Different Game Department Male God

Chapter 122 Xi Feifei and Sun Youling

Chapter 122 Xi Feifei and Sun Youling

Yiyin and Wen Xinghan made an appointment to meet at the company, but at this time, someone in the company had already taken the lead.

Xi Feifei looked at the tea cup in front of her. The green tea bag was soaked in hot water, bringing out the aroma.

"I told you, I drink black tea."

Sun Youling covered her mouth and said in surprise.

"Sorry, I was so busy that I forgot about this. In fact, green tea is also good. You can try it. What if it suits you?
By the way, I still have a lot of things to be busy with, so I won’t entertain you, so please help yourself. "

Looking at the back of Sun Youling who turned around, Xi Feifei said lightly with a flash of sullenness in her eyes.

"I know your secret."

Sun Youling froze, subconsciously touched her head and looked at Xi Feifei.

"I do not understand what you're saying."

Xi Feifei's slender fingers slid over the teacup, as if dancing with the steaming heat.

"The development of Zhejiang Province is actually very difficult. Since ancient times, there has been a saying that there are seven mountains, two waters and one field.

Of the eleven prefecture-level cities under the jurisdiction of the province, the only ones that can really be allocated two rivers and one field are the four cities of Hangzhou, Shaoxing, Jianing, and the rest are struggling in the mountains and ravines.

Both Jiangsu and Zhejiang said that the geographical conditions of Zhejiang Province are much worse than that of Jiangsu Province. Because they are really inferior, they have to think about changes if they are poor. Therefore, the private enterprises in Zhejiang Province are particularly strong.

Since the Ming Dynasty, Zhejiang merchants have been one of the most powerful business gangs in the world, and now every prefecture-level city has a global industrial segment leader.

If the leader leads the team, other companies provide supporting services, and they are invincible all over the world, they will naturally become rich.

The Sun family has a high status among Zhejiang businessmen. Your mother should have been the honorary president once, right?

You are the only daughter in the family, and you have so much business waiting for you to inherit it. After graduation, you worked as a receptionist in a small company in Modu, fooling around.

It's strange that your family is still very supportive of you and bought a house near the company for you to live in for a long time.

Is your mother's heart that big?Are you willing to let you waste your time?As far as I know, you Zhejiang merchants are very particular about inheriting the family business. "

Sun Youling's expression darkened.

"You check me?"

Xi Feifei flicked her fingers and smiled.

"Just ask a few friends casually. You should know that in this circle in Zhejiang Province, very few people dare not take my words seriously."

Xi Feifei ordered the green tea bag in the teacup and asked if she had any idea.

Sun Youling snorted coldly.

"Zhejiang Province...Isn't it amazing to have the surname Xi?"

Xi Feifei giggled and raised her legs.

"You're right, the surname Xi is indeed remarkable, so please be good to me.

It's obvious that I came first, so don't jump in line. If you are obedient and make me feel happy, I will notify you when I get tired of playing and allow you to continue playing. "

Sun Youling's face turned red.

“What do you think of Brother Yiyin!

What came first to you?How many days have you known him?How much do you know about him?

I have watched his video materials and his study records at school, I have walked the road he once walked, and seen the scenery he once liked. I know him far better than you! "

Xi Feifei sighed.

"So there's no need to talk about it? I'm the most annoying fan of you. It's really not fun at all."

Sun Youling forced herself to calm down.

"You don't have to try to piss me off, I don't have any secrets."

Xi Feifei rubbed her chin and shook her head.

"Originally it was just a try, but now I am sure that you must be hiding something. It really piqued my curiosity."

Sun Youling snorted and wanted to change the subject.

"Isn't it the same for you? The second lady of the Xi family comes to hang out in a small company like this. Can your mother allow you to waste time in a place like this?"

Xi Feifei raised her three fingers and said calmly.

“First, I am the second daughter in the family and I don’t have as heavy responsibilities as you.

Second, I was still in school and came to the company as an intern in my senior year, so my mother wouldn’t say anything.

Third, no one can tell me what to do. I can do whatever I want. "

Sun Youling laughed.

"Really? But I heard that Miss Xi is very strict with you, and the second Miss is known to be very clean and has never even held a man's hand."

