Different Game Department Male God

Chapter 132 I don’t believe it no matter what I say

Chapter 132 I don’t believe it no matter what I say

The snake has its way, and the rat has its way.

On this morning that seemed to be the same as usual, Yiyin, who was in the heart of the whirlpool, didn't know that there were several people who stayed up all night, racking their brains to find a way out for him.

At this time, Yiyin was sitting in Xi Feifei's sports car, driving towards the company.

At early nine o'clock, Yiyin and Xi Feifei came to the company. When he opened the door just now, he saw Sun Youling and the two of them arguing about something.

Yi Yin asked.

"What's wrong? What happened?"

The three of them turned around together. Except for Sun Youling, one of the other two was Director Hao of the park property management company.

Sun Youling did not expect that Yiyin would come to the company at such a sensitive time. Rumors on the Internet had already spread, and Sun Youling did not dare to ask, let alone disturb Yiyin.

"Boss, why are you here?"

As soon as Sun Youling asked, the woman who came with Director Hao already sneered.

"You're a dishonest kid at the front desk. You said the boss won't come today. Isn't this guy here?"

Director Hao wiped the sweat from his forehead with a handkerchief and introduced Yiyin with a smile.

"Mr. Yi, this is the person in charge of our park, Shi Jinlu, Manager Shi."

Yiyin smiled and stretched out his hand, wanting to shake hands with Shi Jinlu.

"Hello, Manager Shi."

Shi Jinlu ignored Yiyin's hand and said arrogantly.

"I came here today to resolve some non-compliance issues."

Yiyin took back his hand in embarrassment and smiled.

"Then let's sit down and talk. Sun Youling, bring us some cups of tea."

Shi Jinlu waved his hand.

"No, I'll leave after I finish speaking.

I'm here to inform you that the agreement Director Hao made with you privately does not comply with the rules and regulations of our park.

Whether it is property fees or sanitation fees, your company must pay according to regulations. These tables, chairs and office equipment are also the property of the park. How can they be given to each other privately?
Director Hao, do you think this is true? "

Director Hao smiled wryly.

“What Manager Shi taught me was that it was me who was not good and acted on my own, causing trouble for the park.

Mr. Yi, I’m here this time, um, I’m sorry, please don’t mind.”

Yiyin was a little surprised.

According to Wen Xinghan, these high-tech parks under the Modu Branch of Hehe Group do not care about the rental income. They are group employees, and their salaries are guaranteed regardless of drought or flood.

But today, the park insists on making such an ugly scene just for a small property fee and sanitation fee. Why is this?

Yiyin was still thinking, but Xi Feifei behind him sneered.

"You guys in the group are really interesting in what you do. You can give what you want and take what you want. Are you going to treat our company like a monkey in the morning and evening?"

Manager Shi glanced at Xi Feifei. She didn't know the identity of Miss Xi Er and didn't even bother to pay attention to her. She just lectured Director Hao and scolded Director Hao.

"Director Hao, the group has been teaching us not to do evil things because they are small, and not to fail to do good things because they are small.

Although your problem is not a big one, your act of opening a backdoor to certain companies without discussion and approval requires self-reflection.

A thousand-mile embankment collapsed in an ant nest.We must always keep the system of the headquarters in mind, be cautious in doing things, and be extremely careful not to breed corruption. "

Seeing Shi Jinlu ignoring her, Xi Feifei's face turned pale with anger, and she said coldly.

"The corruption issue is obviously an internal fight within your group."

Shi Jinlv was like a cat whose tail had been stepped on, and his fur suddenly exploded.

"What nonsense are you talking about! This is a society governed by the rule of law. You must speak responsibly, you know that!"

Yiyin stopped Xi Feifei, who was about to get angry, and looked at the bald and fat middle-aged Shi Jinlv in front of him. He was obviously a pampered man who didn't know the sufferings of the world.

Yiyin suddenly asked out of nowhere.

"Manager Shi, do you have a sister named Shi Jinhong?"

Shi Jinlu said doubtfully.

"No, my sister's name is Shi Jincao, do you know her?"

Yiyin quickly shook his head and said.

"Don't dare, don't know me."

Shi Jinlu always felt that Yiyin was thinking of something rude, so he snorted and said.

"Even if you know my sister, you don't have to discuss business affairs. I've always been a businessman!"

Yiyin shook his head.

"You misunderstood. I really didn't mean it. I was just asking casually."

Shi Jinlv raised his head, pointed his chin towards Yiyin, and said.

"It's fine if you don't. We are just following the rules and regulations. I hope Mr. Yi won't embarrass us.

By the way, one more thing, I heard that Mr. Yi, you are interceding with Director Hao and want to rent this floor at a low price.

Let me tell you right now that low prices are impossible, and you can rent it if you want. According to the rules, the rent for this floor is at least 100 million a year. "

Now, Xi Feifei's temper was completely out of control, and Yiyin couldn't stop her.

Xi Feifei sneered and said sarcastically.

