Different Game Department Male God

Chapter 129 I, Yiyin, will never give in

Chapter 129 I, Yiyin, will never give in

Early in the morning, the community where Xu Xing's home is located.

Xi Feifei parked the sports car downstairs at Xu Xing's house and sat on the hood in front of her in a daze.

Her cell phone kept ringing, which was annoying, and she hung up it again and again by swiping her finger.

But the ringtone of her cell phone continued to ring until she picked it up with a gloomy look on her face.

Gao Xin's voice came from the phone.

"Damn it! You finally answered my call!"

Xi Feifei said coldly.

"Let the fart go."

Gao Xin over there seemed to be a bit embarrassed and yelled.

"Feifei, you really can't blame me for that [-] million thing. I couldn't help it. It was my mother who personally gave Song Huanxi the order to cut off the investment.

My mother even called me and scolded me, telling me to stop getting involved in this matter, otherwise, she would take back all [-] million. "

Xi Feifei sneered.

"Your mother, your mother, it's all because of your mother, so you, Gao Xin, are so promising? Hide in your mother's ass and eat! My old lady has looked down on you all her life!"

Gao Xin on the opposite side seemed to have lost his temper and cursed.

"I rely on my mother, but don't you rely on your mother and your sister? You, Miss Xi Er, are noble, do you dare to go against your mother and sister?

Don't stand and talk without hurting your back. I know that what happened this time was your mother's phone call to my mother. Why are you angry at me? You have the ability to tell your mother!
Don't think that I don't know that you offended White Swan Ji. . "

Xi Feifei hung up the phone directly, her face was sinking like water, her hands tightly squeezed the phone, her knuckles turned white, and she almost wanted to smash the phone.

At this moment, Yiyin walked out of the doorway, looked at Xi Feifei helplessly and sighed.

"Why are you here again? Are you squatting in front of my house so early?"

Xi Feifei forced a smile and said.

"What? This community is privately owned by you? No outside cars can enter?"

Yiyin shook his head and walked away.

"Whatever you want."


Xi Feifei called to Yiyin and asked.

"Where are you going now?"

Yiyin turned around and said.

"Go to the company."

Xi Feifei looked complicated.

"Can I not go?"

Yiyin laughed.

"Don't go? Are you going to support me?"

Xi Feifei nodded seriously.

"You stay at home and I'll take care of you!"

Yi Yin laughed.


Xi Feifei stepped forward and grabbed his arm, saying in a deep voice.

"I'm serious.

Don't go out recently, okay?You are so handsome, and you are the kind of handsome person who is very easy to recognize. As soon as you go out, you will be recognized. "

Yi Yin sighed.

"Is it illegal to be too handsome? Can't go out?"

Xi Feifei said angrily.

"Why don't you listen to my advice! You know what I mean!"

Yiyin said helplessly.

"You too, and Xu Xing too, they all feel like the sky is falling.

She insisted on keeping me at home and letting me have a good rest, and even took Youyou to her studio.It's okay, the kids are on summer vacation, and it's a good thing that someone is willing to help take care of them.

However, even if the sky is going to collapse tomorrow, people today still have to eat.I have just recruited so many people, and they are willing to work with me because they believe in me. I have to be responsible for everyone.

The company now has such a wide range of stalls, and there are so many things waiting for me to deal with. How can I sit at home and be in a daze at this time? "

Xi Feifei asked with a sullen face.

"But, don't you care about that video at all?"

Yiyin answered decisively.

"The angle of view is so shaky, the lighting is not good, and the photography is not good."

Xi Feifei looked at Yiyin and saw that his expression was as usual, and she was also surprised at Yiyin's strength.The sexual intercourse that no man could bear, he actually resisted forcefully.

In fact, Yiyin really doesn't care.

Xu Xing and Xi Feifei thought he had gender confusion and self-destructive tendencies, and were worried that he wouldn't be able to withstand the stimulation.

However, Yiyin himself knows very well that he has no mental illness at all. He just has the three views of male superiority before time travel and cannot change it, and he is unwilling to change it.

What is this?

In the male-dominated world before Yiyin's time travel, no one would watch it at all, unless the man's name in the film was four letters.

If Yiyin would be shocked by this kind of video, then he is not a real man who has traveled through the world of male heroes.

The only thing Yiyin is a little worried about is whether Yoyo will be affected?What if the classmates find out in the future and tell Youyou that your father is a slut, which will affect the child's physical and mental health.

As for Yiyin’s own feelings, haha.

Seeing Yiyin's resolute attitude, Xi Feifei knew that she couldn't persuade him. This man never listened to persuasion, unlike the gentle and virtuous men she met before.

But for some reason, Xi Feifei just likes Yiyin's free and easy spirit.

