Different Game Department Male God

Chapter 125 The Beginning of the Yiyin Great Crisis

Chapter 125 The Beginning of the Yiyin Great Crisis

In the development area of ​​Modu dedication area, there is a building with avant-garde appearance.This is a network operation center sponsored by White Swan Group during the Modu World Expo that year.

Later, some functions of the White Swan Group were also placed in this building, making it the most important location of the White Swan Group in Modu.

Until Swan Games, a subsidiary of Swan Entertainment, was established, its company location was also located here, which shows the importance White Swan Group attaches to Swan Games.

At this time, in the office of the general manager of Swan Game Company, a middle-aged and elderly fat woman was raging. Her face was ferocious, and the sparse hair on her head was swaying with her anger.

"Damn it! How dare this Nintendo Game Company do this!"

Looking at the furious Mr. Guo in front of him, Qian Zhi, who was sitting at his desk, felt powerless.

Mr. Guo, a veteran of the White Swan Group, only wants to rely on Swan Entertainment to climb up the corporate ladder. She has no bottom line in doing things. Plagiarism is just hard copying, without considering the consequences at all.

Perhaps in Mr. Guo's view, Nintendo Game Company is just a micro-startup that has just opened its doors. What background and confidence can it have to compete with the White Swan Group?

Just copy it, so what?If you really knock Nintendo out of business, you can even buy it at a low price, and you can have the talent and equipment in place in one step.

It's a pity that Ren Tianxing, the leader of a small company, dared to challenge the White Swan Group. Mr. Guo, who acted unscrupulously, suffered immediately.

Mr. Guo did things without any sense of propriety, and he grabbed a lot of tricks. As a result, when the opponent's counterattack came, he was instantly stunned.

Seeing Qian Zhi not speaking, Mr. Guo became even more angry and said in a deep voice.

"Vice President Qian, you are the person in charge of the company's game technology development. Don't you have anything to say to me?"

There were only two people in the room, Mr. Guo and Qian Zhi, and Mr. Guo's tone was inevitably harsh.

Qian Zhi sighed and said.

"I have reminded Mr. Guo before that plagiarism is not a long-term solution. We should establish our own game design department as soon as possible to make our own independent and original games."

Mr. Guo sneered.

"You mean, the current situation is all my fault?
The group has given us so many resources and even allowed us to locate our company in this building. They hope we can achieve results as soon as possible!

According to your idea, you start from recruiting people, designing the game, setting up the project, testing and putting it on the shelves. How much time will it take?a year?two years?

Do we have that much time to waste?The head office stares at me every day. Every month, the group asks the head office for monthly reports and progress. What can I do?
And those trash from the Legal Department!They obviously patted their chests and assured me that our approach was completely legal.

But now?

Nintendo Game Company bypassed Swan Games and Swan Entertainment and directly sued White Swan Group, breaking the news!
The small broken company even filed a complaint with the stock exchange, hoping that the stock exchange would inquire about the false information contained in the group's new forecast.

Now the secondary market is panicking and the group's stock price has plummeted. Are all the problems because of me?I have to take all the blame, right? "

Qian Zhi remained silent.

White Swan Group really hopes that Swan Games will achieve results as soon as possible, but the fact that things have reached this point is entirely the fault of Mr. Guo in front of him.

She regarded the swan game as a ladder with her left foot stepping on the right foot. She never considered doing things down to earth. She just wanted to reach the sky in one step and climb to the top of the group.

Eager for quick success and no bottom line, staring at the new games produced by Nintendo is just trying to make money.

Just a week after Nintendo Game Company's game was put on the shelves, Swan Entertainment rushed to produce a similar game. Except for changing the game icon, it was almost a copy.

With this kind of rhythm that drives people to death, Nintendo Game Company's counterattack is also forced to be helpless, which is understandable.

If you copy it too much, it will naturally be full of loopholes and it will not be able to withstand the pressure of public opinion.

The legal department of the White Swan Group is awesome and they will definitely win the lawsuit.But Swan Game's pants were completely pulled down by this lawsuit that had not yet begun, and everyone could see clearly.

The secondary market itself has doubts about the profit growth of the Internet in the Red Ocean era. This time the plagiarism of Swan Game was exposed, which directly caused the group's stock price to plummet.

You know, the electronic game sector is a new growth point that the White Swan Group is promoting. If a scandal occurs at this time, wouldn't it cause trouble for the group?
Mr. Guo wanted to climb up, but someone else wanted to step on her, so they took this opportunity to deal with her.

Some people never see what's wrong with themselves. When something goes wrong, they think it's someone else who is causing trouble.

Mr. Guo looked at the taciturn Qian Zhi and sneered in his heart, "If I get screwed, you won't be able to live well."

she said coldly.

"I heard that the boss of Nintendo Game Company, the man named Yiyin, is your brother-in-law?"

Qian Zhi's face froze and he said slowly.

"We lost touch after my sister died in a car accident."

Mr. Guo sneered.

"Your sister-in-law and sister-in-law have just passed away, and your brother-in-law and sister-in-law have fallen out? No contact?
I don’t think it’s necessarily your sister’s fault? "

After being stumbled by Nintendo Company, Mr. Guo also became serious and spent money to investigate some situations of Nintendo Company.

Mr. Guo was implying that Qian Zhi was shameless and even plagiarized his brother-in-law's creative work in order to perform well in the White Swan Group.

The eldest sister doesn't laugh at the second sister. What right does Qian Zhi have to despise Mr. Guo? She didn't sell her brother-in-law in order to climb up the ladder.

Qian Zhi bit her lower lip and said nothing. She and Yiyin no longer interacted because she did something she shouldn't have done that night, and Mi Nan fucked Yiyin.

