Different Game Department Male God

Chapter 123 People from two worlds

Chapter 123 People from two worlds
In the conference room, Yiyin took Li Miaoren to talk about his idea.

With a ballpoint pen and a few sheets of A4 paper in Li Miaoren's hand, he sketched out the brood and Hydralisk described by Yiyin. With just a few strokes, it is lifelike, and his art skills are really extraordinary.

Yiyin nodded in satisfaction and said.

"The floor plan is almost like this, but the game needs to be more vivid and three-dimensional, made into 3D, and there are moving actions, attack trajectories, and blood stains on injuries. Different states need to be different."

Li Miaoren thought for a while and said.

"Boss, your idea is not difficult to realize, but the problem is that the pure 3D game animation rendering will require a very high configuration of the personal computer.

Today's personal computers are all taking the portable route. Except for professional needs, most people will only be equipped with mini hosts or laptops.

If you, boss, just want to use the operability of the keyboard and mouse to let more people enjoy the competitive thrill of commanding thousands of troops, it is best not to use full 3D.

If we can lower the minimum system requirements of the game to a level that can be played on a laptop, we can attract more people to use their own computers to play the game. "

Yiyin was thoughtful.

"What you said makes sense, but if it wasn't made into 3D, wouldn't the game graphics be much worse?"

Li Miaoren smiled.

“We can take a trick and make a 3D three-dimensional model, and then embed the war map with a 2D flat image.

The human eye is actually very easy to deceive. As long as the stereoscopic image looks like 3D and the movement trajectory looks like 3D, they will subconsciously think it is 3D.


Yi Yin nodded and said.

"I don't understand technical matters. Let's make it first and take a look. First make the Zerg models I mentioned. I'll consider the effect after seeing the effect."

Li Miaoren nodded and said while drawing.

"Boss, please be more specific. I'll draw a few pieces of paper and make a batch of sample drawings first."

The two were talking when there was a knock on the door, and then Sun Youling opened the door and came in, placing a cup of green tea in front of Li Miaoren.

"Please have some tea."

"Thank you."

Xi Feifei followed in with a smile and sat down on the chair on the other side of Yiyin.

Yiyin glanced at her and asked.

"What are you doing in here?"

Xi Feifei spoke confidently.

"Of course the operations department must pay attention to the product progress so that it can cooperate with the operation."

Yi Yin sighed.

"The StarCraft horoscopes haven't been written yet, and Li Hongmei hasn't started writing a single code yet. Here are just a few sketches. What are you following up on?
By the way, Song Huanxi has made a payment, and the first batch of investment has entered the escrow account.Do we need to make an investment plan, or some research and development schedule, and send it to Gao Xin? "

Xi Feifei waved her hands and said nonchalantly.

“I already have the money, who cares about her so much.

I turned around and made a ppt by myself, just perfunctory her a few words, and just sent it to her mailbox. "

Yiyin smiled wryly.

"Not too bad? After all, it's [-] million."

Xi Feifei chuckled.

"Boss, you are thinking too much. In a branch of Hehe Group, any small department manager can be worth nine figures if he stretches out his hand.

These years of inflation, the money is gone, [-] million is not a big number, since it was voted for me, Gao Xin himself will not care too much.

Gao Xin is very happy. I helped her settle Song Huanxi, and she can do whatever she wants with the remaining [-] million.

In the past few days, I heard that she was confused by those male anchors, and sooner or later she would be defrauded of all her money.

Boss, you are really making good use of her investment. If there are returns in the future, she will come over to toast you and thank you for helping her save face.

As for now, don't worry about her. "

Xi Feifei said a few words lightly, which made Li Miaoren, who was lowering his head to draw, look unhappy, and the knuckles holding the pen turned white.

Sun Youling snorted, and just as she was about to help Yiyin drive people away, there was another movement outside the door, and Wen Xinghan and Mo Ziming appeared at the door of the conference room.

Wen Xinghan joked.

"I said, why is there no one at the front desk? They are all here to listen to the boss's instructions. Boss, I brought someone here, can you talk to me first?"

Yiyin stood up and stepped forward, shook hands with Mo Ziming and said with a smile.

"It's not necessary. They are all my seniors here to help me. I have a lot to say.

Let me introduce to you, this is my senior student, Mo Ziming, from the Jinghua Law Department, who will serve as the company's legal affairs officer in the future. "

Xi Feifei took the lead in applauding, swept around Yiyin, Mo Ziming, Wen Xinghan, Sun Youling, and smiled.

