Different Game Department Male God

Chapter 141 Old Boy and Old Girl

Chapter 141 Old Boy and Old Girl

While Xu Xing and Ding Qi were on the phone, the female singer had finished her performance for the day, packed her things and headed to the subway entrance.

Seeing Yiyin taking the initiative to lift something for her, a strange light flashed in the female singer's eyes.

Seeing that she was looking at him without speaking, Yiyin asked curiously.

"what happened?"

The female singer shook her head and said.

"It's nothing, I just think you're weird. It's rare to see a man willing to help a woman carry things, and you still take the initiative to carry the heaviest loudspeaker equipment."

Yi Yin shrugged.

"Is it weird? Maybe I'm just a weird man.

If you close the stall so early, will it affect your income?I saw that there were a lot of people stopping to listen to the song just now. If I sing a few more songs, I might get more rewards. "

The female singer said calmly.

"I'm not a street singer, and I don't make money by performing in the square. I came to Modu to participate in a singing competition.

Because I am relatively introverted, I don’t really like crowded places, but there is a competition tomorrow, so I wanted to come out and perform a little bit to get used to the feeling of being watched and relieve stress.

But after listening to your song, I felt it was enough and I didn’t want to continue singing. "

Yiyin could feel that the female singer was in a good mood at this time. It seemed that the song "Old Boy" not only helped Yiyin soothe her mood, but also helped the female singer.

Although the female singer's attitude is still cold, she has become more talkative from being reticent at the beginning. Is it because of that song?

It can be seen that this is a girl who really likes to sing, and finding a good song can make her very happy.

Yi Yin nodded.

"You also have to work hard during the competition."

The female singer smiled coldly.


By the way, that song called Oldboy, can you introduce me to the author?I like the author's style very much and hope to get to know her. "

Yiyin was stunned and hesitated.

The song "Old Boy" was composed by an islander, and it was adapted from a Chinese group in Yiyin's previous life.

Yiyin was probably sure that music groups in the world of women could not compose manly lyrics like Old Boy, but he was not sure whether the islanders from whom the music came were still in this world.

Seeing Yiyin's hesitation, the female singer asked.

"Am I too abrupt? If it's inconvenient, forget it."

Yiyin shook his head and said subconsciously.

"No, it's just that the author is not in this world."

The female singer obviously misunderstood and sighed.

"Did she pass away? It's such a shame.

I have never heard such a touching song. It turns out that the author is no longer alive. "

Yiyin was dumbfounded. The female singer obviously misunderstood what he meant, but he couldn't explain clearly, so he just pretended to be confused and got through.

Shaking her head with regret, the female singer stretched out her hand and said.

"Thank you for letting me hear such a great song.

My name is Lin Qingwan. I am 20 years old and a singer. We are destined to meet again. "

Yiyin put down the loudspeaker equipment and reached out to shake her hand. Lin Qingwan picked up the loudspeaker equipment and turned around to get off the subway.

Yiyin was stunned and said.

"I haven't introduced myself yet."

Lin Qingwan stared at Yiyin and said.

"Let me tell you a secret. Although I am quite introverted, I like surfing the Internet very much. I know you, Yiyin, the owner of Nintendo Game Company.

It can be seen that you are under a lot of pressure.Your singing voice expresses your heart. You are a good man. Don't care about the rumors. Everything will pass. "

After saying that, Lin Qingwan walked off the subway, leaving only Yiyin with a chic back.

Yiyin thought for a while, and seemed to understand what Lin Qingwan meant.

This Lin Qingwan looks so cold and pure, it turns out she also likes to watch those kind of videos!As expected, people cannot be judged by their appearance, introverts are always boring!
However, Lin Qingwan seemed to have a very good impression of Yiyin, but it was a pity that she did not leave a Fetion message to contact him again. Yiyin felt a bit pity.

In fact, he really wanted to try the other side of a cold and indifferent person, but maybe he was so passionate that he couldn't straighten his waist.

Yiyin shook his head, what was he thinking about? After being fucked by Sun Youling and Xi Feifei together, his lower limit seemed to be much lower, but wow, it was so awesome.

He was still standing in a daze at the subway entrance when Xu Xing's angry voice suddenly came from behind him.

"Why don't you go home?"

When Yiyin turned around, he saw Xu Xing standing behind him with red eyes.

"Xu Xing, are you crying?"

Xu Xing snorted.

"The wind and sand are getting into your eyes. Don't change the subject. I'm asking you, why don't you go home?"

Yiyin said inexplicably.

"Brother, I'm so tired after a long day of work that I didn't even bother to drink soup, so I came to the food court to have a bite to eat and then go back after eating."

