it [-]?

A subscription earns three cents. Did you earn 300 yuan last month?Hey, I’m asking you, a famous online literature author, why are you lowering your head? "

Mo Yu became angry and cursed.

"Xing Yaoyao! Don't go too far! I'm negotiating terms with the boss! Why are you tearing me down!"

Legitimate Loli was so furious that Yiyin felt that she could jump on the table the next moment, but she only looked so big anyway.

Xing Yaoyao dug her ears and continued to sneer.

"Is this what you call "boss" for someone like you who earns 300 yuan a month? Do you get your share of the company's monthly salary of [-] yuan? Do you get social security paid by the company? Call me Mr. Yi!"

Mo Yu seemed to be deeply hurt and became tearful, looking at Yi Yin pouting.

"Mr. Yi, is your company here to discuss cooperation with me, or is it here to humiliate me?"

Yi Yin sighed and said.

"Xing Yaoyao, just stay here!

Miss Mo, don't take it too seriously. You know that Xing Yaoyao is a sharp-tongued fellow with a soft heart. In other words, she means that she doesn't mean any harm. "

Xing Yaoyao seemed unconvinced and wanted to say something else, but Yiyin glared back. If the little girl dares to talk nonsense again, you will be called dad next time.

After first scaring Xing Yaoyao into silence, Yiyin continued to comfort the legal Loli who was holding back her tears and said softly.

"Miss Mo, our company is sincere in wanting to cooperate with you.

My idea is this, if you can change the script into a suitable female-oriented script, I will share the copyright of the script equally with you.

My finances helped me calculate it. The cost of this script accounts for about one-tenth of the entire game cost.

As a joint work between you and me, you enjoy 50.00% of the copyright.After the game is released, 5.00% of the profits will belong to you.

Of course, it depends on the quality of the book. If the quality is excellent, our company is willing to hire you as a game screenwriter and pay you salary and social security. "

Mo Yu seemed so stunned that he forgot to hold back his tears and let them flow down.

"Mr. Yi, do you mean that I have copyright income? And social security wages?"

Mo Yu's fierce reaction made Yiyin a little uncomfortable.

"Yes, what's wrong? Isn't this normal?"

Xing Yaoyao shook her head and complained.

"It's normal for ordinary people, but it's very abnormal for Internet writers, especially this kind of street attack."

Mo Yu glared at Xing Yaoyao fiercely and cursed.

"shut up!

President Yi. .No, boss, there is no problem on my side and I fully accept your proposal. "

Xing Yaoyao murmured.

"I told you, you are not an employee of our company, why should you call me boss?"

Mo Yu hugged the stack of scripts tightly, as if afraid of being snatched away, and said to Xing Yaoyao fiercely.

"The employees will be here soon! What's wrong with shouting first!
Boss, don't worry, I will definitely revise the manuscript and give it to you as soon as possible. "

Yiyin nodded.

"Then let's switch to Fetion.

You can send me the revised manuscript at any time, and we can discuss it together. After all, it is a joint work, and I will also help. "

Mo Yu was so happy that he took out his mobile phone and nodded repeatedly.

"Okay, exchange it for Fetion, haha."

Yiyin took a look at Mo Yu's mobile phone case and unexpectedly discovered that it was the same model as Xing Yaoyao's, with the same 2D cartoon handsome guy picture on it.

Looking at the triumphant Xing Yaoyao, Yiyin suddenly felt that he had been tricked.

The relationship between Xing Yaoyao and Mo Yu may be better than she thought. Xing Yaoyao is bringing her friends to eat at a big restaurant.

Just when Yiyin suspected that he had been deceived by the two men's double act, he saw Mo Yu put the StarCraft notebook back on the table and pushed it to him.

"Boss, I'm sorry, I may not be able to change this book."

Yiyin looked at Mo Yu in confusion, Mo Yu blushed and said embarrassedly.

“I’m better at writing about side-effects, such as the crotch-related things between men and women, I write like a genius.

