Different Game Department Male God

Chapter 134 Find a way to let him vent

Chapter 134 Find a way to let him vent

Gu Yue has already staked her own life for Yiyin.

The society is so repressive. It always wants you to be submissive and absolutely obedient. It likes to use salary, bonuses, prospects, etc. to tempt and drive you.

Even the harmonious group, who are polite to each other and call their colleagues affectionately, is no exception.

For money, career, family, and the things they love deeply, people can only be forced to get used to and adapt to this industrialized society that is good at trading and makes you willing to become a tool.

But after all, people are not ruthless machines, not numb gears embedded in the operation of society. People have feelings and emotions.

When something they value is trampled on, and when they can no longer find a reason to persuade themselves to endure, people will overturn the table.

Gu Yue walked out of the general manager's office and couldn't help but laugh. She knew that she had succeeded. She used her future to gain the attention of her superiors on this matter.

There is never a problem that Hehe Group cannot solve. It depends on whether Hehe Group is willing to face this problem seriously.

There are some things that cannot be weighed even if they are not weighed four ounces, and they cannot be weighed a thousand pounds if they are weighed.

The White Swan Group's attacks were full of arrogance, without considering the opponent's ability to counterattack.It was this arrogance that destined the White Swan Group to be in trouble soon.

Gu Yue used her own future to flip the table, which aroused Ms. Jiang's serious attitude towards the matter.

Ms. Jiang is not weaker than Ms. Xi, and the Modu branch is no less important than the Zhejiang branch.It's just that as a senior, Ms. Jiang is more modest and unwilling to undermine the overall unity.

However, the fierce reaction of Gu Yue, the senior manager of the Modu Branch who was responsible for economic work, forced Ms. Jiang to ask Gu Yue to put down her work, thus disrupting the daily operations of the Modu Branch.

As a young talent that Mr. Qi values ​​highly, Ms. Jiang is a reserve talent in this line. Gu Yue's flipping the table also means that this matter must be handled properly.

Otherwise, Ms. Jiang will not be able to explain to Mr. Bi, and will also attract doubts from her colleagues, and she will not be able to explain it to her superiors and subordinates.

If a mere Hangcheng subsidiary can bully the Modu branch and casually pull down a branch executive, what prestige will Ms. Jiang have in the future?

Gu Yue understood the truth, and so did Ms. Jiang.

People in the arena involuntarily.Even if Ms. Jiang no longer wanted to cause trouble with the Zhejiang Branch, she had no choice but to do so at this time.


There are new variables in the undercurrent of the mysterious man's affair, but Yiyin knows nothing about it.

After answering the call from Gu Yue, he walked out of the meeting room and saw Xi Feifei sitting on the office chair playing with her mobile phone, and Sun Youling sitting at the front desk staring at the door.

The two of them were sitting not far apart, but no one wanted to talk to the other, and the atmosphere was quite deserted.

Yiyin laughed.

"I'm done calling."

Sun Youling walked out with a smile and asked.

"Boss, what would you like to drink today?"

Xi Feifei asked as she lowered her head and typed on her phone.

"Boss, why did you come to the company today?"

Yiyin rubbed his temples and said to Sun Youling with a smile.

"Is there any Coke? I'd like something sweet."

He looked at Xi Feifei again and said helplessly.

"Didn't I talk to Director Hao a few days ago about renting the entire floor? Now that Gao Xin's investment has been withdrawn and the 300 million in the investment account has been frozen, how can the company still have money to rent the entire floor?
I originally wanted to come to Director Hao and pause the leasing for a while, but now I don’t have to waste any time. "

Xi Feifei sneered.

"That Shi Jinlu, I remember her."

Yi Yin shook his head and said.

“They were just trying to protect themselves, and they didn’t actually do anything excessive.

It's nothing more than property fees and health fees. We don't raise rents for our current company office, so don't make trouble for others.

However, the company now has many more people, and the office is indeed a bit small, so we need to think of another way. "

Xi Feifei glanced at Yiyin and said.

"You still have the mind to manage whether the office is big or small? Take care, my boss."

Xi Feifei stood up, cut off the Coke that Sun Youling handed to Yiyin, and shook it in her hand.

Sun Youling said dissatisfied.

"What are you doing? I gave this to the boss."

Xi Feifei sneered.

"You feel bitter, so you want to drink something sweet?

Stop dreaming, the more painful things are yet to come, let’s close the door and leave. "

Yiyin was stunned and asked nervously.

"What happened again?"

Xi Feifei said coldly.

“I asked my friend to help me keep an eye on the latest situation on the Internet, and she just sent me some bad news.

Some people are paying to find Internet celebrities on various platforms and ask those guys to interview you. The company address is sent together with the sponsorship fee, and someone has already taken the order.

This group of self-media can create three waves even if there is no wind, let alone someone squeezing money into sponsorship?They are flocking to you as a hot spot, and it is estimated that someone will come to the company to block the door soon. "

Yiyin's scalp felt numb.

"The Internet age is really chaotic."

Throwing the Coke back to Sun Youling, Xi Feifei mocked.

"How to relieve worries? Only Du Kang.

