chapter 128

Imperial City, Harmony Group Headquarters, Ministry of Development and Reform, Huang Yi's Office.

At this time, Huang Yi was looking down at the documents. The office door suddenly opened wide, and Ding Qi appeared in front of her panting, as if he had run all the way.

Behind Ding Qi, Huang Yi's secretary panicked.

"Mr. Huang, Mr. Ding said he had something urgent to see you and rushed in directly. I didn't have time to report it."

Huang Yi nodded and said to his secretary.

"You go out first."

The secretary bowed and left, closing the door.

Huang Yi looked at Ding Qi and said.

"It's working time now. Did you come all the way here? You are also a middle-level employee. It will have a bad impact on people seeing you like this."

Ding Qi took a few breaths and stabilized his breathing. He ignored Huang Yi's lesson and interrupted directly.

"Something happened to Yiyin."

Huang Yi's pupils shrank and he pretended not to care.

"What does it have to do with me if something happens to him?
I said that I'm not interested in his affairs, so you don't have to go out of your way to tell me. "

Ding Qi didn't waste any time talking to Huang Yi. He turned on his phone and played a video.

Huang Yi took a brief glance and turned his head away in disgust.

"Why are you showing me such filthy stuff?"

Ding Qi pressed the pause button and said solemnly.

"Look clearly at the person in the video."

Huang Yi's eyes widened, seemingly in disbelief.


Ding Qi nodded.

"Yes, it's Yin."

Huang Yi gritted his teeth and said.

"I don't want to know about him. Isn't Gu Yue in Modu?"

Ding Qi sneered.

"Gu Yue? If she is reliable, how could this video be spread all over the Internet? It also contains personal information, which is simply heartbreaking."

Huang Yi took a deep breath.

"What do you mean by that?"

Dinky said.

"I went to Modu and Yiyin to eat with Xu Xing a few days ago. I happened to hear that Yiyin had just received an investment, so I helped him get a custody agreement.

This morning, someone from Modu called me to say hello and said, sorry, that the custody agreement may not be in compliance with the procedures and will be temporarily frozen.

What the hell, how could there be something wrong with something written by me?
I went to check it out and found out that there was a dispute between Yiyin's company and White Swan Group, and the other party was trying to mess with him.

If Gu Yue could stop it, it would be impossible for these problems to arise with this online video and this hosting agreement! "

Huang Yi asked after listening silently.

"Are you done?"

Ding Qi was stunned.


Huang Yi pointed to the door and said.

"After that, go back to work. I still have a lot of work to do, and I don't have time to listen to these baseless things from you.

Remember, we are the middle management of Hehe Group. We must pay attention to evidence in everything we do, and we must pay attention to complying with laws and regulations when doing things.

Your unfounded words will only make people laugh. "

Ding Qi asked angrily when he saw Huang Yi lowered his head and continued to read the documents, his face turned red.

"You really don't care?"

Huang Yi didn't even raise his head.

Ding Qi snorted, opened his phone and clicked a few times, and Huang Yi's phone rang.

Then, Ding Qi opened Huang Yi's phone, skillfully unlocked her image, opened Fetion, and clicked to play the video he had just sent.

Ding Qi put his phone on Huang Yi's file and said.

"Is this all based on nothing? Am I making trouble out of nothing? Okay, I'll leave first then, and you can enjoy it by yourself."

Ding Qi turned around and left. When he went out, he closed the door hard. He only heard a bang. Huang Yi was the only one left in the house, and the video was playing.

Huang Yi looked at the phone screen coldly, looking at Yiyin on the screen.

He seemed to be in a coma, and seemed to have some subconscious. He was frowning, silently enduring the humiliation that a man should not bear.

Looking at that familiar face, it seems that time has not left many traces on his face since he left school six years ago. He still has sharp eyebrows and starry eyes, and is handsome.

Huang Yi didn't expect that the face that he had kept in his heart for six years would appear in front of him again in this way.

The secretary outside the door suddenly heard a loud noise and was so frightened that he knocked on the door and asked.

"Mr. Huang?"

"come in."

The secretary walked into the room and saw Huang Yi pointing to the mobile phone on the table and saying.

"I accidentally hit the corner of the table and the screen of my phone was shattered."

The secretary laughed.

"It's okay. This is a Youwei mobile phone. The Youwei service center downstairs provides repair services. I'll help you request urgent processing. As long as there is no problem with the motherboard, it only takes an hour to replace the phone.

However, it will cost about 2000 yuan to repair.If the motherboard is damaged, you can only keep the memory card, and the repair fee will be more expensive. "

Huang Yi handed her the phone and nodded.

"I'll pay you the repair fee later. If you have to go and get the phone repaired, please go and get it repaired."

The secretary laughed.

"No trouble, this is what I should do, then I'll go to the Youwei Service Center now."

"Well, let's go."

The secretary closed the door, looking at the phone with a badly shattered screen in his hand, feeling a little puzzled.

Whether it was the loud noise just now or the tragic situation in his hands, it didn't seem like it could be caused by accidentally touching the corner of the table.

The secretary shook his head and walked to the elevator.

Don't read what you shouldn't read, don't listen to what you shouldn't hear, don't know what you shouldn't know, this is the basic ethics of a good secretary.

In the room, Huang Yi rubbed his wrist, which was a little painful due to excessive exertion, and looked out the window, which was in the direction of Modu.

"Gu Yue, can't you even protect the man you like? You useless woman."


