Different Game Department Male God

Chapter 139 Stop 1 Old Boy

Chapter 139 Stop and sing Old Boy

But today, Yiyin had a different feeling.

This was the first time that he pretended to be a man in a woman-dominated world, taking advantage of the world's tolerance for men and feeling happy.

This special way of taking advantage of a man's advantage to get a woman made Yiyin feel full of twists and turns, as if he had become a woman and was taken by a man, which was indescribably weird.

Did she take advantage of this matter, or did Sun Youling and Xi Feifei take advantage of it?Or is it a win-win situation where everyone takes advantage?

Yiyin couldn't help but sigh.

This feels so weird, this world is so weird.But it's really cool. It's very convenient for a weak man pretending to be a woman in the world to mess around casually.

Thinking of this, Yiyin quickly shook his head and put this terrible thought behind him.

But after a person breaks the bottom line, his integrity can easily decrease.As the saying goes, if there is a first time, there will be a second time. Yiyin still has a long road to self-restraint, self-respect and self-love, and he may not be able to bear it.

Between long sighs and short sighs, Yiyin had already walked downstairs to Xu Xing's house.At this time, the lights were brightly lit, and it was already past the time for dinner.

Yiyin hesitated downstairs, touched his growling stomach, smelled the smell of alcohol on his body, and decided to find something to eat first to dispel the alcohol smell before going home.

He turned his head and walked out of the community, but he didn't find that Xu Xing was on the balcony of his home, waiting for him to come back.

Seeing Yiyin coming and going, Xu Xing didn't know that he was overworked and wanted to eat first, so he suddenly became worried.

Putting on his coat, Xu Xing said softly to Youyou who was painting in the guest room.

"Yuyou, uncle, I want to go out for a while.

You draw slowly at home, and don’t answer the door when anyone knocks on it. Your dad and I have the key, you know? "

"I know, Uncle Xu Xing."

"Yuyou is so good. When uncle comes back, he will eat ice cream with you."

"Okay, okay."

Then Xu Xing hurriedly changed his shoes and went out, rushed out of the elevator and rushed out.

Fortunately, Yiyin didn't walk fast. As soon as Xu Xing left the community, he saw his back going to the food court and immediately followed.

When he almost caught up with Yiyin, he had already arrived at the food court.

It was past lunch time and the square was not busy. There was only a wandering singer holding a guitar. He opened the guitar case and placed it in front of him, waiting for a reward from passers-by who stopped to listen to the song.

Before Xu Xing had time to call Yiyin, he saw him walking straight towards the street singer.


On a summer night, the evening wind is still hot, making people sweat and feel uncomfortable all over.

Yiyin was thinking about his worries. On the way, Sun Youling and Xi Feifei persuaded him to take his children to travel for a while, which made him very annoyed.

He didn't care that he was subject to some rumors, but the disaster did not harm his wife and daughter. It was too despicable for the White Swan Group to drag Internet celebrities out of the media and affect Yuyou's normal life.

Yiyin couldn't make up his mind for a moment.

On the one hand, the company is in crisis and many things cannot be done without him. On the other hand, he is concerned about Yuyou's physical and mental health and does not want his children's ears to be dirty.

Feeling depressed, he even forgot about being hungry as he walked. He lowered his head to think and walked straight towards the wandering singer.

It wasn't until he reached the long pole microphone in front of the wandering singer that Yiyin stopped and apologized to the singer.

"Sorry, I was thinking about something and didn't notice."

The wandering singer was a young woman. She glanced at Yiyin lightly and said softly.


Yiyin was stunned. With the woman's cold and reserved attitude, it was hard to imagine that she would be a street singer who was used to performing in public.

Aren't wandering singers like this who travel all over the country and are well-informed, people who are very good at making things happen and liven up the scene?

Yiyin smiled and was about to leave, but was stopped by the woman again.

"Do you want to sing a song?"

Yiyin was stunned and looked at her.


The female singer lowered her head and tuned the guitar, her attitude still calm.

“When you are in a bad mood, singing a song you like will make you feel better.

If you are willing to sing, I will accompany you. "

Yiyin glanced at the female singer curiously. She had very delicate features and a cold temperament. Although her face was quite cold, she didn't seem to be an indifferent person in her heart.

After seeing that Yiyin was worried, the female singer frankly talked about how to relieve stress as a singer.

Yiyin thought for a while, then nodded.

"That makes sense, then I'll sing an old boy song."

Now it was the female singer's turn to be stunned, and she asked.

"Old boy? Whose song? Why haven't I heard of it?"

Yiyin thought for a while and suddenly understood.

"Old Boy" is a man's song in a male-dominated world. The creative soil for this man's song does not exist in a female-dominated world, so it probably does not exist.

He smiled sheepishly and said.

"This song is very nice, but it's quite niche. You may not know it."

Yiyin originally just wanted to deal with it, but the female singer took it seriously and said solemnly.

"Does it sound good? Can you sing it to me? As long as it's a good song, I'm interested in listening to it."

Yiyin saw the female singer's eyes flashing with excitement, like a novel fan who had just learned about an interesting novel that she had never heard of.

He said.

"I'm familiar with the lyrics and tone, but if you're singing a cappella, don't laugh at me, I'm not a professional."

The female singer nodded and said coldly.

"Of course not, please."

Yiyin walked to the microphone and coughed, recalling Oldboy's lyrics in his mind.

He didn't realize that Xu Xing, who was following him from a distance, had already picked up his phone with excitement and started taking pictures of him.

Speaking of which, Xu Xing hasn't seen Yiyin sing in many years. The last time he heard it was in the school singing competition.

That time, it was really comparable to Li Dehua, the big scene of June Day concert, after Yiyin appeared, all the contestants were eclipsed.

With the help of the student sponsors, the competition eventually turned into a Yiyin solo concert. Perhaps the original intention of those students in organizing the singing competition was to have a Yiyin concert.

But as soon as Yiyin opened his mouth, Xu Xing was startled.Yiyin's singing seems to have lost the charm of the past and has become mediocre, out of tune and broken.

But after listening to a few words, Xu Xing was deeply attracted by the charm of the song itself and forgot to complain about Yiyin's too much regression.

"That's the person I miss and love deeply day and night. How should I express it? Will she accept me..."

As Yiyin started singing, pedestrians stopped and looked at him.But he didn't care, immersed in his own feelings.

Full of confidence when I graduated, tempered by setbacks in the workplace, enduring humiliating and heavy-duty work for my family and my children, and enduring all kinds of unreasonable demands from my boss, until the day I collapsed.

The first half of Yiyin’s 30 years of life was a time of confusion. He never thought about how he lived his life, whether it was right or not. He was just pushed forward by his parents, teachers, wife and daughter, numb enough to adapt to society.

(End of this chapter)

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