Different Game Department Male God

Chapter 120 Seeing that my daughter is soft-hearted and loves Yiyin

Chapter 120 Seeing that my daughter is soft-hearted and loves Yiyin

Ding Qi was fighting desperately against Huang Yi in the imperial city, and almost broke his defense against this notoriously cold-faced man.

In Modu, Yiyin was also exhausted physically and mentally by Xi Feifei.

After meeting Mo Yu, Yiyin could calmly buy groceries and pick up the children, but now he was dragged out of the hall, which directly caused him to be in a hurry. It was too late to buy groceries and cook, so he could only make ends meet with vegetables and rice.

As soon as he took Yoyo home, Yiyin got busy in the kitchen, cutting and washing vegetables, cutting sausage and bacon into small cubes, washing rice and preparing it.

Heat the oil over high heat and sauté the vegetables, then add the washed rice and stir together, and finally add the sausage and bacon.

After the sweetness of the Cantonese sausage, the saltiness of the bacon, and the fragrance of the vegetables are fully mixed, pour it into the rice cooker, cover it with water, and plug it in to steam the rice.

Yiyin quickly finished these tasks, looked up at the clock, and breathed a sigh of relief, it was not yet five o'clock, and it was finally time for dinner.

When he walked out of the kitchen, he saw Youyou obediently drawing in her room, smiling and nodding.Although the life is a bit busy, my daughter is obedient and sensible and is not too tired.

As time goes by, the vegetable rice in the rice cooker becomes more and more fragrant, the smell overflows the kitchen, and the smoke of fireworks fills the whole family.

The door opened with a click. Xu Xing took off his shoes at the entrance while carrying a shoulder bag and smiled.

"It smells so good, what are you eating today?"

Yiyin stepped forward, took the bag from Xu Xing's hand, and said.

"Let's eat vegetables and rice. I'm a bit busy today, so I came back late. I didn't have time to cook anything else, so I had to make do with vegetables and rice."

Xu Xing shook his head.

"You're really serious. If you're busy, just order takeaway. Why make yourself so tired?"

Yiyin replied.

"Okay, next time I'll just order takeaway if it's too late."

Xu Xing changed her shoes, walked into Yiyin's room, and talked to Youyou.

"I'm back, what is Yoyo drawing, show Uncle Xu Xing."

Seeing the two of them laughing and playing, Yiyin shook his head and walked into the kitchen. The food and rice were almost ready and it was time to prepare the dishes.

While he was busy, Xu Xing followed him into the kitchen, and he turned around and said.

"It'll be fine right now."

Xu Xing shook his head.

"I'm not rushing you, I'm asking if you have time tomorrow? I've already contacted Li Miaoren. She seems to be in a hurry. It seems she can't hold on any longer."

Yiyin froze for a moment.

"Li Miaoren? Oh, Baobai Studio, right? OK, I have no problem."

Xu Xing nodded.

"Then let's go together tomorrow morning. After sending Yoyo to the kindergarten, we'll find a coffee shop to meet Li Miaoren."

Yi Yin asked.

"Will this affect your work?"

Xu Xing glared at Yiyin.

"Where is so much nonsense? You don't need to worry about my work. If you have time to take care of me, why don't you think more about Yoyo.

Starting next week, kindergarten will have summer vacation, right?What are you going to do, kid?Should you take him to the company to start working, or should you accompany him at home?

Also, as I mentioned last time, you are taking Yoyo out for fun during the summer vacation. Have you decided where to go? "

Yiyin's head was swollen and he smiled bitterly.

"Does the day go by so quickly? I've been so busy recently that I don't even have time to think about it. Let's take one step at a time.

By the way, how is Ding Qi? "

"I returned to the Imperial City yesterday."

"Ah? He just spent the night in Modu?"

"He has been promoted now, and he is a middle-level cadre of the Harmony Group. He is naturally busy with his career, unlike you and me, who are busy all day long.

Don't worry about him, just take more care of Yuyou. As a father, can you care about it? Your mind is full of playing games and playing games.

are you a woman?Career first? "

Yiyin rubbed his nose and glanced at Xu Xing.

"Are you different?"

Xu Xing put his hands on his hips.

"Of course I have to put my career first, otherwise who will support you and Youyou? Just your half-dead crappy game company, okay?"

Yiyin shook his head, picked up the rice spoon, stirred the cooked rice and vegetables, and began to serve them bowl by bowl.

"Yes, yes, you have worked the hardest. Eat a few more bowls of rice later."

Xu Xing snorted, picked up two bowls of cooked rice and went out, not forgetting to remind Yi Yindao.

"You should pay more attention to yourself. Youyou will go to elementary school next September. The school can find it first, otherwise you will be in a hurry when the time comes."