"Eight hundred square meters per floor, 100 million a year, do you deserve it?
It's such a crappy park, with few serious technology companies, just vacant commercial buildings and messy leather companies.

How dare you say that you are a high-tech park that incubates unicorns?

For an emerging company like ours that has real performance, you are trying every means to torment us. Is there something wrong with your brains? "

Shi Jinlu sneered.

"Say, keep talking if you like, I've seen too many incompetent and angry companies like yours, and all your skills lie in your words.

Let me tell you right now, the annual rent on this floor is 200 million. If you want to rent it, you can rent it. If you don’t want to rent it, get out! "

Xi Feifei retorted.

“Didn’t you just say that you should adhere to the rules and regulations and pay the rent as much as you should?
how?You double the rent with just one word. Does this comply with your so-called rules and regulations? "

Shi Jinlu's face turned red and he said angrily.

"I'm too lazy to talk nonsense with you profiteers! Director Hao, let's go!"

Shi Jinlu knocked Yiyin away and walked towards the elevator angrily. Director Hao secretly hugged Yiyin from behind as an apology.

"Director Hao! Are you leaving or not?"

"Manager Shi, I'm here, I'm here."

Watching the two walk into the elevator, Yi Yin smiled wryly at Xi Feifei.

"Why do you have to speak so absolutely that there is no room for maneuver now."

Xi Feifei walked into the company angrily, sat on a work chair, and said angrily.

"Boss, haven't you seen it yet? That guy named Shi is deliberately looking for trouble.

She doesn't want to have a good talk with us at all, the more polite you are, the more she will push her nose in the face. What she wants is to provoke us and draw a line with us.

Despite her angry look, maybe she is feeling happy now. She has a legitimate excuse to distance herself from us, and she no longer has to worry about being affected by certain people and things. "

Yiyin was taken aback.

"You mean, she came here specifically to draw a clear line with us today?"

Xi Feifei nodded with a sullen face.

"Yes, there must have been some changes at Hehe Group that we don't know about, so the people in charge of this park are anxious to distance themselves from our company.

But I couldn’t figure it out. No matter how long my mother’s hands were, it would be impossible for her to reach into the Modu branch and affect the park’s attitude towards us.

Ms. Jiang, the general manager of the Modu branch, nicknamed Ninja, seems to be affable, but is actually very difficult to deal with. My mother will definitely respect this senior and will not interfere in the decision-making of the Modu branch.

So what went wrong?Let the people in the park rush to draw a clear line. "

Yiyin's heart skipped a beat, and the sixth sense caused by quantum entanglement came to mind again.

Gu Yue. .Gu Yue is in trouble.


In the elevator going downstairs, Shi Jinlu, who had been flushed with anger just now, had regained his composure as quickly as a chameleon.

She glanced at Director Hao who was still wiping sweat by his side, and cursed.

"Look at you, it's really okay to find something for me. I told you a long time ago, the more you do, the more mistakes, the less you do, the less mistakes, it's not bad if you don't do it.

Why would you do such a thing? "

Director Hao smiled wryly.

"Sister Shi, I already know I was wrong, but I also did the wrong thing with good intentions.

I saw that the handsome boss of this company had a good relationship with Ms. Gu, so I wanted to help out a little, so that we could save some effort in the park’s annual review in the future. "

Shi Jinlv glared at Director Hao and cursed.

"You're the only one who knows how to flatter me? I don't know?

It looks calm up there, but in fact the water is deep.You want to flatter Ms. Gu, but what about the other ladies?

How do you know what they are thinking and what the relationship is when they are polite on the surface?
We are just a Qingshui yamen here, guarding a park that no one cares about and making a living, counting our fingers until the day we retire, and we are done.

It would be better for you to just think about showing your face and causing this trouble with me.

How did you become the director?I think with your level, you will only be a section chief at best in this life.

Normally, I wouldn't bother to care about your flattery, but something is wrong with the rumors these days.

Ms. Gu seems to have had a bad fight with some senior ladies of the Modu branch because of this broken company.

With our little arms and legs, we want to run as far as possible, but we dare not get involved even a little bit.You, you, Director Hao, what do you want me to say about you?
Oops, I can’t do it anymore. I feel a lot of pressure when I think about work. My stomach hurts when I’m under a lot of pressure.

Don't make trouble for me in the future. You won't even mess around. Sooner or later, I'll let you go back and be Section Chief Hao. "

Director Hao nodded and bowed.

"Sister Shi, it's me who's causing you trouble. Come on, I'll accompany you back to the office and give you some stomach medicine."

The elevator door opened, Director Hao had to help Shi Jinlu block the door, and asked her to go first.

Shi Jinlu snorted and said as he walked.

"You, if I can use this cleverness to fool around, I will feel at ease."

"Don't worry, Sister Shi. I will definitely keep your teachings in mind and live a good life. There will be no next time."



Shi Jinlu was teaching Director Hao a lesson, but Yiyin was confused.

He didn't care about his personal affairs, but if Gu Yue was implicated because of this, it would really be a crime worthy of death.