Xu Xing glanced at Yiyin suspiciously, and then he breathed a sigh of relief after confirming that he was telling the truth.

"It turns out it's for dinner."

"if not?"

"I thought you... forget it, it's okay.

Let's go, I'll go have dinner with you. Eat early and go home early. I'm not worried about Youyou being alone at home.

By the way, I have to bring some ice cream to Youyou when I go back. "

"Eat ice cream again. You always buy sweets for her recently. What should you do if your teeth get damaged?"

"You haven't changed your teeth yet, so what are you afraid of?"

"I'm afraid that my children will develop the bad habit of eating sweets. It's easy to go from frugality to luxury, but it's hard to go from luxury to frugality. Do you understand?"

"Tch, anyway, I promised to eat ice cream with her today, so I can't break my promise."

The two bickered and walked towards the food court, as if the romance and sadness of the old boy still remained in the wind.


Isshiki Psychological Counseling Office.

Isshiki Chiyo stretched his body in the empty office, and then answered the phone.

"Hello, I'm Isshiki."

"It's me, Wen Xinghan. Miss Isshiki, how are you preparing for the open letter?"

"Wen Sang, I originally wanted to call you tomorrow morning, the matter has been settled.

I contacted academic experts from several universities in Modu, and now I have obtained the signatures of seven or eight people. Should it be enough? "

"Great, if it's convenient, I hope Miss Isshiki that you can post the open letter online now, and I will help you contact the mainstream platforms to spread the content of this letter as soon as possible."

"Are you in such a hurry?"

“Just now, the Harmony Group’s Cyber ​​Information Security Office held an emergency press conference to reiterate the bottom line thinking of protecting men’s privacy and labor rights.

I think this is a good opportunity. We can use this stock wind to publish information about the mental illness of the Bank of China, stimulate public empathy for the Bank of China, and counterattack the current bad public opinion. "

"That's right, okay then.

But I want to make it clear to you that this open letter is authorized by your company, and I am only responsible for the symptoms of Yiyin’s mental illness.

As for the commercial dispute between White Swan Group and Nintendo Game Company, our academic circle will not be involved. Please understand.

Wen Sang, I asked seven or eight old friends to help me. You can't drag them into the water, otherwise I will be in trouble. "

"Of course, please don't worry, Miss Isshiki, I won't mess around.

But I also want to ask you to please try your best to highlight the doubts and confusion of an international friend in your open letter.

From the perspective of an island country intellectual who admires Chinese civilization, he criticizes the oppression and harm caused by online public opinion to an innocent sick man. "

"Wen Sang, I can write like this, but I don't understand, what's the point of writing like this?"

"Miss Isshiki, you can understand this as the shame of Chinese people. Normal Chinese netizens cannot bear the strong self-esteem of being criticized morally by a person from an island nation."

"Okay, Wen Sang, I probably understand.

This is what you often say on the Internet, Xiaodaozi doesn't have a good thing, right?I seem to be offended, and I'm a self-respecting islander too. "

"I'm very sorry, Miss Isshiki, but this is all for Yoshigan."

"Okay, Wen Sang, I will write this open letter according to your ideas.

For Yiyin, alas, I have sacrificed a lot, so you have to help me convince Yiyin to come for follow-up consultation as soon as possible. "

"Okay, I will. Thank you, Miss Isshiki."

Putting down the phone, Wen Xinghan spat into the phone.

Who is going to help you contact Yiyin for this seductress from an island country to let him get in trouble again? Even if he wants to see a doctor, he has to go to Wanbin South Road.

Isshiki Chiyo put down the phone, touched her chin and sighed.

Wen Sang is really not a frank man, it is better to be a man like Yi Yin, gentle and proactive.

Although she complained in her heart, Isshiki Chiyo turned on her computer, began to consider her words, and wrote an open letter.

She will post the open letter online tonight, contact her friends, and speak out online together, using the reputation of a group of experts to guarantee the authenticity of this open letter.


An Internet cafe somewhere in the country.

Although the machines in this Internet cafe are old, it still attracts many netizens to spend the night because of its low night rate.

Many women who have lost their ambition often work in the labor market next door. If they work for a day, they can come to the Internet cafe for two nights.

A cup of Coke and a bowl of instant noodles, that's a night of pleasure. As for the future, who the hell cares about that stuff.

The network manager of the Internet cafe looked at the time and saw that it was already close to ten o'clock. She lazily got up from the front desk and wandered through the rows of computers to see which bastard hadn't paid for the night.