Yiyin glanced at Xu Xing's leaving figure and muttered.

"Are you Youyou's father, or am I Youyou's father? Why are you more interested than me? Could it be you who Qian Ya cheated on?"

"What did you say inside?"

"The eldest brother is far-sighted and the younger brother admires him!"


At the table for four by the window in the cafe, Xu Xing and Yiyin sat on one side, and a tall beauty sat on the other side.

This woman has fair skin and delicate facial features. Although she is petite, her figure is well-balanced. She has long hands and legs, but her head is slightly larger, making her look a bit cute.

It is said that young people cannot go to Sichuan and old people cannot leave Shu. The Chengdu Basin has short sunshine and a humid climate, which is the most nourishing place for beauties.

But at this time, the Sichuan beauty in front of Yiyin looked haggard. Although she looked only about 25 years old, she already had a sense of vicissitudes of life.

The three of them exchanged pleasantries, Xu Xing was going to start work later, and Li Miaoren seemed anxious, so he directly cut to the point.

Li Miaoren looks petite and delicate, but when she opens her mouth, she is as straightforward as a hot girl.

"Brother Xu introduces friends, so I don't hide them. The ancestors can't stand it anymore, and they actually cheated us young people. Maybe it's not good!

Mr. Yi, there are eight other sisters in my studio. They are all classmates and schoolgirls who believe in my character and come to Motor City with me to work hard.

I promised them at the beginning that I would definitely lead them to be human, but now I have failed.

They are all talented and outstanding graduates of animation majors in Sichuan. If it weren't for trusting me, they would have no problem going to a big company to make a living.

I only have one request: don’t break up our sisters, buy our studio, and pack it up and take everyone away together. "

Before Yiyin could speak, Xu Xing coughed and said.

"Wonderful man, Yiyin is my handkerchief, and we have a strong relationship with him sleeping in the same dormitory with bunk beds. Don't lie to him?"

As far as the current employment environment in the domestic animation circle is concerned, the employment opportunities for majors like yours are very narrow, and it doesn't mean that you can earn a living if you have the ability. "

Li Miaoren pursed her lips and whispered.

"I know, of course I know, that's why I brought them out to give it a try. We Chinese people can't always work for foreigners. We should also have our own international brand.

Mr. Yi, I am not sincere, but please understand my feelings.

If I really want to fire my sisters, can I give them n+1 severance pay, starting from the time we set up the studio?
I personally can ask for nothing, just give it to them. "

Although Li Miaoren spoke very sincerely, he was obviously not a good negotiating opponent, and he was still immature like a student who just walked out of school.

Before Yiyin mentioned the acquisition, she had exposed all her trump cards. If she encountered a shady boss who knew how to negotiate, she would be willing to lower the price to death.

However, Li Miaoren was lucky, Yiyin was soft-hearted, and when he saw a beautiful woman, his heart was very soft-hearted.

Seeing the haggard look on Li Miaoren's delicate face, he couldn't help but ask.

"Why is it so difficult? Don't you have any cash flow in your hands? That's not how the negotiations are done. If you told me the details, wouldn't it be possible to negotiate a high price?"

Li Miaoren was stunned and smiled sheepishly.

"I don't know much about these things. I'm just an animation technician, so I thought that as long as I have good technique...

Brother Xu is right. Employment in our major is inherently difficult. After all, Sichuan American University is not Dimei America or Momei University, and there are not many opportunities for graduates.

That’s why I brought my best classmates to Modu to develop my career.

It was a good idea at the time, because fresh graduates are supported to start their own businesses and can apply for interest-free loans, and if the business fails, the loan of less than [-] yuan can be forgiven.

I just thought that if I could succeed while I was still young, I would try my best. But when I came here, I realized that this was not the case.

The loan is interest-free, but there are too many applicants. If you want to succeed in the application, it is best to have collateral, so I mortgaged my house.

I finally used the money to buy equipment and found a foreign outsourcing agency. I just managed to maintain food and clothing and didn't make much money at all.

The foreign economy is particularly bad this year. So far, I haven’t received a single order. I really can’t hold on anymore.

I remembered that if my business failed, I could get a deduction of 10 yuan, but when I actually asked, I found out that this 10 yuan does not have to be paid back.

The bank will still make reminders, but with an additional 10 yuan exemption, it will not put people on the list of dishonest people for the time being.

But even this 10 yuan extension is almost used up, and I really don’t know what to do when the time comes.

I'm sorry for the sisters who came out with me, I'm sorry for the parents who signed the mortgage for the house, and I'm sorry for everyone.

My fucking mind is broken. No matter what business I set up, it will always be a trap for us fresh graduates! "

As the saying goes, a daughter doesn't shed tears easily, but she hasn't reached the point of being sad.

