Different Game Department Male God

Chapter 142: The fermentation of public opinion is in progress

Chapter 142: The fermentation of public opinion is in progress

Yiyin had enough to eat and drink, and returned home with Xu Xing.The ice cream Xu Xing brought home was warmly welcomed by Youyou, and even Yiyin, the father, was left aside.

Yiyin, who had been tired for a day, still felt exhausted even though he had slept afterward. After coaxing the child for a while, he couldn't help but bury himself in sleep.

That night, Yiyin slept soundly, but some people couldn't sleep.

Just after the press conference of the Harmony Group’s Cyber ​​Information Security Office, an open letter released by Chiyo Isshiki, a famous psychologist from the island country, triggered a new wave of public attention.

In the letter, scholars living in China expressed their admiration for Chinese culture and were extremely confused by the Yiyin scandal that is currently happening online.

In this open letter endorsed by eight famous scholars, Isshiki Chiyo frankly stated that Yoshigan was his patient.

He also elaborated on his understanding and sympathy for Yiyin's serious mental illnesses such as gender confusion and self-destructive tendencies.

After receiving authorization from Nintendo Game Company, Isshiki Chiyo positively proved that the cause of Yoshigami's condition was the huge mental pressure of raising a child alone after his wife died in a car accident.

In Isshiki Chiyo's view, she was shocked that the Chinese culture, which has 5000 years of traditional virtues, would go out of its way to humiliate a miserable man like Yoshihiro as a slut on the Internet, which shocked her.

This open letter caused an uproar that night. Chinese netizens who have always liked to criticize the moral standards of islanders were deeply stung by their self-esteem, and various comments came out one after another.

Someone insulted Isshiki Chiyo for being nosy and told him to go back to the island country.Some people also criticized Yiyin for not going to a Chinese hospital when he was sick, but for seeking medical treatment from an island nation.

However, these irrational remarks never prevailed, and most silent and rational netizens began to speak out and say a fair word for Yiyin.

At this stage where public opinion was fiercely contested, a large number of obscene videos of hair-swapping, using Yiyin as a template, suddenly spread rapidly on the Internet, further fermenting public opinion.

The Network Information Security Office and the majority of netizens in Sanguanzheng felt seriously offended by the mastermind behind the scenes, and the angry public opinion finally began to reverse.


Swan Games, General Manager's Office.

Mr. Guo held a tissue in his left hand, tremblingly wiping the sweat that continued to appear on his forehead.She held the phone in her right hand, and curse words were constantly coming from the phone.

"Lao Guo, what on earth are you doing!
I have told you that the Cybersecurity Office of Hehe Group has paid attention to this matter and asked you to stop it as soon as possible.

Damn it, I made such a big mess, how will it end now! "

Mr. Guo smiled bitterly.

"Please believe me, this matter is really none of my business!
As soon as you called me, I immediately asked all trolls to delete the video, withdraw their statements, and in short, eliminate all traces.

How dare I go against Hehe Group?Please believe me! "

The person on the other end of the phone snorted coldly.

“What use do I have in trusting you?

A whole T, [-] minutes of video, suddenly leaked out from a hidden channel that cannot be traced. How do you think Hehe Group will view this matter?
Have our White Swan Group’s wings become stiff?Don’t you take Hehe Group’s words seriously?Have you dared to provoke the Harmony Group?
You are looking for death! "

Mr. Guo's face turned pale with fright, and he almost swore to the sky, with a cry in his voice.

“But I really didn’t do this, someone must be behind it and want to kill me!

Hehe Group is also a legal and law-abiding company. They can't unjustly accuse a good person without evidence, right? "

“Hmph, you’re wronging a good person?
Fifteen thousand minutes of fake head-swapping videos. Can you produce so many well-produced videos in such a short period of time? Is that something that ordinary programmers can produce?

That is to say, we, the white swans, are the only ones who can afford such great programmers or teamwork. Hehe Group does not doubt us, but does it doubt Nintendo Game Company?

You said someone is behind this, do you have any evidence?As for Hehe Group identifying a problem with you, is it important whether there is evidence?

Have you never done anything illegal in all these years of running your company?As long as Hehe Group is serious, there are plenty of ways to send you to jail! "

Mr. Guo was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot and almost begged.

"You think of a way, it's really not me, it's not me!"

The person on the other end of the phone was obviously tired of Mr. Guo's ignorance and scolded him.

