Different Game Department Male God

Chapter 137 None of us are good people

Chapter 137 None of us are good people

When Yi Yin came to this world, he often couldn't lose face because of his male-dominated views, and was unwilling to enjoy the special treatment of men in a female-dominated world.

But at this time, he was so angry that he simply threw all that useless self-esteem of a man behind him.

As the saying goes, a man is invincible if he is shameless. As soon as he lets go of his moral self-restraint, his eyes suddenly see the boundless sea and sky.

Yiyin pretended to feel uncomfortable after drinking too much, put his arms around the shoulders of the two women, held them in his arms, and kept yelling.

"Don't make any noise! ​​My head feels so dizzy! I feel so uncomfortable!"

Yiyin imagined how a woman in a male-dominated world would act coquettishly, mumbling words of pity, which felt quite novel to her.

Sure enough, the two women stopped, supported him together, and looked at him with concern.

Xi Feifei tested the temperature on Yiyin's forehead with her hand, and Yiyin, who was blushing because of her evil intentions, mistakenly thought she was feeling unwell.

"My head is still a little hot. Is it alcohol intolerance?"

Sun Youling became anxious.

"It's all your fault. You said you drank to drown your sorrows. What should you do now?"

Xi Feifei said indifferently.

"It's strange. Last time we went to sing karaoke, Yiyin also drank several glasses of wine. He was completely fine at that time. The alcohol content of foreign wine at that time was much higher than that of beer. What happened to him today?"

Yiyin's head was sweating, thinking that he was about to be exposed for pretending to be drunk.But Sun Youling's next words helped him get out of trouble.

"Look at him. He's so uncomfortable that he's sweating all over his head. How can he be fake? It's probably because he doesn't drink beer and is not used to the feeling of bloating after beer."

Xi Feifei looked at Yiyin and saw that he was really sweating on his head. The doubts in her heart disappeared immediately and she became anxious.

Seeing that both of them believed it, Yiyin secretly breathed a sigh of relief and muttered.

"I feel dizzy and I want to lie down."

Sun Youling helped Yiyin stand up, and Xi Feifei followed subconsciously.

"Let him go to bed and sleep for a while?"

"it is good."

The two of them carefully helped Yiyin into a bedroom and placed him on the bed.

Xi Feifei looked up and looked around, dissatisfied.

"This is your bedroom? Why did you bring him here? Don't you have a guest room?"

Sun Youling said as she took out a few tissues on the bedside table and wiped Yiyin's sweat.

"No one usually comes to play here. There is no bed in the guest room. Let him make do with my bed."

Xi Feifei said in a strange tone.

"You don't have other intentions, do you?"

Just as Sun Youling was about to refute, she suddenly let out an oops and fell on Yiyin.

Xi Feifei said angrily.

"I was just joking, you really dare to take advantage of Yi Yin when he is drunk!"

Sun Youling said in a panic.

"It wasn't me, I didn't, don't talk nonsense, it was Yiyin who dragged me to bed!"

Xi Feifei came over angrily.

"A drunk man can still give you a big old bitch..."

She was stunned on the spot before she finished speaking, because she saw Yiyin's arms tightly holding Sun Youling's waist, and Sun Youling struggled to get up.

Xi Feifei was stunned.

"what's going on?"

Sun Youling's face was flushed, and she was pressed against Yiyin. Her summer clothes were thin, and she was already aroused by the smell of Yiyin.

"Hurry up and help me!"

Xi Feifei agreed, and lowered her body to help Sun Youling loosen Yiyin's arms.

At this moment, the two women heard Yiyin's muffled crying.

"Why do you do this to me..."

Xi Feifei froze on the spot, Sun Youling also stopped struggling, and the two women looked at Yiyin together.

Yiyin closed his eyes, but the tears from the corners of his eyes were already dripping on the pillow.

They didn't know that Yiyin bit her tongue hard for these tears. At this time, she was choking with inarticulate speech. She was really choking, and it really hurt.

In order to be able to get girls, Yiyin can be regarded as spending a lot of money.

Sun Youling gently wiped away the tears from the corners of Yiyin's eyes, and Xi Feifei leaned into Yiyin's ear and whispered softly.

"Yiyin, take a good rest, let go of your hand and let Sun Youling come down, okay?"

Yiyin murmured.