In the corner of the row of machines against the wall, she saw a familiar figure.

The network administrator shook his head and deliberately made a loud noise and walked behind the woman. Unfortunately, the woman seemed to be immersed in her own world and did not notice that the network administrator was approaching.

The woman was wearing headphones.

The network administrator had no choice but to pat her shoulder lightly, which made the woman look up in surprise.

"What the hell! Who is it! I was so scared that I almost got scared!"

Although he was scolded, when he opened the door to do business, the network administrator would naturally not care about these low-level Bs.

She said with a smile.

"Sister Sun, it's ten o'clock, can you give me the night fee first?"

The woman who was called Sister Sun had dull eyes and a sallow complexion. She looked like she was malnourished from eating instant noodles for a long time.

She muttered angrily, but she still dug into her pocket, took out 20 yuan and threw it to the network administrator.

"Sister Sun, you don't have enough money."

"Not enough? Isn't this internet cafe 20 yuan per night, from [-] to [-] o'clock?"

"The price has increased, now it's 25."


The woman's sharp voice sounded as if this was not just 25 yuan, but her life.

The network administrator kept his smile on his face and cursed in his mind, "What do you call it? Isn't it just a matter of five yuan?"
Sister Sun groaned, she seemed to be short of money, she said dissatisfied.

"Why did the price increase? Wasn't it still 20 yuan a few days ago?

Really, the hourly wage in the factory next door dropped to 25 yuan this year, but the Internet cafe charges [-] yuan. What the hell? "

Sister Sun was cursing and her voice was getting louder and louder. The network administrator had no choice but to resort to provocation.

"Sister Sun, it's just five yuan, you can't afford it, right?"

Sister Sun said with a pinched neck.

"Why can't I take it out? I'm rich!"

She carefully took out another five dollars, which was the money she had planned to buy instant noodles at night. She gritted her teeth and threw it to the network administrator.

"take it!"

The network administrator breathed a sigh of relief. The poorer he was, the more he wanted to save face.The network administrator tried many ways to collect Internet fees, and finally found that the provocation method was the most useful to them.

They all work for a daily wage in the labor market next door. They work one day and play two days. They are known as Internet cafe masters, but they are actually marginalized people.

Sister Sun is doing pretty well, at least she can go online with her ID card.Some people who are not good at it simply sell their ID cards for a few hundred yuan, and end up going to even more chaotic black Internet cafes.

The network administrator watched Sister Sun's empty eyes turn back to the screen and shook her head.Before leaving, she took one last look at the computer screen and smiled.

"Sister Sun, watch the 6-minute video again. What's interesting? It's just a man with his eyes closed and unresponsive. The time is too short and not interesting enough."

Sister Sun refuted.

"What do you know? This coquettish guy is called Yiyin. I just like to see handsome men like this."

The network administrator shook his head and warned.

"Sister Sun, take a look and don't download it. If the Network Information Security Office finds out that our Internet cafe has this kind of video, we will be in trouble."

Sister Sun waved her hand and told the network administrator to leave quickly. She was still anxious to continue what she had just interrupted.

"I know, I'll watch the online broadcast."

After the network administrator left, Sister Sun suddenly found that the cloud disk of the website where she saved the video had changed to 404, and she cursed.

"What the hell, why is it gone? We could still see it just now. Look for it again."

Sister Sun is skilled at surfing the Internet, looking for the 6-minute video of Yiyin among countless online information.

After wasting more than an hour, she finally chose to give up. She really couldn't find it and all got 404.

Sister Sun, who was cursing and cursing, couldn't vent her anger. She suddenly noticed a new post in a website forum she had collected.

Brilliant!Yiyin’s latest T!

Sister Sun's saliva was almost drooling. She carefully looked at the network administrator at the front desk, and secretly began to download the video content of that T.

Using skilled technology to unlock the limitations of Internet cafes, Sister Sun seemed to be reminded of her time in college.

At that time, I was so high-spirited that I dared to come to a big city to work with a few hundred dollars in my pocket. I vowed to make a name for myself. How did I end up like this step by step?

Sister Sun shook her head in confusion and stopped thinking about it. She just kept swallowing her saliva at the T video she had started downloading.

Now she doesn't want to think about anything, she only cares about the happiness in front of her, and just lives day by day.Are you still going to the day-end tomorrow?Six yuan is too little, at least you have to take care of the food!

Youth is like a flowing river. .If you leave without coming back, you won’t have time to say goodbye. .I am left numb without the passion I had back then. .

There are indeed no old boys in this female-dominated world, but there are old girls. It’s a different world, but the same sadness.

(End of this chapter)

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