Different Game Department Male God

Chapter 135 I was born to be a slut

Chapter 135 I was born to be a slut

Yi Yin shook his head and said.

"I always feel that you two can become good friends in the future."

Xi Feifei and Sun Youling shook their heads at the same time and looked at each other in disgust.


"how is this possible!"

Yiyin smiled, sat on the sofa, and sighed.

"Just stay here today. I hope those self-media don't harass Youyou. White Swan's people have really no bottom line when doing things."

Xi Feifei comforted her.

"Don't worry, I've been keeping an eye on you here, and there will be feedback in the afternoon, which should scare you for a few days.

You can take your child to travel for a while after you get back. I'll think of other ways here. Anyway, it's summer vacation and Youyou doesn't have to go to kindergarten. "

Sun Youling followed.

"Boss, I'll take you and Youyou to travel for a while. You don't have to worry about the route and the cost. I'll take care of it and make sure you have a good time."

Yiyin thought for a while, then shook his head.

"No, Fruit Ninja has almost done it. If we want to find channels to put it on the shelves to make money, the company must continue to open source, otherwise it will not be able to sustain itself.

I hope Li Hongmei hasn't had time to contact her old colleagues to talk about joining. It would be too uncomfortable if there are seven or eight more programmers to support at this time. "

Xi Feifei said.

"Boss, stop dreaming.

Without a large platform channel like Youwei Group, even if we open our own company page and barely put it on the shelves, the traffic will be very low and we will not make much money.

Moreover, if the White Swan Group's troubles are not solved, even if the company reluctantly produces a new game, it will be copied immediately.

I have already played the beta version of Fruit Ninja. The gameplay is simple and it looks easy to copy. "

Yiyin rubbed his hair and smiled bitterly.

"Indeed, I also think it's pretty easy to copy."

Sun Youling glared at Xi Feifei from the side. If she didn't open any pot, she would cause trouble for Yiyin.

The two women took Yiyin and chatted wordlessly, trying to avoid those unhappy realities.

About half an hour passed, and the access control bell rang at the door.

Sun Youling walked over and opened the small screen on the access control. In front of the camera downstairs, two well-dressed female security guards were smiling at the camera, one of them said.

"Miss Sun, your takeaway has arrived."

"Oh, okay, come in."

Hearing that the takeout was coming, Yiyin and Xi Feifei walked out together, ready to help carry the food.

Sun Youling opened the door to her home. Soon, the elevator door opened, and two female security guards came over carrying three dozen beers and a large bag of stuff.

Sun Youling looked a little dazed. Did Xi Feifei buy so many?
The leading female security guard smiled.

"Ms. Sun, where do you put your things?"

Only then did Sun Youling react, get out of the way and said.

"Just leave it here at the entrance. We will take it in ourselves and cause you trouble."

The female security guard shook her head.

"This is what we should do. I am happy to serve you. We will go down first."

When the two female security guards left and Sun Youling closed the door, Yiyin couldn't help but sigh.

"The security guards in this community are so polite."

Xi Feifei stooped to check the takeaway, and found that the quantity was the same as what she ordered, and there was nothing missing, so she nodded in satisfaction.

She said to Yiyin.

"Of course the security guards here are very polite. Do you know how expensive the property fees are in this kind of community?
The property management company in my community had so much money that they had nothing to spend. They even bought equipment and hired a pastry chef to prepare afternoon tea snacks for the property owners every day to please them.

This community looks better than the one I live in, and the property fee should be more expensive.Security services are only the most basic requirements, and other supporting services are no worse than those in my community. "

After hearing this, Yiyin sighed sincerely.

"It's nice to have money."

Sun Youling closed the door, looked back at Xi Feifei, and said dissatisfied.

"Why did you buy so much beer? Although they are all in small bottles, three dozen and 36 bottles are too much, right? Can we finish it?"

Xi Feifei shrugged, picked up two dozen beers and walked in.

"Isn't beer just water? Why don't you, a big old woman, still drink beer?"

Yiyin picked up the remaining dozen beers and was about to walk in when Sun Youling snatched him away.

"Let women do this kind of physical work."

Sun Youling walked in with a beer in one hand and a food bag in the other. Yiyin looked at his empty hands, still a little unaccustomed to the rules of favoring men in this female-dominated world.

Xi Feifei placed two dozen beers next to the sofa coffee table and asked Sun Youling.

"Where is your bottle opener?"

Sun Youling asked puzzledly.

"Why don't we go to the restaurant to eat?"

Xi Feifei asked back.

"Are the three of us sitting at the dining table to have a proper meal? Of course we are sitting on the sofa, chatting and drinking and eating."

Sun Youling couldn't resist Xi Feifei, so she put down her things angrily and walked into the kitchen.

"I'll pick up the bottle."

Xi Feifei opened the food bag, took out the boxes of snacks and food, and placed them on the coffee table in front of the sofa.

"Remember to get a few more pairs of chopsticks, I'm not used to disposable chopsticks."