"Enough! What's the use of talking about this now!

The president has already called me. This matter is your own initiative, so you must carry it out by yourself, and the reputation of the group cannot be affected.

If you have time to howl at my place, you might as well think of a way quickly and find someone to take care of the matter, so that you can save yourself a few years in jail.

Also, if you are smart enough, don't use your brain.Climbing and biting me won't do you any good, so just take care of yourself. "

After the other party finished speaking, he hung up the phone. Mr. Guo looked at the phone that was hung up, and couldn't help but smashed the phone out.

"Asshole! Aren't you just worried that I will cause trouble for you! Damn it! You are not a good person either!"

Mr. Guo lost his temper for a while, and finally sat slumped on the boss's chair, breathing heavily.

Her mind was racing. For this plan, only by letting Qian Zhilai be the mastermind would her guilt be lighter.

Qian Zhi, you little bastard hurt me!


At three o'clock in the morning, a new variety show, Singer's Summer, was being recorded live.

Since the content of all the singers had to be recorded in one day, the scene began to be busy from three o'clock in the morning.

It is expected that after twelve to fourteen hours of intense recording, all the first round of content will be recorded and then cut into a variety show.

At this time, it was still dark outside.

Lin Qingwan and her partner, who had just separated from Yiyin last night, were playing and singing on the stage. They were playing and singing the song "Old Boy".

After listening to the entire song, the two bowed to the guest seats together.

At the guest table, as the show host and warm-up host, Marcy picked up the microphone and asked.

"I have a question. The staff just told me that you were not supposed to sing this song, right?"

Exclamations came from the audience, and several people in the guest seats also looked surprised.

Ma Xi is a well-known variety show producer on iPuppet.com and has produced several popular variety shows.

This time she planned to create a singer's summer, attracting many capable singers to participate. In such fierce competition, some people dare to change songs temporarily, are they not afraid of being eliminated?
The introverted Lin Qingwan was still not used to speaking in front of so many people, so she glanced at her partner beside her.

Her partner Aren said with a smile.

"Yes, we changed it temporarily."

Marcy nodded and asked.

"What do you think?

Because you changed the song temporarily, our stage effects and background music couldn't keep up, so you could only play and sing by yourself. "

Aren said pointing at Marcy.

"Okay, that's a good question. Actually, here's the thing.

Last night, Qingwan went out and told me when she came back that she heard a good song, and she sang it to me.

After listening to it, I felt very good, and then she asked me if I wanted to sing this song today, so I hesitated.

I felt that this song was more suitable for this stage than the song we originally prepared, so I agreed.

Then the two of us quickly wrote out the intro and interlude of the song. . "

Marcy interrupted in shock.

"Wait a minute, did you just write the intro and interlude?"

Aren shrugged helplessly.

"There's nothing I can do about it. Qingwan just listened to the singing a cappella twice. We don't have the tune, we just made it up."

Marcy gasped. Although the professional musicians around her showed disdain, Marcy knew in her heart that this might be a good highlight of the show.

She continued to ask enthusiastically.

"You are so awesome. You dare to sing the song you just composed."

Aren said proudly.

"Of course, we are very powerful."

Marcy laughed.

"Lin Qingwan, don't you say a few words?"

Aren put the microphone in front of Lin Qingwan, and Lin Qingwan said calmly.

"Aren, talkative."

There was a burst of laughter from the audience, and Aren laughed without any embarrassment.

"I'm the spokesperson for our group."

Marcy brought the topic back and said.

"This song is indeed very resonant. It just reminded me of my school days. I believe many in the audience have the same feeling as me, right?"


Marcy asked.

"Excuse me, who is the creator of this song? Can you introduce it to us?"

On the stage, Lin Qingwan took the microphone from Aren's hand and said coldly.

"The writer of the song has passed away."

Marcy choked and laughed dryly.

"It's a pity, heaven is jealous of talents."

Lin Qingwan continued.

“At first, I thought this song was a woman’s song, singing about a woman’s sadness.

But it wasn’t until I listened to it twice that I realized it was a song written by a man. The lyrics were about boys from all over the world, not girls from all over the world.

And the man who sang this song in front of me was also a miserable man who suffered setbacks. "

The hairs all over Marci's body almost stood up. She subconsciously felt that the highlight of this show was coming, so she asked.