But for a science fiction novel like this, boss, your design is so good. The human and divine insects respectively represent the evolution of humanity, divinity, and beastliness. I actually find it very difficult, and I have no confidence that I can improve it. "

Yiyin saw that Mo Yu was holding the notebook of Qiu Zhi's Memories tightly, but took the initiative to give up the notebook of StarCraft, and looked at her differently.

Mo Yu is really good at being able to clearly see the boundaries of his abilities, face it calmly, and make the choice that is best for him.

Yiyin nodded.

"Then let's work together on the Memories of Autumn book first. My conditions just now have not changed. As long as Memories of Autumn is revised well, I will give you the copyright income and social security wages."

Mo Yu said with a heartfelt smile.

"Don't worry, boss, you have already written down the plots and characters of the heroines clearly.

I just need to change the gender of men and women and do some logical optimization.If I can't do this well, I won't be able to accept your money, haha. "

Feeling relieved, Mo Yu looked at the StarCraft book on the table again, and Yiyin asked.

"What? Now that you have a guarantee, do you want to challenge StarCraft again?"

Mo Yu shook his head.

"No, I'm biting off more than I can chew, so I'll just write the love book that I'm good at.

I just thought of someone who might be able to adapt this StarCraft book. "

Yi Yin asked with a smile.

"Is it your friend?"

Mo Yu nodded.

“She also writes online articles, but she writes science fiction.

For people like us who are crazy, we also have a group to support each other and help each other recommend things, because the things she and I write are not of the same type, and we are not very familiar with each other.

But then I had an opportunity to meet Ji offline, and she took me to play a group game. I thought she was a nice person, so we got to know her well.

Her name is Xu Zilan. She majored in mechanics in college and is particularly obsessed with science fiction novels.

In the engineering field, there were more girls than boys. She also had a dull temperament and had few friends.After just two years of classes after graduation, my boss got involved and I lost my job, so I decided to write online articles full-time.

She writes better than me, but science fiction novels have a narrow audience, and she writes hard science fiction, so her income is not high, she just makes a living. "

Yiyin touched his chin and asked.

"College students and engineers who have graduated from mechanical majors should have a stable job. Why would they go to write online articles?"

Mo Yu sighed.

"Be innocent and love it.

She used to work as an electrician, and her own conditions are not very good, so she is not suitable for that job.

Her bear is very big and cumbersome, which always affects her ability to operate machinery.It’s quite difficult to write a book now. I always tell me that my shoulders are sore after working for a long time. "

Yiyin nodded, he didn't care whether Xu Zilan's bear was big or not, Li Hongmei was already big enough anyway.

An engineer by training and a former electrician who likes to write hard science fiction?It sounds pretty good.

Yi Yin asked.

"Can you contact her for me? Try to talk?"

Mo Yu hesitated.

"She is different from me. She will not give up her hard science fiction novels and will definitely keep writing them.

Let me say it first, even if StarCraft is improved, she may not be the kind of employee who works hard for the company when she joins the company. "

Yiyin shook his head.

"It's okay. Our company complies with labor laws. As long as she works hard for eight hours, I don't care what she likes to do in her spare time.

The same goes for you. You can write whatever you like, and just make sure you work from home for eight hours for the company. "

Yiyin's nonchalant attitude made Mo Yu a little uncomfortable. He looked at Xing Yaoyao beside him and asked.

"No wonder you, a stay-at-home girl who never wants to go to work, wants to stay in this company. Your boss is very open-minded.

But will starting a company like this really not go bankrupt? "

Xing Yaoyao glared at her.

"Shut up and stop cursing my boss. Let Nintendo Game Company enjoy eternal blessings and live as long as heaven!"

Yiyin looked at Xing Yaoyao and shook his head helplessly. He didn't know if Xing Yaoyao was praising himself or cheating on himself. The last one who lived as long as the world seemed to have a bad end.

He took out the prepared agreement and handed it to Mo Yu.

"If there is no problem, please sign this agreement.

It contains confidentiality obligations regarding your joint works, as well as specific agreements regarding copyright income and joining the company.

Happy cooperation. "

(End of this chapter)

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