"I see, you are really particular."

Yiyin sat on the sofa and watched the interaction between the two. He always felt that their way of getting along was really good. He would not believe it if he said they were not friends.

Maybe they both come from wealthy families and graduated from prestigious schools, so there should be a mutual recognition between them.

If Yiyin was a Phoenix girl from a grassroots background, she would definitely not be able to fit into their atmosphere.

Fortunately, Yiyin is a man, and he is an extremely good and handsome man, so it is possible to gain their recognition and achieve a class leap through marriage.

Yiyin was thinking about whether he should feel sad for the man who lives in a male-dominated world, or be happy for a man who lives in a female-dominated world, when the small wine table in front of him was already set up by the two women.

Xi Feifei took the bottle opener from Sun Youling and opened three bottles of beer.

Sun Youling complained.

"Isn't it better to just buy cans? It's so troublesome to open bottles."

Xi Feifei shook her head.

"What do you know? Cans don't taste as good as glass bottles."

Sun Youling said unhappily.

"Strange drunkard."

Xi Feifei divided the beer between the two of them, blew half of the bottle into the mouth of the bottle, and said.

"You're the weird one.

Speaking of which, your family is also an old Zhejiang businessman and has been doing business for generations. Wouldn’t your family take you to socialize?Judging from your appearance, you don’t touch the bottle of wine. How will you inherit the family business in the future? "

Sun Youling followed and sighed.

"I can drink a little, but I usually don't drink. Drinking numbs the nerves, hurts the brain, and is not good for learning.

My mother was also reluctant to take me out to socialize. She hoped that I could study hard and enter the Hehe Group.

When I was admitted to Jinghua University, she was happier than me.

My mother often said, no matter how much money you make, what's the use? It's not just temporarily kept for the Hehe Group, but it will eventually be returned.

Instead of making more money, it is better to study for harmony, everything is inferior, only studying is good. "

Xi Feifei nodded, raised the beer bottle in her hand, and drank the remaining half of the bottle in one gulp.

“A toast to your mother’s wisdom.

With your family's current financial resources, you won't be able to finish it in a few lifetimes. You should indeed be admitted to the Hehe Group and serve the government well.

There is no need to be greedy, you just need to hone your character. If you can become the manager of a subsidiary or branch in the future, it will be a great thing for your ancestors. "

Sun Youling sighed.

"My mother used to mean this too, but now, she just wants me to be well."

Xi Feifei asked curiously.

"Okay? What's wrong with you?"

While talking, Xi Feifei had already opened the second bottle of beer, making Yiyin shake his head.

Before she took a sip, Xi Feifei already had her second bottle. It seemed that these three dozen beers might not be enough.

Yiyin said.

"Take your time, don't drink in such a hurry, and eat some food too."

In fact, Sun Youling had already spilled the beans just now, but when Yiyin interrupted her, she just went on in silence.

Xi Feifei curled her lips and looked at Yiyin with a little displeasure.She almost touched Sun Youling's secret just now, but it was ruined by Yiyin changing the topic.

When Xi Feifei's eyes shifted back to Sun Youling, Sun Youling's face clearly showed a trace of vigilance.This made Xi Feifei sigh secretly and have to think of other ways.

The three of them drank wine and talked about topics that were neither salty nor light.

Before I knew it, two-thirds of the three dozen beers were missing.Among them, Xi Feifei drank the most, drinking more than a dozen bottles, while Yiyin and Sun Youling drank five or six bottles each.

Regardless of whether they were really drunk or pretended to be drunk, the three of them all smelled of alcohol and looked drunk.

Xi Feifei, who was completely indifferent to the beer, felt that the atmosphere was about to get better, and began to secretly make up her own plans again.

"It's boring, it's boring, it's boring to have such an awkward conversation!"

Sun Youling seemed to be lying on the sofa with her body tilted, but in fact her mind was very clear.

Although she doesn't like to drink, it doesn't mean that she has a bad drinking capacity.This is the origin of family education, and her family will not allow her to go out and get drunk and talk nonsense.

Xi Feifei accidentally asked something just now. She was extra vigilant at this time. She seemed to be careless, but in fact she asked cautiously.

"Then what do you want to do that is interesting?"

Yiyin watched the conversation between the two and remained silent.

As a man in a male-dominated world, these five or six small bottles of beer did not meet the minimum requirement of draining water in the toilet, and he was as sober as ever.

But at this time, Yiyin didn't want to appear sober.

He always felt that Xi Feifei must have some intention when she suddenly ordered so many drinks.What's even more strange is that Sun Youling didn't stop him.

What the hell are these two women doing? Are they trying to get me drunk to do anything bad?

Looking at their pretty faces and youthful and energetic figures, Yiyin was a little hesitant.

A female college student who just graduated, a female college student who is about to graduate, should I pretend to be drunk?Just let them succeed for once?
The three of them had their own agendas and were just waiting for Xi Feifei to speak.

Xi Feifei rolled her eyes and said.

