Chapter 126

Zhejiang Province, Hangcheng, Beishan.

Beishan is the essence of Hangzhou culture. Bai Causeway, Broken Bridge, Gushan, Yuemiao, Quyuan Fenghe, Su Causeway and Yanggong Causeway are all around, and it is not far from the Zhejiang Branch of Hemu Group.

There is a villa in the mountains with five guest buildings. Behind it is the residential area of ​​Hemu Group, where the general manager of the Zhejiang Branch lives.

At this time, a B-Li luxury car was driving slowly on the road leading to the residential area.

Xi Lanlan held a medical diagnosis in her hand and was looking at the scenery outside the window in a daze, replaying the conversation with the doctor this morning in her mind.

"Mr. Xi, it is indeed pancreatic cancer."

"Is there a possibility of misdiagnosis?"

"As far as I know, our hospital is the third tertiary hospital you have visited. I think the result is certain and the possibility of misdiagnosis is very low.

I must remind you that it is not advisable to avoid medical treatment. Please face this reality, actively cooperate with treatment, and do not miss the best treatment window. "

"I'll think about it again."

"Mr. Xi, pancreatic cancer is also known as the king of cancers. It is a very dangerous cancer. When it is discovered, it has already started to spread.

In previous cases, the mortality rate within one year was as high as 90.00%. Only patients who actively cooperate with treatment and can afford the high cost can strive for the 5.00% survival rate.

For your own safety, please think carefully as soon as possible. "

"I understand, thank you, Dean.

In addition, regarding my illness, I hope your hospital can keep it confidential for me. "

"You can rest assured that protecting patients' privacy rights is the hospital's obligation."

"Thank you."

Xi Lanlan was thinking a lot and didn't know whether she should tell her mother the news. It wasn't until the car stopped and the driver asked her for instructions that she took a deep breath and put the medical certificate back in her briefcase.

By this time, it was already dinner time.

Xi Lanlan walked into the simple and elegant small building and saw Xi Jianqiao sitting on the sofa reading the newspaper.

Xi Jianqiao is already in her early fifties and has given birth to two daughters. But to outsiders, her skin is tight and her appearance and temperament are similar to those of the Xi sisters. She looks like a beautiful eldest sister who is a few years older.

He has phoenix eyes and willow eyebrows, and his eyes are full of thunder. It can be seen that he has been in a high position for a long time, and he is not angry but has authority.

"Mother, I'm back."

"We're back, let's eat first."

The mother and daughter walked into the dining room, where three dishes and one soup were already placed on the table.

Xi Jianqiao has no requirements for material life. In addition to the standard four dishes and one soup for business banquets, he usually has two dishes and one soup. Today, he added one dish for the sake of his daughter's return home for dinner.

This kind of people is the most unsimple, and they don't care about worldly enjoyment, so there must be other more passionate pursuits that overwhelm physical desires.

As the saying goes, **is better than **.

The two of them had just sat down, and the nanny had already served two bowls of rice attentively.

Eat without speaking, sleep without speaking.

After finishing the meal, Xi Lanlan served a bowl of soup for Xi Jianqiao, and then Xi Jianqiao slowly asked.

"What is your sister doing lately?"

Xi Lanlan froze for a moment, pretending to be stupid.

"She will be a senior in the second half of the year. She should be preparing for an internship, right?"

Xi Jian raised his eyebrows and glanced at Xi Lanlan's face, which made Xi Lanlan's daughter feel a little stinging.

"Ever since she was little, you have known how to pamper her and protect her. No matter what she did wrong, you would never tell the truth to me.

It's fine now, but the older she gets, the more outrageous it becomes. She actually got together with a widower who has children, which is simply ruining the family tradition! "

Xi Lanlan squinted her eyes, a trace of doubt flashing in her eyes.Mother has so many things to do and has no time to take care of Xi Feifei. How could she know about Yiyin?
Seeing his daughter being silent, Xi Jianqiao sneered.

"In the past, she was young and did something wrong, and you, the eldest sister, could protect her. As a result, she became more and more lawless.

This time, she went to make trouble with the White Swan Group, and the stock price of the company collapsed.

The economic situation this year is not good. The share price of White Swan Group has been cut in half. It was finally able to hold on at a low level, but it was caused by the panic crash caused by it and reached a new low.

The manager of the Hangcheng subsidiary came to me personally to ask for advice and asked me to tell White Swan Group what it didn't do well. She would definitely ask White Swan Group to make rectifications when she got back, which made me confused.

After working on it for a long time, it was she, Miss Xi Er, who was in charge of everything and caused trouble for me, a mother!
Does Xi Feifei have a brain? Does she know the importance?

20.00% of the Hangcheng subsidiary's net profit last year came from business income from the White Swan Group. She wanted to bring down the White Swan Group, but the Hangcheng subsidiary was the first to refuse! "

Xi Lanlan sneered in her heart, not only the Hangcheng subsidiary company didn't agree, but you, the general manager of the Zhejiang branch, couldn't agree either.

The Hangzhou subsidiary had a net profit of 400 trillion yuan last year, and the business revenue of the White Swan Group alone was as high as 500 billion yuan.

There was a problem with the White Swan Group, and the entire Hangzhou subsidiary was nervous. The general manager came to Xi Jianqiao, asking for instructions, but secretly expressing dissatisfaction.

Last year, the net profit of the entire Hangzhou branch was 200 billion, with White Swan Group accounting for [-]%. Xi Jianqiao himself was also nervous.

The status of the Zhejiang branch is maintained by the large profits handed over to the Hemu Group headquarters.