Sun Youling's words hit Xi Feifei's heart. Xi Feifei stood up with a sullen face and walked to Sun Youling.

"Your information is out of date. The senior you admire is so cool to kiss."

Sun Youling's breathing became a little heavier and she stared at Xi Feifei in anger.

Xi Feifei made a dirty voice, looked at Sun Youling and said.

"Can't you stand this? It's so unexpectedly innocent. You're still a young girl, right?"

Xi Feifei mocked Sun Youling, apparently forgetting that she was also pressured by her sister and forced to be a child.

Sun Youling grinded her teeth and said.

"Don't do anything to your brother, he is a miserable man."

Xi Feifei smiled.

"Hey, the innocent girl is angry, but do you really understand Yiyin? Maybe, the innocent senior student in your heart is actually very easy to fall for."

What Xi Feifei said is true.

Yiyin suffers from gender cognitive disorder and does not have the concept of chastity as a man in a feminine world. It is not difficult to sleep with him.

But Sun Youling didn't know this. She just thought that Xi Feifei, a naughty rich second generation, was humiliating her idol, so she became furious and raised her hand to slap Xi Feifei in the face.

But just as she raised her arm, Xi Feifei grabbed her wrist.

Xi Feifei took a closer look at Sun Youling. The distance between the two was less than ten centimeters, and their breath could hit each other's face.

"Don't do anything dangerous. You can't hit my face. Don't cause trouble for your mother."

Sun Youling gritted her teeth and said.

"Xi, I will never let you succeed. I will protect my senior brother."

The two were in a stalemate when the door of the company suddenly opened.

Yiyin appeared in front of them and asked curiously.

"What are you doing?"

When Xi Feifei saw Yiyin, her face was instantly filled with smiles.

"It's okay. I came to the company today and Sun Youling was making me tea. Alas, this person's memory is too bad, so he made me another cup of green tea.

I told her clearly yesterday that I like drinking black tea.

She was anxious to apologize to me and replace me with a cup of black tea, but the tea was already brewed, so it would be a pity to throw it away. It’s good to change the taste occasionally. I’ll drink this cup of green tea today.

Oh, right?Sun Youling, I don’t need to trouble you. "

As Xi Feifei spoke, she released Sun Youling's wrist.

Sun Youling rubbed her wrist and did not look at Xi Feifei for the first time, fearing that she would feel sick and want to vomit.

She looked at Yiyin with a smile and asked.

"Brother Xue, why are you here? Is there anything you need me to do?"

Yiyin stepped aside and invited Li Miaoren behind him to come in.

"I'll bring someone here to discuss things, and Wen Xinghan will bring someone later too."

Yiyin walked to the table, picked up the cup of green tea, and lectured Xi Feifei.

"We are all colleagues, don't bring your ladylike temper to the company.

Sun Youling is a regular employee, and you are just an intern. Why are you so arrogant to others?If you want to drink black tea, make it yourself. I'll drink this cup of green tea.

Li Miaoren, what are you drinking?Tea?Or coffee? "

Li Miaoren smiled.

"I'll drink whatever the boss drinks, and I'll drink green tea too."

Yi Yin nodded.

"Xi Feifei, look at this person, most of them are good at talking and doing things. Sun Youling, make a cup of green tea for the guests and bring it to the conference room."

Sun Youling happily went to make tea, while Xi Feifei crossed her arms and watched Yiyin walking into the conference room in displeasure.

Yiyin walked to the door of the conference room, suddenly remembered something, and turned around and said to Xi Feifei.

"By the way, I agree with the operation department. Come back and come up with a plan for me to take a look at."

Xi Feifei was overjoyed.

"Boss, are you enlightened?"

Yiyin rolled his eyes, ignored Xi Feifei, walked into the conference room while talking to Li Miaoren.

"The game I was just talking about, the Zerg is probably like this..."

Li Miaoren nodded while listening.

"This animation effect is not difficult to achieve, but the problem is..."

As the two talked, the door of the conference room was closed, blocking the sound.

Xi Feifei and Sun Youling looked at each other, snorted at the same time, and looked away in opposite directions.

Sun Youling made tea and sent it to the conference room.

Xi Feifei looked at her back, thinking that she must dig out Sun Youling's secret and make this little girl surrender.

(End of this chapter)

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