Different Game Department Male God

Chapter 124 A far-reaching counterattack

Chapter 124 A far-reaching counterattack

Xi Feifei looked at Yiyin happily, thinking that she had solved Yiyin's problems and pleased the man.

But Yiyin couldn't laugh. Even though he was as smart as a little witch, he didn't realize that this incident actually disgusted Yiyin. Yiyin once again felt the huge difference in outlook between the two.

Speaking of which, this female world is already very friendly to Yiyin.

With good looks, high education, and good connections, no matter how bad his life is, how miserable can he be if he gets married?
The people who really feel that this world is full of malice are actually talented fresh graduates like Li Miaoren who can't find a way out. The middle- and lower-class women in the female-dominated world are so miserable.

Xi Feifei's outspokenness towards Yiyin is also a bit subconscious in this regard.Women's way of courting is nothing more than to give men a sense of security. This method is indeed very feminine.

It's hard for Yiyin to have a good impression of this. After all, he is a man in a male-dominated world and has no idea of ​​relying on women for his life.

In a sense, the current Yiyin really conforms to Huang Yi's ideal type. He is a rare and truly independent man in a femdom-oriented society, rather than those pseudo-independent men who are selling themselves off.

While the two were talking, the door of the conference room opened, and Li Miaoren walked in, smiling a little stiffly and saying.

"Boss, I've signed the agreement here. I'll go back and talk to the sisters first and tell them the good news."

Obviously, Li Miaoren was greatly stimulated by Xi Feifei's understatement.

Although the social beatings in the past two years have made Li Miaoren learn to face reality and try her best to pretend not to care, Yiyin can still feel the dissatisfaction in her heart and needs time to calm down.

Yiyin nodded in understanding and said.

"Then you go back first and make it clear to the little sisters in your studio. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.

There is no need to rush when it comes to trying out the StarCraft graphics. You must agree on your opinions first. After the trial painting is passed, we will formally sign the labor contract. "

Li Miaoren nodded.

"thank you boss."

Mo Ziming also walked into the conference room at this time and said.

"Ignoring the period of the agreement of intent, your equipment must be transferred to the company after the contract is officially signed.

It is illegal to use civilian electricity to produce goods. It is okay to use a laptop when working from home. Professional equipment such as this for large-scale animation production must use commercial electricity.

As the boss, you have to arrange workstations for them and build switching servers. It is best to rent cloud server hosting to complete the business environment.

In short, it is the company's system choice to allow employees to work from home, but the company must have a full set of workstations and equipment in order to cope with inspections by the power supply department.

In the past, it was okay for a few people in the company to make small games, but in the future, dozens of people will make game engines and 3D animations on a large scale, which must be formalized.

Otherwise, we won’t be able to stop anyone from checking it out. "

Li Miaoren nodded.

"I understand. I will register the equipment when I get back and move the equipment over when I officially join the company."

Yiyin rubbed his temples, feeling a little headache.

"Baobai Studio has nine people, and Li Hongmei is contacting the IT engineers who make the game engine. There are at least six or seven people.

Coupled with the equipment placement and work station arrangement, it seems that the company cannot accommodate so many people, right? "

Wen Xinghan happened to walk into the conference room and said.

“The company’s current two hundred square meters is definitely not enough, I suggest renting out the entire floor.

I took a rough look and found that the entire floor is about [-] square meters, which should be enough. "

Yiyin was shocked.

"Does it need to be as big as [-] square meters?"

Wen Xinghan said.

"Isn't this because you, boss, are constantly expanding your recruitment?
Small games can no longer satisfy your appetite. For large-scale computer games like StarCraft, you can play it as soon as you want.

With more employees, we need workstations, computer rooms, more conference rooms, legal affairs, finance, human resources, general affairs, etc.

In addition, Li Miaoren's 3D animation studio, Li Hongmei's game engine department, and Xing Yaoyao's graphic, game level, and game music designers also had to be arranged.

There has to be an overall plan, right?
Instead of waiting until later and scrambling around, it is better to take one step now, rent the entire floor directly, and erect the skeletons of each department first.

At least for the next two years, we don’t have to worry about the company’s expansion anymore. "

Yiyin stretched out his right hand, rubbed his index finger and thumb, and said.

“If you get it right in one step, you don’t have to worry about it, but the money is also well spent.

The current two hundred square meters, the rent plus commercial water and electricity, is at least 20 yuan a year. If it expands to 80 square meters, I am afraid that it will not be able to afford even [-] yuan, and it may be in the millions. "

Wen Xinghan shrugged and said.

"It depends on your public relations ability, boss. Director Hao of the property management team respects you a lot. You can consider having a good talk with her and try to get the price down."

Yiyin smiled wryly.

"Can we talk about this? The park doesn't want to make money?"

Wen Xinghan said seriously.

“The park really doesn’t make money from our rent.

With the rapid economic development in the past few years, the subsidiaries of the Hemu Group in all districts of Modu are desperately responding to the group's call to build new high-tech parks.

There are sixteen districts in Modu, each with at least three or four high-tech parks, totaling nearly a hundred.

All the high-tech companies from across the country came to Motodu and couldn't fill the high-rise buildings in these parks. In the end, they were all used as general business buildings, and there was no slogan about incubating unicorns.

Boss, do you think they are trying to get your rent?People are making money from the increase in land prices. Who cares about your small money?