Xi Feifei pulled a handful of silver and said.

"Get in the car, I'll take you to the company."

Yiyin looked at Xi Feifei who opened the car door.

"Huh? Won't you stop me?"

Xi Feifei curled her lips and said unhappily.

"I asked you to get in the car, do you understand?"

Yiyin shrugged and sat in the passenger seat.

Xi Feifei started the sports car, looked at the road ahead and said.

"Gao Xin's investment has been withdrawn."

Yiyin nodded.

"I know, Wen Xinghan has already called me.

Song Huanxi specifically said hello to her. Subsequent investments will be suspended and no more transfers will be made. The previous 300 million will be treated as liquidated damages. I hope we can understand her embarrassment.

That's fine. Since there is no big investment, we can start with small games.With 300 million in hand, we can support our current employees for several years. We will make good games and develop slowly. "

Xi Feifei sneered.

"What you are thinking is that the custody account has been frozen due to non-compliance with the agreement. The White Swan Group has no intention of letting you withdraw the money. It just wants you to break the capital chain!"

Yiyin was stunned and touched his head.

"I don't know about this.

But even without the 300 million, Fruit Ninja is almost complete, and it will definitely make money when the game is released.

You have to believe in my creativity and vision. Fruit Ninja is quite fun and will definitely be popular.

As long as the new games make money, we can always get through it. "

Xi Feifei took a deep breath and said again.

"I know better than you whether you can make money or not. I am the operating officer of the company.

The manager Li who connects our business with Youwei Group has already called me, and the platform of Youwei Group will not accept our new business for the time being, so I can only guarantee that Lianliankan will not be taken off the shelves.

She hoped that we would understand that Youwei Group is also under a lot of pressure. Before our legal dispute with White Swan Group is over, our company’s games will not be reviewed and will not be allowed to be released.

In addition to Youwei Group, I have contacted all platforms such as Dami and Yiwang. They agree with Youwei Group and will wait until the legal dispute between us and White Swan Group is over before we consider it. "

Yiyin was a little confused.

"Isn't there competition among the big Internet companies? Why do they want to help the White Swan Group restrict us?"

Xi Feifei snorted.

“There are thousands of companies, but only a few have the source of capital. They just like to put eggs in a few more baskets for incubation.

Usually, big companies are of course competitive, but if something really big happens, through the coordination of the upper level, it is not without bargaining chips, it just depends on whether the conditions are suitable or not. "

Yi Yin shook his head.

"It seems that we have pissed off the White Swan Group and are going to kill the chicken to scare the monkeys."

The investment of [-] million is gone, Yiyin doesn't matter, the big deal is to take your time.But if the game sales channels are cut off, it will be troublesome.

No matter how creative Yiyin is, no matter how fun the game is, it will be in vain if it cannot be distributed.

Without new financial resources, losing its hematopoietic function, and relying only on two consecutive profits, the company is sitting on nothing and will be finished sooner or later.

Yi Yin sighed.

"Mo Ziming called me and said there was something wrong with the lawsuit.

The legal department of the White Swan Group applied for an extension to add new evidence and counter-sued us for using false information to create rumors, which caused the stock price of the White Swan Group to plummet and caused a loss of 3000 billion.

My God, 3000 billion, these capitalists really dare to speak. If I were to lose, even if I started working in the Xia Dynasty, I wouldn't be able to pay back so much money.

Mo Ziming told me not to worry, saying that he also felt that White Swan Group's complaint was outrageous and that the court would not support it.

I originally thought that the White Swan Group just wanted to disgust us. It turns out that the 3000 billion loss was just a show to scare other big companies. "

Yiyin was talking when he suddenly heard Xi Feifei mutter something in a low voice.


Yiyin thought he had heard wrongly. How could Miss Xi Er, who had always been arrogant, say sorry?

"What did you say? I didn't hear you?"

Xi Feifei gave Yiyin a sideways look, then drove the car to a parking spot on the side of the road, turned around, stared at Yiyin, and said loudly.

"I said! Yes! No! Get up!"

Xi Feifei's angry words "I'm sorry" seemed to have an echo, reverberating in the small car, making Yiyin's ears ring a little.

Yiyin looked at her, still a little confused. Is Miss Xi Er really apologizing to herself?
he doubted.

"Are you Xi Feifei? You can't be someone else pretending to be you, right?"

Xi Feifei threw her hands away angrily and stepped forward to kiss Yiyin like she did last time. Yiyin was so frightened that she quickly waved her hand and said she was giving in.

"Yes, yes, you are Xi Feifei, that's right."

Being made such a fuss by Yiyin, Xi Feifei's courageous apology was somewhat lost, she said unhappily.