"Shall we play truth or dare?"

Xi Feifei nodded at Sun Youling with her eyes, and Sun Youling knew that this was to continue the tacit understanding between the two, and let Yiyin vent his emotions so that he would not hold back his emotions.

So, Sun Youling nodded.

"Okay, how to play?"

After several times of quantum entanglement, Yiyin's sixth sense was extremely sharp. How could the obscure communication between the two women escape his perception?
Knowing that the drama was coming, Yiyin quietly cheered up in his heart, but on his face he pretended to be a drunken beauty, shaking his head and saying.

"Don't play, I'm so dizzy, I want to sleep."

Xi Feifei pulled Yiyin's sleeve, but she didn't dare to do anything more extreme. Sun Youling's eyes were staring at her closely to prevent her from taking the opportunity to eat Yiyin tofu.

"Come and play, boss. Let's play guessing games. Whoever loses must be honest and bold enough to tell the truth."

Sun Youling followed and assisted.

"It's interesting, so let's have some fun."

Yiyin sneered in his heart, you two have shown your true colors.He pretended to be dizzy and shook his head vigorously.

"No, I'm dizzy. I'll definitely lose the guessing game. I don't want to play."

The two girls persuaded her a few times, but Yiyin refused to let go, Xi Feifei looked at Sun Youling helplessly, and finally said.

"Either way, don't guess punches, change the way, each of us can ask a question, and the person who is asked must tell the truth!"

Sun Youling was stunned for a moment and did not dare to agree. She was worried that Xi Feifei would take the opportunity to ask her secret.

Xi Feifei obviously guessed the reason for Sun Youling's hesitation, but at this time, Xi Feifei was more concerned about Yiyin's situation, and the priority issue must be left to Yiyin.

She said.

"I have to ask the boss first!"

Hearing what Xi Feifei said, Sun Youling was immediately relieved and smiled.

"I want to ask the boss too!"

Xi Feifei struck while the railroad was hot.

"Boss, look, if we ask you two questions separately, you can answer two questions. You've earned it!"

Yiyin smiled bitterly in his heart, Xi Feifei really thought that she was drunk and could be fooled.

Answering two questions is not asking two questions. How can you describe taking a disadvantage as taking advantage? Bullying a drunk person doesn't work well, right?

Yiyin stared at Xi Feifei for a few seconds and turned his head away.

"Bad guy, ignore you."

Xi Feifei smiled awkwardly. She took advantage of her too much and accidentally made herself self-defeating.

Sun Youling glared at Xi Feifei from the side, and agreed that the two women would cooperate to let Yiyin express her concerns and vent her emotions. Xi Feifei insisted on being clever, but this time it was a good idea, but the success was in vain.

Sun Youling thought for a while and said.

"Boss, we each ask you a question, and you can ask us a question each. Do you like that?"

At this moment, Yiyin already had some idea in his heart that this was the purpose of the two women.

They behaved too calmly, not like the reaction of a normal man in a feminine world. They were worried that they were holding back an illness.

Yiyin felt a little ashamed. He thought of them a little bit obscenely, thinking that they wanted to get him drunk because they were greedy for his body. In fact, they were caring about him.

Sure enough, in the eyes of Sebo, everyone is a Sebao. This is Yiyin's own problem.

Yiyin hesitated for a moment and nodded.


Although Yiyin had to answer two questions and the two women only had to answer one question each, Yiyin still suffered.But it’s not good to make people worry all the time. It’s better to just satisfy their demands.

Xi Feifei breathed a sigh of relief and secretly gave Sun Youling a thumbs up.

Sun Youling gave her a blank look, and didn't bother to pay attention to this guy who didn't accomplish much and failed.

Xi Feifei knew she was in the wrong, so she opened three more bottles of beer with a bottle opener and placed them in front of the three of them.

At this time, Xi Feifei and Sun Youling's expressions became solemn. They carefully considered the questions they wanted to ask and no longer looked drunk.

Only Yiyin was still pretending to be drunk.

Xi Feifei couldn't help asking first.

"What's going on in that video?"

Yiyin squinted his eyes and pretended to speak unclearly.

"Qian Zhi, my sister-in-law, made excuses to trick me back home that night. She gave me a bottle of mineral water in front of my wife's body.

When I woke up, it was almost dawn and she was gone. I had no idea she had taken the video before it was leaked online. "

Xi Feifei was still thinking, but Sun Youling couldn't help but ask.

"Boss, why didn't you call the police to arrest her! She is committing a crime!"

Yiyin shook his head, still drunk and dazed.

“She is Youyou’s aunt, and I don’t want Youyou’s aunt to go to jail.

And I don’t know, I don’t know what I was thinking.

Isshiki Chiyo said that I have severe gender confusion. She said that I am mentally ill, but I really don’t know if this is a problem.

I just didn't feel it, I couldn't really feel the shame of losing my virginity.

Maybe I was born to be a slut.Maybe, I am just a bitch. "

(End of this chapter)

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