Gu Yue is always trying to make progress, but she insists on teasing her, and now she has made her wholeheartedly treat her well, and may even lose her future because of her. Yiyin can't bear it.

Yiyin was confused when his cell phone suddenly rang, and the caller ID showed that it was Gu Yue.

After looking at Xi Feifei and Sun Youling, Yiyin pretended to be calm.

"I'll go take a call."

Then, he quickly walked into the conference room, closed the door, and isolated the inside and outside.

Xi Feifei looked at the closed door, feeling worried in her heart. At this moment, a cup of hot black tea was placed on the table in front of her.

After being stunned for a moment, Xi Feifei looked at Sun Youling and said.

"Thank you."

Sun Youling scratched her cheek with her fingers and said softly in embarrassment.

"You scolded really well. That manager Shi made me sick, but unfortunately I'm not as sharp-tongued as you. It's so satisfying to hear you scold her."

Xi Feifei glanced at Sun Youling and said.

"Are you complimenting me or hurting me? Why didn't you serve me green tea today?"

Sun Youling curled her lips.

"What? Do you like the feeling of green tea?"

The two women looked at each other, then looked away in opposite directions and made a sound. Sure enough, they still looked at each other disgustedly.


The radio waves connected the two ends, but neither Yiyin nor Gu Yue knew what to say.

Yiyin was worried that Gu Yue would take risks for him. In his opinion, his troubles were nothing.

And Gu Yue hid guilt in her heart. It was because she chose to compromise so easily that the White Swan Group's revenge became so crazy.

The two were silent for a while, and Yiyin was the first to laugh.

"Why do you have time to call me at this time? You should be very busy at work?"

Gu Yue ignored Yiyin's question of having nothing to say and asked directly.

"How are you doing?"

Yiyin pretended to be surprised.

"How about what? I'm fine."

Gu Yue sighed.

"I'm asking you seriously, are you okay?"

Yiyin smiled wryly.

"I am answering you seriously. I am indeed fine. I can eat, sleep and work. I am just a little melancholy."

"Melancholy for what?"

“They say shopping malls are like battlefields. I originally thought they were the kind of rich people in well-dressed suits and quarreling with each other on TV. They were very polite.

How did I know that business wars in reality are so ugly and full of dirty tricks? "

Gu Yue shook her head and said.

"You also know that it's a TV show, how can it be so reasonable in reality?
Cutting off someone's financial path is like killing one's parents. It forces people into a hurry and they can't do anything. I have seen many things like locking the door and snatching the official seal.

It's just that I didn't expect that a big company like the White Swan Group would use such dirty means to deal with you. "

Yiyin doesn't matter.

"It's because I didn't think well, and I immediately fought back when I encountered plagiarism. If I had known that the White Swan Group was so difficult to deal with, I would have just let them plagiarize. Why would it end up like this?"

Gu Yue was silent for a moment.

She thought that Yiyin was pretending to be free and easy, because in the eyes of people in the world of women, the humiliation that Yiyin suffered was unbearable for any man.

Yiyin tried his best to show that he didn't care because he was worried that Gu Yue would do something stupid for him.However, his behavior was interpreted by Gu Yue as support, which made him even more ashamed.

Gu Yue said.


Yiyin was stunned.

"What are you sorry for?"

Gu Yue's voice was a little low.

"I have clearly promised that I will not let you be wronged again or let anyone bully you again, but I... this matter is my fault."

Yi Yin laughed.

"What does this have to do with you?
Rumors only stop with the wise. People on the Internet are very idle and know how to eat melon every day. As long as you don't pay attention to them, they will disappear naturally in a few days. "

Gu Yue's heart felt heavy.

Is it really just a rumor?Will it really disappear?The black hands behind the scenes completely destroyed a man's reputation in order to put Yiyin to death.

The more Yiyin acted indifferent, the heavier the guilt Gu Yue felt.

It was her fault that she underestimated the shamelessness of the mastermind. If she had gritted her teeth and endured the pressure in front of Ms. Jiang that day, the mastermind would never have dared to go so far.

In the final analysis, it was Gu Yue who did not have the responsibility of a woman and failed to protect the man she had sworn to cherish for the rest of her life.

Gu Yue's right hand holding the phone was shaking, and she said in a deep voice.

"You are right, you don't need to pay attention to those rumors, this matter will pass soon."

Yiyin seemed to have sensed something was wrong, and his pretentiously free and easy words seemed to have had the opposite effect, so he hurried to remedy it.

"I'm really fine, Gu Yue, don't do anything stupid for me!"

Gu Yue smiled.

"Don't worry, I'm busy here, so I won't talk to you for now, bye."

Yiyin wanted to persuade Gu Yue again, but the call on the other end had been hung up, leaving Yiyin looking at the phone inexplicably, with a sense of crisis in his heart becoming more and more serious.

Gu Yue, please don't do anything stupid. I really don't care about that little thing. Why don't you believe me?

(End of this chapter)

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