Different Game Department Male God

Chapter 127 Things are getting out of control

Chapter 127 Things are getting out of control

Gu Yue stood up and took the hot tea handed by her boss with both hands.

The middle-aged and elderly woman wearing black-framed tortoiseshell glasses and a friendly face in front of her was Ms. Jiang, the general manager of the Modu Branch of Hehe Group.

The two are now in the general manager's office, talking alone.

Ms. Jiang sat on the single sofa next to Gu Yue and said with a smile.

"Try the new tea that just arrived yesterday."

Gu Yue put down her teacup, turned to Ms. Jiang and sat upright.

"The tea is fragrant. It is really good tea."

Ms. Jiang smiled and said.

"Xiao Gu, because I stopped you in the meeting just now, are you feeling a little emotional?"

Gu Yue shook her head.

"Don't dare."

Ms. Jiang smiled.

"Whatever you dare, let's talk a few words behind closed doors, it doesn't matter."

Gu Yue took a breath and said in a deep voice.

"The Hangcheng subsidiary went a bit too far. What criteria did they use to make the complaint?
It is said that our Modu branch overprotects local companies and suppresses foreign companies.

The stock price of White Swan Group has plummeted. It is because of problems in its own business operations. What does it have to do with the Modu branch?
It was obvious that White Swan Group was suspected of plagiarism, but in the end they came back and accused us of poor management. How could this be justified? "

Ms. Jiang shook her head.

“You need to look at this question from a different angle.

20.00% of the profits of the Hangcheng subsidiary come from the White Swan Group. Hangcheng is the capital of Zhejiang Province. This income even accounts for [-]% of the net profit of the Zhejiang branch.

On the surface, it is the Hangcheng subsidiary that is complaining to us, but in fact the status of the two parties is not equal. According to the principle of reciprocity, it should be the Zhejiang branch that comes to negotiate with the Modu branch.

Given the strict management of the Zhejiang branch, the Hangcheng subsidiary must have obtained Ms. Xi's tacit approval for daring to file a complaint beyond the next level. "

Gu Yue was silent for a moment, then said.

"Even if it's Ms. Xi's intention, it can't be unreasonable, right?"

Ms. Jiang laughed.

“The headquarters of the Imperial City Group has been encouraging and looking forward to the economic integration of Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Monaco in recent years.

Even if Ms. Xi has an opinion against us, she has to pay attention to unity, so she is unwilling to come forward herself.

In fact, the same is true for me here. We must focus on unity with our colleagues in Hangzhou and try not to expand conflicts. "

Gu Yue argued hard according to reason.

“But this matter is indeed unjustified by the White Swan Group, and it was their unscrupulous plagiarism that led to the current results.

I have calculated that the emerging market of the electronic game industry can reach a market capacity of 2000 billion to 5000 billion in the future.

The White Swan Group is now experiencing sluggish growth, so it has seized on the life-saving straw of video games and has become unmeasured in doing things.

This time the stock price plummeted, it was entirely the White Swan Group's fault. The Hangcheng subsidiary deliberately favored and undermined the principle of fair competition for the sake of its own income. We must also be tolerant and united? "

Ms. Jiang sighed and said.

"You, after all, are young and energetic, and you are too stupid.

In the past few years, when the economy was developing well, White Swan Group's stock price reached a peak of more than [-] trillion yuan, but now it only has [-] trillion yuan left.

When the plagiarism scandal came out, the stock price fell directly below 7000 trillion, and 3000 billion evaporated in a few days.

White Swan Group's business connections are the main source of income for the Hangzhou subsidiary and the treasure trove of the Zhejiang branch.

If the White Swan Group collapses, the profits handed over to the headquarters by the Zhejiang branch will decrease, and Ms. Xi's situation will become difficult, and her path to advancement will even be cut off.

Cutting off someone's wealth is like killing one's parents.If you interrupt someone's path to advancement, the consequences will be even more serious.

Nowadays, the economy is in recession and competition for existing products is cruel. It is even more important for the group to maintain unity and not to expand conflicts casually.

Xiao Gu, you are still young. It is a good thing for young people to be aggressive, but they must also take into account the overall situation, guard against arrogance and impetuosity, and be patient with each other.

Although the Hangcheng subsidiary's complaint is a bit excessive, we just hope that the Modu branch will not interfere too much in market competition, so let's be tolerant and tolerant. "

Gu Yue couldn't help but said.

“But White Swan Group is a behemoth with a market capitalization of over one trillion yuan. Nintendo Game Company, which competes with it in the market, is just a start-up company that has just opened its doors, with a registered capital of only 100 million.

This competition itself is unfair! "

Ms. Jiang glanced at Gu Yue and asked.

"I heard that the boss of Nintendo Game Company is your old classmate? He also fell in love with you in school?"

Gu Yue was stunned and replied.