"No, I don't want to."

The two women looked at each other. Just now they were racking their brains to let Yiyin drink away his sorrow.At this moment, Yiyin was really drunk and started to lose his temper. The two women didn't know what to do.

Xi Feifei sighed softly, looked at Yiyin dotingly, and asked.

"Then what do you want?"

Yiyin slowly opened his eyes. There were tears hanging on his long eyelashes, which made the two women feel heartbroken. It can be said that I felt pity for him.

"I'm a slut, I'm a slut, do you look down on me, are you always laughing at me in your heart?"

Xi Feifei shook her head and saw that Yiyin finally showed her fragile side after drinking. She couldn't help but feel sad and didn't know how to comfort Yiyin.

Sun Youling was even more unbearable. When she stroked Yiyin's cheek and wiped Yiyin's tears, her own tears seemed to fall down.

"Yiyin, I have always admired you and loved you. How could I look down on you?"

Yiyin glanced at Xi Feifei and then at Sun Youling. At this stage of the play, he had no way out and could only bite the bullet and continue until the end.

He bit his lower lip, looked at the two women with innocent eyes like a wounded animal, and asked.

"I'm not a slut?"

"No!" x2
"I'm not a coquettish person?"

"No!" x2
"But I'm already dirty. I paid her to bully me, and she even sent my video online for everyone to see. I'm already dirty."

Xi Feifei said angrily.

"I must make that beast pay for this!"

Sun Youling consoled her.

"It's that filthy beast, not you, Yiyin. Don't think too much."

Yiyin seemed very drunk and kept mumbling to himself.

"Really... I'm not dirty... Then... prove it to me... *I..."

*?The two women were stunned at the same time. Neither of them expected that a handsome man like Yiyin would say such an offensive word.

Sun Youling was lying on Yiyin at this time, blushing and shaking her head.

"No, no!"

Blinking his big innocent eyes, Yiyin's eyes seemed to be filled with tears again.

"As expected, they were all lies to me. You just look down on me and think I'm dirty."

Sun Youling wanted to explain something, but was interrupted by Xi Feifei.

"Okay! Let's *"

Sun Youling was startled and scolded Xi Feifei angrily.

"Xi Feifei, what do you mean!
Yiyin is drunk and unconscious, if we do it to him at this time. .If we do that kind of thing, what's the difference between us and that beast like Qian Zhi! "

Xi Feifei grabbed Sun Youling's neck, stared into her eyes, and said slowly.

"Yes, we will become the same beasts as Qian Zhi, but so what!

Don't forget what I just said.

Yi Yin suffers from serious gender confusion, he has serious self-destructive tendencies, he is actually very sick, the kind of serious illness that Chinese people can't understand!

Do you understand?
Having suffered from self-destructive mental illness myself, I know how uncomfortable this feels!

He needs recognition now and needs to vent, otherwise no one knows whether he can survive it?The pressure these days has almost overwhelmed him, and today's drink is the last straw!
We have to help him get through it, even if we have to humiliate him, we have to help him!

If you can't do it, just go out and I'll do it. I'll be the beast. I'll help him relax his nerves, vent his emotions, and let go of his burden. "

Sun Youling looked at Xi Feifei's serious eyes and trembled all over.

"How can this be done...how can this be done..."

Xi Feifei snorted coldly.

"Gender cognitive confusion is Yiyin's spirit out of self-protection, voluntarily forgetting his weaknesses as a weak man, and arming himself with stronger female views.

Therefore, he does not feel the pain of a man losing his virginity.He also said just now that he couldn't feel it and he couldn't understand it.

This is a disease, do you understand?
But now, he took the initiative to cry in front of us and began to call himself a slut, coquettish or dirty. He began to feel ashamed.

This shows that his spirit can no longer withstand the pressure, his male outlook is beginning to wake up, and his female thoughts as a protective shell are ebbing.

I'm not sure what will happen to him when he wakes up if we just sit back and watch.

So, we must do something!
We need to appease his emotions and let him recover. Even if his emotions are wrong and his behavior is wrong, we will do whatever it takes.

I also suffer from mental illness and I have read many psychological books and videos.

Sun Youling, you can't imagine how pitiful and helpless those mental patients who suffer from mental breakdown look.

I can’t believe how terrible it would be for Yiyin to become like that in the future.