Li Miaoren didn't cry when she faced her parents or her sisters, but in front of two strange investors, she was strong and couldn't help crying.

It's so hard, it's so hard.

Yiyin glanced at Xu Xing beside him, and saw that she was completely unmoved.

Sure enough, those who engage in finance are all cold-blooded and ruthless guys. They are used to seeing human tragedies and have no fluctuations in their mentality.

Yiyin felt sympathetic and felt pity.

His own fate is good. Although starting a game company is a fool's errand, he has Xu Xing selflessly providing funds, Wen Xinghan and other male alumni to help, as well as his confidante, Grinning Goblin, for their full support.

A real entrepreneur should be like Li Miaoren, who will never survive. Even if he survives by chance, his spirit will be tortured to the point of doubting life.

Yi Yin asked.

"How much money did you borrow in total? How much debt will I need to bear if I acquire your studio?"

Li Miaoren gritted his teeth, wiped his tears with the back of his hand, and said.

“The maximum personal loan for fresh graduates is 20.

I didn't dare to let my schoolmates take on debt, so I borrowed 20 of my own money.There was still a gap when buying equipment, so they pooled together 10 yuan as a stock investment.

We rented a cheap apartment with two bedrooms and one living room. Nine people can barely live there. The equipment is also included, and the electricity used is cheap.

I haven't received a job in the past six months, and I have taken a small loan of tens of thousands of yuan to maintain it. Including the rent, the total cost is about 40 yuan.

Mr. Yi, as long as you are willing to pay 40 yuan and pay wages to the sisters in the future, all of us and the equipment will be yours. "

Yiyin sighed. The ideals and pride of nine young people were worn down by society for two years, and in the end they were only worth 40.

After thinking about it, Yiyin looked at Xu Xing, who smiled.

"Why are you looking at me? You decide for yourself."

Xu Xing has seen the hardships of small and medium-sized enterprises, and Li Miaoren's pain is nothing.

But Li Miaoren is honest and not a monster, that's why Xu Xing is willing to recommend her to Yiyin.

As for Yiyin being soft-hearted and willing to pay a few more dollars, Xu Xing doesn't care at all.This investment is not included in the balance sheet of Xu Xing's own financial management studio, so it's none of his business.

Anyway, it was Gao Xin's money that was lost, up to [-] million of the group's [-] million. Those construction companies have made a lot of money over the years, and if they lose a little money, they will do good deeds for them.

Yiyin didn't know what was going on in Xu Xing's mind, he just thought that Li Miao was a good person, that the leading lady was responsible, and that the studio could be taken over.

So Yiyin said.

"I will take over all of your 40 foreign debts, but all the equipment you are using now must belong to the company.

Also, your studio is just you and eight employees, right?All nine of you have to sign new labor contracts with the company. If you had previous contracts, you will terminate them yourself.

We are a formal enterprise and do not use labor dispatch or circumvent social security.

You and your eight sisters will receive the same treatment for the time being. You will receive 5000 yuan, pay five social insurances and one housing fund, and guarantee your annual leave and paid sick leave. Everything will be implemented in accordance with the labor law.

I will send you an electronic version of the company's employee handbook later, so you can read it yourself.The specific contract and onboarding process will be officially launched when the funds from my side are in place.

By the way, if you are free, come back to the company with me today. We will sign an agreement of intent first. You provide me with an account, and the company will first transfer 5 yuan to you as a deposit.

Rent, water, electricity, gas, food, and the basic survival of employees should be guaranteed first, and we will discuss other matters slowly. "

Li Miaoren couldn't help but swallowed as he looked at Yiyin who was talking endlessly.

After Yiyin finished speaking, seeing that she was in a daze for no response, he asked.

"What's the matter? If you think there is any problem, you can mention it, we will be open and honest."

Li Miaoren shook his head desperately.

"No, not at all. This condition is much better than I thought. I can't believe it.

No, I'm not doubting what you mean. The person introduced by Brother Xu must be reliable. "

Yiyin smiled wryly and shook his head. The conditions were so good that he couldn't believe it. It seemed that he was frightened by the society.

"It's okay, everything is subject to the agreement and the contract. If you think there is any problem, you can always raise it.

Of course, I am not without requirements. I am very serious about game production. We will talk about this later. "

When it comes to work, Li Miaoren suddenly loses his previous worries about gain and loss, and becomes more confident.

"Boss, don't worry, our ability is absolutely fine, you can try it out."

Yes, now I am no longer called Yi Zong, but boss.

Yiyin smiled and stretched out his hand and said.

"So, are you happy to work together?"

"Pleasant to work with."

Yiyin held Li Miaoren's hand, feeling soft and boneless, and couldn't help but glance at Li Miaoren again, this girl is not only fair-skinned, but also quite tender.

(End of this chapter)

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