Different Game Department Male God

Chapter 138 Two women got drunk afterwards

Chapter 138 Two Women Drunk Afterwards

On the sofa in the living room, Xi Feifei was sipping her beer in small sips, looking dazed, as if she was thinking about something.

In the quiet room, the only sound was the patter of water from the shower.

After a while, the sound of water disappeared. After a while, the door of the shower room was opened, and Sun Youling appeared in the living room like a hibiscus of water.

She wiped her hair with a dry towel, her expression was a little dazed, and she actually took the initiative to sit next to Xi Feifei.

Xi Feifei opened a bottle of beer and handed it to Sun Youling.

Sun Youling took the beer and said.

"Thank you."

Xi Feifei glanced at her.

"This seems to be the first time you've said thank you to me. Are you thanking me for the powerful push with your butt just now?"

Sun Youling rolled her eyes.

"Can't you talk properly? How is Yiyin?"

Xi Feifei took a sip of her bottle of beer and said.

"I fell asleep. Maybe I was too tired."

Sun Youling was speechless for a moment.

She didn't know whether Yiyin was tired because the pressure of these days had been released, or because she was too crazy just now.

After a while, she said.

"Why did you keep pushing Yiyin's butt from behind? Why don't you try it in my position?
In the end, am I the only one who is unforgivable? "

Xi Feifei shook her head.

"You think too much. In addition to not going in, I have done all the other bad things. How can I escape the blame?

I just. .There are some things you can’t let go of.

Although I have always been very angry, angry that I was controlled by my sister and could not do that kind of thing with a man.But when it came time to take that step, I thought of my sister and hesitated.

Ridiculous, right?Laugh at me all you want, maybe I've got Stockholm Syndrome and I'm still obeying my sister's will deep down. "

Sun Youling shook her head.

"It's not that complicated, you just love and hate your sister.

In fact, I envy you. I am an only child and my mother has been very busy. She has not had time to take care of my affairs since I was a child. She only cares about my academic performance.

It would be nice if I could have a sister who takes care of me, at least I won't be lonely. "

Xi Feifei smiled bitterly.

"My sister? Forget it, I guarantee you can't stand this kind of control, and you will become like me, a psychopath.

Really, people outside want to come in, and people inside want to go out, besieging the city and besieging the city. "

Sun Youling smiled.

"How do you know if you don't try?
Just like now, if someone had told me this morning that I would join forces with you, the annoying one, to get Yiyin into bed together, and then have a post-event drink together, I would never have believed it. "

Xi Feifei curled her lips.

"A terrible only daughter, a terrible terminally ill patient, you have adapted faster than I thought."

Sun Youling shook her head and smiled wryly.

"This is nothing. When I got the pituitary gland diagnosis certificate, I went to four hospitals in a row before I could confirm this fact.

Compared with the despair at that time, the guilt of doing bad things now is nothing. "

Xi Feifei opened the cap of the last bottle of beer, touched the bottle in Sun Youling's hand, and said.

"Congratulations, you will perish with me and become a beast."

Sun Youling sighed.

"We deserve to go to hell."

Xi Feifei shrugged.

"Okay, then you ride the wooden donkey in hell, and I will help you push it from behind."

Sun Youling glared at her.

"In the end, it's my fault alone, right? You're so annoying, Hina!"

Xi Feifei sneered.

"Congratulations on breaking away from Hina and becoming a real woman. Cheers."

Sun Youling snorted, but she still took a sip out of dignity and sighed.

"I always thought you were a very casual woman, the kind of rich second generation who goes to nightclubs every day and sleeps with three or five handsome guys a night. I didn't expect you to be a young girl."

Xi Feifei asked back.

"Isn't it the same for you?"

Sun Youling shook her head.

"My family is very strict."

Xi Feifei said helplessly.

"My family is more strictly controlled."

The two women looked at each other and couldn't help laughing together, and the atmosphere became much more harmonious.

Friendship between women is often played out, looking at each other and smiling at each other.This is not like those coy men who shouted with a smile on their faces, but were stabbed behind their backs.

After finishing laughing, Sun Youling glanced weakly at the bedroom where Yiyin was, and asked in a low voice.

"What shall we do next?"

Xi Feifei said with a serious face.

"Incarceration, s*, *p, **."

Sun Youling said angrily.

"I'm serious!"

Xi Feifei touched her nose and said.

"You good girls are so boring."

The two of them were talking without a word, when Xi Feifei's cell phone suddenly rang, and Fetion messages were sent one after another.

Xi Feifei, who was lazily leaning on the sofa, sat up straight, typing on her phone quickly with both hands, and kept saying what she said.

"It's done! Those Internet celebrity self-media will temporarily stop for a few days."

Sun Youling said happily.


Xi Feifei looked at Sun Youling and said.

"Send Yiyin home later.

It's okay today, but it's hard to say in the future. Those Internet celebrities and self-media will do anything to become famous. They have no moral bottom line. I don't know how many days the platform restrictions can stop them.

It would be best for Yiyin to take the children away from Modu for a few days and then come back when the situation becomes clearer. "

Sun Youling hesitated.

"Yi Yin is different from ordinary men. His ideas are right, but he may not be willing to listen to us."

Xi Feifei said unhappily.

"This troublesome guy, no matter how determined he is, he is still a father. The worst we can do is use our children to persuade him.

Hey, sir, you don’t want your children to know these things, right? "

Sun Youling couldn't help but rolled her eyes and hit Xi Feifei.

"No seriousness!"

Xi Feifei laughed and stood up from the sofa.

"It's getting late. Wake up Yiyin and send him back."

Sun Youling asked.

"You don't want to drive by yourself, do you? You just drank and can't drive."

"Of course we're taking a taxi. Do you want to go with us?"

"go with!"


Yiyin refused Sun Youling and Xi Feifei's farewell, separated from them outside the community, and walked alone downstairs to Xu Xing's house.

What happened to the three of them while they were drunk, and because they couldn't say anything in the taxi, Yiyin held back a strange feeling in his heart.

After time travel, Yiyin has had this kind of thing happen with several women, but this is really the first time that three people are traveling together like today.

The two women thought he was in a drunken state and let out his emotions.

In fact, Yiyin was very sober. A few bottles of beer were nothing to him. He clearly enjoyed the whole process.

Except for the time when Qian Zhi was unconscious, when things like that happened to Yiyin, Li Hongmei, Xing Yaoyao, Ishiki Chiyo, and Gu Yue, they were all consensual. It is normal for adults to eat and drink as men and women.

(End of this chapter)

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