Different Game Department Male God

Chapter 136 The fight caused by the chapter of sincerity

Chapter 136 The fight caused by the truth
Yiyin's two answers were beyond the questioner's expectations and confused the two women.

The two women hoped that Yiyin would feel better if he spoke his true feelings and would not hold it back until he got sick. However, they did not expect that the truth would be more hurtful and even they could not bear it, let alone Yiyin as the person involved.

Xi Feifei just couldn't bear it because she didn't know the whole story of the video.Sun Youling didn't know about video and mental illness, so she suddenly felt that her mentality was about to collapse.

The two women listened to Yiyin repeatedly saying that she was a slut, a coquettish person, and they couldn't bear the condemnation from their inner consciences, just like how immoral they were to lure Yiyin to tell the truth.

As Wen Xinghan said, Yiyin, a widower who has lost his wife, raised a child, suffered from mental illness and still continues to work, is a super vulnerable group that is extremely sympathetic in Chinese society.

To say harsh things to people like Yiyin, people in China with traditional moral values ​​may feel guilty, let alone hurting him.

The man behind the scenes from the White Swan Group must be obsessed with profit and lose his humanity, but both women are very fond of Yiyin, how can they accept him being so arrogant and claiming to be despicable.

Xi Feifei bit her lower lip and remained silent. Thinking of the scene where Yi Yin was bullied by her sister-in-law in front of his wife's portrait, she wished she could kill that beastly Qian Zhi with her own hands.

Sun Youling couldn't stop her tears from flowing down, and she choked while wiping her tears.

"Boss, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have exposed your scars, I'm not a human being!
It's all Xi Feifei's fault. Why would the boss feel better if he said it? That's nonsense!How could the boss feel so good!It will only make it more uncomfortable! "

Xi Feifei felt uncomfortable at the moment. She was stabbed a few times by Sun Youling and said furiously.

"Okay, talk about yourself like a white lotus flower. I was the one who instigated all the bad things, right?
You see, you are studying at Beijing University, and you live in a 5000-[-] square meter mansion. You are obviously the heir to a Zhejiang businessman, but you are willing to come to the boss's small company and get a basic salary of [-] yuan to be the front desk. What are you doing?
I think you have evil intentions! "

Sun Youling glared at Xi Feifei and retorted.

"What qualifications do you have to speak against me!
You shamelessly want to come to the company for an internship. Everyone knows what dirty thoughts you have in your mind.

The boss is already so pitiful, why don't you, a wealthy lady like you, be so noble as to let him go?He is not your toy!He is a living person!

Touch your own conscience, Xi Feifei! "

Xi Feifei said coldly.

"You don't need to take care of Yiyin and I's affairs. Yes, I have intentions for him, but I, Xi Feifei, do things openly and never hide anything.

What about you?Sun Youling, do you dare to say that you have nothing to hide from your boss?Do you dare to put that thing on the table that I haven't found out several times?

You and I are both the same kind of people, why am I so dirty?Why are you pretending to be a white lotus! "

Sun Youling said angrily.

"I'm different from you! I really admire the boss!"

Yiyin's scalp tightened as he listened to them blaming each other.

Aren't the two of them collaborating to trick me?Why are you starting to fight among yourself now?What's going on?
Seeing that the atmosphere between the two was getting more and more tense, Yiyin did not dare to continue pretending to be drunk. He opened his eyes and said drunkenly.

"Don't make any noise! ​​You've finished asking your questions, I'm going to ask another question!"

The two women were stunned at the same time, and their expressions became subtle.

People are like this. They gossip about other people's affairs with great interest, but when it's their turn, they feel a little uneasy.

As the saying goes, don't do to others what you don't want others to do to you. Those who eat melons will eventually become melons. Why should women make things difficult for women?

Xi Feifei spread her hands and said frankly.

"A woman's words are hard to catch, and I'm not like some people who like to hide them.

Boss, you are even willing to tell the truth in your heart, so no matter what you ask today, I will tell the truth. "

Sun Youling was a little embarrassed, picked up the wine bottle, took a sip, and said resolutely.

"Boss, just ask, I will tell you the truth."

Yiyin originally just wanted to stop them from quarreling, but now seeing the two women sitting obediently waiting for him to ask questions, he felt a little interested.

He first looked at Xi Feifei and asked what had been bothering him.

"Why do you keep pestering me?
With your looks, education, and family background, there are plenty of men to choose from, so why waste your time on me, a widow? "

Xi Feifei smoothed her hair in front of her forehead, sorted out her thoughts, and said lightly.

“It was really fun at first.

This guy Isshiki Chiyo accidentally discovered that I suffer from a mental illness with self-destructive tendencies. He kept pestering me and wanted to help me treat my illness, but I couldn't get rid of him no matter how hard I tried.