But I didn't provide him with any help. Nintendo Game Company's accounts are clear and checkable, and employee treatment fully complies with the requirements of labor laws.

Excluding the subsidiaries of our Hehe Group and large foreign companies, Nintendo Game Company can be regarded as one of the most law-abiding private companies in the market.Impeccable.

Ms. Jiang shook her head and said.

"I'm not saying you're selfish, I'm saying people's words are scary.

You just climbed out of a scandal quagmire. Although the incident had nothing to do with you and you were just a scandal, there was still some gossip after all.

I know you are kind-hearted, and it makes you feel bad when you see your old classmates not doing well, but if you can keep a good distance from the kind of widower who takes care of children, it will be beneficial to your future progress. "

Gu Yue took a deep breath and stood up.

"Thank you for the reminder. I'll go back to work first."

Ms. Jiang looked at the cup of hot tea that Gu Yue had not touched and said again.

"Retired Mr. Qi values ​​you very much. She supported me back then, so she introduced a young hero like you to me. I also look at you differently."

Gu Yue paused and said.

"You have always loved and cared for me, and I am grateful."

Ms. Jiang shook her head.

"I won't say much about the official matters of my superiors and subordinates. I regard you as my nephew and I won't hide some things from you.

I have been in the position of general manager of the Modu branch for almost ten years and am approaching the end of my life.

The five-year group promotion is about to begin again. This time, there is a high possibility that I will go to the headquarters of the Imperial Capital Group.

I want to take you with me, would you like to come with me? "

Gu Yue looked at Ms. Jiang silently, knowing that she had more to say.

As expected, Ms. Jiang smiled.

"Although Mr. Xi has passed away, Mr. Xi of the Zhejiang branch is very talented and has many connections.

She is still young and has only been the general manager of the Zhejiang branch for five years, so she is more generous than me.

This time is too sensitive and I don't want to conflict with her, do you understand? "

Gu Yue was silent. She didn't know how to answer when faced with a boss who promoted her as if she were an elder. For the sake of Yiyin, would she let the old man down?
Seeing that she was still stubborn, Ms. Jiang sighed.

"Competition in business comes and goes.

Nintendo Game Company is also very powerful. It knows how to file lawsuits and rely on the guidance of public opinion to cause the White Swan Group to suffer a big loss.

However, there is no good thing in the world that only takes advantage and does not suffer losses. When you hit someone, you have to think that the other person will fight back.

Ren Tianxing Game Company has just started a business, and it is normal to stumble when going out. Aren't start-up companies stumbled here?

Just ignore these trivial business matters for the time being and do your job well in the group. You are still young, so don't be anxious and seize the day. "

Ms. Jiang's step-by-step guidance gradually calmed down Gu Yue's anger.

As Ms. Jiang said, business competition is like this. You shoot me and you hit me. Now that Yiyin has decided to start a business, this is a threshold that must be passed.

It's nothing more than suffering some losses from this business competition. As long as we don't get defeated, we can stand up and continue to develop.

The balance in Gu Yue's heart gradually shifted from Yiyin's side to Ms. Jiang's side.

She nodded and said.

"I understand, I will listen to you."

Ms. Jiang's expression obviously relaxed and she smiled.

"As long as you know.

Start-ups like Nintendo Game Company do have the potential to incubate unicorns. We will discuss and discuss whether to give some support in a few days.

After all, the video game market has hundreds of billions of development prospects, and our Modu branch should not be absent. "

Under Ms. Jiang's language skills, Gu Yue finally decided to compromise. She said goodbye to Ms. Jiang and left the general manager's office.

But soon, Gu Yue felt regretful and angry for her gullible promise.

He originally thought that this was just an ordinary business competition, and the two sides were just competing in the shopping mall, but the development of the matter quickly exceeded Gu Yue's expectations.

Without the effective supervision of the Hehe Group, some people became unscrupulous, and the whole thing turned into a nightmare that destroyed Yiyin's chastity.

If you want to completely crush a man, is it to embarrass him commercially?Not so.

The resentment of Mr. Guo and Qian Zhi could no longer be satisfied by winning in business. They chose another path, a path that ruined Yiyin's reputation.

Not long after Gu Yue agreed to Ms. Jiang, a video appeared on the Internet.

The video was shot from a first-person perspective by someone holding a mobile phone. The content showed a man unconscious and being raped. .

The entire video only lasts for six or seven minutes. The perpetrator hid behind his mobile phone and filmed it. Only the victim's face was clearly captured by the high-definition mobile phone.

Because of the comatose man's good looks, and because of the rapid spread through unknown channels, it aroused heated discussions on the Internet, and countless people began to speculate on the true identity of the man in the film.

Just as the fire of online gossip was raging, another basin of hot oil was poured on it.

The man's identity was disclosed by an unknown person. It turns out that the handsome man in the film is Yi Yin, the boss of Nintendo Game Company.

At this point, the situation was completely out of control.

(End of this chapter)

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