Different Game Department Male God

Chapter 131 The head-changing plan

Chapter 131 The head-changing plan

There is an old saying that neurotics have broad minds.

Just as Isshiki Chiyo lamented that Wen Xinghan's mental illness was a bit big, some normal people seemed to have bigger minds than mental illness.

Li Hongmei's eyes widened, looking at Xing Yaoyao who rushed to the door to discuss with her early in the morning, and asked in a voice.

"That's the good idea you came up with?"

Xing Yaoyao nodded seriously.

"Yes, Yiyin's videos are everywhere on the Internet now. I mobilized friends in my circle to report, delete, and refute, but all failed.

The other party is a professional navy with many channels for posting videos. He uses AI to capture sensitive words on the discussion board and uses human sea tactics much faster than us real people.

Nowadays, if you type the word "Yi Yin" on the discussion board of any major platform, a large number of AI replies will appear. They are all male bosses who just know how to play, and they look like a coquettish guy at first glance, or make other unsavory comments.

We can't defeat these professional trolls if we fight back in normal ways.The only way is to completely mix the water.

Sister Hongmei, aren’t you a super powerful programmer?Video head-changing will definitely be used, right?
I brought a mobile hard disk with a video file of T, and you helped me replace all the male protagonists in it with Yiyin’s face.

I asked my friends for help and posted these fake hair-changing videos all over the Internet.

The video on the Internet is only 6 minutes long, and the content is not exciting enough.

I gave those trolls some powerful information, released tens of thousands of videos, and made a large collection of fake videos with different heads to overwhelm them.

In the sea of ​​fake head-swapping videos, the genuine video with no special features cannot attract attention and will soon be forgotten by netizens.

But with a technical check, everyone can know that the head-swapping video is fake, so we publicize Yiyin’s video everywhere as a fake head-swapping video.

In this way, netizens will no longer believe the dirty words of the navy! "

Li Hongmei hesitated.

"Is this a bit too much? Should we discuss it with Yiyin first?"

Xing Yaoyao said angrily.

"Sister Hongmei! Do you still want to discuss this matter with Yiyin? Didn't you watch the video? He was obviously fucked by a bad girl and a charming man!

Although I don’t know when this video was taken, I know that Yiyin must be feeling very painful as he silently endured this grievance!
If you ask him about this video now, can you tell him clearly?Are you adding salt to his wounds?

Sister Hongmei, I know you like him and admire him, but when he was in the most difficult situation, you didn't even dare to make a few fake videos of changing your head. How dare you say that you love him! "

Li Hongmei looked at Xing Yaoyao in confusion.

"Yao Yao, why do I feel that you are more excited and nervous about him than me?"

Xing Yaoyao covered up her cough and pretended to be calm.

"I didn't!

I just think that such a good boss can't be found even with a lantern. I still want to stay in the company for a few more years. I can't just watch those shameless methods destroy him and the company, right? "

Li Hongmei lowered her head, still hesitating.

When she saw that video, her first feeling was sadness, feeling sad for Yiyin.

Li Hongmei believed in Yiyin's character. Although the two had been intimate for two nights, Li Hongmei was certain that Yiyin was not the shameless slut who spread rumors online.

Although she didn't know the cause and effect of the video, she knew that it must have made Yiyin very hurt and sad.

Li Hongmei wanted to help Yiyin, but she was afraid that following Xing Yaoyao's mischief would be counterproductive and make it more difficult for Yiyin, so she hesitated.

"Either... let's forget it? I always feel that this is too extreme and is not good.

Maybe things are not as bad as you think. Maybe Xi Feifei and Wen Xinghan are already thinking of a solution. Let's not cause trouble to the company, right? "

Seeing Li Hongmei's cowardly look, Xing Yaoyao was furious.

"Sister Hongmei, do you really dare to believe those rich second generations, those Beijing students. They claim to be elites and like to give advice, but have they ever done anything useful?
What kind of capital operation, what kind of market game, I don't understand!

But I know that products are made bit by bit by our workers, and the content is written and drawn bit by bit by our creators!
And what about the so-called elites?They will only try to get ahead of us, then take away the fruits of our labor, and finally kick us out.

If you take a closer look at those so-called startup companies, the technical professionals who invest in them will eventually be marginalized and forced to leave the company.

What the elites call optimization is just optimizing away us, the real producers, and optimizing the benefits into their own pockets.

Why would I rather work part-time at home to make money than go to work in a private company?
Because when I was interning, the fat boss with a big belly looked at me with charity eyes and kept telling me to be grateful!
I only get 800 yuan in internship fees for a month, and she treats me like a fool. If I really become a full-time employee, she won't be able to use me to death?
Make me grateful?Those who should be grateful should be those bosses who are not engaged in production!We are creating wealth, they should know how to be grateful, thank us!

But the reality is the opposite. In their eyes, we are just screws that can be replaced at any time. Why!
Those bosses are not the founders of Hehe Group, so what do I have to be grateful for?My relationship with them is to hand over the money and deliver the goods. If I annoy my mother, I will stop doing it!

Sister Hongmei, you are not a young man in your early twenties. You have worked hard for the company for ten years and were optimized at the age of 35. Are you too naive if you still believe in those elites?
Look at every meeting of our company and listen to the speeches of the rich second generation and top students. Capital and connections are always there.

They are clear about everything, except that we are not seen in their eyes. Although Lianliankan and Fruit Ninja are made by us, in their eyes, we are still not worth mentioning.

In their eyes, we have never been hard-working producers. What do you think is the difference between their elites and the elites of the White Swan Group who are suppressing us? "

Li Hongmei bit her lip and said.

"The boss is not that kind of person."

Xing Yaoyao nodded.

"Of course, I know that the boss is not like them! But Yiyin is a pervert, and the behavior of those elites is the norm!
How can we count on those elites?

We ordinary people have no money and no power, but we will not ignore Yiyin, we must use our own methods to save him! "

Xing Yaoyao placed her mobile hard drive in front of Li Hongmei and said solemnly.

"Sister Hongmei, are you willing to use your own power to help him? Or do you want to kneel here and pray that the so-called elites can save him?"

Li Hongmei stared at the mobile hard drive for a long time, and finally picked it up resolutely, turned on her computer, and connected the mobile hard drive.

After just browsing a few videos, Li Hongmei couldn't help but turn around and hit Xing Yaoyao on the head and cursed.

"Yao Yao! Do you usually watch this kind of thing at home? Isn't it disgusting! Can you learn a little better!"

Xing Yaoyao shrugged indifferently.

"I am a poor house girl, what can I do if I don't rely on these things to survive? Sister Hongmei, stop pretending to be an innocent girl, we are all women, understand. I don't believe you don't have this thing in your computer?"

Li Hongmei blushed with embarrassment and squeaked.

"There is a little bit, but there are so many categories and richness in your mobile hard disk!"

Xing Yaoyao touched her chin and said.

“Actually, this is just a small part of my collection.

In order to cooperate with this head-changing operation, I put all kinds of videos on the hard drive, such as sex videos with charming men.

And because my hard drive only has one T, I can’t fit many of them, so I can only pick out the most exciting ones and bring them over.

If you are interested, Sister Hongmei, I will bring you some other videos next time, guaranteed to be exciting and unforgettable. "

"Xing Yaoyao! Shut up!"

(End of this chapter)

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