I don't think this coke can help you, boss, so we'd better leave quickly. "

Yiyin shook his head and asked.

"Where do we retreat to?"

Xi Feifei pointed at Yiyin's handsome face and said.

"Your Daji face, which has brought disaster to the country and the people, is so recognizable that people can recognize it wherever you go now.

Don't go home now, I'm asking my friends to figure out a way to get rid of the self-media, and there will be news in the afternoon at the earliest. "

Yiyin said a little annoyed.

"Why do these people have such no bottom line in what they do? If it doesn't bring harm to my family, why are they still going to my house to harass my children?"

Xi Feifei sneered.

"The Internet is not a place outside the law. Unfortunately, the Internet is developing too fast, and supervision will always follow.

If you now expect to supervise and standardize their behavior, it is better to expect that my friend will be able to handle the major platforms in the afternoon and restrict the nonsense of those self-media.

Fortunately, these people recognize money but not people. I, Miss Xi Er, paid for the matter, which gave me some face, and I can still stop them for the time being. "

Yiyin heard the implication of Xi Feifei's words and smiled bitterly.

"For the time being?"

Xi Feifei nodded solemnly.

"My mother wanted to teach me a lesson about this matter. My face will soon be insufficient, and I will have to think of other solutions later."

Yi Yin sighed.

"Can't go home, can't go out. So now, where do you want to take me, Daji, who everyone shouts and beats, to avoid the limelight?"

Xi Feifei tilted her head and looked at Yiyin with a smile.

"How about? Come home with me?"

Before Yiyin could speak, Sun Youling on the side had already objected fiercely.

"No! Absolutely not!"

Xi Feifei curled her lips.

"Why not?"

Sun Youling ignored her, just looked at Yiyin and said excitedly.

"Boss, you can't trust this rich second generation! Who knows what bad intentions she had in bringing you home, you have to be careful!"

Yiyin watched the two argue with a wry smile.In fact, he didn't care what Xi Feifei did to him.

Isn’t it just a man and a woman alone, or just living in the same room together?Even if something happened to Gan Chai Liehuo, he would not feel that he was at a disadvantage, after all, his three views came from the male-dominated world.

But Sun Youling obviously cared more about his reputation than Yiyin himself, and her reaction was extremely violent.

Xi Feifei spread her hands and asked Sun Youling.

"This won't work, that won't work either, what do you think we should do? Time is running out now, we have to leave right away, don't delay."

Sun Youling puffed out her chest and said.

"Go to my house!"

Xi Feifei shrugged.

"My sports car has only two seats, and there is no room for three people."

Sun Youling hummed.

"What does it have to do with you when the boss goes to my house? I'm not planning to take you back with me?
Moreover, my home is in the next-door community on the opposite side, and it is only 50 meters away, so I don't need to use a car. "

Yiyin was taken aback.

"The high-end neighborhood across the street? The rent is very expensive, right?"

Sun Youling shook her head and said.

"My mother was worried that it would be too far for me to work, so she bought a house opposite for me to live in without rent."

Yiyin was stunned when he heard this. It had only been a few weeks since Sun Youling came to work in the company, and her family had already bought a house in the opposite community?What kind of thinking is this for a wealthy family?Isn't money money?
Xi Feifei had already applauded and counterattacked.

"As expected of the only daughter of a Zhejiang businessman, her style is just different.

By the way, the boss, these rich second generations are not good people, if you can't trust them, you must be careful. "

Xi Feifei used what Sun Youling said just now to block her own mouth. Sun Youling's face turned red with anger, and she gritted her teeth and glared at Xi Feifei.

Yiyin sighed and persuaded.

"How long has it been and you are still quarreling? Are you two children?

Let’s leave quickly. If the self-media blocks the door, I won’t be able to escape. "

The two women looked at Yiyin at the same time and asked.

"Boss, whose house do you want to go to?" x2
Facing the expectant looks of the two women, Yiyin said decisively.

"Go to Sun Youling's house."

Sun Youling's face was happy, while Xi Feifei's face was cold.

Yiyin said again.

"Xi Feifei, come too."

Xi Feifei's face was happy, while Sun Youling's face was cold.

Yiyin looked at the two of them as if they were changing their faces in a Sichuan opera, feeling angry and funny, and said helplessly.

"Let's make a compromise, when is this, can't you be considerate of me?"

Yiyin said this, and the two women could only nod reluctantly, which was regarded as approval of Yiyin's plan.


Yiyin and Xi Feifei followed Sun Youling to the high-end community where her home was located. As expected, it was opposite the high-tech park and just across the road.

At the entrance of the community, there is a sign saying "Huihao Tianxia". The layout of the community is a typical Jiangnan water town style, with water terraces and pavilions that are quite charming.

Along the way, Sun Youling swiped her card to enter. Even when taking the elevator, she needed to swipe her card, otherwise she wouldn't be able to get to the floor, just like a hotel.

When he reached Sun Youling's floor, Yiyin felt more and more something was wrong and asked.

"Sun Youling, how many households are there on the first floor of a house in this community?"

As Sun Youling opened the door, she turned back to Yiyin inexplicably and said in confusion.