Later, she introduced you to me, saying that you are a different man, and that she feels that you can heal your own psychological problems and help me out of the sea of ​​suffering.

Of course I don't believe it, but seeing as you are so handsome, it doesn't hurt to use it for fun.

Haunting you into the company and taking you to see your sister is all to make her attack you and see your jokes.

But I didn't expect that you could bear it. How could an ordinary man resist her charm when he meets his sister?

From then on, I really paid attention to you, discovered your kindness, and discovered your strength. Today, I discovered your perseverance again.

You have something in me that I don’t have, and I’m so happy being around you that I don’t want to leave. "

When Xi Feifei got to the emotional point, her eyes looking at Yiyin became full of longing.

“I had an arrogant mother who thought she had everything under control.

Although she barely cares about me, if she feels that I have done something wrong, she will make me feel pain and make me understand that I am wrong and not dare to do it again.

I have a narcissistic sister who hates me being with men, and she hates the way I giggle when I fall in love with a man.

She couldn't bear that I, who looked similar to her in appearance and temperament, was lying in the arms of a man, talking about lingering love words.She wanted to control me and make me follow her will throughout this life.

I'm annoyed by Isshiki Chiyo because I know that Isshiki Chiyo can't do anything about my self-destructive tendencies and my mental illness. She can't cure it at all.

My mother, my sister, and my life have long been integrated and engraved on my soul. No one can save me.

Until, I met you.

Betrayed by your wife, bullied by your sister-in-law, with a daughter who is not related to you by blood, and tortured to pieces by reality, you are still strong and optimistic, facing the cruel reality.

You were once the proud son of heaven. Even if you folded your wings and fell into the mud, and suffered severe psychological damage, you were still neither humble nor arrogant, and lived every day with the sun rising.

Romain Rolland once said that there is only one kind of heroism in the world, which is to still love life after seeing the truth of life.

Yiyin, you are my heroine, no, a hero.

Now I am beginning to believe Isshiki Chiyo's words. You will definitely be able to overcome your mental illness, and you can also help me and save me.

You can definitely do it, Yiyin. "

Yiyin smiled bitterly and shook his head. Xi Feifei did not forget to encourage herself as she spoke. How much psychological shadow did the self-abasement she casually said just now cause to her?

Xi Feifei carefully considered her words, as if she was worried that if she said a word badly, Yiyin would break the window and jump out of here immediately.

Isn't it just a self-deprecating remark about being a slut? How could you, a little witch who has always been a coaxer, be so scared that you become such a hesitant person?

Sun Youling looked at Xi Feifei blankly, not expecting that she would speak so directly and frankly in front of him.

Although the target of Xi Feifei's complaint was Yiyin, she revealed her emotions towards her mother and sister, and the mental illness that resulted from it, and she was already an outspoken woman who meant what she said.

Now, the pressure is on Sun Youling's side. With Xi Feifei's example, Sun Youling has been blocked in the corner. With this level of atmosphere, it would be too ungirly to cover up any more.

Sure enough, Yiyin's eyes shifted from Xi Feifei to Sun Youling and asked.

"Sun Youling, why do you want to come to the company to be the general manager and front desk?
Based on your academic qualifications and family background, and your mother's ardent expectations for you, you should immerse yourself in studying and get admitted to the Hehe Group.

How could you waste your own future, ignore your mother's expectations, and waste your youth with me in Modu?Even if you were willing, your mother wouldn't agree, right? "

Sun Youling glanced at Xi Feifei and sighed secretly. No matter how cautious she was, she was eventually tricked by Xi Feifei.

But this time, Xi Feifei disclosed her privacy and exchanged her secrets for Sun Youling's secrets, so Sun Youling opened up and told her frankly.

"Boss, my mother once had high hopes for me, but now, she only hopes that I can live happily and have no other requirements."

Sun Youling tapped her temple with her index finger and smiled.

“I had a pituitary tumor in my brain that was growing, getting a little bigger every day.

The doctor said that within six months at the earliest and a year at the latest, it would compress my brain and cause irreversible damage.

Because the brain is the most delicate part of the human body, medical science cannot tell what will happen to me.Maybe I will go blind, maybe I will lose my mind, maybe I will die. "

Yiyin couldn't help but interjected.

"Then you should actively cooperate with the treatment now instead of wasting time in my company."

Sun Youling shook her head and smiled.

“No one can be sure whether my pituitary gland is benign or malignant until my brain is opened. My life is like a coin tossed. I don’t know whether the final result will be heads or tails.

If it's benign, there may be a glimmer of hope.But if it is malignant, when I open my head, it will be the time when black and white impermanence comes to take me back to reincarnation.

I have always been a good girl. I obeyed my mother's instructions in everything, and I was very up to date. I was praised by others as a child of other people's families.

My mother was very sad when she found out about my condition. She wanted to compensate me, so she asked me what I wanted before the craniotomy.

