Different Game Department Male God

Chapter 140 The Coming Storm

Chapter 140 The Coming Storm

Perhaps, he is a good son, a good husband, a good father, a conscientious and conscientious screw who satisfies the whole society.

But the only thing is that he is not a good person.

The age of 30 is the end of despair and the beginning of hope for him.After traveling through time, he told himself that he would start over and never live in the same numb state again.

Yiyin sang the old boy with emotion, tears streaming down his face, his voice hoarse.Soon, his broken voice couldn't stand the torture of his ruthless lifting, and became hoarse and weak.

Behind him, the female singer who listened carefully several times began to play the guitar and continued singing in Yiyin's place.

Her singing voice is just like her appearance, cold and out of the ordinary, and the old boy's singing has a unique charm. It is different from Yiyin's scream full of experience, but it is also different and beautiful.

Xu Xing, who was far away, had put down his cell phone and was crying.

He hid in a corner and sent this video of Yiyin singing to the small group of roommates where he, Ding Qi, and Huang Yi were.
I can not stand it any more!I can't be the only one crying!You cry to me too!Yiyin is so pitiful!He is so pitiful!
After a while, Huang Yi in the group sent a message.

Xu Xing was furious, how could Huang Yi be so cold?No matter how much he hated Yiyin, back then we were all good brothers who slept in the same dormitory with bunk beds, so why are they so ruthless?

Xu Xing typed a long paragraph on his mobile phone, wanting to criticize Huang Yi's cold-bloodedness. Before he could send this sentence, his mobile phone rang, and Ding Qi's call came.

Xu Xing, who was still angry, answered the phone with a strong tone.


Ding Qi seemed to hear Xu Xing's cry and asked curiously.

"No, Xu Xing, are you really crying?"

Xu Xing scratched his neck and said angrily.

"Yes, I'm crying! I'm not as ruthless as Huang Yi, I'm almost heartbroken!
Yiyin is already in such a miserable state, even if the grudges and grudges at school back then are unforgettable, it should be over, right?
Can't Huang Yi help Yiyin?He is so cold-blooded, I will never dare to associate with such a person again! "

Ding Qi smiled bitterly on the other end of the phone.

"Don't provoke Huang Yi anymore.

I have told you before that you have misunderstood Huang Yi. The person who cares most about Yiyin among our three brothers is actually Huang Yi.

Please calm down and stop adding fuel to the fire, otherwise Huang Yi would really dare to overturn the sky and pierce it.

Did you know that Huang Yi is forming a research team and will go to Modu soon?

A letter of concern from the headquarters Fulian has been sent to the Modu branch and the Zhejiang branch today, expressing concern about Yiyin.

In addition, 173 outstanding male alumni from various walks of life who graduated from Jinghua University have jointly sent an inquiry to the Network Information Security Office of Hemu Group.

Expressing strong concern about the wanton infringement of men’s privacy rights and malicious deprivation of men’s labor rights on the Internet.

These 173 people are not small roles like you and me. They are at least the dean of Imperial City Hospital, an outstanding entrepreneur, a model worker, a senior executive of Hehe Group, and an external consultant to the headquarters.

With Huang Yi communicating with him, this inquiry letter is full of weight, and it has already frightened the office.

The Cybersecurity Office is now holding an emergency press conference to reiterate the bottom line thinking of protecting men’s privacy and labor rights.

Don’t worry, those dirty things on the Internet will disappear soon!

If the White Swan Group dares to let Yiyin's videos and information spread again, it will be provoking the Hehe Group. The White Swan Group is not so bold.

But don't rush to tell Yiyin that Huang Yi is helping him with this matter.You don't know about Yiyin and Huang Yi, so don't get involved. Wait until Huang Yi gets to Modu and talk to Yiyin himself.

If you mix it in, it will have the opposite effect. "

Xu Xing breathed a sigh of relief and said unhappily.

"Who wants to know what the two of them are doing? If it weren't for such a big thing happening to Yiyin, I wouldn't bother to care about it.

We are all good brothers. If we can't talk openly about anything, why have we been in a cold war for so many years? "

Ding Qi sighed on the other end.

"The problem is that some people don't just want to be good brothers..."

"What do you mean?"

"Oh, it's not interesting."

"You hide your head and show your tail. I'm just annoyed by a social fool like you who talks half-heartedly."

"Hey, you're still attacking me personally? How can you, a financial dealer, be so good!"

The two bickered for a while, cursed and hung up the phone. Xu Xing finally relaxed. When he returned to the square again, Yiyin and the female singer had disappeared.


While Xu Xing was on the phone with Ding Qi, Huang Yi sat at his desk and played the video of Yiyin singing over and over again.

Yiyin in the video seems very tired, as if he has just experienced a very tiring thing, and his singing voice is weak and weak.

Thinking of Yiyin's heroic appearance in the singing competition, Huang Yi's eye circles gradually turned red.

That is the person I miss and love day and night. .

How should I express it. .

Will he accept me? .

Maybe never say those words to him. .

Huang Yi lowered his head and watched the video over and over again, clenching his fists tighter and tighter.

When he looked up again, his eyes were already red, with tears glistening in them.


Li Hongmei’s home.

Li Hongmei was restless as she watched Xing Yaoyao open the unsightly videos to check the effect of Li Hongmei's hair replacement.

In the end, Xing Yaoyao nodded in satisfaction, and skillfully packed and compressed all the videos of a T, ready to post them on the Internet.

Just when she was about to click the final click to confirm, Li Hongmei suddenly suppressed her hand holding the mouse and said uneasily.

"Yao Yao, I still feel that this is inappropriate and too intense."

Xing Yaoyao looked at Li Hongmei and said unhappily.

“Those who travel a hundred miles are only half a mile, and I am talking about people like you, Sister Hongmei.

You have done all the head-changing videos, and I have also fixed the secret channel for uploading. The arrow is on the line. Now you tell me that this should not be done?Why did you go early? "

Li Hongmei said in a squeaky voice.

"But...but...this is a T video, a full [-] minutes, it's too exaggerated.

The previous video was only 6 minutes long, and it only had the upper body. This t video is full of unsightly poses, which is ten times and a hundred times more exciting than Yiyin's previous video.

Yaoyao, the more I think about it, the more scared I am. Have we gone too far? "

Xing Yaoyao said carelessly.

"Exaggeration is good! Exaggeration is fake enough so that no one will take it seriously. Only then can the effect be misled!

It’s not an exaggeration, do you want it to be true? "

Li Hongmei was speechless after being refuted, but she still hesitated.

Xing Yaoyao shook off Li Hongmei's hand and said firmly.

"One person does the work and the other takes responsibility. If anything happens, I will be responsible. I won't hurt you, Sister Hongmei!"

After speaking, she quickly clicked the confirmation button.

Li Hongmei could only sigh when she saw that the video collection had been uploaded.

"Who wants you to take the responsibility alone? I just hope that Yiyin is okay..."

(End of this chapter)

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