"It was my suggestion to fight back against the White Swan Group that led to the current bad situation. I, Xi Feifei, dare to take responsibility. Is it weird to apologize?"

Seeing Xi Feifei's stubborn appearance, Yiyin was somewhat impressed by her. This young lady from a wealthy family was actually a responsible lady.

Yiyin comforted her instead.

"You spoke out and discussed it with everyone about counterattacking the White Swan Group. Everyone also expressed their support. The responsibility should not be shouldered by you alone."

Xi Feifei shook her head and smiled wryly.

“Yiyin, you don’t know.

One night before the White Swan Group took action, my sister called me and asked me to be careful, but I didn't take it to heart.

The White Swan Group dared to be so cruel to us, but it was actually teaching me a lesson for my mother.

My mother is a very controlling person, even more so than my sister, but she is always busy and almost never pays attention to me.

However, every time she feels that she should take on the responsibility of a mother and educate my daughter, it breaks my heart and makes me never dare to forget the lesson. "

Xi Feifei looked at Yiyin, her eyes gradually became moist, and she choked with sobs.

"I'm sorry, I really didn't expect things to be so serious. I thought I had grown up and could face everything independently.

I disobeyed my sister's control and brought you to her, causing you trouble.

I didn't listen to my sister's warning and made my mother really angry, which will bring bad luck to the company you worked so hard to create.

Gao Xin is right, I am just a poor worm clinging to my mother and sister, just a vine climbing on the big tree in the sky.

Once I left the shelter of my mother and sister, I was nothing and could not do anything well. "

Xi Feifei seemed to want to curl up, but because the space in the sports car was limited and she couldn't lift her legs, she had to curl up her upper body in an unwilling posture.

Yiyin looked at her and remembered that he had traveled back in time for less than two months, during which time he had met, got acquainted, and got close to this rich second generation, and until today he saw another fragile side of her.

She knew clearly that Miss Xi Er was not a good person, and she probably bullied others outside. It was just that evil people had their own trials and tribulations, and when they met a more powerful superior, they were so depressed that they had no choice but to bow their heads.

However, Yiyin is still not happy to see her so depressed. Yiyin prefers the weird little witch Xi Feifei who gave him a headache.

Everyone has different origins and different circumstances, but their unwillingness to be oppressed and their unwillingness to be controlled can be shared.

Yiyin looked at the scenery on the street through the car window and said lightly.

"So, are you, Xi Feifei, ready to surrender? Just like your mother taught you every time before, bow your head and admit your mistakes?
Of course, surrender is your business and your personal choice, it has nothing to do with me.

But I won't surrender. Isn't the white swan amazing?Is Xi Jianqiao amazing?

They can hold my head down and press it into the mud so that I can’t lift it up, but I just don’t accept it, I just don’t accept it!

I came to this world not to accept my fate. If they are awesome or not, what does it have to do with me?
I will work hard to make good games and let people in this world know that there is such a fun thing as playing games in the world.

As long as I can persist, I will continue to do it. Even if I can't do it, it doesn't matter, because I have tried my best and am worthy of myself!

I will straighten my back and curse at those who oppress me, damn you Male Gobi!
If not just publish private videos, expose personal information, use legal threats, cut off my source of funds, and cut off my sales channels, what else can they do?
I waited for their shameless methods and watched their ugly appearance.

I will let them know that although they have money and power, if they want me to surrender, don't just dream!

I, Yiyin, did not come to this world to be a grandson again! "

Yiyin turned his eyes back from the window, looked at Xi Feifei who was staring at him blankly next to him, and said in a deep voice.

"I am not a weak Xi Feifei, I am Yiyin who can resist."

Xi Feifei looked at Yiyin and felt her face turning red and her heart beating faster, she said angrily.

"Who is weak! You just don't understand how powerful they are!"

Yiyin doesn't matter.

“Wherever there is oppression, there is resistance, and no matter how weak resistance is, it is better than surrendering.

We can't let them win both materially and spiritually. Wouldn't that be a win-win situation?Did they win twice? "

Xi Feifei sneered.

"So even if you lose materially, you still have to stick to the spiritual victory method? I didn't see it, but you turned out to be Ah Q."

Yiyin laughed.

"What else can Ah Q do?

They look so powerful, as if we can't defeat them no matter what we do. Even if we can win for 30 years, we still have to let them win back in the end. "

Xi Feifei shook her head, started the sports car again, and said.

"I don't know what you are talking about. Anyway, if my mother thought I would give in, then she was wrong. When I grow up, Xi Feifei, I will never give in again!"

"Hey, you seemed to want to give in just now."

"I didn't! You read it wrong!"

"Yes, it really does."


(End of this chapter)

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