Even an incorrect gender identity is better than a mental breakdown.So, we must do something to help him stabilize his spirit!

*Him, *fuck him, he has gender confusion anyway, and he will not be ashamed of it.

But if we escape here, he will probably become a normal man, and then he will be unable to withstand the horrific pressure and suffer a mental breakdown!
If you can't do b, get out and let me do it. I'll do b! "

Sun Youling looked at Xi Feifei with a serious face, hesitant in her heart.She didn't know if what Xi Feifei said was true, or if it was just a reason to get Yiyin.

Not to mention that Sun Youling was frightened, Yiyin himself, who pretended to be drunk, was confused.

She is burning herself with fire, and the wormwood is in her head. The wormwood plan that she came up with improvised, but Xi Feifei thought it up so seriously and analyzed it carefully, it really seems to be the case.

This is like some readers who always like to analyze the plots in novels and deduce extremely logical analyses.

But in fact, the author has never thought so much. This is the power of brainstorming.

Seeing that Sun Youling was still hesitating, Xi Feifei snorted and was about to pull her off Yiyin.

But Sun Youling grabbed Xi Feifei's extended hand, her eyes as firm as a martyr's.

"No matter what we did today is right or wrong, I will bear my own sins, and I don't need you, Xi Feifei, to bear it alone!
I agreed to your plan, I cooperated with you, and we got Yiyin drunk together and made him tell the truth while drunk, which led to his current situation.

So, the last thing I have to do.Even if Yiyin wakes up and hates me and treats me like a beast like Qian Zhi, I will do it! "

Xi Feifei laughed mercilessly. .

"Don't describe yourself as if you were forced to sacrifice yourself. You obviously have the opportunity to share a bed with a stunningly beautiful man. Why does this matter come to your mouth as if you are being forced?
Is this difficult?I see that you are very happy in your heart, very happy, right?

From the first time I saw you in the company, I knew that you wanted to fuck him.

You see his eyes are full of greed, and the admiration and admiration you think are all to cover up the naked possessive desire in your heart.

Sun Youling, you, a woman who calls yourself a good girl, are actually really hypocritical. Do you know that?

You are such a woman. You want to have sex with him, but you are still using countless reasons to comfort and convince yourself.

This really makes me laugh to death, can't you act like a bitch and say what's on your mind openly?

Stop making up ridiculous reasons to deceive yourself, it will make me look down on you! "

Sun Youling said angrily in embarrassment.

"Yes! I want to have sex with him, what's wrong!
I may only have two or three hundred days left in my life!I don’t want to die still a chick!I want to sleep with my idol before I die!I'm so excited right now!I have been waiting for this opportunity!

I say this, are you satisfied now? "

Xi Feifei nodded.

"Very satisfied, this sounds much more comfortable and sincere."

Sun Youling looked at Xi Feifei with complicated eyes and asked.

"What about you? You are so strictly controlled by your mother and sister, you must be a young girl too, right?

I can't imagine that a proud person like you, a chick like you, would be willing to share the man he likes with others. "

Xi Feifei was silent for a moment and said.

"As I said just now, like Yi Yin, I also have a mental illness with self-destructive tendencies.

What I like to do most is to tear up the things I cherish with my own hands, tearing them apart bit by bit, tearing them apart with heart-wrenching pain.

I once brought men whom I had a crush on to my sister again and again, and watched them fall into my sister's trap and be humiliated by my sister's secretary.

Human nature cannot stand the test.

I clearly know that they can't beat my sister, but I just enjoy it, I just like the feeling of pain and pleasure.

To this day, except for Yiyin, no man can pass the test of his sister.

Tsk, why am I telling you this.

You're a dying woman, you don't care if I'm a tauren or not, you're going to die yourself, you can do it if you want, why do you care so much about me?
I just have an old habit. "

Sun Youling took a closer look at Xi Feifei and shook her head gently.

"Both of us are not good people."

Xi Feifei looked at the half-asleep Yiyin affectionately and sighed.

"I hope that after he wakes up, he can forgive you and me for the mistakes I made. I can't live without him anymore."

Yiyin, who pretended to be drunk, smiled bitterly in his heart.

Of course I will forgive you, because this situation was staged by me. If you two are not good people, wouldn’t I be even worse?
(End of this chapter)

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