Once the profit turned over decreases, or he even asks the headquarters for money backhand, Xi Jianqiao's path to progress may come to an end.

Xi Feifei stirred a hornet's nest this time.

Xi Lanlan thought for a while and said.

"Mother, this matter is a bit strange. Let me check it out. I will give you an explanation later."

Xi Jianqiao picked up the bowl, took a sip of soup, and said calmly.

"Weird? What's going on in this world that's not weird?
That little fool Xi Feifei touched someone else's cake. Of course they will fight back. Come and ask for permission, which is enough to give me, Xi Jianqiao, face.

You don't need to worry about this matter. I have made it clear to the manager of the Hangzhou subsidiary that I will let the White Swan Group handle the business competition itself.

Since ancient times, loving fathers have often failed in their daughters. You, the eldest sister, are not as good as a loving father. Xi Feifei is becoming more and more perverse and unruly in her behavior. You, the elder sister, are also responsible.

This time, let Xi Feifei suffer and learn a lesson. You are not allowed to help her, do you hear me? "

Xi Lanlan nodded sadly.

Xi Jianqiao glanced at the clock and saw that it was almost seven o'clock, so he said.

"It's rare for you to come back and watch the TV news with me."

"Yes, mother."

If there were no special circumstances, Xi Jianqiao would sit in front of the TV at seven o'clock every night and carefully study every second of the TV news.

Today, Xi Jianqiao was staring at the TV carefully as usual, while Xi Lanlan beside her kept stealing glances at her mother.

Xi Lanlan has been saying this since she became conscious.

Once upon a time, Xi Lanlan admired her mother very much, tried hard to obey her mother's words, and wanted to be a good daughter that made her mother proud.

As the mother's status became higher and higher, she became busier and busier, and she had no time to take care of the two sisters.

Xi Lanlan took the initiative to assume the responsibility of a mother, demanding, restraining, and guiding her sister just like her mother did to herself.

As the saying goes, elder sister is like mother.

Xi Lanlan never felt that there was anything wrong with herself. Even if she controlled Xi Feifei's love life, it was for her own good.

Seeing her sister's expressions of love and obsession towards those messy men, Xi Lanlan felt uncomfortable all over.

Those messy men are not worthy of Xi Feifei. I will check for her in the future and choose a decent and sensible man to marry into the Xi family.

But now, Xi Feifei, her sister, just needs to stay by her side and listen to her sister's words.

This idea was deeply rooted in Xi Lanlan's heart until she found out that she had pancreatic cancer.

From being in disbelief and being re-examined again and again, to finally having to face reality, Xi Lanlan went through a tormenting journey that she had never experienced before.

Tossing and turning all night long, Xi Lanlan muttered to herself.

Feifei, I'm going to die, do you know?

From now on, no one will limit your life like me.From now on, no one will love and protect you like I do.

Feifei, will you be happy for yourself, or cry for me?
Xi Lanlan looked at her mother's stern face, and all kinds of feelings came to her heart.

If I took out the diagnosis certificate now, would my mother's eyes be diverted from the TV news?

Which one does mother care about more, herself or her sister, or the power of the company?Xi Lanlan didn't know, and she didn't dare to try it.

Three ten minutes passed in an instant, when Xi Jianqiao looked at his daughter again and said something majestic.

"Go and get busy, I have something else to do."

Xi Lanlan stood up and nodded.

"Yes, mother."

Walking up to the second floor, looking back at her mother again, Xi Lanlan picked up the phone.

Walking into her room, Xi Lanlan dialed Xi Feifei's phone. The ring rang for a long time, but she was finally picked up, and Xi Feifei's reluctant voice came from the opposite side.

"Hey, sister, what's the matter?"

Hearing Xi Feifei's energetic and arrogant voice as always, Xi Lanlan's lips showed a heartfelt smile.

"Can't I call you if it's okay?"

"Tch, tell me what you have to say, I'm busy here."

"Feifei, I miss you."

"Ugh, sister, I know I was wrong. I have goosebumps all over my body. Isn't it okay that I'm wrong? Just say what you have to say. I'm almost sick to death."

Xi Feifei didn't know at this time that Xi Lanlan had a sad smile on her face. She sighed and said.

"Feifei, you have to be careful, the White Swan has already taken action."


"My mother strictly forbids me from helping you. This time, you have to pass the test on your own.

Sister, I may not be able to help you in the future. You have to work hard in the days to come. "

Xi Feifei seemed to hear something was wrong, and her voice became impatient.

"Xi Lanlan, what's wrong with you? What nonsense are you talking about? Please tell me clearly!"

Xi Lanlan hung up the phone decisively, fearing that Xi Feifei would find out something. Her tears couldn't help but fall from the corners of her eyes, and she sat slumped on the edge of the bed.

If there are only 360 five days left in life, if you may face death every day, and if you live as if every day is your last, what should you do?

On one side, her admiring mother strictly forbids her, and on the other side, her beloved little sister faces evil intentions. Xi Lanlan, who is suffering from a serious disease, is more vulnerable than ever.

All the past persistence and past ideas seem to have changed. Is this the feeling of dying?
Xi Lanlan wiped her tears, silently took out the medical certificate from her bag, and lit a corner of the paper with a lighter.

The air was filled with the smell of burning, and the medical certificate gradually turned into ashes, just like Xi Lanlan's life was about to end.

Xi Lanlan finally chose to hide and escape.

If she is going to die eventually, then before she dies, she still has to play her role well, as a good daughter or a bad sister.

(End of this chapter)

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