"Boss, I'm the only one on this floor? Is there something wrong?"

Seeing the scene after Sun Youling opened the door, Yiyin couldn't help but gasp.

The spacious entrance hall, huge living room, and Nordic simple-style soft furnishings are all low-key and plain with money.

There is one household per floor, which is a large flat floor of at least [-] to [-] square meters.

The park office rented by Yiyin Company is only [-] square meters. Hell, it’s not as big as Sun Youling’s home!
The thought of Sun Youling earning a basic salary of 5000 yuan from the company and living in a mansion of [-] to [-] square meters made Yiyin feel sad.

With the company's current unlucky situation, we still don't know if we will be able to pay out bonuses and dividends at the end of the year.

Sun Youling is not short of money, so what is she in the company for?As Moon Star Han teased, are you here to see idols up close?

Seeing Yiyin in a daze, Xi Feifei smiled, passed him, walked into the room first, and observed everything.

"Not bad, not bad. It's much better than my house. As expected, the boss of the Zhejiang businessmen loves his daughter. My sister is too stingy, so she bought me a small house of 120 square meters. Even my friends who come to Patty find it too small."

When Sun Youling saw her walking in without changing her shoes, she was so angry that she chased after her.

"Don't go in with dirty shoes. It will be very troublesome to clean up later. It's also not easy for the cleaning uncle to come to the house to provide service. Please be considerate."

Yiyin was dumbfounded at the door. After a long while, he shook his head and started to change his shoes.

Every time he comes into contact with people like Xi Feifei, Yiyin can deeply understand what it means to be torn apart from top to bottom and have different worlds.

The three of them sat on the sofa. Xi Feifei touched the carved fabric sofa and praised it.

"That's great, you bought all the furniture?"

Sun Youling shook her head.

"How is that possible? It has only been two or three weeks since I joined the job. The soft and hard furnishings here are all matching. I just wanted to buy it because I can move in with my bags."

Yiyin couldn't help but ask.

"How much does it cost to buy here?"

Sun Youling was stunned, glanced at Yiyin, and suddenly became squeaky.

"It's actually not expensive..."

Seeing Sun Youling's embarrassed look, Xi Feifei joked.

"Boss, please don't embarrass Sun Youling. I tell you, you can't afford it, so why do you need to know? On the contrary, it will make the distance between her as a fan and you as an idol even further."

Yiyin smiled wryly and shook his head.

"You are the real rich women, and I am a fake boss."

Sun Youling glared at Xi Feifei, dissatisfied with her sowing discord.

Xi Feifei didn't care, picked up the phone and asked.

"Can you order takeout here?"

Sun Youling nodded.

"The takeaway will be delivered to the gate of the community, and then delivered to the door by security guards."

Xi Feifei moved her fingers quickly.

“Okay then, I’ll order some beer and appetizers.

Boss, coke is useless, you have to rely on drinking at this time.As the old saying goes, you use wine to relieve your sorrows, do you know that? "

Yiyin shook his head, stood up and said.

"Whatever you want, Sun Youling, where is your bathroom?"

Sun Youling pointed to a corner and said.

"The bathroom here is closer."

This way?Is there another place over there?Yiyin's face froze, he shook his head and walked away, still mumbling to himself.

"Poverty * Gap, * Rich Gap..."

Just as Yiyin left the sight of the two girls, Sun Youling approached Xi Feifei and asked in a low voice.

"Why are you ordering wine? What are you trying to do to the boss?"

Xi Feifei used her fingers to move her forehead away slightly and said.

"You think too much. What else can I do in your house? Can't I get the boss into bed?"

Sun Youling thought about it, but she still asked.

"Then why are you ordering a drink? It's not even noon yet. What are you drinking?"

At this time, Xi Feifei had finished ordering, sent out the order, and then looked up at Sun Youling with a cold gaze.

"Didn't you notice? There is something wrong with Yiyin.

A man's private video went viral on the Internet, and his private information was wantonly leaked. Countless people became familiar with his video online, and countless people left messages calling him a slut.

But he was calm as usual and didn't care at all. Do you think it's normal for him to be like this? "

Sun Youling was speechless, she had to admit that what Xi Feifei said made sense.

"The boss's state is indeed a bit abnormal."

Sun Youling didn't know, but Xi Feifei knew very well that Yiyin had mental illness, gender confusion, and a serious tendency to self-destruct.

Xi Feifei seemed to be joking, but in fact she was very scared, afraid that under Yiyin's calm surface, there was an emotion that might collapse at any time.

she said solemnly.

“The boss is keeping everything in his heart now and shows us that he doesn’t care.

We have to find a way to let him express it and let it out. I'm afraid he will have trouble suppressing it.

do you understand? "

Sun Youling nodded thoughtfully.

"You're right, you can drink away your sorrows and speak the truth after drinking. As long as you can speak out, that's fine."

At this time, the sound of water came from the bathroom. Yiyin came out and saw the two women talking secretly together, and asked curiously.

"What are you talking about?"

As if being electrocuted, the two women quickly distanced themselves from each other. Feeling sick at the tacit understanding they had with each other, they shook their heads together.

"Nothing to talk about." x2
(End of this chapter)

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