Employees within the Harmony Group like Director Hao are supported by the group's money. They charge more in rent and less in rent. It does not affect their level or salary at all. What does it matter if I reduce your rent a little?
Besides, this year's property and health fees have been waived for you. This shows that Director Hao really wants to make you a friend.

Anyway, if the park is a little relaxed, you, boss, will make a lot of money. Why not give it a try?What if the negotiation is successful? "

When Wen Xinghan said this, Yiyin was really moved.

"Then I'll talk to Director Hao later."

Li Miaoren bit her lower lip and waited for Wen Xinghan to finish speaking before forcing a smile.

"Then I'll leave first, boss."

Yiyin nodded.

"Well, let's contact you via Fetion."

Li Miaoren walked out of the conference room with his head buried in his chest and almost bumped into Sun Youling who was about to enter.

"Excuse me."

Sun Youling looked at her back as she staggered away, and said inexplicably.

"What happened to her?"

Xi Feifei smiled.

"Let the brick of reality hit her head, and she found that many things were completely different from what she imagined.

Now is not the 90s, it is no longer an era where success can only be achieved by relying on talent and bravery. In other words, these fresh graduates are best fooled. "

Yi Yin glared at her.

"Can't you keep a low profile?"

Xi Feifei said frankly.

"Of course not. These days, whoever keeps a low profile will suffer the consequences. Since the company already has legal affairs, the operations department has some suggestions for you, boss."

Yiyin snorted.

"Operations Department? Isn't it you?"

Xi Feifei didn't change her face.

"Yes, I suggest that the company should collect evidence and sue the White Swan Group."

Yiyin froze for a moment.

"What are you suing for? Plagiarism? Didn't you say you can't win the lawsuit?"

Mo Ziming nodded.

“Yes, video games are a new thing, and there are currently no relevant laws and regulations in China that can clearly restrict the plagiarism of Swan Games.

If you go to court, there will probably be no results in the end.The legal department of the White Swan Group, nicknamed the Victorious Man, cannot win without conclusive evidence, and even if the evidence is conclusive, it may not win. "

Xi Feifei smiled.

"Does one have to win a lawsuit? As long as the goal can be achieved, isn't it good?
As I just said, you can't keep a low profile these days. If you keep a low profile, others will think you are easy to bully and they will bully you hard.

Less than three weeks after Lianliankan was launched, Swan Games followed up with ten Lianliankan-type mini-games.Fruit Lianliankan was on the shelves for seven days, and the imitation of Swan Game followed suit.

This plagiarism speed is too much, right?I don't care whether I can win the lawsuit, what I want is to suppress the unscrupulous attitude of Swan Game.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that Swan Games is plagiarizing and taking advantage of legal loopholes, so we should try our best to make our voices heard.

Sue it, go through legal procedures, send an inquiry letter to the stock exchange, and create public opinion.

The economic situation this year is very bad. The growth rate of Internet development has been declining significantly. It is a foregone conclusion that the market has entered stock competition. As a result, the share price of White Swan Group has plummeted, and its valuation has been cut in half.

At this time, any negative news may cause the stock price of White Swan Group to fall again, disrupting the development rhythm of White Swan Group.

We do not sue Swan Games, but directly sue the White Swan Group through various channels to make the case bigger.

It's already early July, and soon the stock market's second-quarter reporting period will begin.

The White Swan Group's forecast has included video games as a new development goal. If a plagiarism scandal occurs at this time, it will have a huge impact on the White Swan Group's stock price.

Regardless of whether the White Swan Group can pass the test in the end, I believe that after this, Swan Games will never dare to plagiarize so brazenly again. "

Yiyin was still a little confused after hearing what it said about the second quarter report?Why is Swan Games so scared that it doesn’t dare to plagiarize?He doesn't quite understand.

But Wen Xinghan was already in awe and said.

"Yes, that makes sense.

We don't need to prevent absolute plagiarism, but we can limit the speed and completeness of plagiarism.

As long as the plagiarism speed of Swan Games slows down and plagiarized content is not dared to be copied, it will be fine.

In that case, the downloads of our next products Fruit Ninja and Angry Birds will definitely increase a lot and we can make more money. "

Xi Feifei nodded.

"Yes, the company is spending too much now. The development cycle for a large-scale computer game like StarCraft will take at least one year, right?

Only by finding ways to make more money can we stabilize the balance of payments and keep the company afloat. "

Mo Ziming smiled.

"I just joined the company, and I'm not even excited yet. The company is going to arrange for me to compete with the White Swan. They really think highly of me.

Okay, then I'll give it a try. In fact, I've also heard about Bishengxia's reputation for a long time. Since the company is not afraid of losing the lawsuit, I will go ahead and do it, just like finding a free master to practice with. "

The three of them sang together and almost settled the matter, leaving Yiyin, the ignorant boss, unable to interrupt and touching his nose in embarrassment.

Only Sun Youling, who was sitting on the sidelines at the end of the table, asked obediently.

"Boss, what do you think?"

Yi Yin laughed.

"Okay, okay, let's do it like this."

Wen Xinghan glanced at Yiyin and said.

"Boss, you are responsible for dealing with Director Hao and use your best public relations skills."

Yi Yin pouted.

"OK, all right.."

Nintendo is gearing up to counter the plagiarism of Swan games.

At this time, no one realized how far-reaching this counterattack would have on Yiyin's future.

(End of this chapter)

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