As for plagiarizing Yiyin's creative works, it was because of love and hatred. I was stimulated by Yiyin's disregard and made the same mistake again and again.

However, Qian Zhi gained the favor of the group and took the position of vice president of the new company Swan Games, which she did not expect.

But Qian Zhi couldn't explain the entanglement clearly to Mr. Guo, and she was unwilling to talk to this profit-obsessed old woman.

Seeing that Qian Zhi didn't answer, Mr. Guo said with a smile.

"That little cousin named Yiyin, don't think he can win by using this method. When I was involved in the business war and killing everyone, he was still eating rice!

If you can't win the lawsuit, then you have to resort to off-the-books tactics, right?Okay, then I will teach him a lesson on what shopping malls are like battlefields.

I have already found out that the person who helped the young cousin manipulate me was the second daughter of Mr. Xi of the Zhejiang Branch of Hehe Group.

This kind of rich kid is troublesome. He wants to please the widower, climbs into the widower's bed, and can do anything.

What's more, don't think that only Nintendo Game Company has a background in Hehe Group. Our White Swan Group is not easy to bully.

However, it is indeed a bit troublesome when it comes to the Hehe Group. I will first peel off this layer of reliance on the young cousin, and then slowly deal with him.

As for you, Qian Zhi, I will make it clear to you today. You'd better be able to help.Otherwise, you will be fully responsible for this Crisis Group plagiarism incident. "

Qian Zhi trembled and looked at Mr. Guo.Mr. Guo squinted his eyes, the flesh on his face was squeezed into a ball, and his eyes looked fierce.

"Don't look at me like this. For such a big trouble, someone has to take the blame.

I have a strong foundation in the group, and someone will protect me, but it's a pity that you don't.

You are responsible for the company's technology advancement and product development. Now that there is a plagiarism incident, you cannot escape the blame.Think about it carefully and see if you can come up with something to protect yourself.

Haha, you are less than 30 years old, and you are still a top student who graduated from Jiaofu University. You should have a bright future.

If you can't pass this test, I'm afraid your life will be ruined. With such a big stain on your body, which big group would dare to use you?
That young cousin named Yiyin has been married to your sister for six years. Don’t you have anything detrimental to him?

Think clearly for yourself, you are still young, don't waste your life.

Now, get out of here. "

Qian Zhihuan left Mr. Guo's office. She didn't know where to go, so she subconsciously went to the underground parking lot and drove out to get some fresh air.

While driving, she accidentally drove near the high-tech park where Nintendo Game Company is located.

After hesitating for a moment, Qian Zhi parked his car in a paid parking space on the roadside and walked into the high-tech park for a wander.

She didn't know what she was going to do here. Maybe she just wanted to walk around the park and feel the atmosphere of Yiyin's daily life.

I don't know if he is doing well now, if he still hates himself, I don't know. .He didn't know what kind of thing he was in his heart.

Qian Zhi was walking drowsily on the walkway of the park. Before he had gone too far, he was startled awake by a strange spirit.

Isn't it Yiyin himself who is coming towards us?

Yiyin seemed to be sending his guests away. When he looked up at the road, he happened to see Qian Zhi standing blankly in front of him, and he was obviously stunned for a moment.

But then, Yiyin seemed to have not seen Qian Zhi, chatting and laughing with the women around him, passing Qian Zhi indifferently, completely ignoring Qian Zhi.

"Ms. Xu, I leave the StarCraft book to you. If you have any questions, you can contact me at any time by Fetion."

"Mr. Yi is too polite. Just call me Xu Zilan. If this book is revised well, I will be your employee from now on, and I will have to call you boss."

You don't need to send it anymore, please return it. "

"No, no, no, I'll see you off. Mo Yu has worked hard and brought Xu Zilan here again."

Qian Zhi stood there slumped, watching Yiyin and the guests go further and further away, his heart went blank and cold, and he couldn't help but feel a little ridiculous when he thought of his hesitant thoughts just now.

I don’t know what kind of thing he is in his heart?

It turned out that I was nothing at all, and I was no longer in his eyes.

Qian Zhi raised his head and looked up at the sky. The scorching July sun was unleashing his passion. The sunshine was so hot that it hurt his eyes and he couldn't help crying.

Qian Zhi's shoulders were twitching, his fists were clenched, and he let tears fall down his cheeks.

She has had a crush on Yiyin since she was a child, and over the years she has watched him gradually become a god in the eyes of everyone.

Why, why would Yiyin be willing to tolerate her sister after she did something like that, marry her, and even be willing to continue raising that bastard after her death.

And what about myself?I just made a small mistake that all women may make, so why should I ignore me and humiliate me.

These days, Qian Zhi's heart has already been tortured by herself to the point of fragility, because of the guilt and fear that night, she has become a shy person, unable to get wet anymore.

At this moment, Yiyin's ignorance seemed to be the last straw that broke Qian Zhi's mind.Qian Zhi's throat suddenly made a terrible sound, like a soul breaking from the abyss.

"Hey, that's fine. Since you ignore me, why should I care about you?
I'm still young, and I still have a future that needs to be protected, so I'm sorry, Yiyin, if you want to blame it, you have to blame yourself. You forced me to do this.

It was you who forced me to do this! "

Qian Zhi turned back resolutely, walked out of the park gate, and passed by Yiyin again.

This time, the two ignored each other and became strangers.

Qian Zhi sat in the driver's seat, started the car, and drove towards home.

There is a USB flash drive in her home, which contains a video of the night when she was obsessed with a man and had sex with her husband.

(End of this chapter)

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