In the Office of the Minister of Development and Reform, the minister looked at Huang Yi and asked doubtfully.

"Do you want to go to Modu to investigate?"

Huang Yi nodded.

“Recently, a new thing has appeared in Modu called video games.

I have calculated that after this industry is fully developed, a new market worth 2000 billion to 5000 billion will be born. I want to investigate it nearby. "

the minister mused.

“For emerging industries, our consistent principle is to avoid interfering as much as possible, observe their development, and then provide guidance after they develop to a certain extent, so as to eliminate the bad while retaining the good.

I have also noticed the video game you mentioned, but it has only been around for a short time, so there is no need for research yet, right? "

Huang Yi nodded and said.

"Originally, it was like this, but I recently discovered some very bad signs. I still hope to be able to observe and provide guidance."

"Oh? What's the situation?"

“The development of the White Swan Group has hit a bottleneck. It seems that because it attaches too much importance to the development of the video game industry, it has used some bad tactics in the competition.

As the pioneering company of video games, the head of Nintendo Game Company is an outstanding man, but now the Internet is full of videos and articles that slander him.

Regardless of time or density, this level of negative public opinion came too suddenly. I have reason to suspect that the White Swan Group played a disgraceful role in it.

I personally think that there are some problems with the current social atmosphere.

Tolerance and tolerance towards men is like treating men as ignorant babies and small animals.

Compromising without a bottom line is not protecting men's legitimate rights and interests, but more like depriving men of their labor rights.

Simply giving special treatment will not really improve men's status and will only benefit a few men.

To truly respect men, we should encourage men to participate in labor and ensure their labor rights.

Only independent men with independent economic strength, self-respect and self-love can live better in society.

The White Swan Group is using an extremely vicious method to deprive a widower of raising children of his labor rights through slut humiliation.

The Husband and Friendship Department of the group has paid attention to this matter, and next week's Husband and Family Newspaper may denounce this matter.

The founder of the group once said that a husband holds up half the sky, and I deeply believe this.

Respecting men should not be about cultivating men into useless privileged babies, but rather ensuring that men have the right to work with equal pay for equal work.

Therefore, I think that a special research activity should be launched.

This survey is not only to examine the development prospects of electronic games, but also to standardize market competition and eliminate vicious competition methods that are not in line with the group’s development philosophy and suppress men’s labor rights. "

The minister listened to Huang Yi's impassioned speech silently and remained calm. People who can climb to her position are naturally extremely keen.

Judging from the departmental functions of the Ministry of Development and Reform, this survey is indeed unnecessary, but the minister was unwilling to refuse Huang Yi's request for a survey.

Because Huang Yi himself is the representative of the independent men of the group, and what he says now represents the absolute correctness that the group has always insisted on.

Even high-level officials must leave a few places for men to acquiesce, which shows how much Hehe Group attaches great importance to encouraging men to participate in social labor.

Moreover, Huang Yi also said that the Husband and Women's Union Ministry had already paid attention to this matter. The minister's refusal at this time was somewhat incorrect. As a woman, there was no need for her to touch this high-voltage line.

said the minister.

"I completely agree with your idea. You will lead this research team and go to Modu to have a look.

However, I have to remind you that the economic situation this year is not very good, and the competition among branches in various places has become much more intense.

Our headquarters sent people to investigate, to coordinate conflicts, not to intensify them.You have to know what to do, focus on unity, don't expand the area of ​​attack, and pay attention to the scale. "

The minister has already felt that although Huang Yi only talked about the White Swan Group, this time he went to investigate and it was probably related to the two branches in Modu and Zhejiang Province.

Huang Yi went to investigate on the grounds of protecting men's labor rights, but the minister was unwilling to stop him, which caused the negative impact of disrespecting men.

But if Huang Yi makes too much trouble down there and causes more serious problems to arise, he will be ignorant of the seriousness and it will affect Huang Yi's personal progress in the future.

The minister's reminder was kind, and Huang Yi appreciated it, he smiled.

"I understand, minister, don't worry, I won't cause trouble for the ministry."

The minister nodded and smiled.

"You have always done things in a measured way. I feel relieved. Then I will leave this investigation to you."


When Huang Yi came out of the minister's office, Ding Qi had been waiting outside for a long time.

Ding Qi came up and laughed.

"I said hello to Lao Zhou from the Husband's Liaison Department, and he said it's no problem."

Huang Yi nodded and said.

"Ask Lao Zhou to help send a letter of inquiry to pay attention to it. Don't go to the Husband United Newspaper first. That will have too much impact and there will be no room for maneuver. Let's keep it as a trump card.

I will form a research team in the next few days, and then lead the team to Modu to investigate the video game industry, and may also go to Hangzhou. "

Ding Qi clapped his hands and smiled.

"I knew you wouldn't ignore Yiyin..."

Before he could finish speaking, he was so frightened by Huang Yi's eyes that he shut his mouth.

Huang Yi stared at Ding Qi for a while and then said calmly.

"Transfer 2000 yuan to me later."

Ding Qi touched his head.

"2000 yuan? What do you mean?"

Huang Yi didn't explain, and walked out on his own. He picked up the phone with a new screen and deleted the video that Ding Qi had transferred to him.

Ding Qi followed Huang Yi, still chattering.

"Is this 2000 yuan a loan or what? Don't leave. Just give me a word. Don't ignore me!"

(End of this chapter)

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