"The company is almost turning into your Jinghua Alumni Association. No, boss, I will find a few alumni to come over and support the scene."

Yiyin scolded with a smile.

"What are you talking about? You have to compete with each other?
By the way, Brother Mo Xue, this is Miss Li Miaoren. I am talking to her about acquiring her studio. Can you help me write a letter of intent?
Brother Wen Wen, after signing the letter of intent, I need to trouble you to deposit 5 yuan into Li Miaoren's account. "

Wen Xinghan shook his head.

"It's enough to just say the name, the senior brother on the left and the senior brother on the right, it's really an alumni association."

Mo Ziming smiled.

"I'm starting to work before I'm even hired? Wen Xinghan also said you're naive. I think you're pretty good at being a boss."

The few people chatted and laughed, instantly covering up the awkward moment caused by Xi Feifei's words just now.

After everyone introduced each other, Mo Ziming was going to apply for employment, Li Miaoren was going to sign a letter of intent, Wen Xinghan was going to transfer money, and Sun Youling was going to help with printing.

A group of people went out to do their business, leaving Yiyin and Xi Feifei waiting in the conference room for a while.

Yiyin picked up the draft that Li Miaoren had just drawn and was amazed by it.

The level is indeed high, with a few vague descriptions from Yiyin, Li Miaoren can almost restore the Hydralisk in Yiyin's mind with the pen in his hand.

Such a talent, no wonder her schoolmates are willing to follow her to come to Motor City and open a studio.

Xi Feifei held her chin with one hand, leaning on the desk and looking at Yiyin.



"Are these monsters better looking than me?"

"Ha ha."

Yiyin thought to himself, you know nothing, women are nothing compared to Xingxing.

Xi Feifei obviously felt something from Yiyin's perfunctory attitude. She pursed her lips unhappily. She rolled her eyes and asked again.

"Boss, Yoyo is going on summer vacation?"

"Well, vacation starts next week."

"When school starts again, she should be in the kindergarten class, right?"

"um, yes."

"So, next year she will go to primary school, which school do you plan to let her go to?"

When Yiyin thought about this, he started to have a headache again. Xu Xing had mentioned it before, did the child's schooling really need to be considered so early?
Seeing the confusion on Yiyin's face, Xi Feifei smiled and said politely.

"Boss, have you heard of the Experimental School of Jiaotong University?"

Yi Yin thought about it.

"There seems to be such a school behind the community where Xu Xing lives. Which one are you talking about?"

Xi Feifei slapped the table and said.

"Yes, it's that nine-year school, divided into primary school and junior high school. If you can go to the primary school, you can easily go straight to the junior high school.

It's very close to where you live, just a few hundred meters away, and the ranking of the junior high school is not low, probably third in your district. "

Yiyin thought for a while and asked.

"Is it easy to get in?"

Xi Feifei smiled.

“Private schools require entrance tests, so it’s not easy to get into them.

However, there are unofficial quotas for children of faculty and staff every year, so I have some options to try. After all, I am a returning student. "

Yiyin shook his head. This was not something that ordinary students could handle. Xi Feifei was humble and asked casually.

"Is this how you got in when you were a kid?"

Xi Feifei shrugged and said.

"How is it possible? I went to an international school and I was not prepared to take the college entrance examination in China from the beginning.

The college entrance examination was too cruel. My mother was afraid that I wouldn't be able to pass it, but I decided to take the college entrance examination to show her that I was not a good-for-nothing like Gao Xin, so I could only go to a prestigious school abroad.

However, international schools are not suitable for your daughter. They are too expensive, and you are planning to let her take the college entrance examination in the future, right?
Therefore, you should consider this re-examination school, and I will help you find the admission quota.Although this school is privately run, the tuition fee is only over 1 yuan per semester, which is quite cheap.

Alas?What's wrong with you boss? "

Yiyin knew that Xi Feifei was flattering himself, but when he heard rich people talking about education, he couldn't help but harden his fists.

But he knew that Xi Feifei did have good intentions, so he could only force out a smile and said.

"I'll think it over."

Xi Feifei nodded and said.

"I'm waiting for your news, as soon as possible. The reserved places are very popular. It will be very troublesome if you are late."

Yi Yin sighed.

"I understand, then let's go to the experimental school."

Although Yuyou's reading problem has been solved, Yiyin's mood is a little depressed.

He glanced at the smiling Xi Feifei and felt more and more that the two of them were from two different worlds.

(End of this chapter)

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