Different Game Department Male God

Chapter 121 Good people make more money

Chapter 121 Good people make more money

Seeing that Yiyin and Li Miaoren had initially reached an agreement, Xu Xing smiled.

"Okay, my task is completed, you can go back to the company and talk slowly."

Saying that, he stood up.

"I'm going to the bathroom."

Yiyin stood up.

"I'll go too."

Li Miaoren nodded.


The two walked into the men's bathroom. Yiyin looked at Xu Xing who was touching up her makeup and asked softly.

"Am I a bad negotiator?"

Xu Xing couldn't help laughing.

"Is this why you came with me? You're overthinking it, and I don't have a problem with it."

Yiyin stared at her, a little apprehensive.

"You really have no objection? Don't you think I'm being merciless and spending money indiscriminately?"

Xu Xing rolled her eyes at him and said.

"If you really care about it, then I will say a few words.

The per capita disposable income in Modu last year exceeded 6 yuan, so the monthly salary of [-] yuan you offered is not high at all. It is very reasonable and is average. "

Yi Yin breathed a sigh of relief.

"That's good."

Xu Xing rolled his eyes at him and continued.

“But as a private company, you are indeed too generous.

After all, excluding Hehe Group and foreign-funded enterprises, the average disposable income of ordinary enterprises is not high.

What's more, your company has to fully implement the labor law. In this way, the cost performance of working for you is quite high. "

Yiyin touched his nose.

"Isn't it the duty of every citizen to obey the law?"

Xu Xing nodded.

"That's right, so the company bosses who can't do it are all shady capitalists, and they deserve to be hung up from the street lights, right?
But the reality is that only two types of companies can do it, one is the companies affiliated to Hehe Group, and the other is companies with ultra-high gross profit margins.

Enterprises have no profits and cannot make money, so no matter how many demands they make, it will be in vain, and the vast majority of enterprises simply have no money. "

Yiyin bit his lower lip, lowered his head and said.


Xu Xing put away the makeup box, looked back at Yiyin, and asked.

"Why are you saying sorry to me?"

Yiyin said depressedly.

"I've spent your hard-earned money indiscriminately. What do you mean, don't you feel bad for selling your land?"

Xu Xing chuckled.

"Nervous, if you don't want to be a black-hearted boss, then find a way to become a company with super high gross profit margins. As the saying goes, poor people grow evil, and rich people grow conscience.

Aren't you very confident?Video games will definitely have a future, then you can make more money. With money, all problems will not be a problem.

Otherwise, with your soft-heartedness, the company will not be able to survive.At that time, just give up and go home and cook for me for the rest of your life to pay off your debts. "

Yiyin laughed.

"I won't cook for you for the rest of my life."

Xu Xing shook his head.

"This is not necessarily the case. In an era when bad money drives out good money, it is not that easy to be a good boss who abides by laws and regulations."

Yiyin nodded.

"So, I have decided to set up a marketing operations department to earn more money."

Xu Xing pouted.

"Okay, tell your employees about Huabing, I'm not interested in hearing it.

Let's get out quickly. If we don't get out, Li Miaoren will think that we have fallen into the toilet and cannot get out. "

Yiyin slapped his nose in disgust and joked with Xu Xing. At this moment, he made up his mind to agree to Xi Feifei's request and set up the operations department.

Li Miaoren has nine people here, and Li Hongmei may have seven or eight more people. The company now has a total of 30 people.

Everyone believes in themselves and is willing to work with them, so Yiyin has to consider everyone's jobs.As Xu Xing said, if you want to be a good boss without evil intentions, you must first make more money.

If you can't make money, it's useless no matter how good your conscience is. Just like Li Miaoren, in the end he can only cry and look at his little sisters and drink the northwest wind with him.


After the three of them talked in the coffee shop downstairs of Xu Xing's studio, Xu Xing went upstairs to start work.

And Yiyin led Li Miaoren out of the coffee shop, pointing to the opposite subway station and said.

"The company address is a bit out of the way, but fortunately there is a subway nearby. Let's take the subway there."

Li Miaoren was stunned for a moment.

"Boss, are you taking the subway?"

Yiyin asked in surprise.

"Yeah, can't you?"

Li Miaoren quickly shook his head.

"That's not what I meant. I didn't expect a big boss like you to take the subway."

Yiyin laughed and was about to say how big a boss he was, then he realized that he really seemed to be a big boss, with [-] million in hand!
Regardless of whether this [-] million is a deposit or a liability, anyone who can hold [-] million in his hand must be a rich person. How can anyone go out and take the subway?

Yiyin smiled bitterly and shook his head. He did not have the mentality and thinking of a rich person.

Some people are born with life and pursuits, while some people are born with survival and contentment.Just because they have different origins, their emotions, anger, sorrows and joys cannot be shared and cannot be understood.

The world is so cold and yet so real. At this point, the two worlds of male dominance and female dominance have not changed at all.

Yiyin hesitated.

"Don't you like taking the subway?"

Li Miaoren smiled.

"I like it. It's smooth and fast, and there's no traffic jam. On the contrary, I feel a little motion sick in a car."

Yiyin nodded.

"Then we are the same kind of people. I can't get used to riding in cars. I always feel dizzy and nauseous."

The two walked towards the subway station with a smile. The handsome man and the beautiful woman seemed to be a good match.


As soon as Yiyin and Li Miaoren got off the subway, they received a call from Wen Xinghan.

"Hey, Brother Xue, what's going on?"

"Boss, I'm with Mo Ziming now. He is interested in joining the company. Do you want to meet him before signing the labor contract?"

"I'm on my way back to the company now. Please take him there and let's meet.

I am here with the head of the 3D animation studio, preparing to sign an agreement of intent for acquisition. After Mo Xuege joined the company, he happened to help us draft one. "

"Then let's meet in our company.

By the way, the other party has already transferred money to the account I opened for business yesterday, and the first payment of 300 million has arrived.

The other party's boss also called me and spoke very politely. He said that all the investment funds would be credited within three months, which reassured the company.

I did a little research and found out that the owner of the company that made the payment is called Song Huanxi. This person is quite extraordinary. Is there any problem with this matter? "

Yiyin thought of Song Huanxi's fat face full of smiles, and knew in her heart that the other party was so diligent to make up for it and give Miss Xi Er face.

"Brother Xue, don't worry. I took Xi Feifei and Song Huanxi to dinner. It's no problem. Song Huanxi is only responsible for the transfer of Gao Xin's investment project."

"After all, it's [-] million, so be careful. I'll ask Mo Ziming to take a closer look at the custody agreement and plug the loopholes."

"Sorry, Senior Brother."

"What's the trouble? You are the boss and pay the salary. Let's go over now and see you at the company later."

Yiyin smiled and hung up the phone, looking at Li Miaoren with confidence.Qian Zhuang was a coward, and as Gao Xin's banknotes arrived one after another, Yi Yin's waist also straightened up.

Sure enough, you have the money, come with me.

(End of this chapter)

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