"Is this a man's song? I always thought that men's songs are the kind of love, love, lingering and pathos songs.

Sorry, I'm not discriminating against men, I just think men are more emotional and better at creating emotionally delicate songs.

I didn't expect that such an inspirational song full of vicissitudes of life would be a man's song. It's incredible. "

Lin Qingwan took over what Maxi said and said calmly.

“I couldn’t sleep because I was nervous before going on stage last night, so I just found a square to sing.

Then, a man appeared in front of me, with a look of exhaustion and sadness on his face.

I asked him if he wanted to sing. Singing is a great way to relieve stress.

He sang this song Old Boy a cappella.

To be honest, his singing was not good, out of tune and broken, but his emotions were very full and I was deeply attracted to him. "

Marcy laughed.

"Then he is handsome, isn't he?"

Lin Qingwan nodded seriously.

"Handsome, more handsome than Jiao Enjun."

As soon as they heard he was a handsome guy, the atmosphere in the room became even more lively, and the women all smiled knowingly.

Marcy laughed.

"Then did you leave a Fetion message? After all, he became famous after you sang, and he has to thank you."

Lin Qingwan shook her head, her face solemn.

"No, I just hoped that public opinion could treat him with tolerance and not let him pass away with the same regret as the creator of this song.

His name is Yiyin, and many of you should have heard of him.

I'm not a talkative person, so I'm here to say so much. I just want to tell everyone that he is really a very good man. I even think this song was composed by him.

He hesitated and sighed in front of me. The creator had left this world, which made me feel sad for no reason.

I was thinking at that time whether those words on the Internet were fair to him and whether they were killing a man's hope in life.

I brought this song Old Boy to this stage in the hope that more people can hear it.Let more people know that there was once a talented creator who wrote a good song.

thank you all. "


During the break in program production, Marcy walked into the cutting studio and said to the person in charge.

"Let me watch the trailer that will be released today again."

The person in charge of cutting nodded, opened a notebook, called up one of the videos, and showed it to Marcy.

Marcy sat down to watch the video, drank water, and took a rest.The recording will continue in 15 minutes and her time is very tight.

After watching the one-minute trailer again, Marcy shook his head in dissatisfaction and said.

"Mediocre and unattractive."

Domestic variety shows are becoming increasingly complex, and music programs are emerging in endlessly. It is not easy to stand out among the homogeneous programs.

As the best producer of variety shows, Marcy has already caught a glimpse of the possibility of the show becoming popular with her keen sense.

She said.

"The group that was recorded just now will edit their song Old Boy and the interactive session after their performance, and try to finish it before twelve o'clock noon.

Then, release it together with the trailer and treat it as the second trailer. "

The person in charge of cutting was also at the scene just now and saw the whole process, she said hesitantly.

"New trailer? Boss, the Yiyin Bank scandal is very big and complicated now. Let's take advantage of this hot spot in case it causes trouble..."

Marcy laughed.

“If the trailer is released in a few days, it will be us taking the initiative to create hot spots, and we will be unlucky if we get into trouble.

But now, the public opinion on the Internet has not yet completely fermented. That Lin Qingwan did have contact with Yiyin, and that song is also very inspirational. Why don't we take advantage of it?

I have thought about it carefully just now. Whether it is Lin Qingwan's temporary song change or the inspirational song itself about a man's vicissitudes of life, it is full of positive energy.

We will not step over the line, but may gain a lot of attention and favor.

You choose a few of the best ones, and then make them into a trailer. Try to keep it within 1 minute. It has content but also leaves suspense. I will look at it later and try to send it out at [-] noon. "

The person in charge of shearing nodded.

"There's no problem with cutting. I'm just worried that doing so will offend the White Swan Group."

Marcy shook his head.

"Offending the White Swan Group, the most we can do is let the platform wipe our asses. But if the show is not popular, you and I will have a hard time in the future."

Marcy is also helpless. With the success of several of her programs, investors have given her more and more resources, but their expectations for her have also become higher and higher.

A successful show can continue her myth, while a failed show will directly cause her to lose most of her resources, and she may even be unable to get up.

At this moment, all Ma Xi could think about was making the show popular, popular, and explosive. As for what the White Swan Group thought, he no longer cared about it.

The White Swan Group is not the Harmony Group, so it is not that scary, and it will not scare Marcy to the point of not even doing the show.

(End of this chapter)

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