I told her that I want to work in your company, I want to see you with my own eyes, breathe the air you have breathed, and follow you for a while.

My mother agreed, and before my pituitary gland enlarged to the extent of surgery, she allowed me to come to Yiyin Xuege's side and happily spend a period of chasing stars.

Brother Yiyin, I really admire you.

I've seen the campus fraternity you hosted at school, and I've seen videos of you winning memory contests, debate contests, and sports contests.

I have read your published articles and your graduation thesis. You were like an omnipotent man who overshadowed all your classmates during those four years.

From the bottom of my heart, I admire that awesome you! "

Yiyin smiled bitterly and shook his head, I don’t even know!Is this world's righteous silver hanging like this?
Sun Youling's eyes were full of tears and she said affectionately.

"Brother Xue, Xi Feifei won't understand my pain and sadness. She doesn't understand.

Without comparison, there is no harm.

Because she doesn't know how dazzling you used to be.So she can't understand how sinking you are now.

But I know, I know, I know the pain and struggle in your heart, I know your difficulties and difficulties.

Even if you fall into the abyss, you are still so kind. Your thoughts are on taking care of the company's employees, and you are worried about your daughter who is not related to you by blood. You have not considered yourself!

Even if time is ruthless, even if the years are ravaged, you are still the same you, smiling at the wind and clouds, smiling at life, and still the male god I admire! "

Yiyin scratched his chin, feeling a little numb.

The Yiyin that Sun Youling admires is the perfect Yiyin from the world of women, not the mediocre Yiyin who traveled from the world of men.

For the current Yiyin, he has never been so brilliant, and naturally he does not have that sense of gap between life and death.

Coupled with his outlook on life from a male lord, and his ordinary heart that was not afraid of troubles from time travel, Sun Youling was astonished to him, and she admired him even more.

Yiyin smiled bitterly, shook his head, and sighed.

"Actually, I'm not as good as you say.

I gave back the knowledge from school to the teacher a long time ago. Now I am just a mediocre widow who buys vegetables, cooks, does housework and takes care of the children.

Wen Xinghan complains every day that he doesn't know how to manage, and the company will be over sooner or later. "

Before Yiyin finished his self-deprecating words, the two women had already shaken their heads at the same time and said in unison.

"You are good!"

"How good you are, you don't know it!"

Yiyin couldn't help but want to roll his eyes. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, so you just figured it out!

To be honest, when it came to this, everyone was a little embarrassed, and the atmosphere became cold and stiff.

In order to avoid embarrassment, Yiyin huddled on the sofa and pretended to be drunk, while Xi Feifei and Sun Youling looked at each other and drank sips of wine.

Xi Feifei scratched her head and smiled.

"I can't tell, you have something in it. Is this your secret?"

Faced with Xi Feifei's provocation, Sun Youling was unwilling to show weakness.

"I have something growing in my brain, but it's better than some people having something psychological, right?"

Xi Feifei obviously drank too much, and Sun Youling's counterattack only added fuel to her anger.

"Yes, I have a mental problem, so what? I dare to do things you dare not do."

Sun Youling also drank too much. Now she dares to say things that she usually doesn't dare to say, and she dares to do things that she usually doesn't dare to do.

"Actually, the pituitary gland is not without its benefits. Because of the oppression of the pituitary gland, my estrogen secretion is much higher than that of ordinary people, and my skin is smoother and more feminine.

Boss, smell it, do I smell good? "

Drunk Sun Youling was so bold that she sat over, took Yiyin's left arm, and moved closer to let him smell her neck.

Xi Feifei was furious, and she sat over, took Yiyin's right arm, put her mouth to it, and gave Yiyin's lips a pop.

Sun Youling's eyes widened and she shouted.

"what are you doing!"

Xi Feifei smiled proudly.

“It’s not the first time to make such a fuss.

The boss doesn't know whether you are good or not.But I have tasted the boss’s fragrant lips several times. "

Sun Youling was furious and wanted to smack Xi Feifei across Yiyin.

"You have a change of heart, you are shameless!"

Of course Xi Feifei had to fight back.

"Are you going to face shame? What do you smell?"

The two of them were going back and forth, their arms and thighs brushing across Yiyin in the middle, inevitably making contact.

During the friction, Yiyin's nerves excited by the alcohol just now further aroused the anger in his heart, which swelled and exploded.

Until this time, Yiyin's mind was also a little abnormal.

Hugging each other on the left and right, sandwiched between two young and beautiful beauties, what would a normal man think at this time?Of course I have to find a way to do it!

Yiyin's mind was full of thoughts, but he couldn't pounce directly. It seemed that he was really a slut, so he had to think of another way.

As soon as his thoughts changed, he had already figured it out.

So, a man’s brain works best at this time, and he can come up with good ideas in minutes.

(End of this chapter)

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